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Chapter 3: Chapter 2

"Seriously." Sean looked at himself in disgust at the mirror; his new school uniform consisted of black shoes, navy trousers, A white shirt and a navy tie.

Sean sighed deeply as he exited his room and prepared to do the same routine again whilst also preparing everyone else's breakfast.

"Morning~" Kurumi greeted her younger brother as she began to sip her coffee like a proud ojou-sama and began to consume her toast with jam ontop of it.

"Morning~" Soon after the rest of the shinobi girls arrived, said their pleasantries and began to eat breakfast.

"Hey, Kurumi." Sean called out to his sister to which she looked at him and nodded upwards indicating for him to speak "Did you know I was gonna be forcefully transferred to your shinobi program?"

When he asked this she smugly nodded.


When Sean heard this he couldn't help but despair "But I don't wanna~" he complained childishly trying to win them over with cuteness - which almost worked with Yagyu but she averted her eyes - however Kurumi looked sharply at Sean.

"It's better than being a criminal." She admonished him to which both she and Ikaruga nodded whilst Katsuragi simply smiled and said "What? Don't wanna hang out with us big man?" Whilst Asuka and Hibari responded with iterations of "It'll be fun!".

"Being a criminal is better than being an exhibitionist if you ask me." Sean muttered which got Kurumi's attention.

"Hmm~ are you calling me an exhibitionist?" Her smile scared Sean inside but he kept on his poker face whilst he responded with "Yes."

There was a moment of silence.


"Ufufufu~" Kurumi giggled(?) towards Sean which brought him into a slight state of fear but he kept his poker face calmly.

"You kill me you won't be able to have breakfast." Sean bargained because of the fact that he couldn't help but think she would literally kill him thanks to his knowledge of date-a-live Kurumi.

"Hehahaha..." She silently giggled while her heterochromatic eyes of red and gold looked at him "Your face was hilarious." She giggled whilst the others giggled to some extent "It was as if you were ready to take on the world itself."

'That's because I somewhat was knowing that you still have you time powers in this world-- only this time your time powers has less consequences and more strain.'

"Anyway, yes, you are going to join shinobi training whether you like it or not."That was a statement that Sean couldn't refute.

He sighed.

"Okay~" He replied non-commitently.

Currently, a young lad with messy black hair and curved glasses was heading towards Hanzou Academy. While there definitely was a few stares because of his above above-average appearances which was just below amazing, Sean tucked his hands into his pockets as he sighed.

"Now, I believe it's supposed to be here." He muttered as he made it to a building and entered only to soon arrive to a wall which he knew by the wind-current that it was designed as a hidden door to which he pushed it open and jumped down.

For Sean there was no sense of rush nor any feeling distressment in the slightest, only a clear and serene mind was all that remained. Once he arrived at the bottom he rolled forwards to reduce the impact to next to nothing.

Since Sean wasn't trained to be a shinobi like his sister and the other shinobi girls he was physically weaker, however thanks to his [Avatar - Arsene Lupin] he was able to cultivate his skills instead. Overall, Sean worked on a 'skills beat power anyday' basis for his training.

"Your late." The old man informed the youth to which he responded with "I noticed."

Kiriya's eyebrow twitched as he realised that he was being sassed by Sean.

"Haa~ Don't be late next time, anyway, get a move on." He spoke "The girls are already at the training area."

Sean sighed.

"Roger that, Captain."

Soon enough Sean was taken to an area in which he arrived at Ikaruga performing a [Secret Ninja Art] and then saw Katsuragi and Yagyu do their [Secret Ninja Art] which seemed to represent their chosen beast/animal.

"Well done, you three." Kiriya complimented them whilst Hibari suddenly got inspired after they all talked amongst themselves and then she performed a [Secret Ninja Art] as well whilst Asuka couldn't do hers.

"What about you?" He asked his sister who seemed to be in a... black and red dress which strangely resembled her date-a-live counterpart's dress-- much to Sean's horror.

Kurumi giggled.

"I can too, you know?" She spoke smugly "[Secret Ninja Art: Cat's Glint]"

When she performed this suddenly an aura of red and black erupted from behind her as an image of a cat appeared as it's equally heterochromatic eyes struck fear into Sean before she turned it off.

