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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: The Child that wants be a Sorcerer

Magic is an aspect of life, and every creature dwells in this critical world of magic. This kingdom is known as Equestria, a land of tranquility, And no war. But that changed the day of my life that took a curve upside down. One Sunday morning, I planned to go to the Canterlot library. I've had to, and I had some private studies of magical levitation control. But someone interrupted my expedition to my destination. A young lady with a mint-colored, white streak line on the middle–

Of her hair. And yellow-red fire eyes with an outfit of a sword dancer the same color as her hair and a jewelry flower decor. That includes a mark on her right hand; a harp. We call it a cutie mark. These marks appear when we find out what we are supposed to do.

Another thing is a gem on her forehead, just like me, except for the outfit parts. I was in regular attire. And that includes a purple long-sleeve shirt, button-down, and pantsuit. I was holding my books and scrolls in my right hand. My haircut is long and wrapped in a ponytail. And, if you were wondering, the color of my mane is dark purple with strings of pinkish fuchsia. And for my cutie mark, a star, Purple colored and smaller white stars surrounding the big one. We had a few moments. A conversation if you were. She was on the same old concept about the possibility of a strange world. I let her speak. I didn't want to be rude; still, I had something to do, so I had no time to waste. She looked at me with a smile and a giggle in her voice. What I didn't expect was the next thing she'd say.

"Sorry, it's been years! You haven't left your home, so I believe you died!... I've been wondering..." She was puzzled. I was thinking, was that supposed to be funny? In the meantime, putting a so-called grin but hid my annoyance with it. Then I started to say,

"Just fine. Same as every day just studying the arts of magic and science." Having to put on a poker face to hide my annoyance from that assertion.

"You never change, do you, Dusky." She called me to ask if we were six again.

This was a nickname she had given me for a long time. I wasn't a kid. I turned seventeen years old, so I'm a young adult. I told her to stop calling me that. I was explaining that I'm not a kid anymore.

"Heartstrings, you know we're not kids anymore?" with a sigh in my breath. "There's no need for nicknames. You can call me by my name, Dusk. Besides, we live in Canterlot. The capital." Talking comely but straightforward, Canterlot was known as the biggest city in all of Equestria. Canterlot was considered the first to be built, created when the darkest hour was extinguished. That was 2,000 years. Now we have the first Princess. Celestia. Also, she's my pedagogue. And for me, well, I'm her protégé. To me, that moment was in kindergarten. When I took the entrance exam at the age of and had to show my magical abilities.

"Anyway, I have to go," walking away backward slowly. "Wait! Now?! I have more to say." She stopped me by the sleeve. Then she grabbed my shoulder to prevent me from leaving. This will take longer than I thought. How this challenging plight I got into will nonplussed me on this endless void.

Equestria has three ranks: the first is regular humans, meaning they don't have what the others have. Some can use some abilities but not how other rankings use them. Meaning that they can't use the same way how I use magic in the sense of understanding spells, but that doesn't mean they can't. Their charm is more of comprehending nature's life. The following ranking, or would we call them pegasi? Why do we call them pegasi? Even though they are human, the only thing that's different from the first rank is that they have wings so they can fly. They also can control the flow of climate change. Lastly, the final ranking is the ones that can use Magic, just like Lyra Heartstrings and me. We are part of the unicorn clan: we can use magic as you can think of—fire, water, light, and so on. We might be different types, but we do live in harmony.

"Ah~ ok, well, see you tomorrow, Dusk." Lyra sounded a bit disappointed. But she was walking with a smile on her face.

I started to stride around the city and had a book open too. I was reading, not paying attention to my surroundings, bumping into numerous individuals saying my apologies. Still, I was fixated on the topic that I was reading. It was notes and entries on star swirls materials, the explanation on magic phrasing. And how to cast them. To me, it was just some light reading.

At that moment, I was getting closer to my destination, the royal library. As a student of magic, you would think you would be allowed to enter, but no. High-skilled soldiers guarded it. They wouldn't let anyone come in-- except for one person, the princess. Lucky for me, I was allowed as well. Mostly, I was the princess's mentee. Still, the guards had to keep an eye on me. I'd shown the identification card for safety regulations. One of the guards was a five. Average. She seemed new, and I'd never seen her before. Her appearance was normal.

