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Chapter 19: Bracelets and Fears

Suppressing my eyes from glowing, I joyfully sip human blood from the pack and suppress my eyes from glowing. Guilt doesn't even enter my mind as I walk down the hall. Typically at home, I get human blood from the hospital thanks to a deal Father made with them, but the ones here are animal-based. Would it be wrong to refer to them as vegan blood? Father to started with animal blood but soon switched over; it doesn't taste as good, and it isn't as filling. I slip my mask back on and turn the corner, running into Professor Flitwick as he exited the Entrance Hall.

'Good morning Professor,' I greet as a smile rises to his eyes at my note.

"Good morning to you as well Miss Ollivander. I'm glad to have run into you, I've been meaning to give you something," My eyes narrow at his words as he hands me two, identical, silver bangle bracelets.

'I can't accept this. I haven't done anything to deserve such a graceful gift,' I write, handing them back.

"Don't be confused, these bracelets are more like shackles than anything. I've charmed these to prevent you from absorbing, what's the word that Dumbledore thought of? Ah, prevent you from absorbing Mana," His explanation cools my worries as I examine them closer. The two smallest bracelets I've seen are in the style of bangles, with a small part cut out to allow them through. Rather than the ends cut off abruptly, small silver balls join the ends.

A small inscription in the inner area of the bracelets catches my eye. Looking closer, I can just make out the german words. Mögen diese Fesseln dich befreien.

"I wanted it to say, 'may these shackles free you' is the translation correct?" A warm familiarity radiates in my heart from seeing my native language as I put them on. Delight overcomes my being as I jump to embrace him.

What am I doing? Realization smacks me as I let go of him and quickly run in the direction of the Great Hall. Did I just hug one of my teachers? I cringe at my action as I step through the doors of the Great Hall.

Mana and the sense of blood join the blast of sound as I open the door. Ready for the attack, my stride into the room barely falters. Merlin, between having to control my Mana hunger and bloodthirst, it feels like I have to constantly be vigilant for other people.

Scanning the room, it would have been impossible to miss Anne as she flails her arms to get my attention. A silent chuckle passes my lips as I give her a small nod in acknowledgment.

Silence meets my presence as every conversation I pass falls to a murmur.

My collapse leaked because of course, it would. Likely it's been the rumor that I passed out because I didn't drink any blood that day. Although it's added fuel to the rumor that I'm a vampire. Yay isolation!

Eyes skimming Hermione, my thoughts begin to turn to her as she sits alone, reading. It doesn't seem like she's enjoying the book. It's as if she's reading to absorb the information as quickly as possible, angry she doesn't already know all of it.

Most of my breaks have been spent in the library with her, even if it's sort of an unspoken thing. Like if one of us doesn't show up or if either of us has other things it doesn't matter. Our relationship has been more due to circumstance than liking each other.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't like her, I just feel like Hermione is only hanging out with me out of convenience. Even though I know her favorite book, what her parents do as a living, she's never asked anything about me. I just feel like we'll never be more than acquaintances.

"Morning Catlyn!" Anne sings as I sit down across her.

'Morning,' I greet back as Anne starts staring at my face, eyebrows furrowed. My nerves tingle like fire as every part of my body begins to squirm.

"I just realized, you haven't been wearing your glasses recently."

Anne's comment hits confusion deeply into me as I struggle to write a response, 'What glasses?'

"Your glasses! You know, the ones I gave back to you on the train. Those glasses?"

Embarrassment meets my realization as a blush forms on my cheeks, 'I've never had glasses. I must have forgotten and accepted them from you.'

"How can you forget if you need glasses or not?" Her question deepens the red of my cheeks.

'I was really out of it that day,' I tell her.

"Where are they now?"

'I left them in the compartment so they're probably in the school's lost and found.'

"Probably. What do you have today?" Her switch of topics causes my blush to fade as she pulls out her timetable.

'Double Potions, Herbology, and Flying,' I list out as Anne exhales.

"How can you memorize this stuff? I can barely remember what I had for breakfast!" Her question is only met with a shrug as she sighs, "Well anyway, looks like we only have Flying together."

'Have you ever flown before?' I ask, hoping for a no so we're in the same boat.

"Unlike around here, we have communities that are just wizards all over the place. At Golden Peaks, my hometown, broom riding was used constantly by kids my age. Dan, a friend of mine, used to use it as a snowboard and go down the mountains. What about you?"

I've always lived in the city so I've never gotten the opportunity to. What if I'm the only one there who hasn't ridden a broom before? The air starts to escape from me as I struggle to breathe. What if I can't do it? Will I fail the year if I can't? My entire body starts to vibrate in panic. What would dad think? Is it even possible for me to ride due to my Mana deficiency?

"Catlyn? Catlyn are you ok?" Anne's question snaps me out of it as I start my deep breathing exercises.

'I'm fine. We have purely wizarding communities too,' brushing off my mini panic attack. My words do nothing to ease her worries as she eyes the sweat gathering on my forehead.

"Maybe if you tell me what's worrying you, it'll make you feel better?" Anne suggests.

Will it? How can writing my fears out help? I start to dismiss the idea as I look into Anne's golden-green eyes, staring earnestly and honestly. Now how can I say no to that face?

'I've never ridden a broom before. I'm just afraid I'll make a fool of myself,' I hid behind my notepad as I show her.

"Don't worry even though we did it all the time I still suck at it. They called me Rocket because I could never control the speed and would always accidentally make my broom go flying," Laughter hummed with every word as her smile infects me.

Clueless59 Clueless59

I realized the error in the glasses decided this would be the best way to fix it. Wait, I mean I planned this all along. Yes, yeah that's it. For more detailed announcements, more accurate notifications as well as if you have any questions for me remember that we have a discord! Link in the synopsis. If I butchered the German please let me know.

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