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Chapter 4: chapter 1 going In and Going out

after blacking out again I gained my bearing and I'm sort of inside something I'm floating and well it's warm everywhere I guess this is inside the womb

unknown voice:sounds like a British Butler"hello host I'm the system I'm contacting you to inform you to make your prior genetic makeup before you were born"

Khyle:panicking "crap what do you mean by making my genetic makeup"

System: "Host you need to open your status there is a tab that will help you design and customize yourself "

Khyle:"Ok system how do I open my status do I just think or do I need to say it"

System:"Just thinking will suffice my host"

Khyle in his brilliance thought about status


Name: Unnamed

Age : six months









Will power:50








Khyle then started thinking on what to edit starting out with his name finding it out it can be edited

Khyle: confused "System!! why can't I change my name I thought I could edit things?"

System:"host the name cannot be change since only the parents can name you "

Khyle: dumbfounded "Ok what else can I not change and why is my stats all look 50? "

System:"host Name,Age, and Title cannot be change as for the stats they are the peak of average people this will change when you are born when you can exercise said stats"

Khyle:"Ok then what is the max stat that can be achieved?"

Host:"The max number you can achieved is 100 which basically means you can achieved 4 times of an enhance peak average human"

Khyle:"Ok Ok humor me on this you keep saying peak of average humans and it's 50 what's the scale of people in this world anyway"

System:"host as I keep saying 50 is the top of what normal humans could do in this world in simple terms world class athletes,supermodels, and geniuses"

Khyle: curious "Alright can you give me an example of people who transcended that limit?"

System:"Of course host the best example would be Yuichiro Hanma and Yujiro Hanma

Yuichiro Hanma stats if put to the same system as yours it would go like this







Will power:100


while Yujiro Hanma stats by now







Will power:100


this is liable to change in the future is that all host?"

Khyle: Amazed "Damm Yujiros OP as fuck why did he beat his father by ten in charisma, dexterity and intelligence"

System:"due to the gap between the past knowledge and age present Yujiro outclassed his father in those aspects by a whole nother level"

Khyle: content "ok so I just need to change my genetics now and How do I do That?"

System:"Host by using the shop you can change your genetics after which there will be a new tab in your status which will be labeled as advanced status which you will be able to see your exact status "

Khyle:"Alright thanks let's see what we can buy"




Genes: Available


Techniques 🔒🔒🔒


Khyle immediately thought why does stats,skills and techniques are locked he thought " I'll ask System later" thinking of Genes let him show a tab full of genes from the kengan fighters from Ashura to Omega



10,000,000,000,000 Karma points


Kure genes 10,000 Karma points

Asian Wu Genes 20,000 Karma points

Western Wu Genes 25,000 Karma points

Inaba Genes 10,000 Karma points

Mikazuchi Genes 10,000 Karma points

Kuroki Gensai Genes 30,000 Karma points

Ohma Tokita Genes 25,000 Karma points

Kanoh Agito Genes 25,000 Karma points

Imai Cosmo Genes 25,000 Karma points



While I browse the Genes tab I saw after the specialize clans there were specific Genes from fighters in the kenganverse which would be cool if wanna look like a specialize character but I keep thinking if it's enough to take on the Bullshit characters that are in this world where fighters treat cement as styrofoams and could beat entire armies as if they are fighting toddlers you could even weaponize your own imagination just like Miyamouto Musashi in Baki Duo so I just decided to go with the Western Wu Genes

[Western Wu Genes purchased]

[Western Wu Genes integrating]

[Western Wu Genes successfully integrated]

I suddenly felt burning in my muscles and aching in my bones making me hungry which I reflexively kick the walls in which im encased in which I guess wake up Mother because my baby cave suddenly shifted and as of moving I slowly rocked from my cradle then I was finally being satiated I guess Mom ate whatever food there is in reach then I finally felt groggy and felt asleep





[timeskip 3 months]

You guys wouldn't believe how boring and repetitive these past weeks have been rundown on the things I did was basically eat,sleep,eat,sleep, and eat and sleep, by now the walls that keep my baby cave from the outside is thinning I guess I'm near to being evicted I can sometimes hear them talking to each other and sometimes they are talking to me apparently they named me Kai I guess its pretty cool and apparently my name in the status change as well so yeah I'm Kai now anyway I feel sleepy next time

[timeskip 1 week]

when I felt my space was getting cramped I know for sure I'm getting evicted in this warm and cozy place so I get to planning on what I'm gonna do once I'm out I for sure gonna train my body cause this world is might makes right and I don't want to be on the receiving end of the stick then second I guess Will power cause I want that trick of Baki of imagining his opponent into sparing then I'll work on intelligence to be smart then charisma cause everyone wants to be handsome for real who wants to be ugly if they can be chick magnet hmm I'm getting sleepy I'll definitely train my endurance too I think it's stamina in the stats so yeah I'll sleep for now.

[6 hours later ]

Oh crap woman!!!!!! are you getting fucked stop clenching you're muscles it hurts like fuck if I have claustrophobia I'd be dead by now aarrggghhh!! Damm what now stop gripping my head like it's a dick aarrgghhh!!! then like being brutally massage I got force out of my baby cave who says being born is fun those novels especially the reincarnation ones didn't cover this but the feeling suck and hurts a lot first time your out yoh Mama's vagina it's blinding then it's cold as fuck seriously it's not fun then while your screaming out yoh confusion they pass you out to one another then surprising you with a blanket which felt like warm fur I guess that felt nice then I was place at my mom's arms then Damm she's a beauty with an American Asian features with the Asian looks a bit more Korean or Japanese I guess then she had silvery white hair not blonde real silvery white which I guess is unique 'sighs internally' screaming that loud really took away my stamina I guess I'll sleep let's do the meet and greet tomorrow.

Rabidreader Rabidreader

Hoooray my first chapter what are your thoughts about MC having a Western Wu Genes and i take on suggestions on how MC fighting style I'll think if it lines with the story I'm building I tried on giving context on how the system might see the fighters of this world and also how the system operates thanks and I guess I'll update tommorow ciao

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