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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Guazi Temple

Chapter 3 Guazi Temple

I looked at the printed copy of the silk book full of words, and then looked at Sanshu's expression. I didn't understand what he was talking about. Could it be that my uncle was so detached that he could see the "painting" from the "character"? No matter how you look at the old and unscrupulous people who eat, drink, and gamble on weekdays, there is no immortal root.

The third uncle scolded me while taking out his presbyopic eyes to look at this thing, saying that this is called Bazhen Shutu (calligraphy and painting, also called Tibetan painting text), which is to write the detailed geographical location of a place with a special grammar, it looks like A bunch of meaningless words, in fact, the information inside is very rich, it is a kind of password used in ancient times when soldiers fight. I said that you don't know a few big characters. Where did you hear these skills? He said that this is not learned, it is experience.

I laughed straight after hearing this. These three uncles have a sloppy character. They are the closest in character to my grandfather. They have first-rate bragging skills. It is estimated that these eight-stranded books must be what his friends told him. Does he understand? How much is still a question.

The third uncle stared at a few of the words and said to himself: "The luck of those halfway renunciations is good. I never touched this kind of thing. This time I really picked up a bargain for you."

I asked him what is the icon of this place? The third uncle frowned and watched for a long time before saying a few words that shocked me: "It seems... his mother's is a tomb!"

The Warring States Silk Book is not a special work, but something similar to a notebook diary or an impression record. Some of the things I came into contact with in the early years were very mixed, although it was of high value for textual research on the humanistic life at that time. But I don't do archaeology, so it didn't arouse my interest. This time is special. I was busy and asked if I could see whose tomb it was.

The third uncle shook his head and said to me, "I can't fully understand it now, but this tomb should belong to a nobleman of Lu during the Warring States Period. You can see that his tomb was recorded on a silk book with calligraphy and painting, indicating this person. The status of the cemetery should be quite high, and this cemetery must be very secretive. It is a good cave and worth visiting."

When I heard it was the Great Tomb of the Warring States Period, I turned it over. In the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, there are treasures in the battle, but it can only be said to be a wonderful work, but the tomb of the royal family in the Warring States period is too old, and you will never I can't estimate what's in there, maybe I can get you some ancient treasures. This kind of sex cannot be wiped out by money, and the attraction to tomb robbers is naturally infinite.

But I changed my mind. I didn't have the chance to go anyway, and it was useless to be excited. My tutor was very dead. My father insisted on letting our generation completely escape. In this business, neither of my two cousins ​​have ever met. Luoyang shovel are all banned items. When I was a child, I just used a needle shovel to insert fish in the river, but I didn't kill my dad.

The third uncle is the only one in the family who is not married and has a child. He has a rather unruly personality. He has always had opinions on my father's approach. Now looking at me like this, he shook his head straight: "I said you are a child. It's really honest. Yes, your father can't tell you to go down, so you really dare not go down. Why are you afraid of him when you are in your twenties? I'm afraid that he will beat you? I can't kill you. I'm like you. When you are older, you can go where you want to go, and do whatever you want. Your grandfather can't control it."

I said that was, who are you, Hangzhou Sanliting, who doesn't know that you Sanye Wu fart is sweet.

The third uncle gave me a blank look, lit a cigarette, and said there was a chance to take me to get to know, secretly to prevent my father from knowing that the Wu family has been living under the ground for hundreds of years. How can this complex If you say it, you will stop.

I don't know if he is serious, and I didn't take it to my heart. The two chatted for a long time. Before I knew it, I drank half a catty of liquor. I couldn't go back when I saw it again. So I got up and left. He didn't open it, and he went home directly.

I went back to the small rented house on the other side of Shiqiao. At that time, the sky was pale. I sent a message to Wang Meng, asking him to open the shop by himself, then lay down on his own and fell asleep.

