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Chapter 18: Danganronpa Plus

Chapter 18- Futile Effort Begins

It was around 5 am when I woke up. Over an hour A sense of unease has been lurking around my room ever since I've entered it last night. Am I being watched? Shawna might have planted hidden cameras in my room. Damn it, I don't even feel safe in my room anymore. "Two days". That's the time it will take for my escape plan to happen. Fei and I have given it some thought.

How can we bypass the walls and escape? The two of us struggled a bit but soon a fine idea came to minds. For our plan to work, we need two others to cooperate with us for this to work. The first stage of our plan is to get Julie and Terry to cooperate with us. Those two did not agree to Alisa's contract just as Fei and I did.

Honestly we only need Terry for our escape, Julie is just a bonus. Thanks to my memories returning bit by bit, I now know an unbelievable truth about Julie.

I left my room to confirm my suspicion. If there is a chance I am being watched by Shawna, I need to know. I knocked on her door repeatedly until she decided to open her door. "What is it?" she asked.

"Did you set cameras in my room?".


In response to my question, she slammed the door in front of me. "I'm Busy! Go away now" she shouted from the other side.

"Awfully rude". Bad students usually don't live a fulfilling life when in my presence. Now, what should I do with her? Her door almost broke my nose, she showed little remorse too.

…....."I got it". The bathroom next to the dormitory has a mop inside. I'll put it to good use right now.

BAANGG!! As I bang my hands on Shawna's door I shouted for her to hear. "You will regret this". Her reaction to my question says it all. She is most definitely spying on me for whatever reason. Invading one's privacy like this is going too far. I quickly headed for the mop then returned.

With one thrust of the mop stick, I busted a hole through Shawna's door. After that, I began punching the edges to make the hole even larger for me to enter through. "The Fuck!!".

"Mind your language. You are already in deep shit as it is" I warned her. While looking around Shawna's room, I laid my eyes on two loafs of bread. "Sweet! I haven't eaten anything for a while now. Thanks" I said picking up the bread. Shawna wanted to say something but I forced my hand over her mouth. "Quiet, I know you must be shocked right now. It is out of character for I, Cj to break in a girl's room….but you're an exception. You haven't been behaving yourself. As punishment, I'll have your precious room unprotected".

"Punishment, who do you think you are?" Shawna complained.

"Super High School Level Moral Compass. It's all coming back to me now. I can't believe I forgot this side of me". Shawna tried to retaliate and as for punishment for raising her hand towards me. I kicked the precious computer she uses daily. It's not damaged to the point of no return, but I did crack the screen.

"Next time, don't slam your door in front of others. That's highly disrespectful".


I left her in the room speechless. Forgetting all that has just happened, I met up with Fei in front of the main building. Shawna was kind enough to give me her two loafs of bread. Fei and I ate one each then got down to business. "So, before we recruit Julie and Terry into our plan, there's actually a certain item we need to search for first. It will make it way easier for them to join us".

"Item? What are you referring?"

"Food, ain't no way we're going to leave the food issue unresolved. I tried bargaining with Monoplus like what Alisa did but he rejected me entirely. He says Alisa's money is all he will take. This bread won't last long in our stomachs".

"The warehouse might have something that can create food. We need to look around everywhere, until we've arrived at a satisfying solution. It won't take long for Julie and Terry to sign Alisa's contract. We must make haste" Fei said. We split up and began searching. He checked the warehouse while I entered the main building.


Alisa's P.O.V

"Are you sure about this Alisa? This feels a bit sudden" Shawn said. I could see his lips trembling as I leaned closer to him. This was not the reaction I expected from the Ultimate Sports Star. Surely he has been in this sort of situation with a girl before.


"Alisa, someone might enter at any moment. Get off me".

Wait! Maybe this is the first time he's been so close to the girl he likes. I rest my hands on Shawn's chest, feeling his heartbeat. His heart was pounding at a fast rate, the same as mine. Out of nowhere, Shawn squeezed my shoulders then pushed me off his lap.

"What did I do?" I asked confused.

"Were you deaf? I told you to get off but you didn't listen. Are you trying to make me uncomfortable?". Shawn left the room furious at my actions. He did not even glance at me while he exited.

"Looks like I screwed up big time".

Did I read the room wrong? He asked me if I have a boy I like and I answered him yes. He then asked me who that boy is. I responded accordingly by resting on his lap, playing with his face before pecking him on the cheek. That should have been a proper answer right? Shawn must know that he's the one I like. Hopefully Shawn will forgive my actions before the day is over.

Today's aim is to make Terry and Julie sign my contract. I want those two to be by my side when we escape this place. Let Cj and Fei rot here for what they did last trial, the other two need to join me quick. I made it clear to everyone who signed my contract that sharing their food is forbidden and I will have zero tolerance for it.

