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They Call Me Madara They Call Me Madara original

They Call Me Madara

Author: Josh1

© WebNovel


A/N: This is my first time writing also i've realized how bad the first chapter is just soldier through and make it to the second chapter

So im in this white space not necessarily a white space more like a white room nooo more like a white big ass cube in which i am inside of.

Any way i don't really know i how i got here but i know why i got here i suppose it has something with the fact that i died 5 seconds ago

*Flash Back*

" damn that was a good ass run"

I said to myself as i sped run a rom hacked mario game for the Umpteenth time now,yeah you gotta love the classics

When suddenly a portal suddenly implanted itself on my flat screen tv screen well the portal looked more like like wormhole and a whirl pool combined and it had a purple eerie glow to it

It even had sucking force to it i tried to run while shouting " run nigga runn run for yo damn life" as soon i said that my skinny boney ass body just found new strength that i don't were it came from but i used it to get TF outta here ' guess its true humans show potential when put in life or death situation'

My face was distorted as f*ck i looked like i sucked on some sour titties but at that moment i saw ok i saw what would only be described in legend i saw a big ass truck comin my way its front was white while its tail or back of it was grey ass fuck

When i looked in the driver seat i saw nobody but for some strange reason the steering wheel was still moving on its own nigga this some poltergaist shit right there.

Now i'm in a double whammy ok, truck to my right busting to through my walls literally and a ugly ass lookin wormhole i don't even know where it's been, corona if you know what i mean, to the back of me so i have a decision to make either i get crushed to death by this truck or painlessly go into that portal and potentially get a virus that i don't need

My thoughts get interrupted when the damn truck turn its head lights on while charging full force at me staring menacingly with purple text next to it like some jojo character is it me or is this truck sentient, well i've made my decision portal for me it is

I jump into the portal and the JOJO truck crashes into where I would've been if I didn't choose the portal.

*Flash Back End*

And here I am with my bony ass stuck in a place I don't even know, mama always told me if I didn't watch my actions I'd end up in a white room now who'd a thought she'd be right.

My thoughts get interrupted when a man who looks like smokey from the pjs but with a white radiance kinda like an aura surrounding him appears out of nowhere.

" You can call me snock" the smokey look alike says with a tone that sounds like he trying to hold himself back from laughing

" i did good to choose you just the perfect person for entertainment", as he says that i im just sitting there literally gocking at him slack jawed at what's happening in front of me, let me recollect what happened to i almost got run over by some jojo truck forced to jump into a portal only to meet this hobo lookin mess nope somethin ain't right.

" ahh yes you must be asking yourself why im here and what is happening, well to answer your questions ill just implant the info into your head cuz im like really lazy"

Then as he says that I feel a pounding in my head like my brain is having some type of spiritual attack or somethin.

'Some time passes and then the feeling stopped now im literally about to peee my pants why, cuz the man that I just called a hobo in front of me is in fact the lord not only that but the reason he pulled me into here was because he wants entertainment.'

" you know the drill im pretty sure that you,ve read webnovels right ima give you wishes and you get reincarnated " snock said

' wow thats the most generic line i've heard all day today',

" so how many wishes do i get anyways" i said

" You get a limit of 10 wishes And you can wish for literally anything at all even wild shit like anime and etc" snock said

" okay then i wish for the appearance of madara uchiha that 1 wish i also which for the corpse touch system the one that ye sato used in InJustThis's novel but instead of touching the corpses i have to kill them 2 wish also can i have immortality 3 wish as well as to be born 500 years before the time line 4 wish as well as time travel abilities 5 wish as well as the sharingan also can i get the ability to bring the dead back to life 6 wish also can you make it so that my body doesn't need any type of nutrients 7 wish or sleep 8 wish can you make me reincarnate into HOTD 9 wish last but not least can you make it so that i have madaras equipment like the armor and scythe etc 10 wish.

After I was done with my request, Snock just stared at me like i was a idiot or somethin when i was about to open my mouth to talk he said something.

" mortal your request can be granted but some of your abilities have to be nerfed so the first thing on my list is your sharingan im going to have to nerf a lot of things on it like its illusion ability or the fact that once strong enough can literally conjure a 40 meter tall giant with a weapon

So i'm going to nerf it ok the sharingan will only be able to go to the 3 tomoe stage and that will be final also the lethality of the illusions will decrease by a lot now onto the second wish on your list the time travel ability now there isn't really isn't a problem unless you want to mess with the time police those guys from rick and morty the one that looks like a ball sack yeah so imma remove that ok now onto the next thing you have wished for so many things that it will make you too op so i shall add consequences ok some good and some bad i will tell you one consequence when you reincarnate expect a hashirama senju as your rival and he will also have some perks those are some of the many things that will change in the world." snock said

" also since i said you can wish for anything but i removed some of the wishes and nerfed them i shall give you perks for like for instance your armor will be indestructible also your gunbai will have the same abilities as in the naruto world but nerfed also your sharingan will always be on indefinitely depleting your stamina sorry but you are to op also your sharingan 3 stage tomoe sharingan will be stronger than the one in naruto." said snock

I was pretty disappointed but no use crying over spilt milk, let me just leave this place before i do something that i will regret

" can we get this over with? I'm kinda getting impatient" i say with impatience oozing through my teeth with every word that i speak, " geez you mortals can really be picky sometimes TRUCKIS DELETIS".

When i heard those words i wanted to lmao, but this is the lord after all gotta be respectful. I look behind me and I see a portal, so that's what that chant does, I turn to snock with a pleading expression, all I get is a grin in return. I feel like I'm being sucked into this portal, but I put up no resistance.

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