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Chapter 4: We Forget That The Water Cycle And The Life Cycle Are Are One

'Tenth Form: Constant Flux', a water dragon follows my blade as I perform continuous flowing attacks as the Nomu rushes towards me.

Just as I am bringing down my blade towards the side of the Nomus neck, it screeches loudly, birds in the trees scatter as my momentum stops, my body falls to the ground as I clutch my ears in pain, quickly jumping away again as another breath of flame comes to my direction

"This is troublesome," I say aloud, jumping back a few steps as to ready myself, "Looks like," I murmur as I stand still, calming my breath, "I'm going to have to end this fast,"

Around me I imagine raging currents of the ocean, representing my concentration as I fully calm myself, ceasing all movement, entering a state of tranquillity

"GRAHHH!!" Nomu screams, letting out powerful sound waves towards me, taking in a deep breath, getting into a canon position, shooting out three separate fireballs towards me

'Eleventh Form: Dead Calm'

I slice left, one down.

I continue to ignore the deafening screams, my mind in perfect control of my body. I shift my head right, the second fireball soaring past me exploding surrounding trees behind me. Two down.

I change the hold on my handle, holding it downwards in front of me, slicing upwards. All three down.

The Nomu takes in a huge breath, its cheeks growing bigger and bigger until it releases smoke through its nostrils in a deep huff, its teeth revealing a nasty snarl as it releases a large fireball, at least 5 times larger than the others

I wait until the perfect moment to utilise this attack to my advantage. The fireball lands straight in front of me, my body burns and hurts, but from what I've observed, this Nomu at least has slight intelligence, so instead of rushing in blindly, I wait until smoke has gathered, until I dash from my position

I traverse around trees, up into the trees, utilising the stealth techniques the old man Urokadaki taught me, and rush straight to the Nomu. Slamming a foot down onto its nape, I perform a swift slash to its middle, slicing it in half, until cutting off its two arms, leaving just the chest and neck.

I slam my foot onto its back, saying, "Rest now, I'm sure you were a decent person before you were turned into this," and in response, I see the Nomu just stays in its position, unmoving

'Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After The Drought', This is a sword strike of kindness, in one swift motion I decapitate the Nomu with little to no pain, sheathing my blade back into my scabbard I look to try and find my phone

*Beep* *Beep* "Huh?" I turn to see a small flashing light in the remaining bottom half of the Nomus ear.

Crouching down, I reach over and remove it from the Nomu. I recognised what it is. It's a hidden earpiece normally used in covert ops missions.

"Hello…Giyu Tomioka," I hear from the earpiece. It sounded strained, lowered in tone, "Unfortunately, we won't be able to have a nice chat together, but I'm sure that if you are hearing this, then two good things have happened. One: the experiment was a success. You see, with the use of this earpiece, I have been able to control the actions of this Nomu, with its little bit of intelligence, it had learned to listen to me and follow orders without fail,"

Okay. That must be why it was able to do more than the average Nomu in terms of strategy, it had a backer. That doesn't make sense though. It could only hear what he was saying, so how would he know what to do and when to do i-

"And two!" He shouted as I looked around, spotting two more Nomu approaching me, as well as a bird circling my position in the sky, "You've been successfully distracted," I could just hear the smirk on his face coming from the earpiece as it exploded on his last word, ripping my already torn clothes to even more shreds

The two Nomu stop moving forward as a man slightly taller than myself comes forth. He wore high black boots and loose pants. He has a suit vest and shirt underneath a pink and black overcoat, his sling was slightly tanned and his hair was a dark blue

"Well hello!" He said bowing like a showman, his voice holding different properties multiple times in one sentence, "You can call me Salem, a pleasure to meet ya'" his voice changing constantly at every syllable, making it slightly difficult to focus

"Now I'm sure the big man up top probably explained everything to ya' so I'm just gonna do my job here and then get out! Those heroes won't be able to stop the vanguard action squad! But just in case!" He dragged on, "I am here! To stop you!" He spoke in the voice of All Might

"Annoying," I mutter, dashing towards him, 'First Form: Water Surface Slash', midway through my strike, I had to utilise 'Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow' to change my foothold mid-air as a flying fist came across where my previous position was

"Oh Ho! Close one!" A childish voice ring out, "Pretty boy!" The voice of Midnight ring out, pissing me off, she's always being a nuisance even when she isn't in an (x) mile radius

"Oh-oh! I get it! You're supposed to be the cool guy right?! I've seen plenty of people like you around, I'm able to read you like a book!" His irritating bastard meter was slowly rising, "People don't like you do they? You're an absolute loner!"

