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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

It's been 2 days and i'm still grounded just for coming home late.I woke up the next morning,the sun shining through my window.I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.I then got dressed in jeans,shirt,and a sweater over it.I went downstairs and my mom looked at me and gave me my phone back.

Mom:here's your phone.

You:thanks mom

Mom:have breakfast then get to school.


I have breakfast,same thing as always bacon and eggs or sometimes just toast.I go outside and the bus is there,I get in and sit down.When I get to school I go to my locker and see Jack waiting there for me.

Jack:hey i've been texting you,why haven't answered?

You:my mom toke my phone for 2 days cause I got home late

Jake:oh,your not grounded anymore right?

You:no,do you have football practice today?

Jake:ya,do you have cheerleading practice?

You:yep,the games in 2 weeks


You:I don't want to go to my classes today

Jack:neither do I

You:wanna skip and go somewhere then we come back for practice after school?

Jack:taught you didn't skip,remember what you said

You:oh come on that was the first day.Yes or no?

Jack:ok let's go but let's wait till everyone gets to class


After a few minutes the bell rings and everyone goes to class.Me and Jack go outside and get in his car.

You:where we going?

Jack:the mall


Jack drives to the mall.After 20 minutes we get to the mall.

Jack:ok what do you want to do first?

You:I don't know,I'm kinda hungry

Jack:let's go eat


We go to a food court at the mall.We get a table then order.We're talking until our food gets here and when it does we eat.

Jack:ok so after this what should we do?

You:have you ever been to build-a-bear-workshop?

Jack:no,I've heard of it tho

You:we're going


You:by the way I'm paying for the food

Jack:no me

You:no me

Jack:we'll see

After we finish eating the check comes in and we stare at each other.I grab the pay check and put money on it then we leave.

You:told you I'll pay

Jack:fine but I'm paying for this

You:fine I'll let you pay

He looks at me and smiles.We get to build a bear workshop and he looks around.

Jack:wow,this place looks cool

You:come on I'll show you what you need to do

I show him everything around and he looks like he's having fun.

Jack:ok now I'm naming this bear Angel

You:and I'm calling this one Honey

Jack:ok let's go so I can pay

You:ok,but then can we get ice cream?

Jack:sure and I'm paying for that too

We go to the cashier and pay.Then we go to an ice cream shop

You:I want cookies and cream

Jack:I want chocolate

You:so lame


You:I'm kidding

Jack pays fo the ice creams and we sit down to eat

Jack:I've been having a lot of fun with you

You:me too

Jack:after this we gotta get to school it's 2:38

You:it's almost the end of the day.

Jack:exactly we have practice

You:ok let's hurry

We eat our ice creams then leave:We get back to school and he goes to football practice and I go with him since I have cheerleading practice out in the field we he has practice

Mrs.Gonzallez:ok everyone today we're gonna learn tricks on the floor and in the hair but there's only 2 flyers and it will be Y/n and Jessie.Ok so 4 girls go with y/n and the other 4 with Jessie

Mrs.Gonzallez goes to Jessie's group and teaches them the tricks while my group was stretching.I kept looking over at Jack,god he looks so cute in his uniform.

Your mind:stop it and pay attention,you can't like him your only friends!

Mrs.Gonzallez:ok this group show me tricks you can do on this floor and I'll show you what I showed those girls then tricks in the air ok


Mrs.Gonzallez teaches us tricks on the ground and then the girls held me up and she showed me some tricks

Mrs.Gonzallez:ok everyone that's all for today.In 3 days there's practice


I got my stuff and went to my locker and waited for Jack.I texted my mom I had practice so I'll be home a little late,she said "ok".Jack got to his locker and he was holding his helmet around his arm while his air was in his face dripping with a bit of sweat.


Jack:hey,I'm so tired

You:me too,I'm kinda nervous for the game


You:I'm the flyer and I don't wanna fall or get hurt

Jack:you won't fall.Want me to take you home?


Jack:alright let's go

We go out to his car and I give him my address.He takes me home and I say bye.I go inside and see my mom making dinner already

Mom:hey sweetie,how was practice?

You:good but tiring,I'm the flyer

Mom:oh wow that's great,oh and I won't be able to go to the game.


Mom:I have to go out of town for 3 weeks for work

You:oh ok

Mom:you can stay over at a friends house is you don't wanna stay alone

You:can I stay at Jacks if he lets me?

Mom:ouuu who's jack?

You:my friend

Mom:ya sure but you have to make sure his parents let you

You:ok,when are you leaving?

Mom:in 5 days


Mom:go shower so you can eat

I go upstairs and grab my towel and clothes.I shower,when I get out I put on shorts and a large hoddie over it then go downstairs.

You:rice,meat,and beans....again

Mom:just eat y/n

You:I am mom

I chuckle and so does she.We eat dinner and when she's done she goes to her room to go to bed.I finish eating and I decide to wash the dishes.As I'm laying down in bed watching tv I get a FaceTime call from Jack

-phone call-

Jack:hey y/n

You:hi,why'd you call me it's so late

Jack:I don't know

You:I'm tired

Jack:well how about we try pulling an all nighter

You:there's school tomorrow

Jack:fall asleep on FaceTime if your tired,I probably will fall asleep


I set up my phone next to my bed facing it to me while it's charging so it doesn't die.Jack looked at me.


Jack:nothing,what do you want to talk about

You:I don't know,I'm going to sleep tho

Jack:ok but stay on the call

You:ok,goodnight if anything.But let's talk


We talk for a few minutes till I feel asleep and Jack still awake.I guess he fell asleep after a few minutes because I heard nothing except my tv that was left on.

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