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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Atonement: Red Earth (1)

The spacecraft entered the curvature navigation mode immediately after setting sail from the earth. All crew members, soldiers, and non-people entered the sleeping cabin, leaving only the computer controlling the navigation process. They slept in the small capsule for a month, and when they approached the 930 star field, they resumed their normal navigation mode and sailed at 0.9 times the speed of light to the hot burning star in the dark universe-Hera.

The first thing that pulled Ethan's floating consciousness back to his body was a gentle sound of music, and a soft white light lit up through a layer of eyelids. However, as soon as he opened his eyes, a strong nausea suddenly stirred up from his stomach, and he retched on the edge of the sleeping capsule, vomiting a lot of transparent gastric juice. His face was full of nose and tears, he wiped his face with the back of his hand in embarrassment, and suddenly a towel stretched over his cheek.

He raised his head. Against the light, Tanithel's exquisite and beautiful face was close at hand, floating with a layer of blurred dreams.

"Thank you..." Ethan took the towel in a panic, not daring to look at the other's naked chest muscles. He couldn't even dream that his next door was the capsule of Priest Eve Star, and he couldn't even think that the other party would be willing to show kindness to him as an inhuman.

Tanithel smiled at him, put on the bathrobe handed by the robot, and looked around the sleeping hall with silver-gray eyes. People are waking up one by one at this time, and everyone reacts differently to curvature flight. Some were in a daze, some retched on the ground like Ethan, and others didn't react much like him. At such a moment, everyone is almost naked. If it weren't for the electric collar on the neck to deter, it would be difficult to tell who is inhuman.

Ethan touched the glasses that had been stored in the cabinet under the sleeping cabin in advance and put on them, and the world suddenly became clearer. He exhaled a long breath. He had never done a curvature sailing before, nor had he entered such a long deep sleep. He did not expect to wake up ten times more sad than a hangover. He put on the bathrobe and couldn't ignore the priest of Evestar who was letting the medical robot to take his blood pressure next to him.

"Have we entered the Hera galaxy?" asked Beta, a female researcher on the other side.

The man on her left replied, "Probably so, otherwise the spaceship will not wake all of us."

"I don't know what to do with so many non-human beings. Will it be dangerous?"

"I heard that the pioneers suddenly lost contact, and the search and rescue team lost contact shortly after they went up. However, some search and rescue video tapes have been sent back to the earth, but they are all classified and no one is allowed to watch them. This time even inhuman Bring them all. Could it be a nuclear leak or something?"

The female Beta turned to Ethan, "Which department are you in? Have you heard of anything?"

However, the male Beta stretched out his hand and pushed her, made a look at her, and glanced at his neck. Then the female Beta noticed Ethan's collar hidden under the collar of the bathrobe. Her eyes changed in an instant. I just looked at Ethan's elegant and correct face with a friendly smile, but now there is only a concealed panic, and my body has not consciously moved a few inches in the opposite direction.

Even though Ethan understood the reaction of the other party, he still felt a little sad.

Suddenly, Diana's sweet and gentle voice sounded from the spaceship computer: "All non-humans, please go to warehouse 13 to gather immediately." Ethan did not dare to neglect, and quickly wrapped his clothes and walked towards the hatch. Other non-humans with collars around their necks were also heard. One after another separated from the crowd of white flowers. Because the hatch was too narrow, everyone was squeezed together, Ethan was pushed forward by the crowd, and suddenly felt a severe pinch on his ass.

He exclaimed and turned around, but couldn't see who was behind him. He was squeezed through the hatch, led by an impatient soldier at the front, through the tortuous and clear corridor, and finally took the elevator in several batches to the cargo warehouse floor.

Before the elevator door was opened, the rumbling sound of mechanical operation had penetrated the eardrum, and the cold air on his face made Ethan shrunk. Obviously, considering the safety of the crew, researchers, and Eve people, these non-human beings are isolated in the warehouse layer that is not suitable for human survival. The corridor outside has lost its simple and clean decoration style. Steel pipes spread to the sky and walls, and iron suspension bridges are staggered in the air, making it easy for technicians to inspect components. The huge space is divided into many areas by barbed wire, filled with survival supplies and some tall machines that don't know what to do. The dim light appeared depressed and fuzzy through the mist, and the pungent smell of engine oil filled the nose.

