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Chapter 2: Chapter II: Let's mug 'em


The maid's gentle legs froze and made her stood in her place unable to move a single muscle.

("This is bad")

Being stuck in the box isn't helping the situation.

("I need to act fast, or she'll get hurt.")

The way that I can use my three basic senses inside the sealed box means that the seal is loosening.

"What's wrong? Are you terrified? Hahahaha" the slim man said in front of our path.

The heavy build guy raised his knife directing it toward behind our backs "Are you going to give us your goods or what?"

The maid said "..n-no, I won't h-hand it over." The maid was shaking in her tone.

("This is really bad.") I don't have enough time to figure out this seal. Maybe if in three days or so I should be able to but the situation here demands action in a few seconds.

"Lookie here, I have a dagger." "With just a slice from this bad boy, oh you wouldn't want to know what would happen next." The slim man said and licked the knife he is holding.

The heavy built guy noticed his strange behavior and commented on him, "Dafuq you doing with that knife?"

With his hands on both sides in a "meh" manner said, "I don't know, it looks kind of cool."

("Yes yes bicker some more, I have little time. Think think.")

The maid reacted in a frightful manner. Sweat dropping from the side of her temple, her staggering feet and fingers show how she is terrified by the situation.

Sweat dropping at the side of my forehead. I think of ways on what to do with the seal, figuring out how to unseal the box from the inside.

There is no time. The slim man draws near and the heavy built man as well.

("At a time like this. Think. Think. I need to think.")

If I can use the knowledge I attained from reading books but most of them are fictional ones. I feel demoralized due to the sudden realization. Shaking the thoughts inside my head, I cleared it off and started thinking.

And the box's chains slipped from the maid's hand.

("I need to save her")

("It's not as if I'm trying to pay back the debt of this gentle maid. No not that.")

The box hits the ground and bounces upwards.

The box jolts at the sudden impact in its exterior. I notice a brick-like structure of the wall inside the box. This is a brick formation seal. The patterns of the bricks became clear in sight, the moment I witnessed it I plastered that one second frame in my memory.

There should be a scene that can help me with this. Let's try that one that they did in the famous movie. I gathered my mana into one point of my body, my finger. I pointed it towards the wall and touched it, nothing happened.

The box stayed still on the ground as the thugs came close inch by inch. And Maid-san becomes more and more terrified at their footsteps.

Brick by brick, the wall divided. The mother fudging wall needed to be pressed with the concentrated mana in each of the center of the brick. My pointing fingers hurt from disarming the seal from the inside.

As the bricks detach from the sealed box, It created a cloud, re-entering matter in the outside world.

My shadows became clearer and clearer. I emerged from the cloud. At last I am now free.


The vampire emerged from the sealed box. "Oh hoho, you thugs are in a world of hurt."

It's a good thing that this seal also sealed me with my clothes on. If not, I would've come out all sparkly. I swiped the mist over me.

The thugs became bewildered with the sight, their faces painted with fear and fright as they recognize the being before them.

Pointy ears similar with an elf's ears but on the smaller side.

Pale skin that closely resembles the human color than the fair-skinned elves.

Pointy fangs as white as the moon even though there's no moon in sight.

And a dark aura only belonging to those that are the brethren of the chaos race.

{A little bit of flashback lore if you wouldn't mind}

Vampires are third in line in the list that could end humanity. The victims of the Vampire will either become servants or be a bloodless prune. This resulted fear from the Humans and caused them to hunt Vampires. They don't want their blood stolen from their bodies and die a gruesome death or even worse serving the Vampire kind on their every command.

The Humans acted first and initiated their attack upon the Vampire race. The Humans killed Vampire kin, from parents to children, their grandfathers and grandmothers, their uncles and aunts, their family dog and there cute beautiful beasts (tigers, large dogs, alligators and panthers) and burning their properties.

The Humans also suffered from the Vampire hunt. Cases of young ladies and young gentlemen missing spread from town to town. The church countered this act by giving out rosaries to the young and old. Years pass by and the hunt goes on, ashes fly and blood loss with both sides. The Vampires and Humans became tired at the loss of precious lives during the warring years.

With this in mind, the Vampire and Humans agreed on a non-aggression contract. No war should break out or stimulate from both sides. The Vampires invented artificial blood as substitute for Human blood. A living plant that produces blood, this will suppress the vampires from drinking Human blood.

A few peaceful years went by, the Vampires became accustomed with artificial blood called blood berries.

{Thank you for reading, now going back to the main scene.}

The thugs looked at each other. The heavy built guy said "Isn't this one of those dark elves?"

The heavy slim man replied "No, it's a human on a festival costume"

I instantly retorted "I am a Vampire!" Rather than being in shock they are struck with curiosity. But that's a good distraction. They have their guard down.

The sealed box retained its form.

"You dare threaten the gentle maid. Now feel my wr-"

The box noticed the lack of prisoner and turned into chains and instantly constricted the vampire's body except for his head.

"Wrap?! Fudge. Frickin." I struggled as I could.

"What the hell is this?!" the vampire struggled, the chains constricting his movement. He looks like a caterpillar wriggling his own self.

