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Chapter 2: Joining Erza

It took about 30 minutes of walking for Erza to get back to the village. When the two of them reached the village, the many people looked out their windows. When they saw it was Erza with the head of the beast in toe, they rushed out their door with big smile on them. That monster had been terrorizing them for over a month now. Most of their livestock had bee killed. Even a few houses and families had been destroyed and killed. The terror they felt was unimaginable.

"I found one of your village's children in the forest. She's strong enough to beat the beast alone." Erza said to the village head. All but the village head felt she was joking to cheer up the child or was just talking about her emotional strength. Nezuko could feel a sense of greed from the village head. Although she might have been blinded the village chief was certain that Nezuko was a magician. If he could adopt her and make her fee indebted to him, he could rake in the money and move into a big city.

"Ah this little one must have been from one of the unfortunate few families. I'll take care of her from…" The smile of the Chief faded when Nezuko looked him in the eyes. She put out only a tiny sliver of her killing intent. To others it looked like she was just blankly staring at the chief, but to the chief he felt like he was being stared at by his natural predator. His blood ran cold. His already aged appearance seems to age more at a rapid rate. "This girl is worse than that best." He thought.

"Ah thank you." Erza was handing her over to the chief who subconsciously stepped back.

"Actually… I think it would be best you take her. You say she has magic potential right? Then it would be best you take her and train her." The chief says. "We haven't even talked about your reward yet. Since this horn came from the beast let us decorate it for you. You can take it on your trip back tomorrow. Hopefully, she remembers us later… Enough of the sad stuff. Let us have a feast for our brave hero." The chief turned to fact the villagers. He couldn't take the stare of Nezuko any longer. The village brough out large amounts of meat that wasn't taken by the monster. They started a bon fire in the middle of the village and at meat and drank into the night. At some point during the night Nezuko found a box that looked similar to the one in the anime. Nezuko sat there staring at it.

"It can't be comfortable right. She was only in it to escape the sun back when she was vulnerable to it." Curiosity got the best of her. She shoved her head into it and crawled in. Unbeknownst to her the village chief, a few older ladies, Erza, and a few mothers where watching her crawl in. Many of the group found it adorable at how awkwardly she was getting into it. The chief was again the only exception to this. Erza had mixed feelings about it. Many of the village children crowded around the box trying to talk to her. They soon got annoyed at the fact they got no response and went to play by themselves. When most of the village was asleep Nezuko was staring off into the sky. "Why is it comfortable?"


Soon the sun came up. Ezra came over to get Nezuko.

"You're strong. We know that. Would you mind if I find out how strong though." Erza had a serious expression again. But she talked as if she was talking to a kid. Even though I have many lives memories in body shape I am technically quite young. I maintained the look of the original Nezuko when I came into this world. I think since I'm a demon I was brought into the world in a fashion as how demons are. I nod slightly with a typical blank minded expression. She leads me outside the village toward the wooded area. She pulls out her typical sword. Nezuko grabbed a stick off the ground. Erza was about to say something but stopped when Nezuko got into position. She was bent over in almost a bow. The same position as the one she fought the beast with. "Lets begin." Erza yelled out. Lightning flashed as Erza was thrown backwards. A dent in her typically worn metal chest plate. She slid backwards and looked up smiling.

"Good with a strong sword you could have cut through me. I will no longer treat you like a kid. You are a warrior in this fight." She moved towards Nezuko quickly. She put some effort into the battle her swings had the backing of her strength. Nezuko was no light weight either. She used her superhuman strength to beat back. With just a base s54word and armor Erza came to a standstill with Nezuko. Nezuko used some techniques from water breathing and fire breathing but she didn't use them too heavily. If she were to use her full strength, she may have won against the base strength Erza. "That's enough. You definitely have the strength to push into s-rank in Fairy Tail given you get good weapons and a bit of magic training."

Erza walked over to Nezuko. She didn't know Nezuko didn't push her body to the max, but she felt happy knowing she was able to do this much. Erza smiled gently and rub Nezuko's head. Her ribbon rubbing against Erza's hands. "Lets go get our stuff and head home. Ok." When Erza met Nezuko at the front gate, Nezuko was surrounded by a few of the older mothers of the village. They thought of the face of contentment Nezuko had when she sat in the box. The fixed up that box using better wood. And closed the top. It was meant to carry firewood before. Now it had a door that would allow her to sit in it easier. Nezuko was talked into sitting in it again. After a weird interaction Erza and Nezuko ended up on the road with Erza pulling a giant cart full of luggage behind her with a box carrying Nezuko one her back.

GoodPandy GoodPandy

I said i would keep Nezuko close to the real one, but she will harm others. She doesnt treat everyone like family like she does in Demon Slayer. She will treat Fairy Tail like that though so she will have that aspect. The reason shes like Nezuko so much is she aquires some of the personality when she gained her body. Also, I can help but want to give Nezuko another box to be in. She was so cute in some of the sceens where it was involved.

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