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The Tower of mastery - John Story The Tower of mastery - John Story original

The Tower of mastery - John Story

Author: TheNoOne

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 1

In early 2021, The gargantuan and mysterious Tower of Mastery simply popped into existence. Like ready-made memories of the establishment were just placed inside our heads. It was like humanity woke up one day, and the Tower was just there, waiting to be explored. Many people have compared its appearance to falling asleep: you cannot remember the exact moment you dozed off, but the next morning you know for sure that you fell asleep.

From what investigators, scientists, and journalists have learned so far, the Tower's origins are a complete mystery, although various speculations abound far and wide. Even to its original inhabitants, the strange and mysterious administrators, questions of origin are unfathomable. Born and raised inside the Tower's gigantic area, the creatures that have been dubbed as "administrators" are the only authority figures inside. Although every citizen of the earth is allowed to enter and take up residence, the administrators are the ones who practically run the whole place. However, they assist and guide all human beings living inside as well as those entering The Tower. Invisible and shapeless, these hovering creatures share just one characteristic: they wear masks. Although most of them are only visible by their white face covers, a few of them deviate from the norm. These anomalies wear masks of different colors; some even wear clothes and vary considerably in their shapes and sizes.

Moreover, there have been rumored observations of administrators morphing themselves into different shapes. Some even take the form of pets like cats and dogs. However, one particular aspect of the administrators' collective existence has caught everyone's interest: they are also bound to The Tower's laws like human residents. They, too, must earn and spend points to survive within their birth realm! This is to say that The Tower shows no favoritism whatsoever when it comes to administrators and humans. One last remark, depending on their mask colors, these creatures have different personalities and abilities.

But going back to the Tower of Mastery itself, it needs to be noted that its size is roughly equal to an average country. Additionally, it continuously travels around the globe, held up by an unknown force that resists the earth's gravity. There are now entrances in virtually every locality of the world. Thousands of people are flocking to their nearest entries to become members of the Tower's community. So large is the density of people heading for these entrances that many of them are blocked by the sheer volume of clambering folks. Riots have broken out in many areas, and the armed forces have had a tough time maintaining law and order. Anyone who enters the Tower finds new meaning and purpose for their lives and are thus reluctant to leave it. This promise of a new life is what attracts so many people to the Tower of Mastery.

Divided into several floors that float above each other, new entrants reach the First Floor upon entering the doors scattered worldwide. Like the Tower itself, all Tower Floors are roughly the size of a country. Furthermore, each entry teleports people to the First-Floor center, where the experience mostly leaves them nauseated and dizzy. Some people faint right away, but there is Nothing to worry about. A hospital like a ward nearby accommodates these fainters, and they quickly get back on their feet. Also, it should be noted that the means of teleportation for each entry to The Tower are different but unchanging.

Divided into ten different Zones, the First Floor is primarily dedicated to agricultural activities. Furthermore, all ten Zones are concentric to one another. Zone One is encircled by Zone Two, which is enclosed by Zone Three, and so on. As was mentioned earlier, The Tower's origins and creation have been a matter of much speculation. Some believe that The Tower is, in fact, the masterpiece of the mythical occult scholar Shaigon Vegren, but that's what most people object to this theory to be: a myth. Conspiracy theorists have ascribed political motives and agendas, whereas others have associated religious significance to it. With scientific learning, others regard The Tower as an alien in its origins and construction. Whereas each speculation has its passionate proponents, no definitive answer has yet emerged.

That's it for now, folks! To learn more about all the Ten Zones on The First Floor, please tune in to our evening segment of "The Tower of Mastery: Floor One!"

John, who was seventeen-years-old, switched off the television. His large eyes shone with excitement and longing. Lately, The Tower of Mastery was all that the news channels were talking about. Some of John's friends at school were already residents. But a lot of them were standing in really long queues to gain entry. Just like the TV report said, riots had broken out around many entrances because people were too eager to start their new lives. John himself badly wanted to become a Tower resident. He wanted to see the administrators' masks with his own big eyes, to teleport into Zone One on the First Floor, and to go all the way to Zone Ten, where he would own a luxurious villa and never, ever die! He slid off the couch and jumped in the air for excitement. Jack, the pet dog, came tottering into the room.

"We are leaving tonight, Jack. Tonight!"

"Woof-woof," said Jack as he stuck out his tongue and wagged his tail. Then, he ran in circles, chasing his own tail, as an expression of his excitement.

"Yippee," exclaimed John, "Jack's onboard, Jack's onboard! You are gonna love the Tower, buddy! As soon as I get the flying ability, with these elemental fire wings, you and I will go for a flighty ride!"

"Woof, woof," repeated Jack.

All the arrangements had been made: a portable tent, backpack full of camping supplies and dog food, and a stack of notebooks on the Tower written by John himself. He was waiting for night to fall so that the entrance gate near his house would be less likely to be swarmed by people.

TheNoOne TheNoOne

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