"Damn little girl!! What the heck is this seal!!!"

Part III

"A second seal!?"

("I wasn't expecting this.")

It's a good thing my head is unsealed. I can still chant spells. Any second the thugs could get their attention back to the maid. If I will chant a spell I need to be quick about it.

The vampire began chanting.

"Calling forth my brethren, my aide in this mortal world"

Wind started to flow in our location. The flow of mana gathered on the ground creating a pentagram in front of the sealed me.

"In this pentagram, I call upon-"

"What's wrong with you, moron. There's still time before he finishes his spell. Stop him!!" the slim man commanded the heavy built guy.

The maid stood still trembling in my direction. We vampire kind are still dangerous to humans. I understand her reaction and that is how it should be.


"Vampire-san you look ridiculous chanting in that state." The maid giggled, her nervousness gone from her face.


("Dammit. She's so cute. I might just marry her after all.")

"Release upon this mortal plane. Transfer the existence. Aurus Recleus"

Allow me to protect you in exchange for your act of kindness.

A black mist formed on the pentagram. The shadow of a large creature came to attain a towering height. The eyes glowed inside the foggy mist, staring down at the thugs beneath it. The gentle maid felt that she is safe with the vampire and so did the vampire believe that his familiar will do the job.

Gusts of wind swept the foggy mist and a stuff toy is on the pentagram.

Me and the gentle maid are shocked at the sight.

The thugs stood there silent and looking at the situation where the vampire's sealed and the familiar is a stuffed toy, they seem to post no threat whatsoever.

("You're joking, right?")

("Even my familiar is affected!!")

The slim man used this chance and commanded the heavy built guy "Deal with the vampire and stop him from chanting spells" The guy prepared his fists and went towards my sealed caterpillar self..

Holding his knife, the slim man approached the maid.

"W-Wai-Wait!!" the vampire said stuttering.

Even if I get stabbed, I'd still be up and okay. I'm an undead but have body functions still intact apart from the change of preferred drink. But I have to tell you. We vampires feel pain. Physical pain.

"Ouch! Augh! Hugh!" The guy (on the back) continuously punched the vampire trying to knock him out cold.

His attention is directed towards me. Sheet, if only someone could help us right now.

The heavy built guy punched me in the face but I managed to shout "Gentle maid, Run!" "Ugk"

The punches stop me from chanting spells. My mana flow is in disarray, I can't cast spells in this state.

"Hurry and run!!" the vampire said as he takes a beating while being restrained by chains.

The maid can walk barely but the terror of the slim man approaching made her slow down, her legs trembling. The stuff toy lay on her side and the slim man stepping towards her.

The stuff toy moves bit by bit and directed a head-butt at the slim man.


"Akk! What the!?" The stuff toy made the slim man's attention away from the maid. It should hold him unaware for a few seconds.

"Run, Maid!!" I shouted in the direction of the maid.

The maid used this chance to run away or so I thought. Her back facing me, her aura seems to have changed, I see little fumes of smoke coming out of her body. The gray silhouette of hers caught the attention of the two thugs.

The slim man halted in his action for a moment, the maid's aura overpowering the two from moving in their positions. The slim man snapped back to reality and ran towards her with the knife. The maid dodged to the right and kicked his back, she spotted the stuff toy in the corner and kicked it towards the heavy built man.

The heavy built man who is busy beating the stuff out of me got struck with the stuff toy. The maid advanced the heavy built man loosened his grip on my restrained self. She caught the restrained vampire by the leg and hit the heavy built guy with it, swinging it in a circular motion and with each spin hitting the heavy built man.

(""I think I'm going to throw up my brunch for real this time")

The whirling motion stopped and my brunch was close to meeting with the earthen ground. The maid took a stance as the heavy built man became unconscious and fell down from the number of hits. The slim man booked it and ran away with his knife.

The maid lightly throws up the stuff toy and firmly grasped the restrained vampire's ankles. She used my restrained self as a live bat ("no transformation pun intended") and struck the stuff toy in mid-air sending it in the direction of the slim man's head.

She ran towards him and used him as a stepping stone to hit the stuff toy in mid-air, striking it upwards the rooftop. The maid landed in the man's back and jumped again leaving an impact on the slim man, she caught the stuff toy right on time with her landing on the rooftop.

The maid did not waste time and sprints from building to building. As if she is hopping on top of the rocks along a river.

"Maid?" the vampire said with no response from her.

The maid remained silent as she jumps from rooftop and into the next with no breaks in between.

The vampire noticed that her eyes became different from how it was normally. Her eyes altered and glowing.

If I would describe the color of her eyes. It's red.

Crimson Red.

End of Chapter II: Let's mug 'em

mousekun mousekun

F I clicked x the second time without even clicking the tab button.

Okay beright back,

Be right back with you with the new chapter. Hopefully I'll wake up ealrier than expected.

Update: Yep finished uploading the 2nd chapter hopefully i get the story going. but dam. When editing an old chapter it becomes longer than usual.

Adding this to the collection, yes?

UPDATE: Changed the thug situation. I don't want to leave them out just like that.

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