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backstory of all that happened ended up on the desk of a reporter named reeta skeeter who obviously alongside praising me completely thrashed Hogwarts and Dumbledore for endangering students....heh all in all a productive year If I do say so myself.


In this summer vacvacation I did two things,1 fuck with the wizarding world and 2 spend time with my girls who were becoming splendid goudere's thanks to my continues efforts and perhaps due to the slight and constant mental tweaking I had been doing to them since I met them in year 1....what? did you expect morals?

(insert black panther voice) I'm sorry but we dont do that here. as for fucking with the wizarding word oh that went splendidly to by know almost every dark or gray side house was under my control with strict orders not to reveal that or my existence only the light houses and the ones I deemed unimportant plus malfoy was left i just didn't want the blond cunt.

during the summer vacation knowing Dumbledore was to much of a coward to duel me yet not having the advantage on his side I figured out Dumbledore's schedule and knew he'd be having a meeting at the leaky couldren with the one of the light house lord's ,some lord pickleton I didn't even know who the fuck he was as he wasnt mentioned in the books or movies but for some reason this canon fodder reject thinks it's a good idea to try to disrupt my people's raids and loudly speak out against me,killing him would be a good excuse to fight Dumbledore and there's no way he could back out of the fight aswell.And that is exactly what I did the next day while albus and pickleton were inside the run down pub suddenly living clouds of darkness fell from the skies and surrounded it revealing themselves to be me and my people(yes I stole voldy's way of flight that shit was sexy af and snakeface doesn't deserve it ok!)instantly causing chaos among the populace who started running/'apparating away , hearing the noise both albus and pickleton came out with their wands out seeing the amount of people around him albus still seemed confident until his eyes landed on me then the confidence was replaced by resolve

"Lord Caos,so we finally meet"

"why hello there to you to albus,love the beard"

saying that I throw something at him which he catches by reflex "lemondrop?" cought of guard not knowing me and used to a dark/edge lord like Voldemort,Dumbledore actually barks out a small laugh

after that nothing more is said as we both take our positions and start our duel, as while we were talking my people had already taken care of pickleton and had backed of making space and a boundary to the right while on he left was a boundary made by the Auror's and the media who had just arrived but were not interifing due to the duel between me and albus starting becouse they knew their place as trying to enter a duel between wizards of our calibre would just be a death sentence for all involved.

The duel started off a bit tame with both of us throwing spells like confringo,bombarda ,sectumsempr ,avadakedva and a couple stupefy etc then without any sign or prior notice it picked the fuck up and shit hit the fan with both of us using battle transfiguration and molding the very land to our will's ,chains shot out of the ground towards dumbles only to be turned into paper which was then shot towards me turning into knives which themselves turned into poisonous snakes and attacked the surrounding audience at my command..heh,after that the duel become even more serious with us both throwing around the elemental spells that we knew ,bouts of flame,water and air hell albus my man actually even threw fucking lighting at me which to his utter confusion,shock and horror I just ate and spat back at him..heh as the duel wore on you could see albus was losing until

"avadakedavra!" the moment albus was distracted for a second dodging that I changed the ground under him to quick sand,he turned it back in a second ofcourse but a second was all I needed" stupefy,EXPELIAMUS!!" and there albus now stood wandlees and defeated staring at me who now stood in victory with the elder wand in my hand and unknown to him the rest of the Hallows aswell.

"well then it seems the time for my next great adventure has finally come." albus said in acceptance

"oh no not yet my Bushy beautifuly bearded friend, you still have time go back to your castle and think of why i left you alive, wonder upon your life and how it leaded you to making me the master of death and perhaps even train that Merlin boy I keep hearing about, would be a shame if something happened to him now wouldnt it" saying that I apparated out with my people leaving behind a terror stricken and horrified albus who had just realised he had lost a hollow to a dark lord, a dark lord who seemingly already had the other 2, a monster who had for some reason or ulterior motive had left him alive and a monster who had threatened to kill his student...let's just say albus would not be getting a good nights sleep that day....or that week.

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