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Chapter 3: Meet Dave

A lot of things broke my heart but fixed my vision.

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"Shit! Who was that?!" one of the bodyguards said.

"It was some guy,do you think he was the one who told her to run away?" the other assumed.

"That couldn't be because,how would the person know her?" The first bodyguard to speak pondered. He turned to his second. "We have to find her".

"But we still have to tell Don Okafor that his daughter ran away with some guy".


Dave's POV

I drove round Lekki in my motorcycle yet I wasn't satisfied. I was currently wasting gas right now but I didn't care. I wanted–no,needed to stop feeling this pain in my heart. If only it was as easy as it was to stop emotional suffering as it was for physical pain.

Yes,my heart was broken. I blame myself,I got attached too easily. She just played me,Miriam played me.

I wondered what I ever did to her that she chose me or....didn't choose me. Miriam...Miriam was my girlfriend of seven months,I had known her for a year before we started dating.

We first met at a party in which I was the chef. She loved my food so much we became friends. She had always said she wanted to marry a man who can cook.

And yet she didn't. The voice in my head reminded me. It turned out Miriam started dating me because her parents were getting her married soon. Guess when I found out,today,the wedding day itself.

I arrived at the wedding wondering why she would get married. I asked her why and she told me.

"I am really sorry Dave. You aren't a bad guy at all. It's just,my parents had planned my wedding months back. I realized if I got married,I wouldn't be able to have some fun after that so I decided you".

"So you never really loved me?" I asked icily. I felt betrayed–heck! I was betrayed.

"You know you never loved me too" she shot back. "You and i had chemistry but it wasn't...".

I stared at her confused and furious at how she could be so shameless to say all those words.

"So do you love the idiot you are marrying now?".

"I uh..." Miriam looked shot of words and I knew instantly she didn't feel a thing for the groom.

"Then why are you marrying him?".

"Listen Dave,Clement is a wealthy man. He has what I need to maintain my lifestyle" Miriam explained to me as if expecting me to understand. I stared at her in disgust,realizing she never truly felt anything for me. Miriam's parents were well off but they still got her married for money? They are the most selfish and greedy people I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. I left the church after that in my motorcycle speechless.

I was glad Miriam decided to get married so I discovered her true colours but it still didn't change the fact that her betrayal hurt. My heart clenched tighter every time I thought about her.

After that,I had talked to my friends about her who called her things I don't like addressing ladies by.

Ayo, my closest friend saw how gloomy I was since I stayed at his place all day and convinced him to go clubbing with him to blow steam off.

He was wrong. I think the only thing that could help me blow steam off was beating somebody. I was incredibly bitter that when ever someone touched me,I would snap at them. Ayo had basically forgotten my existence since he was sucking the face of another one of his victims. I shook my head and got up heading for the door but in a sea of dancing people,it was an arduous task. I was almost there when someone bumped into me and I hit someone. I snarled intending to yell at the person but he or she was gone and I turned to the person I bumped into. What I saw took my breath away,I couldn't understand why.

There was nothing outstanding about her but she stood out for a reason. She was dressed in a casual jeans trouser,top and jacket. Her average sized eyes widened as they stared into mine,she had the tannest brown skin I had ever seen,her lips were full and painted in pink lip gloss. She was tall but had a petite frame,it made her look cute and beautiful at the same time. I found myself unable to form words as I stared at her,she held my stare with a strange innocent look in her eyes.

I realized I had been staring for long and l blinked,clearing my throat. I muttered a quiet 'sorry' and left not daring to look back. The way I felt around that woman was strange.

I stepped out into the night and the cold wind welcomed me. I sighed in relief,inside was really stuffy and I felt I would lose my mind if I had stayed any longer. I stood staring as my thoughts drifted to Miriam. Was she really going to forget me so easily? Did i really mean nothing to her?

We spent nearly a year together yet she threw me out of her life like I meant nothing. I wish it were that easy to forget her especially when she doesn't deserve so much as my thoughts.

I shook my head realizing I was thinking about her again. I didn't want to think about her. I wanted to forget this terrible day.

But then,I encountered the worst surprise of the day. Ugh.


"Leave her alone" I said,my voice muffled under the rider's helmet. After riding around,I got hungry and bought some snacks eating them when I heard a girl screaming for help.