What? Poeple…don't like me? This little…he's really annoying me now. My mind takes me back to Akihito, the man that I had at least slightly opened up to since what happened with Sabito, and look what happened with him

"Being alone is better than being with the wrong person," I said quietly, 'Third Form: Flowing Dance!'

~Nezu POV~

"Nezu, I've got to go," was the last thing I had heard from Giyu for a little amount of time now

I had checked in to see what had happened in his area, the only response was a flashy hit and run, he should've been able to deal with that no problem at all, and yet, his phone and anything I am trying to communicate to him with fails to connect

"Ah well, isn't this a problem?" I say to myself. The day was starting to get late, I'll be heading out in a few minutes. I begin to swiftly make my way over to my little desk, I turn the kettle on, all the while making sure to check that my fur is nice and shiny. No human could ever have hair like this, ya know!

In the midst of me making my tea, the sound of the phone ringing from my desk resounded. Well, hopefully, it's Giyu letting me know what happened, that stupid young man, I'll have to give him a right thorough lecture on punctuation and hero-ing, wouldn't that be great!

Picking up the phone I start, "Giyu, whe-" my speech was cut off from a sudden shout

"Principle Nezu! This is Vlad King! This is a high-class emergency! The Training Camp for classes 1-A and 1-B has been attacked! It's the League of Villains!" The desperate voice of 1-Bs homeroom teacher

"I'm sorry! I can't talk much longer! I've got to sort things out from this side, I hope you know what to do sir!" Vlad King said before disconnecting the call

That's happened to my twice now, two lectures are due, even better! Anyway, aside from that, that's two problems now. Luckily, they're both happening in the same area so they can be linked together.

The obvious conclusion is that they somehow have figured out the location of the training camp, and knowing that Giyu was nearby, they've somehow apprehended him to prevent him from going to help the training camp

Damn, there is nothing I can do but send help to the training camp and wait for the news…"Ah! My tea!" I shouted

~Giyu Tomioka POV~

"Now," I said, staring this clown in the eyes, "Tell me, where is this vanguard action squad is,"

He stared at me in horror, two grotesque and deformed corpses of the Nomu scattered behind me, my outfit was ripped to shreds, hardly covering me, I had some serious burns and injuries, but they will still be healable later on

I walk towards him slowly, he stays petrified, stuck in his position, "Now," I repeat, unsheathing my blade with my right hand, bent down I lift his head up by grabbing his hair with my left, glaring at him

"Right, right!" He said frantically, "H-Here just take it!" He struggled withtaking out his phone from his pocket, his hand shaking violently as he passed it to me

I looked on the phone for it to show a location not too far from me, it seemed to be in the territory of the hero group Wild, Wild PussyCats…ah! That's right! Nezu mentioned something about them being involved in a training camp with…year 1 students…shit!

Knocking out the voice changing circus, I press the distress signal on his phone and begin sprinting off towards the area of the training camp, my injuries hindering me slightly, struggling to keep up at a fast pace

The path at my feet fades as it leads into the darkness of the woods, yet follow it I must for the sake of those kids. Somewhere in there must be students scared for their lives, and so my feet follow the narrow strip of naked earth among the giants of root and leaf. I let my hands touch their skin as I pass, feeling their gentle spirits soothe my own.

For this is their world as they stretch toward the light they never see yet sense, and I must do the same... open up my other senses... to sound, to the aroma and listen so very carefully to every instinct

As I am attempting to stretch my senses, I notice a massive crash that happens somewhere off in the distance. I take a deep breath of air, holding my sword, and rush straight towards it, my speed slower than usual

As I sprint through the last set of trees, I notice in the clearing a figure in a mask retreating into that purple wisp from Hosu, clearly bragging about his skills, a typical monologue as usual. He appeared to be flaunting something around his mouth, that's where I'll aim. However, just in front of me, there is some kid with a very shiny outfit looking ahead.

