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Chapter 7: Chapter - 06

In front of Jin's mansion, Jin was currently standing there playing with his phone.

"Sai, connect me to the phone of Marikawa Shizuka."

[Affirmative. Call in progress…]


/Call start/

"Moshi moshi~" ( Shizuka)

"Hello there, Shizuka-san." (Jin)

"Ah, Jin-san, how are you?! Are you and Saeko-san ok?" (Shizuka)

"We are fine, Shizuka-san. Thanks for asking. More importantly, have you arrived at the Takagi Estate?" (Jin)

"Ah yes, we have arrived there yesterday. The rest of the group took some rest; however, they look really tense. Especially Takagi-san and Komuro-kun, they have been fighting a lot. Miyamoto-san also can't move for one or two days because she hurt her back from the fall." (Shizuka)

"I see. Can you then please tell them that we are coming? We will be in a black and silver colored Humvee; we will be arriving later today." (Jin)

"Yeah~ sure~" (Shizuka)

"Ok then, goodbye for now." (Jin)

"Bye~" (Shizuka)

/Call end/

'Now that this is done, what I need to do now is:

- Flexing at the Estate.

- Get a good look at the milf.

- More flexing. Important things need to be repeated after all.

- Curing the zombies.

- Telling Saeko that I'll be leaving this world.

- Leave.'

While he was lost in his thoughts, he heard the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs. He looked up and was stunned. There, he saw Saeko wearing a black traditional Japanese yukata with purple roses over it. Her enchanting appearance made his breath stagnate for a moment.

"You look really enchanting in a yukata." (Jin)

"T-Thank you…" (Seko)

She answered bashfully with red cheeks.

Seeing her like this, his heart skipped a beat, got closer to her, and spoke in her ear.

"Are you sure you are not trying to tempt me? Right now, it is taking all of my willpower not to 'eat' you~" (Jin)

"N-No, I-I am not! A-Anyway let's go or we will be late."

She stuttered as she spoke and went hurriedly toward the car, just as she came near the car, the door opened, and she heard Sai's teasing voice from the inside.

[Welcome, Mistress.] (Sai)

Saeko who heard that felt all the blood in her body rushing to her face. Her face looked like it was about to drip blood with the slightest touch with how much she was blushing.

Jin who saw this, for the first time since he created Sai felt like it was worth it! He had the urge to algorithmically pat her head while saying 'Omega good job!' !

He then headed towards the car and drove to the Takagi Estate.

____/Scene Change\____

In the courtyard of the Takagi Estate, Kohta was groveling on the ground while hugging the guns he took from Rika's(Shizuka's friend) house. He was currently surrounded by a group of people who were asking him to hand over the weapons.

"Cut the crap!" (Mob)

"Hurry up and hand them over!" (Mob)

"Listen up. Get a hold of yourself. You can't keep those weapons to yourself. Now give them to us…" (Higher ranking mob)

"No way! I'm borrowing these from someone! And… I can use these better than anyone else here can!" (Kohta)

He hugged the weapons tighter as he spoke while shivering.

"Oi!" (Mob)

One of the mobs signaled another one to take the weapons by force.

"You don't leave us any choice. We don't have time for this childish crap!" (Mob)

"Hirano!" (Takashi)

Before Takashi could step in, they all heard a booming and intimidating voice.

"What's causing all the commotion?" (??)

There they saw a buffed middle-aged man coming closer while moving slowly with heavy and steady steps. He is a tall and intimidating man with jet black hair and fierce orange eyes that have the gaze of a predatory animal.

This man is the one known as Takagi Souichiro aka Saya's daddy.

He was being followed by a beautiful middle-aged lady. She has long, light purple hair that wears her hair down and has it much shorter in the front and pushed to either side of her face and purple eyes. She has a slender figure and dresses in a style which resembles the typical aristocratic attire, which is a thin red dress, a white cloth wrapped around her arms and mid to lower body, and a silver necklace with a small charm on the front and lipstick.

This woman is his wife and is known as Yuriko Takagi.

"C-Commander! T-This kid thinks his guns are toys…" (Mob)

The man then finally came to a stop in front of Kohta and spoke with a deep voice.

"I am Takagi Souichiro. Former lord of Tokonosu and master of the tendo sogon-ryu. Tell me your name, young man!"

[A/N: - I don't know what the hell is that "tendo sogon-ryu" except that it has a connection to swordsmanship…]

Hearing the voice of the man made Kohta frightened, he kept groveling on the ground and introduced himself while stuttering.

"H-H-Hirano Kohta! Fujimi Academy. Class 2-B. Roster number 32!"

"Hoh! Your voice is full of spirit, young Hirano. There is no doubt in my mind that you had many hardships before you arrived here." (Souichiro)

He then squinted his eyes and continued.

