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strange things strange things original

strange things

Author: Casey_McCreary

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Welcome

The evening sky, shown of bright orange, reds and purples; as the sun set in the distance.A calm across the sea, as I patiently wait for a nibble on my line. To the left and right of me, are beautiful white sandy beaches, with beautiful shells scattered across the sand by the waves. Alone with my thoughts; or so I thought!

I felt an earing chill from the wind scur past. an uneasy feeling came over me, like i was being watched.. My heart was thumping louder and louder, my fishing pole still in my hands as i turn and look around at my surroundings, looking for who or whateve was watching me. as i was in mid turn, my pole jolted fiercly, catching me off guard. i almost lost my pole. I quickly regained myself and started to reel in whatever had decided to take my line. It was fierce, it pulled and i let the line out, as to not beak my line or pole, it felt like an eturnity had gone by, fighting with whatever was on the other end of this line. Finally, whats on the other end of my line must be as tired as i was, it stopped fighting. I reeled in my line, WHen it came out of the water, It was a beautiful flow of colors shinning like a rainbow, it was large with a tail the flaired out like a beautiful peacok, its face pure like an angel. Never before had i seen such a beautiful fish like this before. Absolutley amazing is all i could think. I took my phone out to take a photo of this magnificant creature. Then i gently removed it from my hook, and as i took it in my hands to place it in the water and set it free, it looked at me with wonderment, if any fish could do so, this one did. as i placed it in the water, i said your free beautiful fish. it started to swimm away but stopped, turned back and as if i could here its thoughts, it said thank you. great things will come to you, though there will be trials to test you. If your ever in trouble, Just think of my colors and i will help you. My imagination! wow how crazy, i cant here a fishes thoughts, i told myself. one to many magic novels.

Again i got that uneasy feeling i was being watched, so i decided to pack up my gear and head back up to the truck. as I walked towards my vehicle i can hear and feel my heart beat getting louder, it was pounding harder. My gut is telling me someone is watching, following me. Im getting scared. i have my keys in hand, i can see the truck just up on the ridge of the beach. i pick up my pace, quickly i toss my gear in the bed of the truck click the unlock key and get in. Locking immediatley after. I dont see anyone or anything but i can;t shake this feeling. Again, i feel the same chilling breeze. my windows are up, how can this be! my imagination, it must be, it's getting the best of me. As i try to calm myself down. i start the truck and turn the radio on. i see a shadow pass in front of the vehicle. i look but i dont see anything. Ok, im am definatley done for today i thought, to much sun, and i started to head home. Anxious to see my husband and children, and Just hug them. Then i started to remeber that amazing fish, i cant wait to show my husband, he will be so amazed. He is the normal fisher of the family. Today he was busy and i needed some me time, we've been in a crazy mess for the past year. the whole world has. We've been fighting off a virus. and it's taken many lives. we are secluded, away from everyone. my husband hunts, traps and fishes for our meats, to help keep us from having to venture to town and risk the virus. no one knows how its been transmitted. but it's causing people to get really sick and some die.

I pull down our long driveway, beautiful weeping willows stand in rows on both sides of the drive. I can see the children in the distance playing out in the yard. My husband tinkering away in his barn. I pull up to the house the kids run to the truck, excited I'm home. ( I have totally forgotten the uneasy feeling from earlier) my husband come to the truck and helps get my gear out the back. A few nice size rainbow trout and some bass in the cooler."great honey" he says to me. "This will make for an awesome dinner on the grill. I will go start the grill and clean these for you my love." The kids each hug me. Then start teasing each other and

next thing you know they are off running around again. Glad to be home with my family.

The evening started to set in, I had almost completely forgot the incident at the beach till Alex, my youngest son asks my husband what kind of fish this was, he was showing him the photo on my phone of that beautiful fish. Even I had no idea what it was, I listened carefully, hoping my wonderful Paul would know. He looked at me in astonishment, disbelief, "Honey," I said, " have you ever seen such a fish?" He looked, then he got on his phone, to Google I'm sure. That's what he does, he must know, no answers left unanswered.

Later that night, laying in bed he asked me about my day, that's when I told him about the weird chill, the shadow and feeling of being watched. He looked at me, grabbed my hand and said" honey, I'm not sure if the truth in it, but people are saying thier are magical people, beings coming from the sea. They say those who have betrayed them are the ones getting sick. Be careful if you go alone again, I worry about you. " magical beings! Do you really believe in that stuff? I asked with amusement. Non sense, magic and the unnatural are all in books, they come from our imagination, don't they? I questioned in a timed voice.

Sleep didn't come easy, not that it does any other night. Tonight was most difficult, so much racing through my mind. What to believe what not to. My eyes get heavy and I am out, when I feel a cold eerie chill again, I wake and sit up , my heart thumping harder and louder, my husband still asleep beside me, the windows closed and the door. I took a deep breath in and let it out, calming myself, it was just a dream. I told my self, I later back down, snuggled up to my husband for comfort, trying not to wake him. Just a dream. I couldn't help but think, maybe it wasn't.

The next day, things went on as normal, my mind was almost at ease, when my middle child, our youngest daughter ran in screaming! "Mom, there is someone outside, watching me! I can feel it! I thought I seen a shadow of someone near the barn momma." It's ok Brooke, I assured her. My middle son Mathew and I went out side to look around the house, he had his 22 by his side in his right arm, he is such a brave young man. We searched and seen nothing.

This couldn't be, I have to believe her, I just witnessed a similar event yesterday. My heart thumped fast and loud. Something just isn't right. I thought to my self.

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