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Chapter 5: Human interaction after the apocalypse.

Hazel was actually a nice looking girl. She had light brown hair that would seem blond in the sunlight. She had beautiful big light brown eyes, and a very thin structure.

People in her school bullied her for her weak nature, so Hazel became a shut in. The system looked at her memories.

"Hmmm this one is nice...."


Hazel walked towards the fort, careful for any zombies. When she got there, she immediately heard a voice.

"Stop right there! If you move forward we WILL shoot!" Shouted a male voice.

Hazel looked at the sides of the fort. There were 2 men on each side, pointing their guns at her.

'Well, it would make sense to point their guns at me cause after all, They don't know if i'm infected and I have a sketchy getup...wait system!" Hazel thought.


"If I act cool and cold, will I get style points?"


'Sweet! Alright let me get my act on.' thought Hazel.

"Don't worry, i'm not infected." Hazel said calmly.

"Hah, as if we'd believe that! We don't know where you came from but your going to go through a check up." Said a man on the right.

"Hm." Hazel just waited and looked to the side, arms crossed.

Soon 5 men with pistols came up to her. Hazel let them cuff her with handcuffs and she was locked in a room. After 30 minutes women came, and they politely asked to see if her body was bitten. Hazel agreed with no change in her expression.

After they saw that Hazel wasn't bitten or scratched by a zombie, they left. 10 minutes go by and Hazel heard a voice.

"Are you guys dimwits?! You don't lock a guest up in the cellar!" She heard the voice coming closer.

The door opened and there stood a middle aged woman with a kind face.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry about that! Those dimwits don't know what they were doing..." Said the woman.

Hazel looked at her, and then motioned to her cuffs.

"Oh yes! Sorry about that." said the woman as she unlocked the cuffs "Ah! my name is Bell and i'm the co leader of this fort."

"Hello, I am...Ru and i'm a wondering traveler who managed to escape the zombies." Said Hazel with a straight face. Her actual thoughts were, "OH MY GOD! WHAT WAS THAT! THAT WAS SO CRINGE! WHO'S CALLED RU! RU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT SOUNDS LIKE A PET!"

(Yea dude! Who makes up the name Ru!?? Oh wait, it's this dumb*** who's sitting right next to me watching cringe videos on my phone!. -Koru).

...I'm sad now. -Kist

"Ding! +1 style point. Debt has been cleared!" Said the system.

"Ugh.. at least I got rid of my debt...." Hazel thought as she sobbed in her heart.

"Well hello Ru, would you like to have some food with us?"

A man outside of the door shouted,"Mrs. Belle! That's not a good idea!"

"Oh hush! You just do your own thing!" Belle turned back to Hazel/Ru. "Never mind him he's always so grumpy!"

"I see." Hazel said.

"C'mon follow me to the dining hall, by now it should be in the middle of dinner time so they should still be handing out rations."

The woman lead Hazel into the dining hall, It was a long room with plastic white tables and fold-able chairs.

"Lindy! A ration for this one!" Shouted Bell.

Everyone looked at Hazel suspiciously while they walked across the room. If eyes could kill, Hazel would be grounded to dust already.

Another middle aged woman whispered to Bell, Bell whispered back and then the lady gave some bread and water for Hazel.

Now that Hazel thought about it. She hasn't eaten in a few days and she was still fine.

"Host, the answer is because when the system took over, it made sure your body was healthy enough to full process the system. So it nourished you for a few days. Now that it has ended, it is recommended you eat food immediately."

"Ah." Hazel thought.

"Now then after your done, visit the office located on the second floor and there you can register to work here. In order to be able to contribute to the fort." Bell said.


Bell then left Hazel to eat in the dining hall. Hazel picked a isolated corner and sat there and ate the bread. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either.

Hazel then noticed that the moment she sat down many people scooted away from her. It reminded her for a brief moment about the school bullying, but she quickly got it out of her mind.



"Can I buy food with stylish points?"

"You can buy almost everything with stylish points, Of course food is one of them."

As they were talking in her mind, She didn't know that she looked like one of those high end people. Her legs were crossed and she was eating the bread as if it were something fancy and not some unsalted bread. Many people wanted to see what she looked like, because the googles were pretty big.

"Ding! 3+ stylish points!"

"Huh? How did I get stylish points?"

"Probably because of your posture."

Hazel looked down and let out a small "Ah" then finished her meal, and headed towards the office.

Kist Kist

I made another mistake in the last chapter. I put when instead of then. And another thing, I think this story said sci fi romance? When did I put that?! I want NO romance in this (There's probably gonna be teasers but other then that, nothing serious.)

Ahem, this is Koru Kist's friend. I was editing stuff. On this poor poor chapter. But I fixed the mistake, cuz i'm so amazing. And uh, I erased the part where it said she didn't know how to use author's comments CUZ I DO WHAT I DO.

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