An average-looking girl with silver armor was covering her head to toe. She had a sword on her left and a shield on her right. That was normal of her; she was new. Every recruit starts with a silver armored uniform. I would say even though she was average-looking... I found her cute, regardless. That is coming from a guy that had no interest in having a girlfriend in the meantime. I was in the library for six hours. Time was passing by quickly. Footsteps were coming closer while I wasn't paying attention. And the reason why was that I put a silent spell on my surroundings. That doesn't mean there's no letting anyone in the barrier; it simply removes a fraction of the people around me from being quiet. Suddenly, I felt a tug on my shirt. "Huh?! Oh, it's you. why are you here?" I knew him. It was my assistant, Spike; He's twelve years old. This might sound weird, and I was the one who brought him to life. His birth came from an egg. Also, he was my test to get into magic school. The test was new. I was the only one that took the test and passed. "Are you going to sit all day? you know that you have things to do." He scowled. "Ha-ha! You're right; there's a lot to do. Home would be ideal now, Spike." I laughed and walked.

"Oh my. I forgot. Just give me a second," I told Spike. In the meantime, I put All the subjects that I gathered. I kicked something while finishing. It was a book that I saw was calling me to read it. That would sound ridiculous, but I had to find out what it had inside. I looked at it closely with gaping eyes. The book had an unusual appearance: A hardcover. Hefty; still movable. And easy to hold. It looked worn by the Years, and it hadn't been read.

I asked the librarian if they had any other copies of this book. She told me that she had never seen it before. So, I asked if I could keep it. She responded, "well, it's not part of our information center." She seemed perplexed.

"Young man. I don't think we need it seen on the shelves." She fixed her glasses and acted calmly. I was content that I got a free book. I went back to Spike, and he raised a question. "Dusk, what's with that novel? Are you renting it out?" He asked me. I told him the librarian gave it to me as a present. It was getting dark. We realized that now more than ever, we need to be home. I live alone in a building. Well, not so much alone. I did have Spike with me. I went to my room, but first, I'd inquired about a midnight snack, a Chausson aux Pommes. Or even sip a bit of non-alcoholic apple cider. I opened the book and processed reading. I started the analysis of the text written down, but what I found was an unusual tale.

"She was the person I loved. And I was the one to send her away from the historical accounts and make it into a story for children; that's why I won't forget her; the other, dear sister of…." The sound of the night breeze began to divert me from glancing at the passage. I stood up and went to close the window. Suddenly, I felt a bit sleepy, so I went to sleep.

The next day I found myself a little bit puzzled. My mind was still fixated on the story from last night. I wanted to read it, but I knew if I found something, I wouldn't believe it. So, I just ignored it. I washed up for Breakfast. I got my supplies for my morning classes, and I had to hurry because the first subject was history. And I had a test on magical barriers. The one teaching the class was someone special, the captain of the royal guard.... brother of mine, Shining Armor. This was the first time he was a class substitute appointed by the princess. The princess was the one who taught the class, but she was preparing for the summer sunset celebration. In which she brought the sun every morning. Her title is the princess of the sun, and she can rise it in the morning.

"Dusk, why are you leaving? You still have some time to time; no need to rush." Spike washed the spatula back and forth, dripping some batter and telling me not to depart home until I had some food in my stomach. And he looked at me with an angry expression, "You think you're leaving with anything inside your breadbasket of yours!?" He treated me as a child, not listening to his parent. "Spike, don't worry, I'll be fine, just give it to me as lunch, and I'll be on my way." Having a conferment smile to show that everything is fine.

