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Chapter 18: Back to School

I was one of the last people to class today. I stopped in the doorway for a second when I saw that Mineta was in the classroom. I thought he might be suspended from school for his actions during the U.S.J. attack.

I know that they didn't asked me questions about the attack yet. Maybe no one has been questioned yet. As I was walking be Tsuyu's desk I asked her.

"Have you told the school about what happened during the attack yet?"

"No. they haven't asked any questions of what happened yet. So I haven't had time to say anything to them about it." She replied.

"Well maybe they will question us later today. I will ask if they don't bring it up." I said.

Tsuyu nodded in reply and I went to my seat waiting for class to start.

As I was waiting for class to start I was listening to my classmates conversations.

"Hey, did you watch the news last night?" Hagakure said excitedly.

"Yeah." Replied Ojiro.

"Did you see how everyone in class was on screen for a second? I didn't stand out at all." Hagakura said with disappointment.

"That's true." Shouji said.

"It's hard to stand out when you are invisible." Ojiro said.

"But man, all the channels made a big deal out of it." Kaminari said.

"I was surprised." Kirishima said.

"Can you blame them? The hero course that keeps pumping out Pro-Heroes was attacked." Jirou said as she was twirling around her long earlobe jack.

"Who knows what would have happened if the teachers hadn't come when they did." Sero said.

"Stop that, Sero! Just thinking about it is making me wet myself…" Mineta said freaking out about it.

"Shut up! Be Quiet, Scum!" Bakugou yelled at Mineta.

"But man, All Might was great. He pushed back those crazy strong villains." Satou said.

"Yeah, his strength is worth wondering at." Tokoyami replied.

"Class please quite down class will start soon." Momo said to the class doing her duties as the class president.

As the class quieted down the door to the room opened.

"Morning." Aizawa-sensei said.

"Sensei, are you alright?" Iida asked as Aizawa-sensei was walking to the podium.

"Yes, Tao-san healed me to prefect health." Aizawa-sensei said.

"But my well being doesn't matter. More importantly, the fight isn't over yet." Aizawa continued.

"Fight?" Bakugou said.

"Don't tell me.." Midoriya said.

"The villains again..?" Mineta said panicking whin his hand covering his head.

"The U.A. sports festival is drawing near." Aizawa-sensei said.

"That's a super normal school event!" Most of the class shouted.

"Wait a minute." Kaminari said stopping the excitement for the festival from rising.

"Is it ok the have the festival so soon after the villains attack the school?" Jirou asked.

"What if they attack us again or something?" Ojiro asked.

"Apparently, they think of it as U.A. showing crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event. Security will also be strengthened to five times that last year. Above all that, our sports festival is a huge chance. It's not an event to be cancelled because of a few villains. Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. In the past, the Olympics were called a festival of sports and the whole country was crazy about them. As you know the reductions in scale and population, they are now a shell of their former glory. And now for Japan what has taken the place of those Olympics is the U.A sports festival." Aizawa-sensei said.

"All the top heroes around the country will be watching it. Far scouting purposes." Mono said.

"After we graduate, it is typical to join a pro agency as a sidekick." Kaminari said.

"A lot of people miss there chance to become independent after that and become eternal sidekicks, though." Jirou said.

"If you join a famous hero agency you will get more experience and popularity. Time is limited. If you expect to go pro then your path to your future will open up at this event. One chance a year for a total of three chances. No aspiring hero can afford to miss this event. If you understand that then don't slack off your preparations." Aizawa-sensei explained.

"Yes!" replied the class.

I raised my hand.

"Yes, Tao-san?" Aizawa-sensei asked.

"I know homeroom is ending soon but I was wondering if you know when the school was going to question us on what happened at U.S.J. ?" I asked.

"The school and the police have got enough information from the villains that were captured that they weren't going to question you students." Aizawa-sensei said.

"Oh well, I think the school should question us. I have heard that some of us didn't handle it well and almost got someone else kill for their behavior. I won't say who did what to protect what happened to them but the school should know and give out punishments if needed." I said.

"That was a very scary time, and you want us to get punished for what we did during it!" Mineta yelled.

"Yeah man. I am sure some of us made mistakes during it. We can't do every thing perfect. It was the first time we got attack by villains." Kaminari said.

"It is not the mistakes we made that I want us to be punished for. Someone did something deliberately that was very inappropriate that almost got some one killed. That's what I am talking about. I know I made mistakes during that time as well. I had some inappropriate behavior as well. I left Midoriya unhealed at the end and was going to heal him last because I thought that he should think on his actions. And for that I apologize to you Midoriya." I said.

"A-ah, that's okay thank you." Midoriya said accepting my apology.

"Once I got home and thought back on my actions I realized I shouldn't have done that, it is not my place to make those calls. Even if I still think your actions were wrong I still should have healed you, instead of leaving you like that." I said.

"Yeah you shouldn't leave someone in pain to teach then a lesson if you can help them. It is not a hero thing to do." Uraraka complained to me.

"Why would I care if he is in pain. We are going to be pro heroes we will get hurt a lot. We need to get used to pain. No, I am talking about the fact that I should have put Midoriya into full health incase things weren't over yet. With all those pro-heroes there I thought things were over. But what if they weren't and someone managed to kill Midoriya because I didn't heal him and his mobility was compromised. It would have caused a student to die which was what I was trying to make sure didn't happen." I said.

"Wait! You mean you don't care if All Might was killed. You were only trying to protect the students!" Midoriya yelled.

"I like that you only mentioned All Might when there were two other Pro-Heroes there as well. But yes you are right, the only times I really acted the whole time was when one of you guys were likely to die. I saved Aizawa-sensei at the same time I saved you three because I could and didn't want him to die. But I might not have made a move if it wasn't for you three almost getting killed and thought I might as well help him as well. I save Bakugou from near death because I knew they would try to get their exit back. And I saved you again Midoriya when you wanted to get yourself killed. All my other actions were to take out as many villains as I could with out them knowing. If one of the teachers die the school could spin it and not take to much blame for it. But if one of us students dies the schools funding could get cut and that might effect my plans." I explained to them.

"That's cold you don't care if one of the teachers dies." Sero said.

"What do you mean that the schools funding could be cut?" Ashido asked.

I shrugged my shoulders at Sero response.

"They are Pro-heroes they should be prepared to die at any time. Just like we all should be once we joined this school. The villains were stupid this time. What is one of the best way to stop heroes?" I asked.

Nobody responded so I continued.

"Kill all the wannabe heroes before they get strong. If I lead that attack, I would have focused more on us student then on All Might. Kill as many kids as we could then retreat. The school would look bad, that they can't even protect its student and it be a hero school would make it worse. The schools reputation would take a hit as well as the funding. The less funding for the school the less heroes the school will pump out. That means less heroes to deal with the villains. The villain will be able to grow in power. That's why I was so hard on you Midoriya, All Might dying is nothing to if one of us died." I said.

Everyone was starting to process what I just said.

"Well lets put this conversation on hold for another time. I will bring up the questing to the principal and have him decide from there. Homeroom dismissed." Asizawa-sensei said.

"Yes." We replied then got ready for the next class.

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