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Chapter 148: CHAPTER 148(A Glimmer Of Hope)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)




"Syr take this to table five," Ryuu says, handing the girl a tray of orders over the bar counter.

"Alright," the ever-chipper waitress answers with a smile.

Wearing her usual uniform, a green dress and white apron, grey hair tied in a neat bun the young girl walks around the soon-to-be crowded Hostess Of Fertility.

A facade of joy on her face the entire time.

As they prepared for the usual afternoon rush of adventurers pouring in, eager to get a good meal after spending all day in the dungeon. Horn had other thoughts on her mind.

Vana Seith, the transformation magic which allows both her and her goddess Freya to not only transform into each other, but their shared identity of the helpful city girl Syr, was making it difficult to focus.

This magic not only allowed them to share physical forms, but thoughts and feelings as well.

For the past few months, Horn had been fighting a wave of ecstasy. With Freya and Yang being together she felt all the emotions of the goddess, and whenever Yang was in Orario, because Freya stuck to him like glue Horn found herself acting as Syr more than she liked.

This magic...her purpose in fact was to be Freya, all she ever wants is to be the woman she loves and have the goddess all to herself. Freya plays mortal as Syr and she acts as Freya, that's how they've spent the last few years, but he changed everything. (Horn is Syr in this chapter)

"Here's your order," Syr says as she transfers to dishes to the table, the hungry adventurers giving her perplexed looks which she promptly ignored.

She couldn't tell, but recalling her life for the past few months had set a deep scowl on her face, very unusual for 'Syr', especially in front of customers who came here partly to see the cute staff.

'Well at least with him gone she can be all mine,' Horn thinks to herself, ignoring the raised hand of a man trying to place an order and mindlessly walking back to the bar.

"Syr, fix your damn face," Mia says, her gruff voice snapping the girl out of her trance.

"Um, sorry Mia, I was just lost in thought," she gives a slight bow as she apologizes.

'Ok that's enough thinking about that damned man for one day,' she thinks to herself, setting a forced but believable smile on her face.

"Just go refill his drink," Mia says in a slightly annoyed tone. Syr's focus has been slipping like this for the past few months, but the girl refused to open up about her problems.

Turning around Syr saw the man she ignored earlier, a young Gnome in casual wear, standing on his chair as he was no more than three feet tall.

Picking up a pitcher of Ale from the bar she walks over.


The pitcher falls from her hand, shattering against the wooden floor. The entire pub falls silent as they look at the girl.

Eyes squeezed shut as if she was suddenly hit with a massive headache. A flash of emotion desperately slamming against her mind, trying its best to break down her defenses.

For the most part, they could choose what to share via her magic. That way Horn and Freya didn't constantly flood each other with useless information. But surges of emotion can cause a certain strain. During times such as when Freya and Yang made love, it felt as if someone was splitting her skull with a dull knife as she fought to keep those emotions at bay.

Syr always actively fought against sharing any thoughts about Yang. Being in Freya's mind had her fighting against endless waves of affection, lust, jealousy,, it made her hatred of that man grow more and more. Every day she'd see him steal her beloved goddess away inch by inch. But sometimes, like now, those emotions were too strong.

A shudder ran through her body, her heart immediately speeding up as an intoxicating high took hold of her. Through Freya's eyes, she was suddenly staring up at the sky, a display of power, unlike anything she'd ever seen. It was obvious who was responsible considering the effect it was having on her goddess.

"Sorry Mia, my hand slipped," Syr loudly announces as she refocuses her mind. Taking deep steady breaths to calm herself as she moves to clean up her mess. A seething rage blazing under the surface.

'They're done. He dumped her... it's over. Why can't she just let it go, why can't she just be with me!' her inner voice was screaming at the top of its lungs. Hands becoming red as she wipes up the ale on the floor with a cloth, as if she were trying to scrub a hole into the wooden boards.

'This is unfair! I love her more than anything!' she says, gritting her teeth as she hatefully finishes cleaning up.