I slept until the afternoon, and I didn't slept very well. There were many pictures of dreams and dreams in my mind. What ancient tombs, zombies, mixed with peachy pictures, it was a hodgepodge.

When I woke up, I suddenly felt panicked, and I didn't know why. I got up and washed my face and wanted to go online for fun. I found that I was uncomfortable, so I lit a cigarette and went to the balcony to smoke. Look at the countryside below. The landlord plays mahjong in the courtyard.

After thinking about it for a long time there, I realized that I was thinking about the ancient tomb mentioned by my third uncle, so I called my third uncle and asked him how he was going to do it, ask his subordinates to go or go by himself, what can I do? To help, Sanshu said that he would wait until he thought about it, and then hung up the phone.

In the next few days, I didn't know why. I was out of mind, and I always felt uncomfortable in my heart. After a long time, I called my third uncle and talked about it and asked him about the situation of the ancient tomb.

The third uncle heard something on the phone, and smiled there: "Don't be damn talking, I know what your kid is thinking, tell me the truth if it's itchy, I want to go to see Come on? What's hard to say about it, the damn thing was still there for a long time like a damsel."

When I heard it, it seemed that this was what I meant. I didn't even notice it. I was a little embarrassed to say that the ghost knew what you said last night counts. After drinking so much, you might forget it. The third uncle laughed on the phone for a long time, and said that if you really want to go, come over right away, there are so many things to prepare. As soon as I heard it, I almost went crazy, yelling, let me pull the bullock cart.

I rushed to the third uncle's side. He was calling Mangshan and asked some experienced guys to come over. As he said, he wrote me a note and asked me to help him prepare something. He also told me: "Don't buy fakes, and prepare to go out with travel outfits, otherwise we will be detained before we get to the place." I nodded hurriedly, and went to work separately.

The things Sanshu asked are rather tricky, I am afraid I want to embarrass me. The things in this list are not generally available in stores, such as split waterproof miner's lamps, threaded steel pipes, archaeological shovel heads, multi-purpose sabers, folding shovel, short handle Hammer, bandage, nylon rope, etc. I only bought 1/2 and spent nearly 10,000 yuan, and some items have to be ordered first.

But these are still good. The most troublesome thing is that you have to buy a gun on the list. The third uncle estimates that you have to enter the old woods this time. No gun will be a problem. Not to mention the monsters. It is enough for us to encounter a wild boar. The gun must be Want to buy, but not yet. I had nowhere to go, so I ran to the junk market all day long, inquiring about in black and white, and finally got a few second-hand double-barreled shotguns. gun.

Three days later, my group of five people got on the long-distance bus bound for Linyi, Shandong.

This time Sanshu brought three people, two of them I have seen before, they are all real people, and they talk very openly. The third is the kid I saw with the sword box downstairs, I don't know. What's the relationship with the third uncle, followed. But this kid is very annoying. He dragged the oil bottle and didn't put a fart along the way. He just looked at the sky, as if the blue sky would fall down! I even said a few words to him at the beginning, but then I just ignored him, not even knowing his name.

The car is speeding on the high speed, the journey is long, we spend our time sleeping, we have been confused. After twelve hours of turbulence, we arrived in Linyi.

Linyi was the country of Lu in ancient times. It is located in a hilly area and is located in the sun of Mount Tai. The third uncle compared all the terrains in the country of Guru and Qi, and set the main target on the Mengshan Mountain in the Yimeng Mountains of Linyi. . Because of the lack of information, we don't know whether that place was in the territory of Lu or Qi at the time. Taking a good step is a step.

Mengshan Mountain was called Dongmeng and Dongshan in ancient times. It is located in Pingyi County, Shandong Province. It is located in the northwestern part of Linyi, Shandong Province. It is a branch of the Taiyi Mountain Range and straddles Pingyi, Mengyin, Feixian and Yinan in Linyi City. The county, which stretches from northwest to southeast, stretches for more than 70 kilometers. Several tourism developments have been relatively complete. We bought some tourism maps and found that they did not match the maps in our hands. The place we were looking for might be in Dashan Inside.