"So, no matter what the situation, you don't plan on giving up your guns?" (Souichiro)

"No! I can't! Without these guns, I-I will just be the plain me once again! I'll just be the plain me! You can't do this to me! I finally realized that I could do something!" (Kohta)

Kohta kept speaking while shivering, crying and he was almost screaming.

"Hoh! And what exactly could you do? Tell me." (Souichiro)

"I-I-I… I can..." (Kohta)

Kohta couldn't answer the question and kept stuttering.

"He can protect your daughter." (Takashi)

Takashi who couldn't help it anymore interfered.

"K-Komuro…" (Kohta)

"Komuro? I see. I remember your name. You and my daughter have been friends since childhood." (Souichiro)

"We have, but… Ever since all hell broke loose, Hirano here has been protecting your daughter." (Takashi)

They then heard footsteps coming near and saw the rest of the team coming.


Screamed Alice as she jumped at Kohta and hugged him.

Suddenly, Souichiro heard his daughter's voice as she stepped and spread her arms in front of Kohta like she was shielding him as she spoke.

"Sure, he may be some good-for-nothing military nerd, but I would have been one of those corpses by now if it weren't for him! That's right! Unlike you, he has been protecting me!" (Saya)

"Takagi-san..." (Kohta)

Hearing her defending him, Kohta couldn't help but look at her back with tears in his eyes.

A heavy and silent atmosphere descended but was broken by the faint sound of munching.

*munch*munch*sniff* munch*munch*sniff*

All of them turned to look towards the source of the sound, they looked up on a near tree, there they found an otherworldly handsome young man sitting on a tree branch with a big box of popcorn on his lap and wearing a pair of 3D glasses. He was using one hand to eat, while the other held a handkerchief and was wiping his tears and his runny nose.

They then heard him muttering.

"*sniff* That was moving, I should've brought a bigger box." (??)

Those who heard him felt their eyebrows twitching, Saya couldn't take it anymore and shouted.

"Oukami, what the hell are you doing here?! When did you arrive?!" (Saya)

"Oh, I was caught? Meh, whatever." (Jin)

Jin who was discovered muttered softly as he jumped of the tree.

"Yo! How are you guys? Missed me?" (Jin)

While the others were stupefied by his attitude, he was tackled by two silhouettes.

"Jin-san~" (Shizuka)

"Onii-chan!" (Alice)

"Good to meet you again, Shizuka-san, Alice-chan" (Jin)

He said as he patted their heads.

While this was happening, Souichiro forgot his shock that this man can easily sneak on them without being noticed, he was shocked after hearing his name.

"Oukami Jin….impossible. It can't be him…"

"Hey, when did you arrive here?" (Saya)

"I did arrive a while ago. However, the gate was closed, and no one was on-watch, so I left Saeko-chan in the car and came to check on the situation. After that, I happened to see this drama and was moved to tears, the rest you know it.

Although it was kinda surprising though that you are an ojou-sama with daddy issues., Takagi-san." (Jin)

"I don't have daddy issues!!"

Saya screamed while blushing.

Jin ignored her and turned towards Saya's father.

"The intimidating uncle over there, can you please send someone to open the gate? My companion is waiting in the car outside."

Hearing him say this, the men were shocked shitless, Saya's eyebrows were twitching, the group held back their laughter and Yuriko chuckled.

Souichiro's eyes twitched. However, he nodded to one of the men to open the gate. He needed to make sure of the young man's identity first.

"Well, sorry for the late introduction. The intimidating uncle, the beautiful onee-san over there, my name is Oukami Jin."

He bowed politely while kissing Yuriko's hand.

They were all stunned to process what was happening. However, Saya snapped out of it and shouted.

"Don't flirt with my mother!!"

"She is your mom? No freaking way!" (Jin)

"Fufufu, what a polite young man, my name is Takagi Yuriko, and this is my husband, Takagi Souichiro." (Yuriko)

Souichiro resisted the urge to draw his blade and spoke.

"Young man, can you please take it off?" (Souichiro)

"What the hell, old man?! I'm straight! Help me, Yuriko nee-san~"

Jin said with disgust as he hid behind Yuriko who was trying her hardest to hold her laughter back. He also ignored Shizuka who was darkly muttering something about losing the big sister position.

Souichiro's eyes twitched as he noticed the weird looks he was receiving, so he spoke again with irritation in his voice.

"Your glasses. I mean, take off your glasses!"


Said Jin with no enthusiasm as he removed the glasses.

"Impossible! How are you still alive?!" (Souichiro)

"Oya, someone still remembers this lil old me?"

Asked Jin while squinting his eyes. However, he was going full Aizen internally and screaming 'Kukuku, all according to plan!'.