All the inhumans were only wearing bathrobes, and even the clothes hadn't had time to wear. Even the blood was frozen in this insufficiently heated cargo hold. A series of dissatisfaction shouts sounded around. A soldier standing on a high place pressed a button on the arm controller with a cold face, and the two most screaming screamed, fell on the ground and convulsed all over the body, his eyes rolled back, and his mouth vomited. Foam. Everyone immediately moved away from the two poor ghosts, leaving a clearing.

"Shut up all to me and stand here. Someone will bring you the clothes in a while. No one can go to the upper level without permission." The familiar tone turned out to be the male Beta guard who picked them in the forbidden city.

In order not to be shocked, no one dared to speak anymore. Fifty inhumans scattered in twos and threes, looking for a place to squeeze each other to keep warm. Ethan was not used to squeezing with so many people, so he had to find a pipe with a little bit of temperature and sit down, tightly encircling his body with his hands. The roar of countless machines made his head aches and his consciousness was dizzy.

But at this moment, the body was suddenly caught by a strong force. The strange smell did not come from Samuel.

He jerked and opened his eyes, only to see Alpha, a muscular red-haired man sitting next to him, showing him an overwhelming smile. The yukata was opened wide, revealing his wide chest muscles and eight distinct abdominal muscles. .

"Are you new here?"

"Yes." Ethan tried to move his body farther, but was jerked back by the arm around his waist.

"This place is so cold, everyone hugged and warmed up together?" The other party's tone didn't change, and it couldn't be a problem at all, "My name is Otto, what is your name?"

Otto... a familiar name, Samuel mentioned...

Ethan swallowed into his dry throat, looking around, trying to find a chance to escape, "Ethan Eldridge."

"A particular name, just listening to the last name makes you feel like a superior person." Otto blew his whistle, moving his hand ambiguously around his waist, his nose sniffing disturbingly around his neck, "You are Beta or Omega?"

On weekdays, when Omega is not in estrus, most people on Earth cannot tell the difference between their smell and Beta, but most Omegas are more petite and have unusually **** charms, and most of them are distinguished by appearance. But there are also Omegas who don't like to publicize themselves for various reasons, which is usually more difficult to distinguish from ordinary Beta. So it is not surprising that Otto has this question.

"Beta..." Ethan grabbed Otto's dishonest wrist and said cautiously, "I know Samuel..."

"Samuel? Hahahaha, he is not interested in your Beta, which has no Omega flavor. Even Omega is very picky."

Ethan thought that Samuel himself was Omega. Of course he was critical of Omega. His face was still forced to be calm. His eyes searched for the shadows of guards and other soldiers, but he was not sure whether someone would pay attention to him if he called for help.

"Otto, I remember that we had an agreement not to hit the other person." The sudden insertion of the voice made Ethan breathe a sigh of relief. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Samus standing behind him with his arms in arms. There was a trace of anger in his eyes.

Otto was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed indifferently, and naturally let go of the hand that was around Ethan, "Joe, when did your taste change?"

Samus grabbed Ethan's arm and pulled him up, wrapped his arms around Ethan's waist as an occupant, and even licked Ethan's ear with his tongue. Ethan trembled for a moment, and his goose bumps started to rise. He understands that Samuel is doing a show, but he doesn't need to be so realistic.

What's more, what makes Ethan even more disturbed is that in such close contact, most of the smell has faded through the Alpha disguise reagent. He noticed that there was a faint touch on Samuel that only his nose could smell. Musky smell

This is not a good sign. Because according to his previous experience with Omega, when this smell appears, Omega will enter the estrus/estrus period within two days.

No way, why did Samus take the initiative to sign up for this atonement if he knew he was going into the estrus/estrus period? ! Isn't he so stupid? ?

However, Samuel seemed completely unaware of it. He still hugged Ethan and stared at Otto with an Alpha gesture, "I know his secretary's face is yours, but I'm sorry, I live with him in the same room. He is so cute and accidentally makes him better."

Cute Ethan inexplicably remembered that his first Omega boyfriend described him the same way. It seems that Omegas think he is quite "cute"?

Although he doesn't think the word has anything to do with him

Otto raised his hands and surrendered, "Sorry man, I really didn't know that he was yours. I'll pay you back." After speaking, he waved his hand and turned away. Seeing him walking away, Ethan couldn't even relax his tone, so he lowered his voice and said in Joe Samuel's ear, "Your estrus is about to begin!"