"So how was it?" Kurumi puffed up her plentiful assets to show how proud she was.

"Cool." She seemed to redden as she saw Sean's honest opinion.

"Now then, whilst you all train; it's time for your turn." Kiriya garnered the attention and looked towards Sean "I believe you have your scroll?" He asked to which Sean responded with a nod.

"First of all, you should learn [Shinobi Tenshin]." He then went on to explain about stuff about ideals and personality and motives to which Sean got most of it.

"I don't necessarily need to say 'Shinobi Tenshin' right?" Sean asked as he inwardly pleaded the nearest god to not do something so cringe inducing.

"No, you don't have to." Kiriya responded with a raised eyebrow.

"Good." Sean muttered as he garnered attention unintentionally as he channelled his black-grey-purple-with-a-hint-of-red aura through his medium--his scroll and spoke his catch phrase.

"[It's show time...]" He spoke to which he suddenly realised that he was clad in a different appearance--an appearance which resembled his idol Arsene, his ancestor.

His appearance currently was that of a magician. He wore regular shoes which are usually designed for business, dark brown trousers, a white shirt with a napkin that had a glowing red gem holding it in place, a black blazer ontop of that and whilst also having a blood-red tuxedo that extended to his palms which were covered by black gloves which had a bit of the shirt being released from there in frills, whilst also having something which resembled a black shroud that descended into black feathers which was being held together by two golden pieces of jewellery which connected the shroud together and lastly, he had a pure black magician's hat and a silver cane-- Arsene's Cane.

"Like this right?" His red-eyes which subconsciously had his [Third Eye] active looked towards his teacher.

"A-Already!?" Katsuragi exclaimed in surprise right in the distance whilst Ikaruga muttered "With no formal training, either..."

Kiriya who saw this raised his eyebrow as he saw the flashy outfit which resembled more that of a circus magician than a shinobi but just shook his head and simply nodded in affirmation.

"Yes, like that." He responded to which Sean slightly grinned as he inwardly thought 'Easy~ Arsene's training was harder.' however there was something Sean noticed.

'My body feels like it's at least two times stronger than normal, and if I had together my spells then this should be overpowered.'

He examined but noticed a flaw.

'However this only goes so far as it keeps a steady drain of my own aura, but it could be reduced with enough training. Currently, 15 minutes should be my limit before I drop dead and become useless--although, I will just use my spells to reduce the strain in the cost of this.' He inwardly decided.

Soon Kurumi walked up to Sean and patted his head.

"Good boy~ good boy~" She complimented which reddened Sean's face "But did you really have to say "It's show time" seriously, did you have to?" She asked teasingly which made him avert his eyes.

"Well excuse me, it's my catch phrase." He retorted to which Katsuragi joined in "Ho~ or are you trying to make yourself seem cool or something?" This caused him to blush even further "I mean it is cool." Asuka complimented while seeming somewhat down for her own unsuccessful attempt whilst Yagyu simply gave a thumbs up and Hibari being Hibari complimented it purely "Its really, really, cool~!" She complimented which made Sean on the verge of passing out.

Normally, he wouldn't get so flustered and would just be smug however around Kurumi his smug side simply won't appear. Hence, you could say he's quite vulnerable to compliments whilst near his family member due to how cringy and embarrassing it feels.

That and him saying such chuunibyou lines near people who know him makes him want to crawl into a hole, which is a very different reaction compared to if it's for strangers since he treats it as a performance on a stage--especially considering his fighting style which implements both flashy dancing moves and deadly attacks together.

"Ahem." Kiriya gathered everyone's attention "Seeing as he managed to successfully activate his [Shinobi Tenshin] first try, I would like to see his capabilities in action as I was already informed of his previous actions."

He spoke as Sean deactivated his transformation and inwardly thought 'Being a phantom thief is a family business.'

Soon enough they were all gathered into some place which resembled a gymnasium.

Sean inwardly sighed as he saw that ahead of him was Ikaruga who was tasked into sparring him due to her role as class president.

Sean sighed as he cast away all doubts and kept a calm facade on whilst Ikaruga was equally calm.