"Syr, are you ok? Do you need anything?" Ryuu asks as she meets the girl at the counter. A small frown on her lips as the Elf's face is masked with worry for her friend.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself. Syr leans against the counter. Ryuu gives Mia a pleading look, the woman wordlessly complies. Deciding not to pester the girls and instead making her way toward the kitchen.

"I'm fine. Just...a bit distracted," Syr says, giving Ryuu a forced smile.

"Hmm," Ryuu narrows her eyes at the girl, but decides not to pry too much. "If anyone is giving you trouble just tell me, all I need is a name and they'll stop," the Elf says with complete seriousness.

"Mhm, I'll keep that in mind, but really don't trouble yourself worrying about me, I'm fine," Syr says as Mia brings out some new dishes for them to deliver to tables.

With all her heart Horn wishes it were that easy, just tell Ryuu to kill Yang and have this nonsense of Freya being with someone other than her put to rest. But that would only get the Elf killed. A trade she'd gladly make if it would take him out as well, but Ryuu was three levels too low to be challenging him, much less his entire team of freaks.

Looking up Syr sees Mia look past her, the girl's back was facing the door, where something or someone was that made the older woman break out into a smile.

"Well well well, if it isn't the Trifecta!" Mia loudly announces, "take a seat," she gestures for them to sit at an empty table in the corner of the pub. Away from the more crowded areas. Her booming voice ensuring everyone knew that Orario's number one expedition force choose her establishment to dine tonight.

"Thanks Mia!" Yang says, giving the woman a casual wave as he begins moving to the table.

Turning around to see him, Syr's eyes immediately fixate on the ring on his raised hand. A ring she'd recognize anywhere after having to hear Freya talk about it for weeks, but why was he wearing it?

'Bags under his eyes, he looks a bit thinner and paler, and he's wearing the ring of Odr...he misses her!' Horn concludes as she takes a good look at his clearly worn state.

"NO!" she accidentally yells out loud, once more the entire pub stops to stare at her as she raises her hands to cover her mouth. At the moment she hadn't meant to allow Freya to see those thoughts, but now the goddess knows what she saw, and likely came to the same conclusion. A mistake that could cost her the woman she loves.

"Uh, is this table not good?" Yang asks, giving the girl a confused look. She was staring directly at him when she yelled after all.

"Uh, um, sorry I just, was thinking about something else," Syr says before storming off through the kitchen, making a beeline to the back door.

With a deep sigh Yang takes a seat right up against the wall, Thalie and Welf take the seats opposite him. "Why aren't any women normal here?" he asks while leaning against the wall and looking through the menu.

"I think you just attract crazy into your life," Thalie says.

"Completely agree there," Welf adds.

"Hmm...Hephaestus, Freya, Tsubaki, Thalie... Lefiya was normal at least," he says while counting them on his fingers.

"Uh-huh," Thalie gives him a smirk, "until you cleared her best friend's mind, remember?"

"Ugh, let's just eat please," Welf says as he immediately calls Ryuu over to take their orders.

"Yeah, and I wanna try this..." Yang points at a fruit drink on the menu.

"Dude that has alcohol," Welf points out.

"I broke up with Freya ok, that's as good a reason to drink as it gets," Yang says in a bored tone as Ryuu arrives to take their orders.

Walking back to the bar counter Ryuu handed the paper with their orders on it to Mia, looking around for her friend.

"Is Syr back yet?" she asks.

"She stormed off, you mind making sure she's ok," Mia leans in a bit closer to avoid being overheard. "I think it's got something to do with him," she gestures toward Yang. The man was currently rubbing a hand down his face trying to stay awake long enough to eat.

"Hmm, I'll go check on her," Ryuu says as Mia hands the order off to one of the cooks.

Sitting behind the pub on a large wooden crate, Syr plays with the edges of her apron as she tries to clear her head. Taking slow deep breaths, focusing on the sounds of the busy streets all around her.

She could feel waves of joy and excitement slamming into her mind, the consequences of Freya leaning about Yang wearing the Ring Of Odr, something Horn felt she'd come to regret.

"Syr," Ryuu calls out from beside the girl. Her head snaps to the left to see the Elf giving her a worried look.