Souichiro took a deep breath and started speaking, not noticing Saeko who had just arrived.

"Oukami Jin, formerly known as 'The Miracle Child' and later as 'The Unlucky Genius', he finished his college studies at the age of 7, got 3 PhDs at the age of 8 and won the Nobel Prize in the fields of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. However, he didn't go to receive them because he thought that 'It was troublesome.'. He suddenly disappeared from the public eyes by the age of 12 and was rumored to have died in a plane accident." (Souichiro)

[A/N: - Fucking cringy…...]

After he finished speaking, all of the people were frozen stiff looking at Jin, Jin however stayed silent then spoke.

"*sigh* Man, you just had to interrupt my flirting time just to say this? Couldn't you wait till we got inside or something? And yeah, I am that bla bla bla scientist or whatever. There were some idiots who wanted to make me design weapons, so I faked my death and moved to the hill next to your home here.

However, you forgot an important piece of info, old man! I've been living as a dedicated shut-in-otaku for the past 6 years!" (Jin)

"Well, now that the small things are out of the way, let's go continue our talk inside!"

Jin said as he linked his arm to the stunned Yuriko and dragged her towards the main building with Saeko following behind him sighing and massaging her head.

All of them then snapped out of their trance ad followed after them with a fuming Saya and Souichiro who felt his hair turning green for some reason.

____/Scene Change\____

Inside the living room of the Takagi mansion, Jin and the others were sitting waiting for him to speak.

"Souichiro-san, I heard that you are planning to leave the estate after two days, right?" (Jin)

"Indeed. The morning after two days we will indeed leave the estate as it will become more dangerous here." (Souichiro)

"Ok then, I will need you to stop this plan." (Jin)

"Why?" (Souichiro)

If it were anyone else, he would have refused them right this instant, however, with his experience in politics for years, his gut feeling told him to let the young man before him finish first.

"Well, your main problems lie in security and supplies, right?" (Jin)

"Indeed. It's extremely hard right now to provide both water and food with how the roads are blocked and the corpses that are roaming around. Every time we go to hunt for supplies costs a big of loss in the number of people capable of fighting too. Not to mention, the ammo will eventually run out too and if something happened to the gate, then this place is as good as gone." (Souichiro)

"No problem, I'll take care of that. I'll send you a truck filled with supplies enough for the people here to last for two weeks. As for the ammo, I'll take care of that too, but I doubt you will need a refill in the first place." (Jin)

"Hoh! Why is that?" (Souichiro)

"Because you will find nothing more to kill…" (Jin)

All those who heard him felt their blood run cold.

"W-Wait what do you mean by that?!" (Takashi)

"I meant what I said, by the time this place runs out of ammo or even before, all the undead outside will be gone for good." (Jin)

"Why are you so sure about that?" (Souichiro)

Jin only replied with one word.



Souichiro who heard him jumped from his seat and shouted.

"Calm down, old man. Yeah, antidote. I am currently working on one, it should be finished in the time period of 3 days to 2 weeks. So, until the antidote is done, I want you to stay here." (Jin)

"How confident are you about it? What can make me believe you?"

"If you can't take my word for it, you can at the very least trust the daughter of your teacher, right? She was watching the whole thing in my lab earlier. Isn't that right, Saeko-chan~"

Jin said as he teased Saeko in the end.

Saeko seeing them looking weirdly at her coughed and started speaking.

"It is indeed as Jin says."

"Very well. As the daughter of Busujima-sensei, you have become a fine maiden. I will take your words on it." (Souichiro)

He then turned towards Jin and spoke.

"When will you be able to send the supplies?" (Souichiro)

"Although it's raining outside, I can deliver them right now. Tell your men to be on standby right now and open the gate when the truck arrives." (Jin)

"Very well."

Souichiro nodded and signaled to one of his subordinates.

Jin then took his phone and told Sai to send the truck.

Couple of minutes later they heard commotion outside, so they went to check.

There they saw a futuristic looking truck with workers going inside it to unload the supplies.

[A/N: - Modified version of the concept truck "Black hawk future truck concept".]

"You made this?" (Souichiro)

"Indeed. Having to do nothing for 6 years except reading manga and novels can get boring, so creating things like this is a good way to kill boredom once in a while." (Jin)

They all felt like hitting him after hearing his response. Who kills his boredom by making stuff that are ahead of its time by a decade at the very least?!

____/Scene change\____

Jin and Co finally watched the truck leave the estate.

He turned towards them and spoke.

"So, what will you guys do now? Saeko-chan and I will be staying at my house till the whole thing is done. Do you want to come, or will you stay here?"

""We need to find our parents."" (Takashi & Rei)

"I'll go with them." (Saya)

"I'll follow Takagi-san!" (Kohta)

Shizuka didn't reply and was looking down. Seeing this Jin spoke.

