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A New Mori Jin in Twilight A New Mori Jin in Twilight original

A New Mori Jin in Twilight

Author: Cold_Phantom19

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: [1] New

Yeah, so I did no big deal really just thought I should put that out there, things don't get better with the fact that everything is dark and I have no clue what is happening. Sighing I thought about everything that happened in my life and it made me sad seeing how I spent the past twenty-four years of my life like I was a bum.

It wasn't anyone faults but my own, I didn't enjoy my life seeing as I had many mental problems and I wasn't confident in my looks. The only thing going for me in life was the fact that I was smart, could draw, and could sing, other than that there was nothing for me to really fall back on.

After awhile tings got to be to much for me hence why I am here, I didn't die of old age or some form of disease. Nope it was 100% the fact that I killed myself, family was probably sad who could tell when most of the time they were together a fight seemed to break out between them all.

Sighing I thought about my mom she was the only person besides my five siblings that I would miss in my life, maybe some other family members. All honesty there was a lot of regret in my life which is what led to the mental problems and me ending up here where I am I could blame no one other than my lack of strength to keep going.

If there is one thing I could tell anyone who felt the same is that, 'Don't be like me find something no matter how small and keep the strength to live, no need to end it all someone cares'. Well let's enjoy this endless darkness for all of eternity.

While I was thinking that it was like the big bang and all around me went white for a moment until I heard a voice.

^^^^^Third Person POV

Hayes waited a moment until his eyes finally adjusted while listening to the voice, "I am sorry to say young one that you wont be spending you eternity here. You have the chance like all to be reborn where you please with some wishes."

Hayes didn't know what to say he had never thought a situation like this would occur, "Well whoever this is, is there a catch to all this? I mean nothing is given for free right?"

"Well yes that might be true in the human sense but here we beings don't care for any of that being repaid thing you are below us anyway. The only thing you need to do is tell me your wish then I will throw you into a random world, no you can't' choose because it just doesn't work that way. But the world will be fun so no worries there." The voice said, Hayes couldn't tell though if it was male or female but he did know that it was loud.

Hayes thought it over nodding to himself, it was true why would higher beings ask for something when if they needed it couldn't they just restart and do it for themselves. "Alright then I don't know where I will end up but please make me Jin Mori from God of High-School, though I don't want his personality it is to lax for my taste, just in case you were planning that. All his powers included too, his weapon Ruyi Jingu, and Kinto-Un."

"Also can you give me instant mastery or something similar so it doesn't take so long for me to learn Renewal Taekwondo and all the other fighting moves he knows. As for background do as you see fit please though don't make it something to unbelievable." Hayes finished he really didn't have anything else that he wanted, he could have gotten anything else but he didn't want to be overpowered to where he didn't enjoy himself. Especially if it was a world where he could fight anyone.

"Are you sure there is nothing else think hard since you will never get this chance again unless you die for good, and let me tell you as Mori Jin who is the Monkey King a god you will live a long time thousands of years maybe millions." The voice said.

Hayes thought about that and knew it was right, "Alright can you give me something to grant others powers or something similar?"

It took a moment for the voice to answer thinking it over, "I can give you that ability, it will let you give them anything they can think of but it can't change their being as a whole. Like taking a fish and making it a man is not possible, it is really just anything under becoming a god really."

Hayes nodded excited about the possibilities this would also help him if he needed something else in the future, "Alright well if I can choose my looks then make me look like him too he wasn't a bad looking guy."

"Done, now off you go enjoy your new life this time." the voice said as Hayes faded out of the void he was in.

^^^^^^^Hayes POV

I felt weird it was like I was being squeezed to death, for a moment I didn't know what was happening until I realized I was being born again. After what felt like hours I was out of the confinements and my eyes were blurry so I couldn't see anything around me, the voices also sounded a little muffled.

After awhile when the cold went away I sighed and relaxed into the warm figure who was my new mother hugging me. Well this would be an interesting years until I could actually grow up and know things, letting the warm embrace lull me I fell asleep hearing soft words of my mother spoken to me.

*****Six Years Later

I was in my backyard finishing my last roundhouse kick before stopping and thinkin about it, though I got instant mastery it felt off when I did the moves so I went to the basics. I wasn't going to be someone who just because I could learn it instantly was going to accept that I knew it all and couldn't be touched, no I did the move thousands of times before being satisfied.