"[Shinobi Tenshin]!" Ikaruga exclaimed as she raised her sword in a basic kendo stance.

"[It's show time...]" Sean-- no, Joker-- announced his catch phrase as his now glinted-red eyes calmly stared at Ikaruga as if he was analysing her every move.

But soon their staring came to an end as Joker gripped his Arsene Cane and shrunk it to that of a slightly bigger dagger and took a gun from his pocket and shot a bullet as he exclaimed:

"[Sukunda]! [Sukunda]!" He exclaimed as she dodged one bullet however soon fell prey onto the next one.

The Trickster grinned as he realised his plan worked, the first shot was a debuff of the bare minimum whilst he powered the second [Sukunda] with more energy because of the fact that he knew from Ikaruga's build that she focuses more on speed for striking whilst also keeping power whilst ignoring her defense for the rest. In other words, she dodges rather than defends and that's her weakness.

'The second [Sukunda] should've decreased her speed by a wide margin.' He kept his facade on as he pulled down his top hat to cover his eyes from Ikaruga's perspective.


Ikaruga was inspecting her body for any changes but found none.

'What did he do to me?' She asked herself as she couldn't detect any changes but her intuition told her something was wrong 'Did he fail?' she mused.

"What's the hold up?" He questioned while grinning-- it was as if his personality switched from the calm and slightly teasable person to a cocky and prideful annoyance.

"Aww~ are ya scared?" The Trickster taunted "That's cute." He mocked.

Ikaruga determining that she logically had nothing wrong going on decided to ditch her wariness and attack the infuriating man head-on.

She slashed him in a vertical arc however he simply tilted his head and dodged the strike. She then continued to attack more: horizontally, vertically, right, left, top right to bottom left, top left to bottom right and so on in a flurry seemingly never-ending. However, not one attack landed towards him-- it was as if she was...

Ikaruga's eyes widened as she realised something however the Trickster grinned as he raised his pistol towards her.

"[Tarunda]!" Ikaruga momentarily had a strike of fear but it was soon washed away as she attempted to dodge but failed, however like before nothing happened.

She was going to create a distance but was however kicked on the abdomen and forcefully made to make a distance by the Joker's desire.

"What's wrong, can't land a hit?" He grinned mockingly which pestered Ikaruga uncharacteristically but she kept cool.

The Trickster's calm facade was impenetrable however on the inside he was sweating rapidly as he imagined what would happen without the shinobi tenshin, although to reach this speed he would probably have to shoot himself with a [Sukukaja].

"Not going to land a hit?" He grinned as he then muttered "Then don't mind I do."

The Trickster aimed his gun - to everyone's surprise - to his own head.

"[Sukukaja]! [Sukukaja]!" He fired twice as he noticed that his speed was increased by at least 6 times if he stacks it with his shinobi tenshin, he then dove forward in a sprint as his dagger glinted in a grey glow "[Cleave]!"

Ikaruga who noticed it coming nearby pushed her body as far as possible and saw only the tip managed to reach her, however to her surprise there was still a lot of damage as she noticed that her [Shinobi Tenshin] form was missing half her closing on her left.

"Just a graze?" She muttered in surprise however she attempted to switch her grip but was stopped when the Joker forcefully gripped her palm and brought them close whilst holding onto her behind on her left as if in a dance and headbutted her which stunned her for a moment but during that moment the Joker forcefully spun her while using her palm as a pivot - as if they were dancing - to forcefully make her lose control and then proceeded to kick her away.

Ikaruga was taken aback by the force that did little damage however she made use of it by spinning around and pushing past her limits to reach back into her regular state and then proceeded to grip her Hien.

"[Hien Hosen: Ichi-shiki]!" She gripped and begun to slash as fast as possible then she sheathed it for the lasting damage.

The Joker grunted as he noticed that his attire was damaged as there were a few tears however--

"That's the end!" Kiriya ended the fight which promptly made Sean transform back as he slipped because of the fact that he tried to divert his knife's path from near her cheek, whilst Ikaruga was slightly distressed but sheathed her sword calmly.

"That's the end of today's spar. For now, take a bath and head home." He spoke as he threw a smoke bomb and disappeared.

Both Sean and Ikaruga then bowed.

"Thank you for the match."

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