"Oh~ no! you won't leave until you eat some food." Spike pulls me back with force. Even at his young age, he forces me to have breakfast. At the same time spinning around will finally gravitate and secure me in the chair, and I safely sit down. Then I asked what I was having for a nosh. "A plate of potatoes with a zest of actively heated spices on top added with parsley. Also, a (kaesespaetzle) a simmered down macaroni and cheese with added green onions to melt perfectly to your tongue." Spike articulated with a precise insight on foreign and dish preparations. He's, well, my assistant but also a dragon. Well, human: of course, half of him is. It's strange because records indicate that dragons may be able to communicate with other species, but they never looked human. The papers had no information on the subject, and no one had the opportunity to find out if there was any clan of dragons that could also be human. Spike had green hair, a purple tail with his name that I bestowed; spikes, green-colored, and his eyes. I finished the palette Spike put together. Delicious it was. And to water it down, a glass of orange juice. Finally, I took off. I went to my classes, and it was my third year, and I became the high-class representative for the school. It was the sequential moment they chose me—the previous Academy year when I also was the representative with the highest grade. Yet again, I had the highest scores. I had to read a speech as I had performed the previous year. I did not know the difficulties I had to go to. Walking down the streets, many of the well-rounded people just had no care about what was going to happen tomorrow night. Looking everywhere, some guffaw attitude of individuals made me think. Have they ever made a difference? Or, I'm the one that doesn't have a remote idea for my future. What I did know, in the beginning, I held a great desire to become part of something and, by doing so, find the truth. The unexpected Life is knocking down on my Metaphorical door.

Students entered the building, and scholars from different branches began leaving school. They were night classes, and they had different schedules today to the fall of the sun. They go to classes at night and return to their rooms during the day. As for me, the daily schedule was the best for me. I formally gave my hellos to the students who approached me. Some of them waved and shook their hands. I gave a smile at the same time but was always displaying Just normal conduct. I don't want to, but in real life, I'm afraid. The only thing I could see was that they wanted to be friends. Or they just wanted to get towards my good side just because of me being —A hand was planted on my shoulder, and I turned around. It was my Big brother. He asked me If I was feeling well. My face was covered with doubt, but it was hard to hide it from him. "You seem a bit out of it, little brother. Do you have a fever when you look like you haven't slept for days?" He was always concerned about me, but even occasionally, he could get strict with me when it came to it.

"N-no. I don't, why do you think that? I'm fine, don't you see." Lying underneath my teeth. And sounding nervous affects my phrases'.

"Hey, that's not the way; look, your face shows some fatigue and numbness. I am your brother, so I know you better than anyone." He was always right about me. And I care that he'd be there in my life. "Come on; it's time for your classes. Besides, I'm your teacher for today. Ha-ha!" he slaps my back, and he walks away laughing as always. He's just the substitute. Why does he need to sound so full of himself? Still, I love him. "Hah, why is he turning around?" I thought. "And why is he coming this way?" Unsure, but he did look at me with a serious, no, more of an intense gaze as if I was made of ice. Suddenly, he took me to the nurse's office. I asked him why he was dragging me, and in the meantime, students' glanced, and I was embarrassed. Shining stayed quiet. So, by the time we got to the nurse's office, shining told me to go to bed and that I needed to rest. I argued with him, "no." I said, why am I going to bed? I have the first period starting soon. I told him. But he insisted. "Rest." We argued for ten minutes, and in the end, I lost. I missed the first period but made the rest of the other ones. Shining explained to my instructor, Mr. Scarlett Horn, why I was absent. Luckily, he understood, but as I missed the class, I had to take a make-up test the next day. He was my world science professor. The bell rang. Old and new students had to stay quiet: not an uproar or noise. The hall of the auditorium was filled with all students outside. But not students, everybody in Canterlot. The amount was about six- billion five hundred ninety-seven people. That includes students, faculty, and parents/ guardians so they to hear my speech. We had to use an image projection spell. For the rest to have a good look. in comparison, some had to listen to it on the radio. This was broadcast to Canterlot and small towns. I'm so lucky. For me, this wasn't new. I commenced my thoughts to all. "As one of many, we all stand as one. The amount of difference between the past has no means to stake to a new future. We can show how we all can grow and understand each species. But we're all the same. Some can use magic. Others can fly to the skies. But we can't forget about the first humans and their intelligence to form into power. They help us with agriculture, and no one is discriminated against because we are all the same. Without us, living together in harmony wouldn't be possible if we didn't change... That's why the day is something we need. Today is the day we celebrate. No, the rising of a new day but to the future." I kept going for more than thirty minutes until the end of school.