"Stay down kid, it's safer," I tell him quietly, resting my palm on his shoulder

"H-Huh?" He jumps up in shock

Though my body is in searing pain, I still push my strides forward, 'Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow', flipping my blade mid-stride, I jump upwards, utilising my Ninth Form as I use one last stride to shoot forwards towards the masked man

"Seventh Form!" I shout to gather the villains' attention, if he's looking at me, I'm given a bigger target to him, but I don't give him enough time to do anything about it either, "Drop Ripple Thrust!" I send as much power into the blow as I can using the hilt of my blade, breaking the mans mask, the sudden impact making him spit out two small orbs

Ha, I guess my assumption was correct now all I've gotta do is hope that those kids can grab them, they'll be able to get there quicker than me in my current state, especially since they've been mid-reach when I attacked the villain

One of the boys with multiple arms that seem to be connected was able to reach one of the orbs, unfortunately, Todorokis kid wasn't able to reach, damn!

''Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow', I rush with all my remaining strength towards patch face, the contents of the orb were revealed to be one of the kids! If they're able to get one of them, the reputation of UA will be nigh-unrecoverable!

While mid-air, I use my 'Second Form: Water Wheel', connecting with the blue flames the villain had sent out, causing me to get even more burns, and also losing sight of the kid at the same time, I was too careless, these guys aren't like what the report said the League of Villains are supposed to be like, these guys are pros

"Kacchan!" I hear Broccoli shout out, attempting to grab the kid in the villains' grasp, though proved to be useless as they both disappear without a trace, I was unable to make out what the other kid told Broccoli, but it looked serious enough

I take a brief look around if the area, dark woods of deepened hue find tranquillity in the starlit velvet, in the steady glow of moonlight

"AHHHHH! DAMN! THEY GOT AWAY!!! DAMN IT!!" Broccoli screamed frantically, before passing out as his adrenaline seemed to have lost its effect

"Deku!" "Midoriya!" Two girls shouted as they ran over to the group of boys

Eventually getting up to my feet, I look over to the group of students, "How is everyone? Are we all in safe conditions?" I ask, walking over to them

"Tempest! Tomioka!" I hear in unison from some of the students, all of them are in fine conditions, just out of breath and exhausted

Checking over the Broccoli boy, I could only imagine the strain he has had to put himself through.

"Damn, if only I'd gotten here a moment earlier, that kid wouldn't have been taken away, I know I don't understand the full situation from inside, but from my point of view, the reputation of UA is ruined if we don't sort this out. And fast," I told the kids

"Handyman," I said turning my head around like an owl

"Huh? Me?" The one with all the hands and the mask said

"Yeah, I'm counting on you to be able to take Broccoli down to the main house, and you," I say pointing towards the edge Lord bird, "Go with them, keep in contact with me through this," I throw him an ear pod mid-sentence, "Don't hesitate to report any happenings that you find on your way to the mansion, and when you get there, give the ear pod to the Human Caterpillar,"

'Handyman? Broccoli? Human Caterpillar?!' They all shouted in their minds simultaneously

"Errm, if I may, who is…this human caterpillar?" Handyman said hesitantly

I looked at him for a few moments…so they even know him? He spends nearly the whole day wrapped in his yellow…"Eraserhead," I said to them blankly

All of a sudden, their backs straightened as their faces became that of revelation. It's not exactly new news.

"You three, what will you do?" I said, looking towards the frog girl and the other one

"Ah, we'll head back to the mansion with Tokoyami and Shoji," the girl with the Bob said in vouch for them both

"I will head back as well, I'm sure…Human Caterpillar will want us all back as fast as possible," he said stoically, the perma-blush girl quickly put her hand to her mouth in an attempt to keep in her laugh

After a while, all 40 students were found and accounted for, minus one, 15 unconscious and 11 injured, only 13 remained unscathed. I finish explaining what had happened to me through the ear pod when the handyman arrived at the mansion. The information was relayed to Nezu, so he had fully gotten a grasp on the troubling situation

Being troubled is normal in a troubling environment. It's good to remain real and engaged in what's around you. So many who say they're alright are in denial, masking their emotions to themselves and others. I gotta stay me. I gotta stay connected to my soul especially when it hurts. Because that's when I learn the most, that's when my empathy grows and creative solutions come.

NotSoBigShlong NotSoBigShlong

And I’ve hit 10,000 words for this book, well a little over but, ya know what I mean

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