I looked for a few local mountain guides and asked them about the ancient place names shown in the map, but there was no result. The war in that area was so long that many villages were burned out by devils during the anti-Japanese war. It was very difficult to explore. The 5 people had nothing to do. They went around several scenic spots and decided to go into the mountains. We got on the local tutu bus and rode to the Guazi Temple, which was more than 40 kilometers west, then changed to a motorcycle and then went to the trail. Walk in, and finally take the ox cart to turn the dirt road of the mountain. When we got out of the bullock cart, we found that there was nothing modern except the hills that were out of sight.

We thought we were in the place, so we all jumped off the bullock cart. At this moment, a dog ran up ahead. My third uncle was amused when he saw it. A shot of the old man driving the bull joking with him, "Master, the next ride Shall we ride this dog? I'm afraid this dog is awkward!"

"How can I ride a dog?" The old man laughed: "This dog is used to report letters. For the last ride, there is no car. You have to build a boat. The dog will bring that boat."

After speaking, we drove the ox cart down a slope, and we hurriedly followed. The hills here are different from those in the south. The altitude is high. Because there has been no human activity for many years, the bushes are dense, and the underground is covered with a thick layer of corrosive soil. The mud is black. Sometimes you can't reach your knees when you step down. . We chopped off a few branches to use as walking sticks, and walked with great care.

After descending into the valley, there was a green mountain stream in front of us. It was five or six boats wide. The bottom of the water could not be seen and the depth was unknown. On both sides of the stream, except for the flat rock where we stood, the other places were towering. The cliffs on which the canopy branches are overwhelmingly cover the sun, covering most of the sun, causing the surrounding air temperature to drop by several degrees.

The third uncle supported the ox cart and asked the old man, "This dog can swim?"

"Swimming is good, swimming is good" The old man sat in the car and knocked the dog on the head with his cigarette: "Donkey Dandan, go take a swim."

The dog was really spiritual, and he jumped into the river with a "Wow" and swam around. Come up and shake your hair, stick out your tongue on the ground.

We were all amused. The old man looked at the sky and said to us: "It's too early. The boatman must have not started work. Let's take a break and smoke."

I took a look at the watch: "Work has not started at 2 pm, what is your boatman's work and rest time?"

"He is the only boatman here. He is the most powerful. When does he get up and starts working, sometimes he doesn't start working for a day, which can make people anxious to death." The old man smiled and said, "No way. For such a boatman, he can do whatever he wants, and the village chief has nothing to do with him."

"Then you can't hold a congress, remove him and change him to a neat person?" Sanshu asked him.

"I also think that you are from a different place. I don't know. The mountain god here only sells his face. As long as others enter the cave, they will definitely not be able to get out. As long as he can go there, he doesn't know how to prepare the land. "

"Ah, in front of this, you have to go through a cave?" The third uncle was taken aback, and immediately took out the map. After looking at it, it seemed that he suddenly realized: "It's really a river cave. How old is this cave? eat human?"

The old man chuckled, "That's something from the previous generations, and I don't remember it clearly. I heard the family say that it was said, but I don't know if it's true."

When we heard it, we thought it might have something to do with the ancient tomb, so we hurriedly asked him to talk about it. When the old man saw that we were interested, he was also excited, and he gave us a bit of a chatter.

It turned out that when the village was not there, the hole was already there. Unfortunately, no one knew that the two ends of the hole were connected. The hole was very weird. People couldn't get out when they entered. As time passed, the village said that there were snake spirits in the hole. , Drove a hidden pile in the water to prevent the boat from entering. .

Then one day, a man suddenly appeared on the edge of the village with a small boat from the cave, saying that it was a trader from outside, but the village chief didn't believe it, saying that he was a snakelike creature and wanted to kill him. Fortunately, there were a few daughters-in-law from the neighboring village in the township. As soon as he heard this man with a Xiangxi accent, they recognized him and said that he was really a trader. He went to the neighboring village every year. He sold those rouge in from outside. .

