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Chapter 16: Danganronpa Plus

Chapter 16- Hope Dreams Part 2

(Protagonist Change: Terry Oda >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fei Fong)

"Hey Fei how do I look?" asked Sue.

"Alright" I replied honestly.

"Alright isn't good enough. I have to look my very best in this performance. Mom and Dad are going to be there to watch us upfront. Aren't you excited" Sue said cheerfully.

"Meh, I just want this to be over with quickly" I said tiresomely. I brushed my hair and waited for my sister to put make up on her face. "I can't stand you sometimes you know that Fei. Smile for the family at least for today will you" said Sue.

"I will when my character is instructed to" I stated. "I don't mean by the script. I mean smile to them because you want to" said Sue. "Oh, I'll do that" I said bluntly. Sue and I were preparing ourselves for the most important performance of our lives. We've done plays on stage in the past but this is the first time our parents took time out of their busy schedule to watch us in person.

Our father wanted us to follow his footsteps of being a Doctor while our mother was a famous Song Artiste. Sue and I rarely saw either of the two while we were growing up but one thing was apparent. Despite not being around us all the time we could feel their love for us with every conversation we had. Sue pinched me on my forehead and said "I hope you're ready Mr. Knighty".

"Make sure not to call me that on stage. It's Sir Knight" I corrected.

The play we were planning on doing was one that's made up by yours truly. I wanted an positive romantic play that won't leave you in a sorrow mood after watching it. The Queen who is married to King Michael is in love with one of her knights which is me The Queen made a decision to run away with the knight to a far away village to live happily ever after. King Michael was furious that her wife ran away from him so he hunted her down until he found them. After finding them the knight and the King had a duel for the Queen and the Knight ended up victorious. After the king's defeat he acknowledged the Queen's relationship with the Knight and moved on with his life. It ended happily with the Knight and The Queen having a baby. "I'm the knight, Sue's the Queen, My classmate Arnold is the King" I told myself.

Sue and I along with the rest of the cast went on stage and began with a woman narrating at the beginning about the Queen's dilemma. After that Sue confessed to me in front of many other Knights. I was surprised and speechless at first but I quickly declined. The other knights were watching so I couldn't answer her feelings truthfully.

Later on that day when no one was around the Queen and I confessed our love to each other. This part was uncomfortable for me. If I had went to more than one audition then maybe I wouldn't have felt this way but saying I love you to my twin felt weird. We were supposed to kiss under the full moon but I wasn't ready. Sue saw the uncertainty in my eyes and kissed me without warning. After we were off stage she shouted at me angrily.

"This is why you should have went to practice! You better not screw this up jackass! Our mother and father are watching!" she shouted.

I apologized "Sorry but there's no way I would kiss you audition or not. The director is a sick jerk for making siblings play these two roles".

We continued the play up to the finale when Arnold who had the role of King Michael and I dueled for the Queen's love. We were using wooden swords but we were allowed to hit each other as hard as we wanted. Arnold went overboard and started rushing me with hits after hits as if he forgot I was the one supposed to win this duel. I ended up having to go off script and disarm him instead of running him through.

When the play was over two men walked up to the cast and singled out Sue and I. They offered us a role in a upcoming action film with children beating adults. Sue was so excited she didn't even spend anytime thinking about the offer. She accepted it right away. I declined the offer though, I don't like acting to a point I would want to be in a movie.

After getting Sue's contact information the men said that they will call her in ten days. We went to our parents after that to see what they thought of the play. As expected our father didn't like the idea of siblings playing the lovey dovey role but our mom loved it. She recorded the entire thing and said that she was going to spend all night watching it. This day was going to be one of my favorite. I played a main role as the knight in front of my parents and we were about to go out for dinner which we have never done before.

I honestly thought things couldn't get any better than this.

"I shouldn't have thinked that" I said getting up out of bed. I yawned and looked at the time. "Seriously, it's just 1:22am. I should get some more sleep" I said to myself. I went to the bathroom thinking about the dream I just had.

"I never got to have dinner with them" I said remembering what happened. When we exited our car some guys drove passed us and shot both my mother and father. Even I got shot at but it luckily grazed me. "When my parents were alive it was just Sue and I. After they were gone it was just Sue and I again….. Well not this time. She's gone now"

"I made Ricardo kill her" I said washing my face. "Now I have to live with that guilt. This is my punishment". I thought back to the play I dreamt about and realized something surprisingly. Proof that my sister may not have hated me after all. "I frozed at the moment when I was supposed to kiss her. Did she do it because she wanted the play to go off smoothly or didn't want me to look like a fool on stage. The best thing I can do is interpret that action the way I want. I can have that at least"

I was heading back to my dorm room until I saw Cj outside looking at the sky. I walked up to him and asked "What are you doing out here at his hour?".

