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Chapter 13: Preparations and some R rated fun

[A/U this was a fun chapter I wrote after seeing a few Reddit threads about the best Isekai world to travel to. It's also more than twice as long as my usual chapters since I didn't want to drag it out.]

Now that I've completed my list of useful things to pick up from across the multiverse there's one more thing I want to do while Daisy's at home. I only just thought of it while in the last world. Seeing fantasy creatures and magic up close was awesome and all, but what really drew my attention were the beast women.

Now usually I'm not one to stare and ogle women like some perv. I appreciate the female form just as much as the next guy, but that's no reason to act like a sleazeball. That being said, I had to stand back in awe for a moment as I watched a wolf-kin and a leopard-kin spar against each other.

It wasn't just their bodies I was impressed by. It was their finesse and skill with the weapons they wielded. I'll admit I stood on the sidelines with nearly a dozen other men gawking at the two of them like a moron.

Thankfully I was able to control myself and turn away before they noticed me creeping on them. Which was good for me since the two beast women proceeded to challenge all the guys who were gawking to a 'spar' as well. Safe to say they didn't fare well.

With that I simply left the world to drop off Mr. Clean and set my new cleaner slime to it's job of maintaining my house while I'm gone. Yet even after leaving I haven't been able to get the two of them out of my head.

The way their tails shifted and moved, the look of their ears twitching while they fought, their muscled forms coated in thin fur danced across the training field... It all just turned me on far more than I expected.

Therefore I only have once recourse. I'm going into a fantasy world to enjoy myself in the way countless men have dreamed of for generations.

And I know just the place. The world of Interspecies Reviewers.

An anime dedicated to following a group of adventures as they visit the many races and all the different brothels filling that world. Reviewing the different species before posting their findings for others to enjoy. The fact that the women in this line of work all have succubus DNA in them, no matter how minuscule, means they all take true pleasure in servicing any type of clientele.

Basically it's a horny Otaku's paradise.

I may not be an Otaku myself, but I can appreciate those who know what they want and aren't afraid to show it, the creator of that series has my thanks for being such an awesome perv.

Only I can't just dive head first into a world like that. And it's not just because I can't afford what I intend to do.

With the upgrades I got in The Culture and my already impressive stamina, I can probably enjoy myself for weeks without the need to stop or even sleep for that matter.

Not that I plan too. It's just something I could do if I really wanted.

It's not just the money that's a problem. Different races have different things that turn them on. I'm already hard pressed to please human women as it is. I mean sure I've picked up a few things over the years and I read the Kama sutra more than once, but it really is an art form.

I've never been satisfied unless my partner experienced true pleasure while with me. Otherwise I just feel like I failed. That's why I decided to go to two separate worlds before heading into the world of the Interspecies Reviewers.

The first of those worlds belongs to the American Pie series. An American teen comedy story about coming of age and what it means to have sex. Well basically.

Why I'm here is simple. I've come for the Bible.

Not the religious one, I'm taling about the sex manual passed down through generations of high schoolers that's come to be known as The Bible. Decades of experience and knowledge has been pressed into those pages. A man who reads this book cover to cover can please any women at any time with any part of their body.

It may not help with some women of different species, but it's better than nothing.

There are three versions I picked up while here. The original, before it was burnt in a fire. The remake, from The Book of Love movie. And a version from far in the future where every page is filled in to completion.

I compiled them all into one super lexicon of pleasure, adding my own experience and knowledge, before returning the other books to their rightful places in time.

Once that was done I read it so carefully and closely it was as if I had gone over it with a magnifying glass.

Now that I'm satisfied that I know all I can and I'm as prepared as I'll ever be for what I'm about to do, it's time to deal with the monetary concerns. Good thing I know just the place.

Opening another gateway between worlds as I hopped through it, I appeared on what looked like a sea of gold. In fact that's quite accurate. As this entire planet is made out of stolen loot.

The Treasure Planet from the Disney movie of the same name. I'll never have to worry about money again as long as I come to this world before hand. Quickly using my mind to fill Hermione's bag with gold and jewelry stolen from a thousand worlds I smiled at the thought a single pirate crew accomplishing this.

Using portals connected to different points in space one crew took on the universe and won.

It's unbelievable. It was one of my favourite movies as a child. The beauty and intrigue of that world was just so amazing. So I'm glad I got the chance to see this place with my own eyes.

"Now, it's time for some real fun!"

Finally heading towards the world I had in mind for the past few hours i appeared above a large medieval fantasy world with with monsters and magic.

I quickly controlled my bio-suit to more resemble the clothes of the people below. Nothing too extravagant. Just a nice black gambeson, over a dark brais (medieval pants) with simple brown, leather looking boots. Satisfied with my appearance I teleported to my first destination. I've had plenty of time to think as I gathered my wits in the other worlds. So I know exactly where to go and what to do while there.

My heart is beating like a drum and my 'excitement' hasn't worn off since I first had the thought crawl across my mind.