My first idea was to ride away and pretend I didn't hear but I felt guilty. Would I be fine if anything happened to the lady when I had the power to stop it?

I got on my bike and rode in the direction of where the sound was coming from. I shone my light in that area and there I was.

"Agh" the men screamed as the light blinded them. I didn't plan what I would do when I got there but this seemed like a good start. I drove to the girl and kicked the two men to the ground. She stared at me stunned.

"Are you getting in or not?" I asked irritated that she was wasting time staring. I did not endanger my wellbeing only to get trouble. She hesitated a bit before jumping on. One of the men held her but she punched him in the eye.


I drove off fast hoping those men didn't have a vehicle with which they could catch me with. After a while,since we had driven far and were sure they didn't follow us. I pulled over,we were close to Ikeja and the place I stayed.

The girl got out and i followed removing the helmet from my head. I arranged my hair and turned to see the girl,I didn't get a good look at her because of my helmet was on. Shock ran through me when I saw her,it was the girl from the club.

"You?!" We both pointed at each other in shock. The girl stepped back staring at me with a scrutinizing gaze.

I stepped back subconsciously,eyeing her warily "what are you doing?".

"Oh,nothing" she said. She looked at her feet shyly "um,thank you for saving me".

"You're welcome,my name is Dave" I introduced myself.

"I am Katherine".

She smiled at me widely and I shifted a bit uncomfortable.

"So,where do you live? I can help you get home?" I said to stop the awkward moment.

"M-my home?" Katherine stammered suddenly cowering back. I furrowed my brows at her wondering why she was behaving this way.


"I um" Katherine suddenly looked worried.

"Is something the matter?" I asked. She didn't look fine at all and I didn't want anything bad to happen to her in my presence. "Where do you live?".

"I um" Katherine gulped worried and I wondered if I should take her to my house. I can't take anymore of standing in this cold. I was about to say that when Katherine suddenly blurted out something shocking.

"I ran away from home!" She blurted shutting her eyes tight. I stared at her wide eyed. She opened an eye to peek at me and winced at my reaction.

I didn't know what to say. I was stunned. "You what?".

"Listen,my family are....very protective of me. They've kept me in the house for the twenty three years I've lived on this earth" Katherine began explaining. She gestured with her hands repeatedly. "I have never left the four corners of my home and this is the first time I have ever seen the city. I decided to run away but they sent some people to get me and you saved me and here I am".

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I looked at her in disbelief "this is a joke right?".

"Uhhhh" Katherine smiled nervously.

"Oh Goddd!!!" I groaned throwing my head back. "Why is this happening to me?! This can't be happening to me!". I shouldn't have saved her.

"I shouldn't have saved you" I muttered into my hands that covered my face.

"I'm glad you did" Katherine countered muttering to herself. I glared at her,she stepped back again. I huffed then went to my bike.

"Are you leaving?" She asked.


"What about me?!".

"Find your way home".

"But I don't know anywhere in the city".

"Then call your parents to come get you".

"I can't" she said determined. "I won't".

"Then freeze" I said wearing my helmet. I know I sounded cold but I wasn't in the mood to deal with this. A broken heart and some weird girl,no way. Katherine frowned at me and I revved up my bike ready to go.

"My father is a very influential man. After saving me,my father will want to know who you are. He will find out and hurt you for interfering. You might even lose your life" Katherine suddenly said. She added after a second thought. "Without me to back you up of course".

I froze and turned to her asking "who is your father?".

"You don't need to know" she answered. "All you need to know is when my father finds you,he won't hesitate to end you. But if you help me,I can defend you. My father listens to me".

"Are you threatening me?".

"No,simply warning" she said and began walking in the opposite direction. I sat on my bike thinking.

She sounded so confident. She might be telling the truth and she is,her...father might really kill me for helping his daughter. He won't listen to my explanations and Katherine will not speak up. Could she really be telling the truth?.

I turned back staring at her retreating figure. My grip on the motorcycle handle tightened and loosened as I bit my bottom lip.

"Wait!" I called and drove to her.

She turned and smiled. "I am glad you came around. It would have been a shame if you died".

I felt a chill pass through me when I heard that. I glared at her as she got on my back "didn't your daddy ever tell you not to follow strangers?".

"Didn't your daddy ever tell you not to save strangers?" She retorted sassily. I frowned,glaring angrily at no one in particular.

Dave 0,Katherine 1.


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