"Huh, what's wrong?" Syr asks.

"Me? What's wrong with you? Are you ok?" Ryuu counters, seeing Syr's flushed cheeks the gears in her mind immediately begin turning, not realizing moments ago her face was bright red from anger and frustration.

"Oh, it's nothing I just needed some fresh air you know, I'll be back to normal in a few minutes," Syr says. A convincing lie admittedly.

"Is this because of Yang Shen?" Ryuu asks, getting straight to the point.

"Wh-what? Why would you think that?" Syr's eyes widen slightly as she gets a bit defensive.

"Oh...I see," Ryuu comes to a fast conclusion. "If you wish for him to be your partner now may be the best time to try, but I'd rather you let me learn more about him first," the Elf says with complete seriousness. The last thing she wants is her best friend being with a dangerous man.

"NO! It's not like that at all!" Syr argues. Waving her hands in front of her as she shakes her head.

"It's alright to be nervous, but we should act quickly. He just let it slip to everyone that he and Lady Freya are no longer together," Ryuu says.

"He said that?" Syr asks, stunned. Not confused but surprised, she never expected him to be one to make his personal life public so easily.

"I don't believe he intended to announce it, but he doesn't seem to be in the best mental state and, as much as I dislike admitting it, everyone was listening in. They are celebrities after all," Ryuu says.

"Oh," that made much more sense to her. "But really I don't like him at all... he actually, um," she had to come up with a quick and believable lie or Ryuu would never drop this. The only thing the Elf seemed to care about is making Syr happy. "He actually makes me really uncomfortable, that's why I was out here," Syr gives her a deep bow. "I'm sorry for worrying you, it's really nothing serious."

"Oh. I see," was all Syr heard as the Elf sat on the crate where she was.

Looking up the girl saw the stone-cold determination on her friend's face.

"Ryuu, it's ok really, it's just a feeling. You don't need to worry, you can go back to work now," Syr says.

"No, I'll wait out here until you're ready to return. I won't abandon my friend, then I'll go deal with that man for you," the Elf said, leaving no room for argument as she pats the crate for Syr to sit beside her.

"Please don't. You really don't need to worry."

"Hush, this is what friends are for," Ryuu says, putting an end to this conversation.

Twenty minutes later, Syr finds herself being dragged through the pub as she struggles and fails to stop her friend from confronting a level 7 and his team. Mia Grand, the level 6 former captain of Freya familia ran this pub, her presence is what enforced the 'No fighting' rule even for adventurers, but this could be problematic. They weren't sure what type of person Yang truly was after all.

Approaching the table the duo earned a strange look from many of the staff and customers.

Yang was currently halfway through a massive burger that had a patty which was closer to being a large steak. As well as a basket of fries. Enjoying his fourth cocktail drink as he relaxes in his chair and just lets his mind not think about anything but his meal. The closest he's gotten to a sense of peace all week.

Across from him, Thalie was eating a bowl of pasta and Welf was enjoying stew of some kind with fresh bread. Both drinking a pint of Ale, going much easier on the alcohol in comparison to Yang, mostly because they knew he didn't hold his liquor well. They were babysitting him essentially.

"Excuse me," the Trifecta all turn to Ryuu as she stands at their table speaking. "I'm very sorry but I must ask you to leave," she gives them a small nod, eyes darting over to bore holes in Yang.

"Oh," Yang says. Completely confused at what was going on, the alcohol in his system making it difficult to focus properly. "Ok let's go guys," he says a bit too loudly as he tries to get up.

"Sit down," Thalie says. Yang gives her a confused look and drops back into his seat. "What's this about?" Thalie asks Ryuu.

"We can refuse to serve anyone we don't want to, now please leave," Ryuu says in a sharp tone, eyes narrowing slightly at Thalie.

"That makes sense," Yang says as he rises out of his seat.

"Sit down," Thalie all but growls out. He plops back down and raises his hands in surrender to both women, completely confused as to what the hell he's supposed to do, deciding to continue eating his meal. "I'd like to know why you're kicking us out please," Thalie insists.

