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Chapter 28: Going All Out

"Why did you transfer to this school anyways, there are better schools out there with less restrictions." Takashi asked while they were eating their food.

Even though they were sitting in a circle, the parting was visible and prominent.

Yuuji and Takashi were on a side on their own while facing Hisashi and Rei. The dividing was clear from the get go…

But this didn't bothered Yuuji even a bit, while this was the case with Yuuji, this wasn't true for Takashi.

He seemed visibly uncomfortable while watching Rei leaning onto Hisashi's shoulder.

Yuuji didn't even knew what was wrong with Takashi, he could understand that he might feel awkward watching his childhood friend and best friend date, but this doesn't seem to be the case here.

It was mostly jealousy, he was jealous that Rei was dating Hisashi, that she was leaning into his embrace.

This looked absurd from Yuuji's point of view since he knew that Takashi was the one who was reluctant to date her.

While Yuuji thought this, he wasn't supporting Rei's decision, her actions were even more idiotic, when she couldn't date Takashi, she instead went for his best friend, Hisashi.

It was idiotic to the point of being infuriating. Mostly when she still likes Takashi and want to be with him.

"It was merely a coincidence, I just liked this school." Yuuji replied to Takashi.

'What do you think, Lilith? About their situation.'

(I don't know, it just sounds too idiotic that I am starting to suspect that there might be something more to the situation than we know.)

Yuuji silently agreed with Lilith's statement, because just the fact that Rei started dating Hisashi was just too strange. Why would she do that? It can't be that she was so desperate to date someone, right?

Who knows, and for now even Yuuji wasn't particularly interested in finding out.

"I see, do you like it here?"

"It's ok, I won't say that I am very happy or anything, but it's fine."

Takashi laughed a little and said: "Well, who would be happy to come to school."

"Hisashi, I made some rice balls today, would you like some?" Rei suddenly asked Hisashi.

This girl! Can't she read the atmosphere?

Yuuji glanced at Takashi from the corner of his eyes and saw him wolfing down on his food as fast as he could, refusing to pay attention to anything else.

Yuuji sighed internally at this weird atmosphere, if he knew that this was going to happen, then he wouldn't have come here in the first place.

After classes ended, Yuuji was walking towards the Kendo club with leisure steps at this moment.

(Dear, you will get the grimoire by the night.)


(Considering your potential in Mana, it wouldn't be too hard for you to use basic magic in a few days.)

"Basic magic? By any chance, are there types of magic?"

(Of course. Magic is basically divided into different ranks by their complexity and strength. Take as an example, a simple fireball, it is the simplest form of magic, thus it is ranked as basic spells.)

''I see… it is surprisingly very easy to understand.''

(There are 6 rank of magic.

- Basic tier

- intermediate tier

- advanced tier

- Spiritual tier

- world tier

- God tier

The power level and the complexity of the spells increase exponentially in each rank.)

"…And... Let me take a guess, I can't reach the god tier with my talent alone, right?"

(Correct. As expected of my husband.)

Lilith exclaimed with a proud tone while Yuuji had a nonchalant look: "It wasn't that hard to predict. The name itself tells it all, and if anyone could have access to God tier magic, then the current balance of power in multiverse would take a big hit."

(It is truly amazing that you could deduct that much with so little information.)

Yuuji didn't retort back this time, he was already used to her optimistic way of thinking. And there is no harm in getting praised, right?

Yuuji suddenly had another thought as he asked: "If the magic had their own ranks, then surely the grimoires are also ranked, right?"

(No. Their aren't much grimoires in existence in the first place, so their wasn't any need to distinguish them.)

"I see… But would a grimoire contain all ranks of magic?"

(It would be incorrect to say that, the knowledge is there in the grimoire, but you have to create and use the spells yourself.)

"hmm… So basically, a grimoire is a textbook from which I can learn the concept, but I will have to apply the concept somewhere else myself."


(Also, just like dear deduced earlier, you can only learn till advanced magic with effort, after that you have to summon a spirit to use spiritual magic. For using World magic, one is required to have clear understanding of the world and the laws. And finally, the God tier is pretty obvious, you would need Divinity for that.)

"That's… pretty troublesome." Yuuji mumbled with a slight frown on his face.

(Not really. There are so many minor and major world's out there, some that even I haven't explored yet. Not many are granted godhood from the get go, you just have to find the right way.)

Yuuji let out a dry chuckle and bellowed: "Sorry, I sounded a little to pessimistic just now."