"Friends are what hold people back. I can't believe I lost such an important code" he randomly stated.

(Protagonist Change: Fei Fong >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cj Coley)

I heard the scream of my classmate Julie so I hurried inside the classroom. As I entered I was surprised to see my friends Canron, Basil and Ray bullying a defenseless girl. They were pulling on Julie's hair trying to take her hair pin. "Hey why are you guys bullying her?" I asked confused.

They aren't the type of guys who'd harm a girl for no reason. One of my friends replied to me " My girlfriend's birthday is today and she'll be angry if I don't give her anything. Julie's hairpin looks awesome and expensive so that should do fine".

"Don't worry Cj it's none of your business man. When you get a girl you will understand" said another friend.

I turned my attention to Julie who looked like she was gonna cry. It felt like time froze waiting for me to make an important decision. "Should I help Julie or should I let my friends do what they want" I wondered.

"If I lose my friendship with these guys I know my school life will be boring. Damn sorry Julie" I thought. I turned a blind eye and let them do what they wanted to Julie. I looked around and saw that the rest of my classmates were pretending not to notice Julie getting bullied. That made me feel less guilty of myself. One year later I ended up regretting my decision that day. I became class captain and I had a responsibility to uphold. I was serious about my position and made sure that everyone in my class followed the rules.

Julie was still getting picked on by my friends so once again I had to make a decision. "My friends became jerks. Should I still keep them or not" I wondered to myself. For days I asked myself that question. Before I became friends with Canron, Basil and Ray I was always alone. I never had any friends and everyone thought I was too awkward to be around. "What made those guys approach me?"

Canron and the others made my life had less solitude in it. If I break the friendship I have with them there is no gurantee I will ever feel wanted ever again. "Alright I decided. I know I am the class captain but I value my friends more even if they are jerks now" I said strongly.

I ignored all the bad things my friends did and focused on everyone else in class. I could feel the hostility and the hatred coming from my classmate whenever I forbid them from doing something and not doing the same thing to my friends. I feel like a villain more than what I wanted to be. Throughout the rest of my elementary years my teachers always appointed me in charge of my classmates and honestly sometimes I wished they didn't. Even when I decline their offer they still force it on me.

Everyone began hating me because of how I was treating them unfairly comparing to Canron, Basil and Ray so on my last year of elementary I decided to neglect my responsibilities. I let the students do what they want. Once again I made a terrible decision just because I was afraid to be alone.

One day my teacher brought me in the staff office and told me some horrible news. "From seeing your performance from the first grade coming up I'd say it's a no brainer to make you the student council president" said the teacher.

"No, no, please I don't want that kind of responsibility" I pleaded.

"Why not? You know you would do a wonderful job if you got the position" said my teacher.

"You don't understand. I am already hated by so many people, I don't want to be hated by more" I stated.

"Haha, Cj you are not hated. Come on tell me everything. What's making you rejecting my offer? You are a prodigy we can't ignore Cj. You are the best person for the job" said my teacher.

"What will I be doing exactly?"

"Observe different classes and ensure they are disciplined, help us teachers with activities, represent all the students outside the school and more. You have been class captain four years straight so you have nothing to worry about" My teacher cheered.

I sighed with regret and told my teacher everything. "I don't deserve to be president. All I do is treat people unfairly. I can't bring myself to tell my friends to shut up in class, to put away their phones, to stop leaving class or even to stop bullying a poor innocent girl. I am just a pathetic loser who is just clinging on to my friends afraid to be alone again" I explained.

My teacher quickly gave me a hard slap on the wrist. "This is a surprise. If your friends are bullies you shouldn't be hanging with them. Go make new friends" he said.

"Easier said than done"I replied.

"Cj! I advise you to abandon anyone who forces you to make any life changing decision. Friends are like seasons, they change all the time. They are not always there. Why make a life changing decision because of the weather. If you treat everyone unfairly like you said then you are probably hated by a lot. Was that cost worth letting your friends do what they want? What if one of those people who hates you now was a potential soul mate you fool. Cj today is the day. I want you to do what is best for you and only you".

I lowered my head ashamed of my past decisions.

"I am glad we had this talk. I never knew you were conflicted all this time. I bet you will feel a lot better if you break ties from those good for nothings. Those friends aren't going to be with you forever so what's the point of clinging" my teacher preached.

I stood up and nodded agreeing.

"You are right sir, I am a fool. It isn't too late to break the ties and live how I like freely. Thanks sir"I said gratefully. My teacher's words was a strong wake up call. I don't need people like Canron, Basil and Ray anymore.

