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Chapter 33: the destruction of the demon court

Sora appeared before the demon court, a huge court that gave off a powerful demonic Qi. unlike the newly formed heavenly court, this court had many planets and stars around it. of course, the newly formed heavenly court these, but were destroyed.

Sora pulled out a random spear, it gave off a powerful aura which was an early immortal emperor realm, which was equal to Sora's sun dip state. Azura dragon flames covered the flames, as Sora threw the spear at the demon court. the spear transformed into a huge dragon, around 10% of the court

Sora had time to stop on this spear, So, it went through the barrier without stopping, the spear went on to shoot towards the count, but demon experts moved to stop it. but these the immortal emperor grade items, but they were all pierced through and sent flying while coughing up blood.

a huge hole appeared within the court, many demons were killed, and others were badly injured, Sora with hands behind his back calmly walked up to the barrier and looked down onto the court.

" Today, if the demon court doesn't submit, then I will make sure this court and all demons within the first heaven disappear," Sora said calmly, as he watched countless demon beasts raise to face him, all with rage as they looked at him

"You're Ba?" a demon at half step immortal emperor asked with cold eyes, he had 4 arms, and his skin was a dark red. he was the temporary leader of the heavenly court, as the leader demon court since the 6-immortal emperor of the court have disappeared to a world outside the 33 heavens to listen to a powerful expert talk about the Dao

"Yes, I am your father. now, help me, your father gets these fools to submit," Sora said calmly. the half-step immortal emperor froze for a second before his eyes turned cold, with a step, he pulled back his fist and punched forward towards Sora, a huge fist important rushed towards Sora before it transformed into a huge demonic dragon.

this demon was not holding back and went for a killing blow, Sora last attack was too odd. he didn't want any mistake before the court, so he had to kill Sora quickly, but before everyone sucked his eyes, Sora opened his mouth and sucked the attack it, eating it.

"Not bad... the flavor could be improved, a bit dark as well, you should work on that, it would bring out the taste," Sora said softly, making all the experts quiet, unable to comprehend what Sora just said.

"He really does have a godly technique. get him, once we search his memories, we could go through his memories. we could all reach the immortal emperor reach, and ascend..." the dark red demon yelled, but he quickly moved to block a defeat beam Sora shot at him, but he found he couldn't stop the demon beam and was punched back towards the demon court. horror filled his eyes as he found himself unable to move the attack in the slightest, the attack was also too quick, something which he couldn't outrun.

Panic filled his heart as he released what was about to him, he quickly moved his heart around as he slammed into the demon count. the beam shot through his defense, and through his chest, and continue flying through the demon court. he coughed up a mouthful of blood, before looking at Sora he had pointed at him in horror.

"I don't want to slaughter you all, just submit, and we can all move on with our lives. I will not hesitate to lead a blood bath. it would benefit me more if I killed you all..." Sora said as he slowly narrowed his eyes. the demons all looked at their captain, but the demons were not like the buddha,

they let out a cry as they gathered into a formation, which connected them all into a huge 6-arm demon that had 3 heads. with weapons in each other, they rushed toward Sora. the weapons were all formed from energy but were as rare as rare could be

Sora could still absorb them, but there was one problem. they were too fast, this formation was of a higher grade than the one used by the demons, they came together to form a warrior capable of fighting those within the immortal emperor realm. even a mid immortal emperor could die before this warrior.

Sora flashed backward as portals appeared behind him, he was not strong enough to fight an immortal emperor. even a half-step immortal emperor was something he couldn't handle, Sora didn't come here to fight but to destroy. and since they will not submit, death was all that waited them

"Begone," Sora said as the demons rushing towards him suddenly froze as they saw a barrier of golden portals form around him. their eyes shrank as billions... no trillions of immortal emperor grade weapons rained down upon them from all directions.

They exploded with power as they tried to block these weapons, lucky for them time was not topped so they could block them all, but it used a lot of energy, and many demons were injured within just the first wave. as they breathed heavily, they looked towards Sora and almost coughed blood seeing he was just sitting on a throne watching them with a cup of wine in his hands

"Good, the first wave. let me call those weapons back and begin with the second." Sora said with a smile, as the demon's face placed as they saw more weapons pecking out of the portals, while the weapons which they had block disappearing.