I drained my mind and couldn't go home on foot. Suddenly, Shining offered me to go with him. He said that he would be my ride. "Good," I told him, "Yes, that would be great." It was a blessing that he did this because I would pass out. It was getting dark as we got to my household. And I fell to sleep in the carriage he came in with. It was one of those used inside the nobility. But he's part of the magic guard? It had a unique design; it had an enclosed shape with an elegant structure: white-colored paint around it. Gold makings gave it a nice touch, ll-around. It was the Phoenix. The bird of rebirth. After some time, he got to our destination. I was already asleep, so I didn't recollect a thing. The only thing I wanted to know was; how I got home and fell on my bed. My hair was unknotted. All along my back, I saw that I was in sleeping attire. I asked, " did- My brother undress me while I was asleep?" Looking at the mirror simultaneously, slightly slamming both of my hands on the nightstand and being down-founded. I was questioning how I got home. Spike emerged, scaring me and saying this to me. "Yes, he did. And he carried you like a princess in a fairy tale. " His giggling does not stop. "Oh, and for your transportation– carriage."

'He-he," he kept laughing even though I didn't find it amusing.

"That's not funny, Spike," telling him to stop. "That wasn't funny."

"Oh, come on, you; you must admit you have a feminine face." And He kept on putting more detail on how I looked girlish: my hair being too long, my body, weight, and how I told him that my mother always dressed me up as a girl. And how she wanted a daughter. "No, I do not; I'm a man Spike," I yelled at him, embarrassed, having my face red. "Didn't last week a random girl asks you if you had a boyfriend? And she believed that you were a girl...

…. you have to give some credit here; it's hard for you." He told me this while crossing his arms and moving his head. I asked Spike to leave, and I wanted to be alone. He did, but he was still laughing going downstairs. I glanced at the calendar and checked the date, it was days before the summer sun celebration. And next to it was the book that the librarian gave me.

"Why not? Reading would help me calm down." shrugging my shoulders and closing my eyes. I wanted to start where I left off as I opened the title of the fourth chapter—the banishment to the moon.

I started to browse the chapter and found some interesting aspects that were inside. This story made it clear but also confusing for all that much I understood. I couldn't help but notice. A sentence. "One...thing...I will never forget you. What do they mean by this? I will never forget you. It sounded confusing, but at the time, I kept reading, and the further I read, it began to sound like an entire journal. "Was this somewhat, or rather, the idea of a fantasy tale of someone's goal to be published?"

I was contemplating the text in the meantime. Then I found something that you would never expect to be in it. Whoever finds this remembers this is an actual outcome that happened 10,000 years ago. My name is...

...Celestia. In my mind, this was the passage of Princess Celestia. This notion was that I had the actual journal of our ruler. My mentor. This was not the end. It was just the beginning.

Date: 4/17 Day 1

Today was the first day of the summer sun celebration. I stayed an all-nighter just reading the journal to find something significant in Equestria.

"I can't, and this is the only sin of my life. The one thing I would never condone to be an act of justification." The bitter words she wrote in the book hurt more than anything else that anyone would undergo. "The sin? What justification is she talking about?" I couldn't understand what she meant. But tears flowed down my face. As if the next thing I would read would be the one piece of the journal and more to come.


"What is it, Spike?"

"Come down. Shining is waiting for you."

"Were you crying?" Spike glimpses at me. Then I answered.

"N-no!" Trying to hide my tears.

"Shining is downstairs?" What would he want? Had I asked myself?

"How are you doing, little brother? You seem a bit better than yesterday. Tell me, why did you dwell on staying all night without any sleep!?"

He sounded concerned but also confused. I wondered if I should explain to him about the journal. But on the other hand, I might not find any results from the passage. So, I stayed quiet about it and just told him that I was doing some light study.

"Oh, you know me, the normal."

