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Chapter 3: Chapter Three

The next morning I woke at sunrise to get ready for my first class. I groaned at the sight of sunlight and nearly didn't get out of bed.

I had thrown all my uniforms out last night to make room for the clothes that didn't make me want to puke all over myself. I dressed in simple colors like black and white so I wouldn't stand out too much, and pants so I could move around easily. I didn't know if I was allowed to dress in anything but my uniform, but I didn't care.

A loud bell rang that startled me as I readied my hair and headed out the door. People were coming out of their rooms, most likely heading to breakfast. I was sadly skipping the first meal of the day since I had to pick up my schedule from the front office.

I immediately got lost in the tangle of students and halls.

I was about to give up and go back to my room when a voice from behind me startled me, "Excuse me, are you lost?"

Turning I saw a guy, who looked about my age, walking towards me. His hair was strangely white and his skin pale. Maby he's from the Sapphire Queendom whose setting is snowy and frostbite cold during winter and fall but windy and what they call "regular cold" during summer and spring. I've never been, but am curious as to why only their Queendom is freezing cold all year round.

As the pale man stopped I crossed my arms realizing how put together he looked in the school uniform and how messy and un-put-together I was.

"I'm ok, Just wondering."

I didn't get to fully turn around and walk away before the guy spoke again. "You've been walking around the halls in circles for twenty minutes, I think that's called being lost. Are you the new student?"

I met his golden honey eyes, raising a brow in question, "You were following me?"

"N-no, I just saw you pass by me multiple times." he cleared his throat, obviously flustered, "If you would follow me I-I could take you to the office."

Smirking I moved to the side, facing the wall so he could lead the way, although if the office was in the opposite direction I'd be more flustered than him. He put both his hands behind him, I chuckled when realizing he avoided my eyes. The guy led the way, and luckily it was the direction I hoped it'd be, saving me from embarrassment.

"So...what's your name?" I said, trying to rid of the awkward silence as we walked through the twisted halls. I dragged my hand along each side table, also blowing out the candles and looking at all the beautiful paintings I'd just seen yesterday.

"Nemesis," he said, not even turning or moving his gaze from the forward view.

Nemesis. Sounds like a villain's name.

It sounded familiar and like I'd known the name my whole life. Why couldn't I recall where it was from?

"Sounds familiar…" I said, removing my hands from the walls and placing them in my pockets as we made another turn. How far was this office?

"That's because I'm a Prince." Nemesis said, turning to face me as I stopped in front of doors that I assumed were finally the office.

I was surprised and did not expect him to be a Prince of all things. But then the memories came flooding back of newspaper headlines saying things like, "Prince Nemesis's Tenth Birthday!" or "Prince Nemesis and his Tear-Jerking Talent!"

First of all, what are those headlines, and how did I not remember the name of the person I was destined to hate forever.

Prince Nemesis of the Gold Queendom stood in front of me. Our Queendoms have been enemies for longer than all seven Queendoms were even around. The Golden Queendom hated the Silver Queendom because of a war my ancestor declared hundreds or thousands of years ago.

It was so cliche; light versus darkness, what more was there to be expected?

I never cared to learn about my petty ancestors or why they declared war on the Gold Queendom in the first place, the past is the past and I could do nothing about the hatred that follows my entire bloodline forever.

"Prince of the Gold Queendom?" I said, still standing in front of the office.

"Yep, shocking right? Were supposed to be sworn enemies, yet here I am helping you find your way to a school office." Nemesis said, opening the door as my nose was overwhelmed with the scent of cinnamon.

"Thanks..." We said nothing more as Nemesis closed the door behind me, walking off into the twisted halls of Mythezin.

Turning I took in the pink pastel office and a lady with big blonde hair sitting at the receptionist desk, her face buried in papers. Walking forward I placed my forearm on the high counter, looking at the dead flowers to the side, and the nameplate that read, Ms. Tuniper.

Turning my attention to Ms. Tuniper again I said, "Hello?"

Her head came up slowly, her eyes not being able to look away from the papers she was reading. "Hello dear, how may I help you?"

"I'm here to pick up my schedule. Jasira...Beckzmor."

Her green eyes went wide. "O-oh, l-let me find it for you."

My hands clenched as I watched Ms. Tuniper mess her organized desk up, frantically looking for my schedule.