"You can submit whenever. just now by the 3rd wave, I will not give you time to breathe. and don't think I'm lunching these weapons out at full power. they can fly out as fast as I want, plus I have all their ability active. I'm really, I'm going easy on you fools" Sora said with a helpless sigh, the demons all looked at each other

but they believed there must be a drawback from using all of these weapons with his strength, So, with a battle cry, he rushed towards Sora, but as soon as they moved, all of the weapons rained down, leaving them in a sorry state. Sora had the self-movement technique; it took no time for him to lunch the attacks

just imagine a sun dip Sora throwing these weapons with everything he had. that's how fast these weapons can be launched from the portal, of course, the speed these weapons were traveling was even fast than Sora's speed,

"I'm a man who has no equal when I give something everything I have. I have ways to deal with a peak immortal emperor, they you trash believe yourself to be able to handle me? this will be the last I speak, submit or die?" Sora said calmly, ad he drip the win with crossed legs. the demons in front of him could barely move and were badly injured, they looked at Sora in anger, even with the formation all most destroyed, they were not willing to give up. they were different from the buddha court

"Sigh... really am moved. I will kill you all with some respect, I will personally fight you all." Sora said with a smile as he jumped off the throne and transformed into a huge golden dragon, everyone was shocked to see a huge lizard with wings suddenly appear, they have never seen a dragon like this. but they still moved to fight

of course, had moved and weakened them, they barely had the power to fight a half-step, immortal emperor. Sora had killed the half-step immortal emperor on the second wave of attack. now, they were not too strong that Sora was helpless, or too weak that Sora could win.

it was a battle where Sora could struggle with all his might to put up a fight, and still lose. of course, Sora did this to push himself to grow stronger, Ling Han was getting stronger at the moment while he did what? become a dad, he has truly become soft.

Sora clashed with Warrier formed out of the formation the demons were in, it now only had 3 arms, but it was strong enough to send Sora flying with a simple attack, leaving Sora badly injured. but Sora's healing speed was something not to be looked down upon, Sora slowed down thanks to the intents left within his body, but Sora just used his eye's ability to absorb them and rush back into battle

this both helped speed up his healing speed, and also helped strengthen him and restore his energy, when the demons noticed this, they stopped living their intents within Sora and aimed to kill with one blow.

the battle went on for a few days until Sora let out a heaven-shaking roar, the demons were sent flying back as they wished Sora from form slowly compressing and taking the form of a human, and lastly turning into Sora.

{congregation host on changing the dragon transformed into a human-like form. in this form, the host speed is not weakened, but the defense capability is weakened. meanwhile, in the dragon form, the host speed is lower while the defense capability is high..} the system said as Sora smiled slightly, as he looked at the scales on his body

the dragon form was really annoying as Sora couldn't stand being so large. he liked fighting in a humanoid-like form, that's where his combat capability will be shone to the peak. so, he is stronger in this form than in a dragon form.

Sora would have not been able to do this without the frost demon cultivation art, it gave him a high control of his body which Sora used to get this form. it took some beating to get it, but in the end, he got it.

Sora flashed as he dodged a spear attack and rushed back into battle. this time the battle was not Sora just getting beaten up, as Sora could dodge from time to time now. this battle went on for a long time, and soon Sora felt like he was about to touch up a new form. a form above super Saiyan blue. but before he could, the demons reached their limits,

the formation broke as demons to tried to move floated there while looking at Sora in shock, and horror.

"What a disappointment..." Sora said calmly as he used the supreme illusion, it took a few minutes to charge the supreme illusion to affect this many people, but when charged, Sora launched the illusion, the order was simple, be loyal to Sora. So

just as the illusion was launched, Sora rubbed his eyes. at that moment a demon appeared behind Sora and stabbed him in the chest. this was a half-step immortal emperor, even Sora didn't sense his moment. he was so skilled and fast, even if Sora saw it coming, he would be too slow to dodge.

but the attack went through Sora without injuring Sora in the slight, Sora frowned as he slashed and looked towards the demon who attacked. the demon attacked Sora once more, but the attack went through Sora, without a second thought the demon turned to rush.