"The same thing I've always done when we're young. Me with books." In the meantime, I was trying to sound clever even though shining wasn't buying it a bit. He gave me a look of presumption. And at the same time, I backed away, but he was closing in as if I was conspiring or hiding something from him. I backed on one of the thousands of bookshelves I had in my house. It was getting a little intense. In the end, he stopped and sighed. "Hmm, fine, but if something goes wrong, just tell me, OK!" He turned around and walked away, slowly closing the door. I felt guilty.

"Dusk? What was that about?"

"Nothing for you to worry about, Spike. It was just a normal conversation with two brothers…." Spike looked bewildered, as if he didn't have any idea what went on too. I played it coy about withholding the intriguing tale. I'm sure it'll be a good thing too, keep it a secret until I'm done. I assured Spike that everything was ok and I wasn't hiding anything of the sort and sent him to bed. With that, nothing would give rise to the source. That said, what happened next was something to arise from. Until the third day, a reality made everyone who saw it change their expectation and frightened all non-believers. I looked at the time, and it was a quarter to eight. I asked Spike how long I was asleep. He notified me that I had been sleeping for seven hours.

Seven hours?! I pondered for a moment. "Dusk, you're ok?" Spike asked me as if I was petrified. "You look like a cockatrice turning you into stone." He spoke. I heard Spike say that it was an interesting simile. I had some sweat pouring down my skin.

"Spike," I Called.

"Yes?" He answered.

"Tomorrow, it's day two of the summer sun celebration, right? So that means second-year students stay home for the morning classes if I'm correct." Informing my little deputy on the issue.

"Well, yeah, you're a third year, so you don't have classes until noon. That's in your schedule." Spike glimpsed at me. I walked up the stairs and started thinking.

"Good. That means I have time to prepare the book for tomorrow." I turned around, hugged Spike, and said good night to him. And he is towing it back at me. "Good night, Dusk., Spike said before and yawned.

The only thing that was left was this to say...

...what will transpire if I keep reading?

My heart beats fast. And as quicker it got, the anticipation made it more… exciting. But I knew I had to let that be for the day. I had other more important things that had significance. For example, the first thing I went on to do was the project for my classes: old language, ancient– writing, math, the magic of the sciences, and physical education, which was the only thing I wasn't good at. Hey, I'm still strong; I don't do a lot of physical activities. I'm the Princess's protégé; I'm knowledgeable in the mental intelligence department. Eleven years ago- before I became the Princess's top pupil, I was just an average child. I wasn't gifted or of any source of magic. At an early age, I was no more than at the beginner level. You may be asking, was I that good? Practice. But that is not why I did magic or wanted to be a substantial sorcerer. No, the reason why I want to become a sorcerer was because of previous Sun festivals. Oh, how I remembered. When I entered the academy, I obtained something — or, should I say, someone.

I have been to multiple celebrations, including when I was four years old when everything shifted. It was my first time seeing Princess Celestia racing the Sun, Thinking. Could someone else raise the sun? Would it be possible for me to do something similar? The notion of me doing something out there, angelic souls camouflaged the skies as well. Don't get me wrong; I was a child thinking big. My reminiscences of the past were one of the most valuable parts of my life. I still have some recollection of how I first met the princess. A memory. It was my first summer sun celebration all strings city, wherein the town courtyards. I was about five and a half, so- still four to be more detailed. Crowds line up to have a chance to see the princess. The sky was dark, but the sparkling stars made it look like angelic souls camouflaged the skies. And when I saw that… smile came to appear too. The nation shouted with delight—the singing, the stomping on the ground, and clapping their hands together. The dancing looked gorgeous. Still, I saw happiness in their eyes—including my parents. I could remember the instruments: flutes, clarinets, oboes, bassoons, horns, trumpets, and timpanis. Some strings were also in the hall—their key of each being played in wonder. As I watched them dance to the rhythm of these instruments on stage, the musician enchanted them all. Not with magic but with the sensation motif. Oh, how I wish that back in my life.

I asked my brother a question," Shining? Why do we do this every new year?" He looked at me, pondering, "Huh, why you ask?" as he noticed I was giving him the poppy eye treatment to him. He smiled at me and responded, "Well, this is a way to show our gratitude. The Princess has made a lot more ruling. She has saved us from the darkness that consumed us centuries back. It makes no sense, but our ancestors faced the disastrous aftermath of losing the most important person in history."

