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Chapter 3: Unleashed

"That a ring I see on your finger?" John asks as he sits on his bed.


"Might I ask whose the lucky man?"

"A man named Cahal,"

"How many years?"

"A little over sixteen,"

"That's quite the feat. You two got any kids?"

"Just one, a daughter named Adreanna. What about you, do you have anyone special in your life?"

"Would you be surprised if I told you no?" He chuckles a bit, "I've always been a bit of a lone wolf…"

"I've been wondering for awhile now, how did you end up here?" Ludmilla asks.

"Me and my sister were walking down a street at night. A man walked by us, and groped her ass. Something in me, snapped, and before I knew it I was beating his face to a pulp. I got thrown into jail for a few months before I was transferred here…"

"That's, quite the story…" She replies, unsure what else to say.

A total of two weeks go by of them having little conversations back and forth.

The larger meals have been able to keep his hunger down more. He's been able to finally get some rest at night, though his dreams as of lately have been odd. It's the same weird dream of having claws and fangs, and just tearing things apart. He's kept his dreams to himself however.

It's night time. Ludmilla hasn't shown up at all today. Recently she's been appearing less and less, being swamped with work. As John sits in his cell, an alarm suddenly starts blaring. Some soldiers come running down the hall. As the last one passes by, John reaches out and grabs them.

"What's going on?!" He asks as he presses them against the bars.

"S-Some terrorists are attacking our research center!" The man replies, visibly frightened.

"Ludmilla works in research…" John mutters to himself as he glances off to the side for a second. He looks back at the man before pushing them away from the bars, only to slam them into them, knocking them out. He grabs their ID tag and presses it against the reader.

The cage cell opens up and he steps out, grabbing the guy's gun and radio. None of the other guards took notice, all of them running through a door far down the hall.

"Ludmilla? Ludmilla you there?" He calls into the radio.

"John, is that you?!" Her voice asks in utter bafflement.

"Yeah, I broke out of the cell and got a hold of a guard's equipment. Listen, where are you?"

"You need to get out of here while you can. If anyone sees you they're going to shoot you on sight!"

"I'm not leaving here and letting whoever's attacking this place get you! Where are you?!"

"...I'm, at the data center," She reluctantly replies, "But, John you need to leave while you still can, I'll be fine,"

"I'm on my way!" He replies as he runs for the door the guards went through.

"All units, we have a breach in the outer wall. A garou has been spotted entering, shoot on sight!" A voice shouts through speakers.

Busting through the door, John finds himself in a large cafeteria of sorts. Looking around he spots a map of the place.

"Data center, data center...found it!"

He runs off through a door towards it. With everyone focused on the intruders it doesn't take him long to reach it.

"Cahal, there's a Black Spiral Dancer here!" Ludmilla's voice shouts through a wall.

That's her! John tries to open a door but it's locked. Seeing a nearby vent, he kicks it open and jumps through, entering a large room full of computer towers. A large werewolf covered in black fur and several scars rampages through the room, chasing after Ludmilla. It swings at her, barely missing her, but then swings backwards, hitting her in the side.

She goes flying, hitting a wall and falling to the ground.

"Ludmilla!" John shouts. Something inside him erupts, and a crippling pain overtakes his body, forcing him to his knees. Claws emerge from his fingers as fur sprouts on his growing body.

As the werewolf moves towards Ludmilla's body, a feral roar from behind catches its attention. It turns to see John, whose now a large werewolf covered in dark brown fur. He snarls at the other werewolf before charging at it with a vicious roar. He swings at it, sending it flying to the side.

It quickly catches its footing however and as John throws a swing, it jumps to the side. It slams into his side and he goes crashing into the wall not too far from Ludmilla. Some chunks of the wall fall off, one of them falling towards her. He quickly moves towards her, catching the debri with his claw. As the werewolf moves towards him, he chucks the debri at it.

It lifts its arms up and blocks it, but he uses the opportunity to tackle it to the ground. He slashes at it repeatedly, blood flying everywhere as he makes large gash marks in its chest and face. The werewolf suddenly lets out a ground-shaking roar that sends John flying backwards. Strange, glowing blood-red worms wrap around its limbs.

As John gets up, the werewolf charges at him with almost blinding speed, swiping at him over and over, cutting up his entire body. He barely manages to catch one of its arms, stopping the onslaught of attacks. He grabs its shoulder and sinks his teeth into its neck, tearing at its throat. It roars in pain before clawing him in the face and shoving him off. The entire time they've been fighting, the rage inside him that he's been keeping bottled up all these weeks has only grown.

Unable to contain it any longer, John roars at the werewolf as he lunges at it once more. The force of the blow knocks causes it to stumble backwards. He takes the chance to claw at it rapidly, throwing swing after swing He finishes with a cross swipe, sending the werewolf flying backwards onto its back.

Before it has a chance to recover, John grabs its jaws and rips them open, the body going limp and the worms fading away. He stands over the monster's body, catching his breath as blood drips from all his wounds. Fighting the pain and ignore how life headed he feels, he walks over to Ludmilla's body.

He thought she had died from the throw, but she's barely alive. Suddenly a large shutter door opens up, a bearded man in a leather vest on the other side. He sees Ludmilla's body and a large dark brown werewolf covered in blood.

"You, motherfucker!" He shouts before transforming into a large dark-grey werewolf. John takes a defensive position, standing between this new werewolf and Ludmilla.

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