Samuel was taken aback, turned his face and glared at him, "What nonsense are you talking about, I'm still in heat for two weeks."

Ethan stared back, "Have you never thought that the curvature route might disrupt your hormones and estrus cycle?"

The two looked at each other for a long while, and both saw each other's eyes stunned and shocked. Ethan asked hurriedly, "Since you already know that you will be in estrus in two weeks, should you bring inhibitors and disguise?"

Samuel's breathing gradually became faster, "I brought... but I sewed it in my clothes."

Ethan exhaled a long breath, "Fortunately, it's okay, they said they will send us our clothes in a while."

However, thirty minutes later, the two of them were completely dumbfounded holding the warm-keeping space travel uniforms issued to them by the guards. Samuel hurried to catch up with the guard and asked, "Where is my old clothes?"

The guard glared at him, "I don't know, probably destroyed."

"I want my old clothes!" Samuel panicked, not paying attention to whether his tone was too strong. Seeing that the guard was about to trigger the shock button on his arm, Ethan hurriedly pulled Samuel and smiled at the guard, "He was so cold that his mind was not clear, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Then he forced Samura to gone.

Fortunately, Samuel's self-control was still there, he was not completely panicked, and Ethan dragged him behind a machine far away from other inhumans. Samuel's fists were clenched tightly, and he was about to hit someone. Ethan was frightened, and he didn't know if the opponent would really beat him because he was too panic and out of control.

Seeing Samus sitting on a pipe with his hands in his hair, he looked upset. Ethan dared to put the clothes in his arms on him, but he was torn off anxiously by Samuel and threw it to the ground. Ethan sighed and persuaded, "There will be one or two days before the smell will be noticed. This ship will also have to sail for a week. Just find a suitable place to hide for three days before starting. You can survive it."

"You're **** light! Do you know how hard it can be without inhibitors?! With so many Alphas, if one smells me it will be over!"

Ethan thought that other Omegas had survived the estrus without inhibitors and were not marked, but they were still full of care and patience on their faces. They were patient and tempted: "This is also no way. Find a hidden place, I'll help you stare, and be prepared for what you need just in case. We'll find out where the old clothes are left after we've arranged it. The people above probably won't want to touch them. We are inhuman things, so your inhibitor should still be there."

Ethan's elegant and reliable Beta has always been regarded by Omegas as a trustworthy guardian of estrus. Beta's cold nature prevents him from being tempted, and he is careful and patient and meticulous. He took care of his Omega mother when he grew up and took care of his roommates, friends and even ambiguities. He couldn't have more experience in this kind of thing.

This is the first time that Samuel has encountered Omega, who is as domineering as Alpha, but when he wants to be dominated by instinct, it shouldn't be much worse...

Ethan's gentle and smooth voice calmed down Samus's anxiety and recklessness a little, he took a deep breath, and suppressed the anxiety that was about to drive him crazy. He has offended many people as one of the Alpha leaders in the forbidden city over the years. Once his Omega identity is revealed, I am afraid that there will be no peace in the forbidden city.

"If you disappear for three days, you will always be suspected, and there are monitors everywhere, where can I hide?"

"You think too much. Those guards mostly left after they left us here. As long as we don't go to the upper level, whoever cares where we are. As for other inhumans, they are focused on their own survival. Whoever is missing is no less." Ethan calmed down, but he was complaining in his heart. These Omega and Alpha are always self-conscious and always feel that others are paying attention to themselves. Like their Beta, there has never been such a problem.

This is why the average interstellar spy always prefers Beta, because no one will pay attention to them.

"If you don't worry, just wait here first, and I will pick you up when I find it." Seeing that Samuel hesitated, Ethan persuaded him. After all, if you don't find a suitable place to make a nest until tomorrow, Samuel is in danger.

Samuel is his patron in the Forbidden City. If he falls, Ethan will not protect himself. And this time, if he helped Samus pass the test smoothly, he would be very grateful to himself, and he would definitely take care of him in the execution of the mission of atonement.

Never mess up this opportunity!

Samuel knew this was probably the best way, so he nodded in agreement.