While lost in thought about my last kick I heard my mother call me, "HAYES!!! DINNER TIME!!!" I came out of my thoughts with a smile and ran to the back door where a beautiful woman was standing. She had long black hair with hazel eyes that showed off all her love for me, my father sadly wasn't around anymore he had gotten into an accident when I was three.

It was just me and mom now but we were doing okay, she was back working as at her company that was taking off more than she thought it would. I was happy for her though between me and the work it was all she had, she refused to see anyone else saying that my father was the love of her life and she would betray that.

She was always talking on the phone with a man though these last couple of months but when I walked in she would just tell me it was my uncle and he was going through a divorce. Shrugging it off I ignored it and just enjoyed my child years learning all my skills and perfecting them, thanks to instant mastery I did have a higher IQ though.

Going to the table I sat there while my mom watched me with a wide smile waiting to see how she did, taking a bite of the chicken in front of me I smiled but after three chews I wanted to vomit. Choking it down I looked up at my mom who had a hopeful gaze and sighed, "I wont sugar coat it mom, this is not your best work. I already said I would cook why are you pushing yourself so much when we both know that dad was the chef of the family."

Her smile fell and her eyes started to water, "I failed again!! How is it possible that even my six year old son is a better cook than me?! I just don't get it I have cooked for years but why does it always turn out bad."

My eye twitched hearing her rant of course it would turn out bad who puts pickle juice in their chicken spice to 'spice things up', I loved my mom but she really need to tone down her inner Ramsey. "Mom why did you add pickle juice to it and is that Sardines I taste too?"

"Ah well that was the secret ingredient of course. I thought it was a genius idea to add the two seeing as they should have made the chicken taste more bold." She said her face clearing and gaining a smile again, she stuck out her chest and looked at me with vigor like I was suppose to praise her.

Getting up I went to her side standing on my tip toes I tried to pat her shoulder, "I am going to order pizza now." Walking away I wen to make a call for it while she sunk lower into her chair, she really didn't know what she did wrong with the meal. This was how my childhood continued until my seventeenth birthday, well three days after it.

*************January 8th 2008, Seventeen years old.

I stood at six one now with looking like Mori Jin all the way but if my shirt wasn't off no one would even know that I was in shape or had a six pack hiding underneath. Currently I was sitting at the table my mom across from me, "Please don't be upset I swear I would bring you along but I don't want to move you all the way over there, and next year is your last year of school before you are free."

My mom had just dropped a bomb and I wasn't upset I was happy for her but it also included me moving so I was a little more bummed about that. She had just told me she gotten a promotion a huge one at that, she was going to be running her companies office in London.

I was nothing but proud for her she deserved it after all these years of working hard it was paying off in a huge way, and no way was I going to stand in her way of that. "Mom I am fine go and do your thing show them why you deserve this I will do just fine living with my uncle in Forks, just remember to call. Also make sure you find a good restaurant so you don't starve okay?"

She smiled beautifully, "Of course I am the parent here!" she chided lightly but I could tell she was touched by my words.

A few days later we were both at the Airport getting ready to leave, she was tearing up and holding me tight, she only came to my shoulder now making her head lean on my chest. "Mom it is just a year, heck summer is in a couple of months then I will fly out to see you. Nothing will change we will talk every night, when you are getting ready for bed I should be in lunch at school so you can call me."

She nodded in my chest before leaning back to look at me, "Thank you sweetie I know this is going to be hard but take care of yourself and tell me everything that happens. I love you."

"I love you too mom." she couldn't stay longer since her flight was boarding but every few steps she looked back to me, I didn't leave until twenty minutes after she couldn't see me anymore. Brushing the stray tear that left my eye I coughed a little, no matter how strong I may act it doesn't mean that I am not going to cry seeing the woman who raised me for seventeen years leave.

Getting my emotions in check I walked away, I didn't notice all the girls who swooned seeing the scene. Sure I was very handsome with my messy black hair, hazel eyes like my mom and boyish good looks, but I still had my past life mentality so I didn't see myself as handsome but just a normal person.

My plane was finally boarding so when I got on I looked out the window taking a last look at California, I was going to miss the place but I would be back.

Cold_Phantom19 Cold_Phantom19

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