"Shizuka-san, what are you going to do?"

"…e-cha.." (Shizuka)

"What?" (Jin)

"Onee-chan!!" (Shizuka)

"What the hell?!" (Jin)

"Call me, Onee-chan!! It's unfair that you call Takagi-san like that and not me!"

Shizuka said with a pout.

"Shizuka-san…" (Jin)

"Onee-Chan!" (Shizuka)

"Shizuka…" (Jin)

"ONEE-CHAN!" (Shizuka)

"Shizuka nee-san…." (Jin)

"O-N-E-E C-H-A-N!!!!" (Shizuka)

"Nee-chan…" (Jin)

"Un~!" (Shizuka)

Jin felt mentally drained from his newly acquired 'big sister' who was smiling like an idiot. He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, turning around he saw Saeko who was looking at him with sympathy…

"So, N-Nee-chan, what are you going to do?" (Jin)

"I want to go with Jin-chan, but I want to check on Rika first~"

'Jin-chan… the hell…'

"Rika?" (Saya)

"Un, the one who owns the house and the big car~" (Shizuku)

"That SAT friend of yours?" (Kohta)

"Un, but I don't remember her number…" (Shizuka)

"*sigh* Nee-chan, give me her full name and general description of her appearance." (Jin)

"Minami Rika, she has purple hair, tanned skin and D-size breasts!" (Shizuka)

"The last one was unnecessary…. *sigh* Sai, you got that?" (Jin)

[Affirmative. Database search in process…... 1 match found.]

From Jin's phone, a holographic image of a woman was projected. Seeing the image, Shizuka squealed in delight.

"Rikaaa!" (Shizuka)

"I'll call her now." (Jin)


/Call start/

"Moshi moshi." (Rika)

"Rikaaa~! Awesome! You're alive!" (Shizuka)

"Isn't that nice, Shizuka-sensei?" (Alice)

"I had a lot of troubles, but…" (Shizuka)

"Save that for later. Where are you right now? My place?" (Rika)

"Oh, no. It's not safe there anymore. Ah right, we borrowed your guns and some other stuff…" (Shizuka)

"That's fine, but where are you staying right now?" (Rika)

"Ah, I'm going to stay in Jin-chan's mansion~!" (Shizuka)

"Where is the place, and who is that 'Jin-chan'?" (Rika)

"The mansion is on the hill near the Takagi Estate. Ah, and Jin-chan is my new little brother! He is also a pervert like you Rika, he fondled my breasts and ass when we were in your place~"

Shizuka said while looking at Jin while saying this with a playful smirk.

Seeing that all of them were looking at him strangely he coughed and spoke.

"What are you looking at? It felt good and I regret nothing!" (Jin)

"Pffffft AHAHAHAHAHA! Hey kid, I think we would get along really well!" (Rika)

"Well then Shizuka, I will probably arrive by tomorrow or the day after, see you then." (Rika)

"Kaaay~ Bye~" (Shizuka)

/Call end/

After the call ended Shizuka jumped on Jin and hugged him.

"Jin-chan, thank you." (Shizuka)

"Ouu aar weecoom…" (Jin)

"Ahhn~" (Shizuka)

Jin whose head was buried in Shizuka's breasts can only speak in muffled tone, however, the vibrations from his talking made Shizuka moan.

"*cough* Anyway, we need to get going then since we are leaving. Hirano-san and the rest, come with us first. Since Shi… Nee-chan... is coming with me, you won't have a way to go around the city, I'll lend you my car for 3 days after we get home so you can go get your families. It is driven automatically and has built-in weapons, so you just need to sit tightly and visit the places where you families might be and after 3 days the car will return automatically." (Jin)

"Thanks, Oukami-san." (Takashi)

"Don't mind it. Now, let's get going." (Jin)

____/Scene change\____

After knocking Kohta out since he looked like he was about to orgasm seeing the car, the group went to Jin's mansion first and were flabbergasted seeing it. Jin didn't really bother as he opened the door of the car and left with Saeko and Shizuka.

"Good luck, hope you find them safe. See you later." (Jin)

After saying this Jin, Saeko and Shizuka entered the mansion.

"Nee-chan, you can pick a room from the ones on the second floor. Saeko's room is the one near the stairs, the rest of them are empty. Every room has its own bathroom, so no need to go to another one. Follow Sai's instructions and she will lead you to your room."

After Jin said this, a holographic arrow was projected in front of Shizuka, and she followed it while humming happily.

Seeing that they were alone, Jin looked in Saeko's eyes and spoke in a serious tone that he never used before.

"Busujima Saeko, we need to talk."

Darkstar11051999 Darkstar11051999

3415 words~

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