Sora had the space god ability. Sora's body parts that would have been touched were sent into his pocket space, giving the illusion that the attack just went through him. this effect happened on its own, Sora had to think of nothing. he didn't even know that he was attacked until he felt the technique active.

Sora watched the demon disappear before Zanno appeared in his hands,

"Face the wrath of the all-powerful," Sora said coldly, he had no idea where this demon came from or where he ran off to, but he was the target. Sora swung the sword down, and a sword blade shot forward, this bade was like a stary sky. completely dark, with some stars.

the blade disappeared as it teleported to its target, meanwhile outside the 33 heavens. the demon which had attacked Sora was flying to report he failed when the blade suddenly appeared behind him. without a second thought, he moved to block the attack, but the attack went through all his defenses and hit him.

He coughed up a mouth full of blood as his body, soul, mind, Dao Heart, and even his very cultivation were attacked. everything that made him who he was, was attacked all at the same time.

His Cultivation went berserk, and his heart demons went chaotic, Sora was not strong enough to kill him, but at this rate. he will die. the demon panicked as he tried his best to stabilize this, but his cultivation was leaking, he was like a Bollom with a whole, he would soon die here. he turned and flew off towards where the demon emperor and the many other emperors were listening to the Dao from a powerful expert who stood equal to the Dao.

He burned everything he had to arrive there. and soon as he appeared. the demon emperor jumped to his feet seeing his condition, he quickly tried to heal him, but the demon life force was badly injured, even his cultivation was something he couldn't so easily heal.

"... what happened to you." He asked with gritted teeth, he sent this demon out when he felt the demon court being attacked. he was the demon emperor, so he knew all there was bout the demon, similar to Sora who was the war emperor, he had a domain of all demons within the first heaven, he knew everything that happened from Sora arriving and killing the demons sent to attack the heavenly court, to Sora destroying the demon court.

"the one who attacked him is known as Sora, he has a nice sword. a sword formed by his soul, this Sora have a right future." the expert who stood before all of the immortal emperors said with a smile, he saw everything he wanted to see within the 3 realms.

to him, the 3 realms was a book, he could freely flip through this book and see what he wanted, he wanted to see the future? he could flip to the future, the past? he could flip to the past and see it, something appeared in the book he didn't like? he will just rewrite it as he wished. of course, the heavens will not let them, but they had the capability to do so

he was just that powerful, he stood equal to the Dao, although not strong as the Dao, this gave him the power to do things such as create his own Dao, and do things that the Dao could do, but couldn't. this expert was like a god, he could do anything he wished, but he didn't dare to enter the 3 realms as the heavens would not think twice to kill him. to dare ascend and reach this level displaced the heavens, so they had to stay out of the 3 realms.

"As I have said, the future has become dark, what awaits us is the unknown, even I don't know wants coming. I believe Ling Han, Ling Yu, and Sora are going to bring forth new changes, if now, then what awaits is the defeat of this world." He said calmly, as everyone went quiet. what could block the sight of a powerful expert like this man sitting before him, the fact he believed it had something to do with those 3 meant it was.

there were many peak immortal emperors here from higher heavens, hearing the powerful expert like this looking so highly upon those 3, they sent someone to go look into them. they would not leave as staying here will greatly benefit their cultivation, So, the demon emperor will not leave.

the buddha emperor was also among the expert there and was inching to return and slap Sora dead, but he cared more about his cultivation, so he threw it to the back of his head.

meanwhile, Sora sat on a throne in the heavenly court with all the experts kneeling before him as he looked down upon them.

"The heavenly court job is to keep a balance and other stuff, I will be leaving. you can all call me when trouble appears, other than that, don't bother me." Sora said calmly as he disappeared from the throne. the experts remaining all looked at the demons, they didn't trust them but they had their orders and moved to recreate the lower realms which were destroyed.

some experts had to go to hell and reform the cycle of creation so all of those who have died can reincarnate, the heavenly court had a huge job. courts like the demonic beast and demon court moved to overthrow the heavenly court, that way they could role this heaven, and could reform this heaven to their wishes

meanwhile, Sora appeared back in the world and went to see Ling Yu. Ling Yu upon seeing Sora busted into tears as she hugged him, confusing Sora

"they hate." Ling Yu cried, confusing Sora even more. but he first calmed her down and went on to get the information out of her. Ling Yiyi and Ling Zichen have been gone for months now, and haven't come to see her. they haven't even written a latter

"Just because they haven't written in or replied to your letters doesn't mean they hate. maybe they entered closed-door cultivation, they are 5 and just left to begin their Cultivation, plus our talent, so who knows what happened," Sora said calmly as he sat her down, or of course, knew what they were doing. that necklace he gave them had his thought projection, like hell he would let his two angels out of his sight.