The first location I plan to visit is from the episode I enjoyed the most from the entire Ishizuko Reviewers anime. Though I do I plan to stay here for a least long enough to 'sample' one of each race, I want to start with the one that turns me on the most.

That species is of course the Birdmaiden. Winged women with a naturally submissive nature and talon like feet.

Once inside I paid my fee and picked a girl to spend the evening with. I'm not used to things like this, but before I leave this world I'll bet I'll be a pro.



I gripped the two white plumed wings with both hands as I pulled her back into me to keep her from moving. Gripping her tight as her back arched I felt her clench down with every thrust as she moaned in ecstasy.

Her perky breasts bounced without reprieve every time our bodies collided. The Perfect C cups with tiny pink nipples they were. Small bite marks could be seen along the tip and her smooth, firm ass had turned red from being spanked repeatedly.

When I was finally satisfied and had filled her once more I let go and watched her drop to the bed in a heaping mess of hair and sweat. I ran my fingers along her scalp and gripped her golden locks in my hand before pulling her up into a deep kiss. Our tongues intertwined as I pulled her in closer. Sliding my other arm up the small of her back inbetween her wings.

Tracing the nape of her neck with my fingers, hitting that sweet spot all her species have, causing her to go limp in my embrace as her wings enclosed around us. A small mewl escaped her lips once more as she pressed herself into me. Her bare chest held firmly against my own.

The thickness of my arms and my massive frame contrasted against her tiny form and thin waist making it seem like I could crush her if I wasn't carful. Yet looks can be deceiving.

After pushing her down and taking her in several more positions I was almost ready to call it a day. The two of us lay there panting. Both covered In oil and sweat with massive grins across our faces.

Hers from having her brains turned to mush and her legs to jelly after what I just did. And me from enjoying my time with a fantasy species for the first time. Turning over and looking deep into her blue eyes I caressed her body and let my hands wander as they traveled her slender curves. Slowly sliding two fingers into the warmth between her legs as her hips bucked towards me.

With a newfound familiarity I moved my fingers insider her until she screamed out and called my name, reaching that final climax that would push her over the edge into a state of pleasure she's never experienced before. Biting into my shoulder as she came once more I felt her relax completely in my arms.


It's true that while in the future and during my time in The Culture I slept with many alien women. So in theory this shouldn't be any different. But it is. It just has a different feeling all together when the women are from a magical universe.

'Maybe I'm over thinking it, but I don't believe I've ever enjoyed myself as much as I just did and the truth is, I'm only getting started.'

With a malicious smile spread across my face I covered the now sleeping birdmaiden with the thin pink blanket and walked into the bathroom to wash myself off.

It's time I visit another brothel. I give this one a 8 out of 10. In the end she just couldn't keep up with me, but I always made sure not to push her too hard. So it was still an enjoyable encounter.

Not that I mind. Sometimes it's good to take it slow. Not all women like it rough and even those who do don't like to be thrown around like garbage in the bedroom (though there are special cases).

I've found that there's a fine line between being dominate and being abusive. I only treated her the way she wanted to be treated. Nothing more, nothing less. If she had said stop at any time I would have. But she didn't.

Personally I don't have a preference. I just like seeing women pleasured and satisfied after spending time with me. Regardless of how they want to be treated I just adapt based on the moment. I do like to cuddle afterwards and talk beforehand. Even if that's not really the point of a brothel it's still nice to feel someone close to you and for a connection even if it is momentary.

These aren't toys to be used and discarded. They're women. Each of whom with their own thoughts and desires. And I get to are share an experience with these amazing ladies. One I'll never forget and one that will sit in my mind for me to look fondly on in for all my days the future.

That being said I plan to have countless more of those 'experiences' while in this world. It's just too good an opportunity to pass up.

I wonder what species I should turn my focus too next?


After nearly a month of debauchery and over indulging myself in my most carnal desires I finally figured out which species I enjoy the most out of those I've visited in this world. I'll sum it all through simple reviews like those in the show.

Pixie women- 6/10

Fun in premise, but too small for me. Now when multiple are involved it becomes a different story all together and you get to feel something truly interesting.

Dwarven women- 8/10

No one has as much passion of devotion to their craft as the Dwarves. Needless to say Dwarven sex workers are no different.

Elven women- 9/10

Nothing can beat experience and technique. The best part, their lustrous skin and silky hair seem to glow as they climax. I've learned that this is caused by the mana in their bodies singing as it cries out in ecstasy.

Myconids- 8/10

What can I say? They have a type for every fetish.

Female Salamandra- 8/10

Burning as hot as an oven these women are not for the faint of hearted. If it wasn't for my augmentations I wouldn't have been able to even touch one for long let alone experience the bliss that is this species. However they often smell of BBQ so it can be hard not to get hungry during it all.

