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Chapter 4: CHAPTER FOUR: Stalking my bride


When I clocked 15, I was told about my arranged marriage with Samantha, the blacksmith's daughter. I've seen her a few times in the capital and I admired her secretly. I was the happiest boy on earth when I was told she's my fiancée. I secretly admired her for 10 years, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, even prettier than the princesses of other kingdoms I see during festivals. When I put the diamond ring I ordered specially for her in her ring finger yesterday, I was the most happiest man on earth. She's going to be mine, only mine.

I've snuck out of the palace a lot of times when I was young to watch her sleep, then she was 12, I was 15. I've secretly followed her around and protected her. When I see other guys stare at her inappropriately, I beat them to pulp and shoo them away even though she doesn't know about any of this.

She doesn't have friends, she's always alone at the seashore or helping her mother out at home. She used to come to the palace to read books in the palace library cos my father gave her liberty into the palace anytime she wants and I've tried to talk to her many times but I didn't have the gut, she suddenly stopped coming to the palace after she was told about the arranged marriage with me. She started avoiding me and stays away from the palace. This went on for years until now, sometimes I ask myself if I have horns that are only visible to Samantha, I didn't keep beards so that I won't scare her away but still she fears me.

She stutters, she doesn't look at me or maintain eye contact when we are together, she's always uncomfortable with me, I've tried to ease the tension but it's not yielding any positive result, she prefers calling me my title than calling my name and I'm starting to think, she doesn't want me.

I want her to call my name, I'm so desperate to hear it from her, I want her to look at me when she talks, I want her to stop fidgeting when she sees me, I want her to stop avoiding me, but I can't force her to do all that.

Even though I'm always busy at the chivalry, I still find time to follow her around and protect her, sometimes when I'm too busy, I assigned guards to monitor her secretly.

Today I was having a duel at the chivalry when I got the information that she's in trouble. I mounted my horse and rode as fast as the horse can. I stopped and unmounted when I saw two guys chasing my Samantha. She doesn't even know I was in front of her, she looked so frightened and I saw tears in her eyes, I couldn't control my anger, I felt like killing the bastards that made her cry, Samantha bumped into me and I held her tightly, I stared at the two guys in anger, despite knowing I'm the Prince they still wanted to fight me.

"How will I be able to make their life miserable, if I kill them now?" I thought, I returned my sword into it sheath and I hit them till they fell unconscious. I ordered the guards to take them to the dungeon and I faced Samantha. She faced down just the way she always does and played with the hem of her cloth.

I realised she's injured, I took her to the palace and got her treated, I can't watch the wound get infected.

I took her home and tried to help her do her chores, she was told to milk a cow and I wanted to help her, I bent and pressed the cow's nipple but it won't give any milk, I kept pressing in frustration and she came to my aid. She taught me how to milk a cow, I watched her as she bent beside me, I'm head over heels for her and she's mine, only mine.

I went back to the palace with her on my mind.

On my room to my chamber, a guard told me the king wants to see me, so I headed to the Royal chamber, where I saw my father with the Duke.

"Terence!" he called as soon as he saw me enter.

"The Duke wants to discuss an important matter and he insists your presence is needed" my father said and I nodded and faced the Duke urging him to continue.

"Thanks your highness, this is regarding your marriage as we know you've come of age and your marriage is important at this stage" the Duke said and I raised a brow.

"what's about it?" I asked.

"getting married to a blacksmith's daughter won't do this kingdom any good but tanish our image" he said again, this time I can feel my anger building up.

"what do you mean?" I asked.

"How do we explain that the prince of Elltoria is getting married to a commoner? It's not done! A prince has to marry a maiden of high class"

"Enough! Do you have any idea of what you're doing?" my father asked as he flared up.

"Forgive me your majesty, I was only worried about the future of Elltoria." he said as he bowed.

"I chose Samantha for my son, I declared it the day she was born, I promised Dankworth's family that the future queen of Elltoria will come from their family and now you want me to go against my word?" my father said with anger.

"Your majesty, I dare not say you made the wrong decision, I'm only here on people's behalf, they want the prince to marry a woman that can take this kingdom to a greater height, a woman that can rule, they want the prince to marry a princess, the people want you to consider the marriage proposal from the princess of Hucrea, the union of Elltoria and Hucrea will not only help us strengthen our bond but also make us the biggest and most powerful kingdom" he explained.

"Duke, my father here said I'll marry Samantha and I'll help him keep his word, ever since I knew about the alliance, I've fallen in love with the woman in question, she'll make a good queen and also, this kingdom is strong and powerful enough" I replied.

"But this commoner doesn't even know anything about the royal etiquette" he protested.

"If that's the case, Samantha will stay in the palace for the rest of her unmarried life to learn, then the marriage will happen " My father said and faced me.

"Go inform Robert about this, Samantha should moved into the palace" my father said

"But_" the Duke tried to say but i cut him off as I faced my father and requested to be excused.

"You can leave!" my father said. "The marriage will happen" I heard my father say to the Duke as I walked out of his chambers and I smirked. Samantha is going to live in the palace. She'll safer here from bullies.

"I hope Samantha's father allow his daughter to stay here in the palace.

In the evening I went to Robert's workshop and I greeted.

"Good day my Prince" he greeted and I thought of a nice way to ask him. I saw him trying to bend a iron and I offered to help

"Can I help you?" I asked as he laughed

"No my Prince, a king doesn't mingle with a nobody, please don't dirty your hand" he said and laughed.

"Don't talk that way please, I don't mind helping you do anything, I'm your soon to be son in law" I said and he laughed.

"What are you here for my Prince? Sam is at home with her mother"

"Actually I'm here to talk to you"

"I'm all ears" he said as he dropped a iron in his hand.

"Samantha got into trouble again today so I was thinking if you can let her stay in the palace for safety.... till we get married and with the rest of the time until our marriage takes places, she can learn the proper royal etiquette" I said calmly hoping he agrees, I studied him for a while, he's lost in thought, probably thinking of how to reject the offer stylishly. He suddenly look up and grinned.

"Of course my Prince, she's yours after all" he said and I smiled.

"I'll come pick her tomorrow" I said and he nodded. I left his workshop full of happiness, now I'll get to protect her and keep her safe. Samantha is only mine.

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