Ethan looked around and saw that the guards had entered the elevator and left, and immediately walked deep into the warehouse floor. It is difficult to see the top of the high and wide space at a glance. The iron bridges on the head are scattered and overlapped. On both sides, there are countless huge motors and cylindrical unknown machines. In most cases, the cargo warehouse layer of the spacecraft does not require human maintenance, so there is a lack of lighting, and a layer of dim color is permeated everywhere, and the continuous tremor sound waves create tinnitus-like noise in the brain. Coupled with the freezing temperature of Ling Li, it is really not a suitable place for nesting.

Ethan moved his body close to the shadows of those machines, trying not to make a sound. I have never been to such a place when I took a spacecraft to travel between stars before, and I didn't know the structure of the spacecraft. Occasionally there were pipelines extending out on the ground, as if suddenly opened hands were grabbing his ankles, causing him to stumble. After searching for a long time, I finally found a high-temperature hidden space near the spacecraft's nuclear reactor, behind a pile of densely packed pipelines. Although there may be a risk of exposure to radiation, this advanced spacecraft has already done various sealing measures, as long as there is no danger outside the closed door marked with no entry.

Most importantly, there are probably no non-people who want to get close here.

After bringing Samuel, Omega, who was in a tense mood before the estrus period, reviewed it and reluctantly agreed. They moved some boxes in the cargo hold and stacked them around, blocking the entire space as much as possible. Ethan pulled out some sleeping bags from some unfastened boxes, and laid them all in the secret space surrounded by cables and boxes.

Their plan is to wait until Samuel's estrus period begins, and every day Ethan will sneak back to collect food and water to bring back. When he needs to go to the toilet, he will solve it nearby, and Ethan will be on guard. It is a distance from the venue where all non-people gather, so the chance of being discovered is not high.

To be on the safe side, Samuel didn't go back anymore, lest Alpha with the tip of his nose could smell him in advance.

At night, when the two of them lay side by side in the dark secret space, Ethan could already feel the sweet musky fragrance on Samuel's body a lot. He couldn't sleep, and he had many questions in his mind, so he asked tentatively, "Have we met somewhere before...?"

After I finished speaking, I felt that what I said was a bit like a clumsy line-up...

Samuel didn't speak for a long time. When Ethan thought he was asleep, the other party suddenly spoke, "You may have seen me on TV. I used to punch."

These words instantly pierced the fog that was in Ethan's mind. Isn't he just the famous young boxing champion Jonathan Samuel a few years ago? ! Even people like Ethan who have never paid attention to boxing have seen him, just because he has a handsome face that is rare in fighting circles, and he is aggressive and aggressive during the game, which has attracted many people who are not interested in boxing. The female Alpha, Beta and Omega are crazy and have been on the cover of fashion magazines.

"It turned out to be you?! Fuck! Why are you here!" And never heard that Jonathan Samuel is an Omega before? ! Had he been using inhibitors and Alpha camouflage in combination from that time?

I couldn't see Samus's expression in the dark, but I only heard a sneer, "Yeah, I don't understand how I came to this ghost place."

Realizing that he seemed to be asking the wrong question, Ethan shut up hesitatingly. Apart from committing an unforgivable sin, what could be the reason for being locked up here?

"It's you secretary, how did you come in, looking at your promise?" Samuel asked rhetorically.

Ethan took off his glasses and blinked slowly in the dark, "I don't understand either."

"Hehehe, don't you know what crime you committed? Don't tell me that you are a good person but you accidentally made a mistake."

Ethan was so blocked that he couldn't speak, but he was a little angry. Thinking you don't understand me, how can you know that I'm not a good person?

So he also stunned and went back, "Didn't you also understand?!"

"I didn't say I was a good person."

"You..." Ethan snorted coldly, "It seems that you are not only not a good person, but also stupid. The estrus period is almost coming, and you volunteer to participate in some atonement."

"What do you know. People like me who are usually active as volunteers suddenly disappear every three months. Everyone will doubt it. Besides, I have prepared enough inhibitors and disguises every time. If not for this neuropathy If you send us new clothes inexplicably, nothing will happen."

"Good Omega, pretending to be something Alpha, isn't this showing that something will happen sooner or later?"

"Shut up, or you will be beaten."

The two of them fought for a while, and they were a little tired. Ethan rolled over angrily, feeling exhausted from the day, and fell asleep unconsciously.

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