Finally, she grabbed a green slip. Her hands were shaking slightly as she handed me the paper. "Thanks," I said grabbing it and smiling when she forced a drained smile.

"H-have a nice day."

I nodded my head, glad she wasn't trying to be rude, but kind instead. It might've been out of fear, but I didn't care, she was definitely nicer than that store clerk who basically threw me out of his store yesterday. He was lucky to have locked his doors before I turned to face him.

Looking at my schedule as I turned for the exit I saw my first class was Magic. "Great…" I mumbled.

"Hey!" I turned around to see Sorin walking towards me.

"Hi…" I said pocketing my schedule and turning to face him completely.

"Picking up your schedule or just looking for me?" He said smirking in front of me.

Rolling my eyes I crossed my arms and met the burning eyes I would never get over. "Is that your natural eye color?"

"They are…" He smirked, "I guess you could say it adds to my devilish charm." Sorin said flipping a piece of his inky hair away, winking. I burst out laughing.

Looking up I saw Sorin smiling at me, "Can you show me to my class, or are you too charming?"

"I think I can make some time. What's your first class?"


"Perfect. We're in the same class." Sorin went around me, beginning to lead the way. I followed his lead.

The classroom wasn't at all what I expected...and actually wasn't a classroom at all.

The doors led to an outside area at the side of the school. Students were talking and messing with their magic, a teacher approached us as we walked onto the bright green grass.

"Hello there-" he said looking to me first, then turning his attention to Sorin. "Sorin. Why're you late this time?"

"Ah, Mr. Dougleman, I was just showing our lovely new student to her class. You know me, a good student doing good work."

Mr. Dougleman sighed, "If only that were true." Looking over to me again, he smiled. "I'm guessing you're Jasira? I'm Mr. Dougleman, welcome to Magic. In this class, you'll be practicing your own power, understanding, and learning to control it. You have a unique gift so you'll have to make do with the advice I or other students give."

"I understand," I said. I already knew this problem would occur since no one else had the curse I hold, but I'll have to make due the best I can as Mr. Dougleman said.

"Good, now since you and Sorin have already been acquainted, you two can go practice together. There's not much time left since you both came late, so try to get as much work as you can for the first day."

"Got it. Later Mr. Dougleman." Sorin said passing us both and walking into the busy crowd of students.

"Thank you," I said to the teacher before chasing after Sorin.

We walked to the back of the field, down a hill, where hardly anyone was. Stopping in front of a tall tree, I said, "So what do we do first?"

"First you show me your power," Sorin said.

"Why don't you go first?"

"Because my power is basic fire. Where your power, I've had the opportunity of only seeing once, and need I remind you, that experience wasn't very delightful."

Rolling my eyes I sighed and closed them. Pulling my shadows out, across my arm, and into the palm of my hand, they wrap around my neck, connecting our minds until only a ball of darkness is laid in my hand. Opening my eyes Sorin's own eyes glowed like a fire, amusement instead of fear, dancing across his features.

We made eye contact as I smirked, and it must've looked wicked because his smile dropped, his brow rising as I blew into the darkness causing an army of crows to fly out, swarming Sorin.

He shrieked running around the field, in the opposite direction of students, like his life, depended on it. He stopped, turning and burst fire out of his palm, trying to get rid of the crows. I laughed, pitying him for trying something that wouldn't even scratch a single crow. They were shadows, that buffoon. When that didn't work his eyes went wide as the crows came from a fog of smoke. He crossed his arms over his face, protecting himself as the crows approached. But when they came the shadows only went through him, as if he were nothing more than air.

He looked up as the crows began to come back to me. We made eye contact as I smirked and snapped my fingers causing every crow to disappear.

He smiled at me from across the field, already making his way back. Just then a loud bell went off, when I turned I saw students immediately turning their heads away. I shrugged and turned to look where Sorin was. I jumped when I saw his face right in front of mine.

I punched his shoulder, placing a hand on my heart. "Why are you so close!"

Sorin smiled, he was panting and out of breath. "That wasn't very nice of you, Princess. I thought my gorgeous face would be ruined."

I smiled, rolling my eyes. "Get over yourself. And don't call me princess." I turned to walk out of the classroom, when I looked up the hill I saw Nemesis looking at the both of us. I lifted my hand to wave, but he just walked away. I get we're supposed to be enemies and everything, but he could at least wave when he's looking at me and Sorin so creepily. I didn't even know he was in this class.