"Being afraid of solitude is a pitiful excuse".

When I arrived home my mind flashed on Julie who was always getting bullied especially by Ray. "Tomorrow I am definitely going stop him if he dares to harm her" I said to myself.

The next day as expected Ray bullied Julie for her lunch. I walked up to him furiously and grabbed him tight by his shoulders. "Hey Ray!" I shouted.

Everyone in the class turned their attention to me. Stares were everywhere and if became uncomfortable for me real fast. "I came on too strong" I thought to myself. Ray frowned and asked me "What is it Cj?"

I took my hands off him and said "Nothing is wrong, I just need to talk with you privately. You too Canran and Basil".

I went at the back of the school and the others followed me. "Hey Cj what was that. I was trying to get something from Julie today" said Ray upsettingly. "Shut up you parasite. Didn't your mother give you money this morning. Stop bullying Sue" I said getting straight to the point.

"I knew this time would come eventually. Cj you better watch yourself. You aren't the boss of us" said Canran.

"If you continue to bully her I have no choice but to report you. That's all I got to say and I will even go as far to call the police on you if that doesn't fix anything. Don't test me" I said seriously.

"This boy must be tripping hahahaha. You finally mustered enough courage to tell us what to do eh Cj. We're done here" Basil laughed while walking away. I ran up to him and pushed him against the wall. "The hell you mean by mustering up courage! Right now I have a lot of pent up frustration I have to let out. Don't push me!" I shouted.

"You've never told us what to do before. Why is that?" Basil asked with a smirk. "He's afraid obviously, we scare him" Ray added.

I headbutted Ray two times and told them "You are right Basil. We are done here. Since I now don't care for your company I will make you guys bow down to me if I have to" I said angrily. I don't really mean what I said but when you are in the mood you say anything.

Canran and Ray pushed me away from Basil and they started stomping on me. I took all their hits until I managed to stand up. We ended up fighting each other. Because of my rage I felt like I could take on ten of them and still win. By time I was finished with Basil his arms were both broken. As for Canran he surrendered while Ray got stomped repeatedly by my left foot.

After the fight I quickly headed to the principal's office and told them what I did. The principal and I were good friends since I helped him out in the past. He let my one fight slide but punished the other three. The next day I was appointed Student Council President. I found it funny how I started the fight and even injured Basil and Ray but I still got away with it. That's the power of good image.

For the rest of my school days I try my best to redeem myself for the things I did for four years. I thought about talking to Julie because she seemed like she was lonely like I was but everytime I try she moves away. "I bet she thinks that I am a jerk" I sighed.

"I guess I was a jerk in her eyes" I thought to myself.

Two years later I was scouted by Hopes Peak as the Super High School Level Moral Compass.

I woke up with a strong sense of confusion. "Moral Compass? Me? I can't believe I forgot that. I was the Ultimate Moral Compass but I exchanged titles with a friend. No serioiusly how did I not remember that until now" I wondered to myself. I got up out of bed feeling dizzy. It felt like I finally woke up from a horrible dream. I finally climbed out of the well safe and sound. I sat outside one a bench and looked up at the stars. "Now I understand, why I like the stars so much" I smiled looking up. "Unlike most things in this world that are always changing the stars remain the same. They haven't gotten less beautiful from the first time I've let my eyes on them" I sighed. Fei surprisingly sat beside me and apologized "I am sorry Cj".

"I knew Sue was going to kill Jasmine sooner or later. I could have stopped all of this if I really cared. I made you lose your friendship with Shawn and Alisa. You must hate me" said Fei depressingly.

"No I don't, friends are like seasons. They change here and there you know. Don't worry about it Fei. You and I are friends for now right" I smiled. Fei nodded yes in reply.

Without their knowledge Julie was listening on their conversation in the bushes. She stared at Cj wondering which one is he. "Is he the one in my dream? Or someone else now?" Julie wondered to herself. Cj and Julie had the exact same dream but from different views. She witnessed everything that Cj has done and realized the profound change he made through it. "Don't die on me" Julie thought to herself.

The night continues with everyone having their little dream.

(Protagonist Change: Cj Coley >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Paul Burst)

"Paul, lets go!"

"Today is our sparring practice!" my father shouted.

I got up out of bed yawning from exhaustion. "Dad there's no need to be loud. I'll be at the dojo after breakfast" I said tiresomely. My father sat in the middle of our dojo and waited for me to finish my breakfast. When I arrived my father gave me a sucker punch to the face sending me flying up into the air.