(It's fine, that's the reason I am always with you.)


Here it was again! This warm feeling whenever she assures him that she is with him!

Yuuji took a deep breath to calm down his disoriented heartbeat.

Lately, his heartbeat would naturally increase whenever she would say something like that. He couldn't help it!

Yuuji realized that he was already at the front of Kendo club. He took a moment to compose himself from the recent attack and entered by sliding the door open.

Sliding the door shut again behind him, he took a look at the club room and immediately realized a major difference than yesterday.

There was no one around!

Not even a single soul could be seen in such a large room.

"You are late."

A voice came from his left making him look towards that direction.

What greeted him was the sight of a beautiful girl with straight purple hair and athletic figure.

"I was held back by some work in the classroom."

"I see."

"By the way, Senpai. Why is there no one around today?"

"I told everyone that the room is closed for today." She said as she stood up and grabbed a Shinai from the pile near her.

"Oh! Is it? No one told me, I think it's because not many students know me."

"Don't worry about that. I deliberately didn't informed you." Saeko replied as she grabbed another shinai and threw it at Yuuji.

Yuuji caught the Shinai from the air and looked at her with a curious expression.

Sensing his questioning look, Saeko looked into his eyes: "If you don't mind, can I ask for a favor?"

Yuuji considered her words and replied: "As long as it is something I can do."

A barely noticeable smile crawled up on Saeko's face as she walked over to the centre of the room

"I want have another spar with you."

Yuuji let out a small laugh "You don't have to be so serious about it, Senpai. It is just a friendly spar."

"No…. It won't be just a friendly spar…."

Suddenly, she lest towards Yuuji with her Shinai.

Barely having any time to dodge a sneak attack, Yuuji didn't had any choice but to block the attack.

Outside of his predictions, Saeko whipped her foot out at an unreasonably high speed and connected it to his ribcage

Yuuji crouched down on one of his knees as he reclined from the impact.

"Using Sneak attacks huh? Then don't expect me to hold back."

"That want I want, don't hold back. Give me everything you got."

A small grin crept up to Yuuji face as he leveraged his foot on the ground and blasted off towards her location while thrusting his shinai.

(A/n: MC's physical capabilities are double of any human as of now. He could react to the sneak attack because… it was a sneak attack?)


His shinai hit empty air as Saeko skillfully dodged him, she crouched down under his attack and thrusted her weapon to his mid section.

Using the advantages of his higher speed, Yuuji quickly jumped backwards barely missing her Shinai at skin's length.

Subconsciously, his lips arched up in a wide smile as he exclaimed: "You will have to do better than that, Senpai!!"

Saeko eyes widened visibly as she closed her eyes with a smile on her face: "Well said, Kouhai."

Opening her eyes, their was another level of seriousness. Yuuji could feel it in the air, that she is going to step up the level.

She dashed towards Yuuji with extremely fluid and nimble steps. Yuuji took his stance to defend himself from the new wave of attack.


A single drop of sweat trailed down Yuuji's scalp as he dodged another swing.

Dodging, blocking and parrying under her flurry of attacks, He soon found out a small opening while she was lifting her hand for another swing.

He moved his head to the side to dodge the incoming attack and swept at her feet.


Saeko fell down to the ground with a thud, no missing this chance, Yuuji reeled back his fist and punched at her face.


Saeko barely rolled sidewards with a hair's length of distance, the punch got connected with the wooden floor causing the whole ground to shake as if an earthquake came along.

Saeko immediately got up on her feet while her breath turned heavy. It wasn't due to exhaustion. It was because of excitement! Watching what happened to the floor and what would have happened if she didn't dodge left her short of breath in esctacy.

She looked at Yuuji with a wild gleam in her eyes, her chest heaved up and down as she clenched the Shinai.

Yuuji wasn't just waiting for her all this time, he had already bolted towards her direction.




Their weapons clashed endlessly without stopping for even take a breath.

While Saeko was using her year's worth of experience and skills, Yuuji was also taking full advantage of his own physical capabilities. Moreover, his skills were also catching up at a terrifying rate.

Yuuji jumped upwards as Saeko tried to sweep at his feet. Using this chance, Yuuji mercilessly landed a direct hit at her Left shoulder.

Saeko grunted a little in pain but didn't stopped moving. Her shinai clashed with his he thrusted at her same shoulder.

Expecting this, Saeko dodged effortlessly and delivered a horizontal slash at his face.

Yuuji was too late to realize her plan, he moved his head back but still got grazed on the nose.

