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Chapter 20: Chapter 20

"Where is he? Did I bring all these people for nothing?" Shigaraki Tomura watched the frightened students from afar, he was not interested in these weak students, what he was looking for was All Might. Unfortunately, he would not find it since All Might was resting elsewhere.

"Isn't he here? Maybe, if I kill some kids he'll show up." Then, he stood still while the various villains he brought marched forward towards the group of students and the two teachers.


"I will leave the students in your care, Thirteen," Aizawa spoke and Thirteen agreed with a nod. After seeing Thirteen's nod, Aizawa jumped towards the group of villains. He held in his hands a type of cloth that was made of a very resistant material.

Some villains tried to stop him from moving forward, but Aizawa looked at them making them unable to use his quirk, taking advantage of the villains' surprise he captured them by throwing the fabric and threw them on the floor, causing them to be knocked out. Aizawa's quirk was called "Erasure" when he looked at a person that person was unable to use his quirk.

Aizawa continued to run among the villains while quickly defeating them. Even though he was surrounded, they represented little danger to him because his hand-to-hand combat skills were good.

Shigaraki Tomura watched this whole scene from a distance, he was getting irritated, it was noticeable because he was scratching his neck.


"Professor Aizawa is managing to fight so many!" Kirishima spoke while running. Since Aizawa started to draw the attention of the enemies and defeat several of them, Thirteen has guided us to run towards the exit. Everyone followed orders quickly and was already getting close to the exit.

But when we were getting close, a black vortex appeared in front of us. Coming out of this black vortex, a mist of dark purple hovered in front of us.

"Nice to meet you, we are the league of villains." Kurogiri began to introduce himself, even revealing the purpose of his invasion which was to kill All Might. Bakugo and Kirishima looked at each other and waved at each other, then they ran towards Kurogiri trying to attack him by surprise.

"Idiots." I watched that scene and I couldn't help but think they were naive. Thirteen was about to act, but he had to restrain himself because of his students' hasty attitude.

Kurogiri ended up not taking any damage, but this attack made him realize that these students were the future heroes, so the purple mist spread and involved all the students he got. Before the fog enveloped me, I moved away from my colleagues, I planned to fall into a more deserted area.

Soon, everything went dark and the fog enveloped me.


"What place is this ... mountain area?" Yes, I had fallen into an interesting place, no environmental circumstances would hinder my quirk. A few moments after I fell, I heard several steps coming towards me.

"Oh?" One of the villains looked at me and licked his lips, his eyes reflected pure will to kill. I felt this intention to kill, but what bothered me most was the aura that this villain exuded, it was so heavy that I forgot to breathe for a moment.

"Child, don't be afraid, I'll be quick." He had the appearance of a reptile and carried a knife in one hand. I just watched as he approached me, when he got close enough and tried to stab me, I swerved to the side and slammed my hand into his hand, causing him to drop the knife.

Then, I activated my quirk which caused my whole body to exude tremendous heat. The villain noticed this and shivered a little before trying to run. Of course, I wouldn't allow him to leave so easily.

"AHHHH!" I kicked both of his legs quickly causing two burn marks shaped like my feet to appear on his legs, the villain felt a giant pain and stumbled under one knee.

"I see ... I think I know what that heavy aura is." While fighting, something came to my mind. This guy is a villain, so he probably committed a lot of crimes during his life, which means he must have sinned a lot, maybe he did so many atrocities that his sins condensed around him.

Only I could feel it since I am no longer a human but a demon, which makes me have a greater sensitivity to these things. Maybe that's why I like being around people like Uraraka, Iida, and Akio they have a nice aura.

"If you tell me what your crimes are ..." I paused to make suspense.

"I can let you go." The villain who believed he was finished looked at me with wide eyes, he did not expect that he could escape being arrested or something. He didn't understand why I wanted him to talk about his crimes, but he didn't care about that and started telling me what he did wrong.

<You received 45 Sin Points.>

"In the end, I received this large amount just because he confessed. I was not surprised by this, he told me the things he did. He has already killed five people, one of whom was a brother and his mother, not only that, but he also practiced several robberies.

"You ... don't deserve forgiveness." I was genuinely infuriated, especially when he said that he killed his mother, but I still held back until he finished talking. Still furious, I punched his chest while wearing my quirk on my wrist.

<You received 180 points of sin.>

My punch hit his chest, the heat in my fist was so great that his skin gave way easily and I burned his flesh before hitting him heavily. The heavy aura that existed around him, was absorbed by my body and was converted into points of sin.

"I killed ..." I always thought that when I killed someone, I would feel terrible. But far from it, I felt peace. Yes, I felt a peace I felt like my body accepted it, my blood boiled with excitement. I never felt so good.

After experiencing this sensation, I wanted to kill more. But before that I had to hide this body, I contained my desire and hid the villain's body in a nearby location.

After that, I ran into the mountainous area. Every time I met an enemy, I ended it after he confessed his crimes, which earned me a lot of points. More than that, I was satisfied and realized that my quirk was getting stronger and stronger.

<Heat (2)>

<Experience 920/1000>

"Interesting ... So fighting is the best way to improve myself." My EXP went up 40 points after I defeated 4 villains using my quirk, that was as big an increase as training 2 hours for 5 days.

"Hunting time," I whispered with a small smile as I moved quickly through the mountain area.

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