Several sect chiefs ran to the neighboring village quickly after a few legs and asked, and that was the case, and then he let him go. From then on, the hole seemed to recognize people, only the boatman's family could go in and out, and there had been no mistakes for hundreds of years.

"Is the dog okay?" I was surprised. "Didn't you use it to report the news?"

"Then I don't know the old man. They say they are from generations, and who knows if it is true." The old man knocked on the dry pipe on the ground. "This waterway I rarely walk, there is a mountain road on the top of the mountain, we usually walk from there, but you have too many things, this mountain has not been flat in recent years, always go down the stone, this is not Let's play a few more, let's not fight for this tone, wait and wait."

I looked from below and found that the mountains here are tall and straight, the mountains are stacked up, and no other passers-by can be seen, and I don't know if what he said is true. The third uncle was fascinated by what the old man said. He thought for a while. Clap your hands: "Donkey Dandan, come here"

The dog was really obedient, and Pi Dian Pi Dian ran over, and the third uncle picked him up and smelled it, his face changed: "My grandma, why is this smell..."

I also hugged it up and smelled it, and I coughed up with the smell of doggies. The owner of this dog is really lazy. I don't know how long it has been since I bathed the dog.

One of his guys named Pan Zi laughed: "You want to learn from your third uncle, you are still tender."

"This dead dog, why is it so smelly!" I grinned disgustingly.

"Pan Zi, come and smell it too!" San Shu beckoned.

"I, don't let it go," Pan Zi said, "I can't stand the bashfulness of the dog the most. I will be ashamed if I vomit it later."

"Stop wordy, come and smell it, the smell on this dog is so weird."

Pan Zi couldn't help but walked over, lifted the dog and shook his nose, his face suddenly changed: "This, it's a corpse..."

"No way." My frightened hair stood upside down, and even the face of the silent boy changed.

The third uncle lit a cigarette, frowned and looked at the dog, and said to us, "Bring all the guys. The cave in front is probably a corpse cave. Give me a boost."

My third uncle's other guy is a big guy. We call him Akui. He is about the same size as the bull in the cart, but he is very courageous. He asked softly, "What is the cave?"

"I don't know. A few years ago, I also found such a cave in Taiyuan, Shanxi. There was a place where the Japanese slaughtered corpses. Wherever there is a corpse cave, there must be slaughter. This is for sure. At that time, the fun was there. To do an experiment, put the dogs and ducks on the bamboo row, then set up the camera, and push it in. The hole is more than 1km long. I prepared a long enough cable, but when the cables are all pulled out, the bamboo row is It didn't come out. The inside was pitch black. I don't know where it was floating. Later, I wanted to pull out the bamboo raft. After pulling it a few times, suddenly the bamboo raft was turned over, and then..." "In the end, I only saw half of the face. It was too close to the screen to see whether it was an animal or something. To go through this kind of hole, in ancient times, a row of dead and living people passed by at once. If it is a living thing , I can't get out if I go in! However, I heard that people from a place in Xiangxi have been feeding children to the dead

Qi accumulates in the body, and when it grows up, it is no different from a dead person, even ghosts can't see him. Father, your boat worker came from Xiangxi, right? "

The old man's face changed slightly, and he shook his head: "I don't know, that was his grandfather's time. There is no one from the dynasty." He looked at the sky and barked at the dog: "Donkey egg Egg, bring your boat here!" The dog whimpered, jumped into the water and swam behind the mountain.

At this time, I saw that my third uncle winked at Pan Zi. Pan Zi secretly took out a backpack from his luggage and carried it on him. The young man sitting on one side also stood up and took it out of the luggage With his own bag, when Pan Zi walked behind me, he whispered in Hangzhou dialect: "This old man has a problem, be careful."

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