Stumbling on his feet backwards, Yuuji pinched his nose as found out Blood leaking out of it.

He saw her already repositioning herself and shrugged it off like it was nothing.

He tightened the muscles of his toes and shot forward at inhuman speed again.


The sound of air whistling was heard as they both exchanged attacks with each other.


The Shinai in Saeko's hand broke apart while colliding with his attack, Yuuji took this chance thrusted at her stomach.

Saeko calmly stepped to the side, but the attack stopped Midway without any force behind it.

'A Faint?!' Saeko didn't have much time to register what happened as she felt pain from her abdominal region.

Yuuji's kneed her in the stomach causing her to fly back some distance.


Saeko coughed heavily while getting on her feet, a thin line of blood trailed down her lips…

But she finally couldn't hold back her maniacal smile!

She pulled out her hair band and tied her hair up in a bun. She silently took her stance, but her eyes were telling a different tale.

She was excited! Extremely excited!

There was a visible joy and excitement in her eyes as she positioned her footing.

Yuuji threw the almost broken Shinai away and also took a fighting stance again.

"Ready for the Round 2?" She asked with a tone barely hiding her joy.

Yuuji smirked slightly at her question and replied: "You bet."

And before even a moment later, Yuuji was already in front of Saeko with a Savage grin on his face.


His punch missed again as a small shockwave passed by her. Saeko grabbed his outstretched arm and spun around in midair.

Landing behind him, she wrapped her arm his neck and used her other hand to tighten her grip to lock him into a Neck lock.

Yuuji took a hold of her free hand and leaned forward, his back arched forward as he threw her over his shoulder.


Her body landed on the wooden floor with a thud as Yuuji again punched her on the floor.


Saeko again grabbed his hand and wrapped her legs around his neck in attempt to choke him.

Yuuji felt his strength leaving as the pressure on his neck finally overwhelmed him, in a last ditch effort, he gathered all of his remaining strength and lifted her whole body upwards with his single arm and slammed her down hard.


The wooden floor shook again due to the for e behind the crash.

Saeko's grip on his arm loosened up resulting in him to finally breath again.

Not having any strength to fight anymore, Saeko lied down on the floor while her chest heaving up and down with sweat covering her clothes and body.

Having used all of his remaining strength on that last attack, Yuuji also fell down beside her. His face looked bloodied due to all the blood from his nose.

Saeko was also not in a better conditon, she was feeling pain all over her body, especially her shoulder and abdomen, with blood still on her teeth.



Neither of them said anything for a few minutes until they had finally caught their breaths and regained enough energy to stand up again.

Wobbling up on her feet, Saeko looked at Yuuji and said: "Can I know your name, Kouhai?"

"Kazami Yuuji, it is nice to formally meet you." Yuuji said while holding out his hand.

Saeko looked at his hand, and then at him again, and then started laughing lightly with her hand on her mouth…

After a few moments, she stopped and replied:

"…And after all that."

"It was certainly a great experience." Yuuji grinned while wiping the blood off his face.

Saeko looked at him with a worried look: "Are you going to be Ok? Should we go to the nurse?"

Yuuji shook his head and replied: "I'm fine, what about you?"

"These wounds are nothing to me." Saeko assured with a smile.

But that didn't seem to be the truth, as she was not standing straight and her smile looked a little strained.

Yuuji chuckled at her effort to look strong and bellowed: "I'm going to the nurse office, would you please accompany me there?"

Yuuji asked with a pleading look. He knew that she will most likely refuse to go if he told her to, so he had to take a roundabout method.

Saeko nodded her head and tried to walk near him, but her footsteps immediately stumbled.

Being close enough to her, Yuuji immediately came to the rescue and used his arm to catch her falling body.

They looked into each other's eyes for a moment, but Yuuji immediately pulled her back to her feet.

"…Um... Thank you, Kazami-kun." She said while slightly blushing.

"Since we are already close enough..." Yuuji said with a meaningful look "… It will be fine for you to call me Yuuji."

"Then it would only be fair for you to also call me Saeko."

Yuuji nodded his head and supported her with his shoulder since he knew that she would have trouble walking alone.

Putting her hand over his shoulder, he let her lean her weight into his body. Looking at her with a smile on his face, he said: "Let's go."

Saeko stared at his face while being slightly out of it, realizing that he was already looking ahead, she also snapped out of her daze.

Just like that, The duo left shoulder to shoulder while leaving the silent room behind.

Cute_lama Cute_lama

finally 1M!!

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