But Ling Yu would kill him if she knew what he did, she always complain that he didn't let the girls live life, let them make mistakes and stuff. but the last time Sora checked, he didn't give af about that, he will baby them even when they are full-grown adults.

time went by, and soon a letter came in. it was from Ling Yiyi, shockingly Ling Zichen was not the best at spelling, or reading. The two caught the attention of the sect leader and were given the chance to enter a chamber that helped them cultivate. they were already at peak level 8 iron rank,

currently, they made a place for themselves at the sect and were currently coming to pick them up. they wanted them to live at the sect where they could keep them safe,

"See, overreacting," Sora said calmly as he looked at Ling Yu who was reading the latter. but the air within the room slowly got heavy as Ling Yu coldly looked at him

"How did you know they were in closed-door cultivation." She said with narrowed eyes, Sora opened and closed his mouth slightly, but no words came out.

"I can't believe you, why must you be so protective. let them grow, they don't need you to hold their hands" Ling Yu said angrily

"Remember yesterday when you told me to wash the dishes, I threw them out and replaced them with new dishes," Sora said quickly, Ling Yu almost snapped hearing Sora's words. she completely forgot about Ling Yiyi and Ling Zichen

"I ask you to do one thing, the dishes, too hard for you. trash, too hard for you, you know what. I had enough," she said angrily as she walked off, Sora whipped his forehead, he always have something he didn't do to change the subject so she could forget whatever she was talking about.

She catches him looking at another woman, he forgot to water her plants, She goes crazy out of the blue, and he tells the story of how he almost beat a kid up for looking at his angels. works all the time, but the effect of this skill doesn't last, so, Sora had to run before she remembers.

"I almost forg..." Ling Yu froze seeing Sora had felt, she searched for Sora, but Sora had left the house long ago. later that day, Sora returned with flowers in his hands, which made Ling yu forget the whole speech she had ready for him

a few days later, Ling Yiyi and Zichen arrived on top of flying swords. 5-year-olds who were at the peak of level 8 iron rank, Sora was of course proud. these two girls also have the super Saiyan transform already and have awkward their sage eyes. they were complete monsters, not adding the effect they had Ling Yu's true yin energy, they had the potential to be even stronger than Sora.

"Daddy." Ling Zichen said as she jumped into Sora's hands, while Ling Yiyi jumped into Ling Yu.

"you two must tell use everything, how was the sect?" Sora asked with a smile, as he put Ling Zichen on his shoulder.

"it's amazing, we became the holy maiden. we are considered the best talents to ever appear in the sect. but this annoying boy within the sect will not stop bothering me, he is the sect leader's son. so he can do whatever he wants. he is so annoying." Ling Zichen said with a frown, killing intent appeared in Sora's eyes, but it disappeared when Ling Yu gave him a cold stair

they went inside as Ling Zichen and Ling Yiyi told them about their experience within the sect, they even showed them their super Saiyan transformation, sage eyes, dragon force, the self-movement state, and lastly, their least liked the form. the one mode, which made Sora spit out the drink from his mouth seeing a woman in that state.

unlike Sora who grew large and had huge muscles, they grew taller and had a ripped bodies filled with muscles. they were only 5, the sight was just of a 5-year-old girl with an 8 pack, it was a bit funny seeing

So. after a meal Sora cooked; they all eat before Ling Yiyi and Zichen took them to the sect, but Ling Yu had to say bye to her friends within the city. it was more like showing off her children, and acting like it was going to be a huge problem moving away

"You have no shame," Sora said as he looked at her, Ling Yu snorted. she was a bored housewife; she was going to show off what she made. plus, one of the women in this city got a pill which made her look 10 years young from her son, while she was here looking like a 40+-year-old woman, that woman had shown off, and made her feel she was old. not she could get her payback,

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