Shrugging I continued up the hill.

My next class was Dialect and extremely boring. I fell asleep at one point and woke up to the teacher when class was over, she gave me a detention slip for the next day. On the first day, I could tell we wouldn't be friends.

Ballroom classes were next and there were a ton of students in it. Sorin was there along with Nemesis.

Sorin was at the benches, talking to two other students, a guy, and a girl. When he turned to me and waved, they both turned their heads, following Sorin's eyes.

The girl had smooth ebony skin that glowed from the chandelier hanging off the roof, making her look alluring. Her hair was short, it was curled at some parts but mostly had a crazed fluffy look going on. What caught my attention though, was the way she turned her head and looked at me with her big beautiful grey eyes. The other stranger was handsome and looked very classy. His hair was long and looked like silky ink, matching his clothes.

I smiled at them before Sorin waved a hand, inviting me over.

Walking over to them, I smiled. "Hi"

"Hey." They said in unison.

"This is Jasira," Sorin said, "Jasira this is Cing"--he pointed to the guy-- "and this is Arya-"--he pointed to the girl--"They're my other friends."

"Nice to meet you," I said sitting beside Sorin on the bench.

"It's your first day?" Cing said.

"Yep," I said nodding slightly.

"How do you like it so far? I mean other than the grumpy teachers."

"It's alright. I thought more people would ignore me though."

"Oh, because you're the Silver Queendoms Princess right?"

"Sadly, ya. Is it true that all the Princes and Princesses still in their highschool years attend here?"

"Not all of them, but ya, mostly. All four of us are Princes or Princesses so that makes four out of the six."

I looked at them all surprised. "What a funny coincidence. Where are you from?"

"Light Queendom."

Looking over to Arya she finally spoke, "Bronzite."

The Bronzite Queendom. My favorite of the seven and the only Queendom left that has ancient buildings and knowledge you couldn't find anywhere else. The people there have beautiful accents.

"Really?" I said as Arya continued playing with a dagger. "That's my favorite Queendom."

Arya looked at me, smiling. "Ouch. That hurts us, princess." Sorin said a hand on his chest.

"Is it because you're both women, how sexist of you," Cing said pouting.

I chuckled, "Sorry boys, but knowledge is power."

Arya was smirking when Sorin was about to speak again, but interrupted by Mrs. Tachleson, the ballroom teacher. "Alright students, pair up. We're going to begin with a big circle and switch partners in between.

Standing, I looked around the room, Sorin came into view. "May I have this dance?" he said holding his hand out.

I smiled, "Sure, why not." We walked over to join the crowd.

"Looks like we have more boys than girls. Lovis and Koa, You two pair up." Mrs. Tachleson said, pushing two unfamiliar boys into a position they wouldn't get too awkward about.

Cing and Arya were still by the benches, Arya sat down, putting her head back and closing her eyes. Cing sat down as well, trying to talk to Arya. She was obviously ignoring him, he was either oblivious or didn't care.

"She doesn't like to dance," Sorin said as we got into position, his hand on my waist and mine on his shoulder.

"Why not? It's so much fun." I said looking up to him, to meet his blazing eyes.

"I'm unsure, she never told me why."

"And Cing?"

"He refuses to dance with anyone other than Arya." I raised a brow, "he's been trying since the day he met her. She's never dated."

I nodded as the music began.

Sorin and I moved our feet. The dance was a medium pace and probably one of my favorites. Sorin and I didn't say anything, but occasionally met glances. When he dipped me he winked, lifted me up then twirled me over to the next guy. The guy was huge, he was one of the two who had to be paired with another guy. I didn't know him and didn't think I'd seen him in my last classes, his face was blank and unreadable the entire time, I was so relieved to be turned to the next person. However, the next guy was Nemesis…

"Oh it's you again," he said as we immediately began dancing.

"Yay me."

Other than the music and little chatting of students, there was silence until Nemesis spoke again. "You're quite the dancer."

"That's what happens when you have a lot of free time. I might've been alone but practice makes perfect, right?"

"Indeed it does. Is that how you also became skilled with your power?"

Nemesis dipped me, "Why? Did you see me use it while you were watching from the hill?"

I twirled out of his arms before he got to respond.

The line of dancing went on and on until I got back to Sorin.

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