When I landed on my face my father immediately laughed at my slow reaction speed. "Hahahahaha, when I was your age boy I could dodge a punch like that with my eyes closed literally" my father bragged. Karl Burst! The strongest martial artist and street fighter who owns a dojo. A very big one in fact but it's too bad that he has no pupils.

My father tried relentlessly day after day trying to get a pupil to teach his way of the martial arts but no one is brave enough to step foot in his dojo. Absolutely no one and this resulted in my father treating me more like his disciple than his son. We started sparring and it became clear that my old man was getting slower. I adjusted to his full speed since I was twelve so dodging his attacks was never an issue. The problem is when he makes contact with one of his fists.

My father punched me in the gut then slammed me hard on the floor. "Are you alright?" he asked pretending to be concerned. I shook off the pain and replied "Yeah whatever, let's continue". We fought for half a day and I only managed to get one win in. We ate dinner together and a surprising topic came up. "Hey son" said Karl.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Have you ever wished you lived with your mother instead of me?" he asked out of the blue.

I put my plate down and scratched my head. Without I doubt I love being around my mother and the rest of my siblings but there's that feels off. "When I am with them something feels lacking. That's not where I belong. My mother and my brothers and sisters are living normal lives. I don't want to follow their footsteps. I much rather be like you, the strongest street fighter ever" I said seriously.

"I see, thanks Paul. Sometimes I think I am forcing you to be like me. I just want to make sure that you are enjoying your life" my father stated. I nodded in reply. We spent the rest of the day with my father teaching me a technique called Zone.

"What's the zone?" I asked.

"It's a state of mind where your body and mind are at its peak. The ability to use hundred percent of your capabilities and your senses are heightened to a point you can predict movements more easily" said father.

"Oh, that sounds familiar. Have I been in that state of mind before?" I asked curiously.

"Yep you have many of times. That's how you are able to beat me sometimes. Anyone can reach in the zone but that's mostly when they are pushed to their limits maybe physically or mentally. And what I mean by push I don't mean drain to absolutely zero. You just won't compute if that's the case. I am able to put my state of mind in the zone anytime I want" said Karl.

My father spent the rest of the day teaching me how to get in the zone. He beat me up every ten minutes and have me do boring meditation to clear my mind from all distractions. Apparently the more you think the lower the chance of getting in the zone. After three weeks of practicing I almost gave up. I didn't see the point of continuing this dumb training.

One day my father got fed up with my slow progress and challenged me to a duel. The winner gets to claim the title of the strongest man in the world. "I wanted this title for the longest time so there's no way I would pass it up" I thought.

When we actually started our duel my father didn't start off easy like he normally would. He swiftly ran towards me and swept me off my feet. Before I hit the floor he kicked me towards the wall and still pressed on showing no mercy. When I hit the wall he was already there punching me in the face repeatedly. One of my father's punches felt like a boulder being thrown at you.

"Son you're not hurt are you?" He said worriedly as he pummeled my face in the wall.

I eventually kicked him off of me and called for a time out. Normally my father wouldn't give time outs until the fight was over but he luckily gave me one. "Why are you fighting so hard?" I asked upsettingly. "For you to fight harder to keep up. I'm giving you five minute break" said Karl. "Make it three you jerk, I swear once I can started feel my face again I'm going to pummel yours" I said angrily. We continued and this time I played more agile to avoid any boulder hits. Before I knew it my father surprised me with a jump kick that was moving so fast I knew I couldn't dodge it.

"If I'm going get kicked anyways bring it!"

I braced myself for the kick and took it like a champ. I almost felt like vomiting but there's was no time. My father was about to elbow me in the head. At that moment everything around me stopped or should I say it felt like time stopped. I grabbed my father's hands and pushed him away. My body felt light and I started moving without thinking much about what to do next. My father went in for a swing up I ducked and strangled him. I bent his knees and made him kneel on the floor and continued to strangle him with my chokehold. After ten seconds of choking my father threw in the towel happily. "You did it, that was without a doubt the zone. All you have to do is remember the feeling you had just now. It should be easier to willingly tap into that way" said my father.

I didn't care much about that though. "You threw in the towel. That means I won the title of the strongest man" I said with a smirk.

I woke up laughing at the dream I had. "That's not what happened. I lost that fight spectacularly even after tapping into the zone hahaha. That dream is a lie. I wish I could have taught Ricardo that trick" I said disappointedly.

Xavier doesn't get a dream Upupupupupupuh!

Why doesn't he get a dream?

Gee, I wonder?

Monoplus walked up to Izuru Kamakura and asked "When are you going to leave?"

"As soon as at least one of these kids come to their senses" Hajime replied upsettingly. Hajime continued to play video games as Monoplus watched him angrily.

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