Succubi- 6/10

Naturally gifted at their craft these true Succubi have a lust like no other. Not recommended to go alone unless you have endless stamina. Even then be prepared to fight for the right to be the dominant one. Unless your into that kind of thing it's more of a challenge than anything else.

Beast Women- 10/10

With just the right amount of fur in all the right places these women are perfect in every way. And with such a large variety there's always someone, from some tribe to tickle your fancy.

Even after all the time I spent in this world I still haven't nearly experienced every race.

I didn't bother to count the ratings at five or below since those were basically just a normal encounter, or ones that left a bad taste in the mouth. Sometimes quite literally.

I already knew it before I came here, but it was nice to have clear proof that I have a preference for beast women. They're just so exotic, and varied, not to mention wildly freaky, crazy strong and beyond flexible.

10 out of 10 every time. No question.

Maybe I'm just hard to please because they are the only race I visited that got a perfect rating. Needless to say I enjoyed myself truly and deeply while there. Several times over in fact. Women from tiger, bear, mouse and bunny tribes specifically were the cream of the crop.

That's not saying other tribes or other races are any worse. It all comes down to personal preference. For me, Elves in particular are a close second to beast women. Though Dark Elves tend to be more fun, it still varies from person to person. Like girls with tattoos and girls without.

The elves did help me better control the minute magic I have within me though. Apparently even though I don't have much of it my mana is beautiful due to its purity. The fact I didn't know how to use it was taken as an affront by them and something that just couldn't stand. So I was begrudgingly taught beginners spell craft, basic mana control and how to use my mana sense by several naked Elves all while pitching a tent if you know what I mean.

I can't say it wasn't pleasant though. To be able to feel the mana, the very life energy, coursing through my partner as we entwined our energies, it was beyond euphoric. The way elves make love is simply in another league all together compared to humans.

I felt like I learned something after every encounter. It's truly a wondrous and fascinating world. I made sure to visit each brothel to see different women from each race so as to truly understand their proclivities.

I must have spent more than a few million in gold and precious gems while here. Especially since my money doesn't carry mana so I had to pay extra. Not like it matters. I have a near limitless supply after all, but it's still a lot. Especially compared with how cheap many places in this world can be. In fact one succubi run brothel all but paid their customers to enter. They had dozens of lower rank succubi within. Three eyed, blue/red skinned girls with bat like wings. Each with an unbelievably horny and lustful disposition. They were a little too forceful for my liking, even if they were fun.

They actually had to keep them behind glass so as not to have them rushing the customers when they arrive. [A/N This is from episode four of the Ishizuko Reviewers Anime]

Needless to say I taught them what it means to truly experience the pleasures of the flesh. Not just to do the deed and be done with it. It was only due to my upgrades from The Culture, The Sex Lexicon I got from American Pie and the Elven techniques I had perfected while in this world that I was able to overcome them.

It took three days and three nights, but I satisfied every women in that store to the fullest extent of my abilities. Leaving them all jelly legged and too exhausted to move. Or should I say I satisfied myself with each and everyone of them? Hell, even the owner joined in at the end.

I still remember what she said to me before I stared. "If you still want more when your done with them. Then I'll join you."

I took that as a challenge.

She was the most fun of them all. Being a higher grade succubi than the rest she lasted much longer than any of the others and knew how to move her bodies in ways that put the rest to shame. Her petite body was also covered in dark brown fun, which was a huge plus in my book.

That was the last place I went. It really did drain me dry, mentally and physically. But now that I've satisfied my teenage fantasy and my inner sex fiend I think I'm good. I've experienced all this world has to offer, so it's time to go back to reality and stop screwing around. Both literally and figuratively.

I do plan to come back here eventually, I still plan to experience every race for myself one day.

However that won't be for a good long while. There's only so much of one thing a person can take before it becomes an addiction or they become sick of it. So I have to be carful not to get obsessed with this world, or worse loose my interest in it all together.

There's also the minute possibility staying too long could turn me into some sex crazed moron whose only goal is to travel through the Multiverse and bang everything with two feet and a heartbeat.

'Yeah, that's not my style.'

I'm more of an opportunistic lover. I never used to go to bars or clubs just to pick up women like many of my friends did. I always let things happen. If I met someone along the way and we hit it off, or found our way to the bedroom, so be it. That was how I was before I got these abilities and it's how I plan to stay.

I see no reason why I should change now. Nor do I want to. Im one of a kind exactly because of the way I am and I'm going to keep it that way.

In the words of a cybernetic space racoon, "Ain't no thing like me, 'cept me!"

Kannan768 Kannan768

First R18 moment in the story, tell me what you think. Was it forced? Too much? Too little? Did it feel out of place at all? Should I put more of this in my story, or have none at all? What are your thoughts?

I’d love to have feedback as I’m pretty much writing this for fun.

I also tried to make sure his trip to this world was worthwhile and that it made sense in the story. That way it’s beyond simple wish fulfillment, even if it’s only slightly.

Next chapter the deeper plot starts to unfold

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