Around noon, I bumped into Julie at the library. She was reading a mythology book, an odd choice. "Hi Julie" I greeted her.


I didn't expect a reply so I just sat beside her. She considers people to be rude when they interrupt her reading time. From the looks of it, she was at the last couple pages so it would not hurt to wait for her.

"What do you want" Julie asked once she finished reading.

"You haven't eaten anything yesterday have you? You must be starving"  I told her.

"Not really. I'm fine for now".

"I want you to sign my contract. Will you do it?". Julie quickly nodded no to me then stood up. "I don't like the thought of relying heavily on someone else. Ask me all you want, I won't sign that stupid contract. I'd rather kill you and get away with murder than follow your lead".

She left the library before I could respond. I thought she would have been easy to persuade. She must have something valuable on her, something that can prolong her survival. Could it be food? If she secretly has food stored somewhere then it makes sense why she refuses my offer. Why submit herself to me for something she already has.

First I have to get rid of whatever is causing her to refuse my offer. On my way out of the library, I unexpected bumped into Cj. He did not notice me right away. Looks like he was in the middle of searching for something. His eyes were filled with determination, whatever he's looking for must be important. I decided to leave him be. I left the main building leaving him to do his business. Even if I had something to say to him, I'd get a huge headache before I could utter one word.


One of my biggest fears has come to pass. The trusty diary in my possession has warned me about Cj. There have been several warnings throughout my diary telling me to suppress his other side. At first I did not know what those words meant because I don't remember writing them in my diary.

"Do not let Cj take charge" my books states. I trusted my handwriting and tried my best to not let Cj reveal the hidden side of him. It was easy to see that he has forgotten a core part of who he was, similar to Flora and her murderous personality. Back when Monoplus were distributing photos to everyone as motives, I ensured that Cj never got a chance to see his photo clearly. Julie helped me with that because she has hazy memories of Cj too.

It sucks! I wanted him to remain a good person who values friends. Not as someone who sees people as if they are seasons. Now I'm sure whatever he is doing right now, is out of character for the Cj I met at the beginning of all this.

"Alisa!" Someone shouted my name.

Shawna came running with her eyes filled with tears. The was the first for me. Shawna jumped into my arms and pushed her face on my chest. "Wh-Whats wrong?" I asked her. It took her an entire minute before she settled down to answer. "Cj…H-He made a hole through my door. A very big one. Now I have no privacy".

A shut in like Shawna losing her privacy is a big deal. Why would Cj do that to her though? "Did you provoke him in some way?".


"Well, I slammed my door at him to ignore his question. He said he is the Ultimate Moral Compass and he won't stand rude behaviour. Still, what he did to me is immoral" Shawna complained. So he had more than two talents the whole time. Is his other talent what my diary was referring to? That could be it. Cj's actions in the last trial, he wanted everyone to get executed. He tried to make everyone vote for the wrong person. Was that his way of punishing us?

"There's more Alisa. I had two loafs of bread in my room. He took them away from me. That's theft, theft!!. How can he call himself an Enforcer of the law".

Shawna has been a handful throughout this killing game experience. From playing around in the class trials, to being rude to the others and staying in her room most of the time. Cj did one thing to her and suddenly she's become a crybaby.

"Hehehehe, I'll go talk to him. He'll fix your door by the end of today. You have my word".

"Thank you so much. I am in your depth". Shawna is easy prey if her door doesn't get fixed soon. One of the MonoID rules states that everyone must sleep in their own bedrooms.

I entered the main building where I saw Cj at first. He was in one of the classrooms still searching for something.

"Alisa" he said surprised to see me. He stopped what he was doing to stand beside me. "Hmm, I heard from Shawna that you bullied her". Cj walked to the classroom's exit. "Bye" he waved.

"Wait! I'm not done".

Cj sighed disappointingly. "Whatever Shawna told you I did. It needed to happen to her. Starting today. She will learn to respect others. If you're going to call me bad for what I did we have no business talking". It's as my diary told me, I don't like the true Cj that much.

"Alright, let's say she was rude to you. As the Ultimate Moral Compass, is it really your Job to be rude to her back? You have put her in a serious dilemma. What if someone sees her busted door as an opportunity for murder and escape? What you did might cause a class trial".

"I have that covered. I'll only let her sleep with a busted door for one night. She won't get any sleep that way, she can regret her awful ways throughout the night. Tomorrow morning I'll replace her door. That's what I have planned for her".

"At the end of all this, she'll be less rude to not just me but everyone else. That's my primary goal".

"Your method of changing her is wrong though. Don't you see?".

"You don't get it. The textbook ways of disciplining students are all trash".