"Because you make me uncomfortable," Ryuu says without hesitation.

"Uncomfortable?" Welf asks, raising a brow at the Elf's reasoning.

"Yes, that's all, all of you make me uncomfortable," Ryuu says.

"Can I please get my burger to go?" Yang asks, looking more hurt at the prospect of leaving the burger than being kicked out.

"Dude... are you already drunk?" Welf asks him, only earning a confused look from Yang. All the confirmation he needs.

"Jesus Christ," Thalie groans, rolling her eyes at their leader's loss to four cocktails. "God damn it now I'm saying that 'Jesus Christ' crap he says."

"What's going on here?" Mia asks, walking over to the table and standing beside Ryuu.

"She won't let me keep my burger," Yang points at Ryuu, receiving a confused look from everyone.

"What?" Mia asks. Not sure what the obviously drunk man is talking about.

"Your waitress wants to kick us out because we apparently make her uncomfortable," Welf says.

"Ryuu?" Mia turns to the girl.

"Yes that's all," the Elf confirms.

"Gods damn it," Mia turns to the table. "Please ignore her and enjoy your meal, I'll throw in one free dessert for the inconvenience," she says while dragging the Elf away from the table.

"I need another drink!" they hear Yang announce behind them, earning an "On the way!" from Mia as she continues to drag Ryuu to the kitchen.

Taking the Elf back to the kitchen to get some privacy, Mia folds her arms and glares down at the girl, waiting for her to apologize.

"You should have kicked them out," was the first thing the Elf said.

"Just because they make Syr uncomfortable doesn't make them trouble makers, we serve all kinds of people here if you haven't noticed," Mia reminds her, gesturing to the cooks around them who were all wanted criminals somewhere.

"That doesn't mean we can't kick them out," Ryuu says.

"Well, when you have your own pub feel free to run it however you want. But maybe you haven't noticed but, the no-fighting policy is enforced by me when it comes to the stronger adventurers. There are three people I can't enforce a damn thing against and the drunk guy out there enjoying his burger is one of them. We DO NOT want problems with them. They've been nothing but good and the tips are always a lot of money," Mia says as she reaches back into a chiller and takes out a cheesecake, the size of a dinner plate.


"Shut it," Mia cuts her off and hands her the cheesecake, "take this out to them AND apologize, this dessert is coming out of your pay, now go," she commands.

"Alright," Ryuu hesitantly says.

Walking out to the table with trepidation she silently places the cake down between the adventurers.

Yang doesn't even hesitate for a moment before sticking a fork into the cake, his new drink already half-empty beside his burger.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you earlier," Ryuu says as she gives them a deep bow.

"Uh-huh," Welf says as he continues eating.

"Hey, I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable," Ryuu looks at Yang, surprised to see sincerity in his eyes, "I dunno what I did but I guess I'll try to fix it," he says before diving back into his meal.

"Well, cheesecake isn't 80 million but it'll do," Thalie says as she takes a slice of the cake.

Ryuu's eyes go wide at the woman's words, lips trembling as she musters up the courage to ask a simple question, "h-how?"

"Mhm," Thalie eats a small piece of cake. "This tastes great. And my job is finding valuable things that don't wanna get found... but you're all useless to me. Honestly didn't take long after coming to Orario," she looks up at Ryuu to mouth a name to the girl, 'Gale'.

"E-enjoy your meal," Ryuu gives a quick bow before she takes a brisk walk away from the table.

Having who she knew was a very very capable adventurer, but more importantly, bounty hunter, Thalie confirmed that not only was her history as Gale of Astraea familia clear but her bounty as well. Along with implying she knew about everyone else who worked here... it seemed Mia was right to stay on their good side after all...


keanu_eugene keanu_eugene

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Drunk Yang is pretty fun.

---Some Horn/Syr/Freya relationship dynamics explored.

---Everyone loves Ryuu apparently, I find her super boring but I can see the appeal so gave her some spotlight here. I keep things objective and hopefully in character so Ryuu X Yang is a long shot after this chapter.

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