The two of us stayed silent for a while. I see where he is coming from. Cj reminds me of those people who believes in the yin and yang philosophy. Both bad and good are acceptable to him. "A guy like you used to fond over Mr. Naegi right? How come?".

Cj passionately answered " Easy! He did something I can never imagine myself doing in a million years. He faced the ultimate despair in a world that has lost all hope and won. Thanks to him, people found the strength to fight against despair. He's….He's the best".


"But I feel as if he's responsible for what's happening to us so I hate him" he suddenly changed his words. He left the classroom, continuing to search for something. I want to ask him what he's looking for but he wouldn't tell me. After Cj left the room, Shawna entered immediately after. "How did it go?".

"Sorry, you'll have to wait until tomorrow morning for your door to be replaced. That's what he told me. If it was the old Cj, maybe I could've forced him hehehe".

Later on that day I gathered everyone who signed my contract. Julie ended up signing up after I destroyed her secret stash of food. It was very easy, I had Shawna picklock her door then I burnt her weeks worth of supply. She easily submitted to me without any form of resistance afterwards.

"What do you want with us?" Paul asked.

"Tomorrow is a big day for us. Monoplus has to stock up on new supplies tomorrow. We'll watch his every move and find out how he leaves school grounds. Or at least how the food gets here, depending on what we find out tomorrow. We can escape once prepared".

They all looked at me with doubts written on their faces. "A little hope would not hurt you know. Promise I'll let you all escape here".

"What about Cj and Fei? Did you cause the contract scenario so that you could leave them behind?" Julie asked.

"Yes, another reason was to set a time limit. My money will run out within three months. That means, after three month we will all go hungry. I made it this way to motivate us, strengthen our resolve to escape before that happens. Plus I am wary of the fact, I am a good a victim this late in the game. If you kill the detective, the class trials will be way easier for the culprit. With that in mind I wanted to create an environment where I don't have to worry about getting killed".

"True, since you're responsible for food. Everyone will think twice before choosing you as their victim. That logic is flawed though. Those who intend to kill do not plan to stay here afterwards" Xavier stated.

"I know, it will still let them think twice"

 "Not if they are smart".


"Moving on. You say we are supposed to watch Monoplus every move tomorrow. How? We only know where he is when he voluntarily show himself. You make it sound easy" Paul asked.

Monoplus location is always a mystery. We never know where he truly is until something major happens or when someone calls him. "Do you think this school has a surveillance room? If yes, where do you think it's located?" I asked them.

"A place where we can't access I imagine. There are still areas of this school we have not explored yet". Adding on to what Shawna said, I showed them a page in my diary. From the very first day, I already had a drawn map of the school in my book. I don't remember drawing it but this tell me a bunch of things. For starters, it reveals where the surveillance room is and it tells me that I have been here before. My memories of this place has been erased. Everyone looked at me in shock. Paul and Xavier quickly charged at me, filled by rage.

"You had a map!!".

"How are we just hearing about this now!? It took seven people getting murdered before you reveal this to us". The two were hurting me, inflicting pain that I have rarely felt. I looked over to Shawn, thinking he would help me out. Shawn stood there and watched as the two boys harm me.

"Explain yourself Alisa. How do you have a map?" Julie asked.

After pushing the boys away, I reminded them of a rule stated on our contract. "Harming ne is forbidden. Xavier and Paul won't get dinner today".

"The first time I saw the illustration, I had my doubts about it. All of our personal possession such as watches, phones, necklaces and identification was taken away. That means Monoplus must have did a body check before the killing game begun".

"So why didn't my diary get confiscated? I found it suspicious. There is a chance this diary could have content meant to confused me. As the days passed however, I realized the map was indeed correct. The structure, the room locations and many more are all the same. It took me 7 deaths for me to be this confident about it. Remember, only when someone dies is when the school expands to us".

Nobody liked my  answer. It may have came off as if I wanted some people to die so that I can confirm my suspicion. "I can't believe you" Paul sighed. "Well, if we escape with your plan. Your patience will pay off, damn it all. Ricardo, Flora…" Julie said pinching me.

"You're also not getting dinner today".

"We got a bit off track. This map shows me where the surveillance room is located. I have a feeling it isn't wrong judging from it's accuracy thus far. Monoplus will be collecting the new batch of food around noon tomorrow. He said someone anonymous will be delivering it to him. Around that time, we'll break into the surveillance room and watch his actions through the monitors. That's our task for tomorrow, once we get a look at those monitors I'm sure we can find a way out". A little bit of hope sprung in everyone. Shawn stood before us preparing to say something.

"Boys and Girls. From here on out, this is how we should be thinking. If you want to escape this hell, we should try and find a escape route. If there isn't, we should create one together. Escaping by murder and betrayal the lowest of the low. Come on! We're all friends right? Let's end this miserable journey. In the future we can look back at this as a temporary nightmare. Hehehe". Shawn did a much better job at filling them with hope. Paul was the first out of all of us to give up on escaping. Now he feels motivated to escape with us.

I do have one confession to make. Is now the best time to say it? Or should I wait for when we escape this place?

Cj's P.O.V

When the day ended, Fei, Terry and I met up in my room. I called Terry over for us to recruit him in our plan. Sadly, Julie signed Alisa's contract before we could get to her so that leaves only us three. We sat on the floor, forming a triangle.

"What's up you two?" Terry asked.

Before we answered his question, we handed him a pack of biscuit. "Thanks, I'm starving! Where did you get this?".

"Took me the whole day but I managed to find food. It's not much though" Fei replied.

"I thought Alisa burnt all the food available".

"Right, Fei somehow found Monoplus's food supply. For a robot, it shook me when I saw him storing snacks in the headmaster's office. Don't let the others know that we found food ok".

Terry promised to keep his lips sealed. "Now, Fei and I are going to escape this place tomorrow. After exploring today, Fei somehow managed to find an escape route. I swear, this guy is the best at finding stuff".

"You're asking me to tag along then? That's a no brainer. I want everyone to escape safely including myself". Fei and I looked at each other, wondering who should tell him a shocking secret. After the dream I had two nights ago, I am certain that someone is pretending to be one of us. That person has suddenly joined Alisa's group, we rather keep that Traitor away from us. Fei and I plan to leave the others behind, let them sort out the Traitor issue by themselves.

"It's just us three Terry. Our plan won't work if it's a large group of us. Question, do you know a person named June? Does that name ring a bell?".

"Well yeah, that's Julie's….. We made a grave mistake didn't we" Terry sighed slapping his cheeks. Looks like he gets it. June successful escape the killing game. She escaped around the time Hajime appeared to save us. Instead of coming to Naegi's house, she simply went home.


Hahahahahaha, I can only imagine how she feels watching us on television. The Ultimate Imposter Julie Myers came in her stead. She is of the American Branch of Hopes Peak Academy. She took June's place voluntarily and none of us realised because of her perfect disguise. Julie wanted this killing game, she won't have anyone escaping from it. The dream about Julie getting bullied revealed this to me. Julie Myers is insane, nobody understands her.

"Why did no one notice until now?" Fei asked.

"It was until a certain dream when I realised it. Honestly, I think we all chose to ignore it. Somewhere deep down, a voice spoke saying, June was never apart of our plan, Julie was. What plan? I have no idea".

…..There is a plan formed by the sixteen of us...

"They look so identical though. Now that you say it, Julie is definitely is Ultimate Imposter. I've heard about her from my classmates. Will we continue to remember things this easily, as the days progressed?" asked Terry.

"Probably, another crazy fact is that she is not the true Traitor. She is merely an Imposter who has her own goals in mind. She came here in the middle of our game wanting something. I wanted to recruit her in order to interrogate once we've escaped".


"You two must have learned a lot behind everyone's back. I wonder what else you noticed?" Terry wondered.

"Forget that, Terry will you come with us tomorrow or not?". Terry nodded yes immediately. That conclude our job for today. We found the escape route for tomorrow, along with food and Terry's help. Finally, we will get out of here.

Monoplus P.O.V

These students must think I'm stupid. Two groups have escape plans that are heavily flawed. Do they really think I won't catch on to their scheming. Alisa's questioning raised my suspicion of her since the beginning. Through the monitors I have seen the places Fei and Cj ended up today. If their escape plan supposed to be secret then they have already failed miserably.


This is definitely out of desperation. It's causing them to rush things and not give it the proper time. It will cost them a huge amount of despair Upupupupuhuhuhu.

It's common sense that my wolves guard the surveillance room. Does Alisa  really think I'll leave it unsecured? As for Cj and Fei, they seem to be remembering things at a fast pace now. Soon,

They will learn the truth about everything and submit to me. June may have fled yes, but the only reason she was not tossed back into this hell was because someone killed her before I could reach her.

Their plan is simple to counter, I'll just block their path with my wolves tomorrow. It has been proven that nobody here can beat them. "I'm looking forward to tomorrow. This false hope I gave them Upupupupuh, I can't wait for it to be shattered"

Meanwhile in the computer room, a red eyed man was there glaring at the computer screen.

Hajime Hinata/ Izuru kamakura is casually showing himself outside the jail Monoplus imprisoned him in. "How boring" he said. He stood up with a new goal. Instead of saving the children, he suddenly wants to kill them off screen. End the students in a way where the world can't witness it.

"This is the extent of their hope and despair. I should never have come here. I should alert Sonia and the others not to start another rescue plan. There's no point in it". Before everyone else, Hajime knows the truth and origin of this Killing Game Holiday.

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