"Who is that?" I asked him.

Then, he told me, "That would be the queen."

"The… queen?" I looked confused. It seemed in the epoch in the star age, and she created the light of stars that gave light to the night skies. As a youngster, I didn't know anything about that age. As much as I wanted to know, my brother said if You're going to be able to find out more (you better ask the princess). I didn't realize what he meant by asking the Princess about it, but it was a very long significance that is forthcoming. I'd be on a lengthy goal in the outlook. But something else, something or someone he had neglected to mention, "who was it? I can't recall," he said. "I just can't remember." The hours passed. And the time for the sun to be lifted has started. And the Princess came to the stage. With an elegant strut, she made an enchantment, but no words were spoken. She solely concentrated on her mind. It was graceful and imagery. All in attendance subsisted in amazement.

Woooow!! That's… great! Best show ever! I was stunned just gazing at the event. My eyes were opened widely prominent.

"Soo, what do you think? Huh, dusk?" My parents asked me. So, I replied, "Mom. Dad."

"Yes, dear?" My mom said.

"What is it?" My dad looked at me, puzzled.

"I think I want to go to princess Celestia's school of the gifted," I announced.

"Are you sure? You want to go?" With an assertion, Shining gave a stretched take on my decision. And my parents were also in unison with my brother. They gave a concerned look at me, afraid that I might not get in. But I was determined to take that entrance exam.

Two years. Two years passed by, and I turned six. At this age, I could enter the academy. My brother, shining, was at one of the branches of the royal guard academy. He turned fifteen; at that age, you may enter one of two schools: the army academy or the magic knight's academy. You still had to practice magic, too, but his goal was to be part of the knights of our ruler, Princess Celestia. Oh, I was proud of him as he told us, "One day, I'll come back as a Knight. Wait, and you'll see, I'll make the difference." That's what he said with vast composure. Nothing made me prouder just by hearing him saying that. Then, as I turned six, my goal was to attend the magic academy, so I prepared each day by studying and learning the basics and the fundamentals as well. It was critical for anyone. I didn't want to be Knight but a sorcerer, "Finally, I made it into the Academy." sounding joyful as I lifted my fist in the air while looking happy at the same time too. I must have been so loud that some entries gave me a weird look. Oh no, they think I'm crazy? I need to Adequate this excitement. I took a deep breath and whiffed in and out. My family was with me; my dad and my mom. They laughed when I did that. I was embarrassed; I felt like an idiot. I felt a hand on my shoulder; it was my mother's. She smiled as she cried tears of joy as she pulled me in for a hug, and my father was also proud and gave a smile too. "Son." My father murmured. "I'm so impressed with you," he said. "Thanks." I smiled back, and as I told them, I heard someone call me. It was a man. Tall and had a fantastic built-in body. It seemed he worked out a ton. "Are you— young Mr. Shine?" I retorted, "y-yes," I said with nerves. "Good. Follow me, please." He said with a commanding attitude.

"Excuse me, what business did you have with my son?" My father asked the man. "I'm here by the directions by the Princess to bring the one named Dusk Shine to the examination hall." The guard informs us in a Grandiloquent voice. I was a child, confused, asking myself why a guard needed to come up and say, the Princess asked for me. I didn't understand. Was this something they would do to every new student? Is… is this an eccentric performance coming from the Princess. I thought. Why me? From all the individuals that were here, I was asked to see her. The knight took us to the entrance to the school personally. When my parents and I went inside, the other students looked at us and what was happening and talked under their breath. My head was lower, so I could not show my face.

"Dusk?" I heard a whisper in my ear. 'Phss!' "What's going on?" My mom asked for my explanation, but I didn't know what was happening. I'm not sure, but I'd be questioned about something. What could it be about? I'm, I'm not scared. I lied. I was terrified. My mind was turning back and forth. I was getting a headache as if a surge ignited inside me. My heart is throbbing with nerves. Strolling through the corridors, the school felt like having tunnels. As I walked, I imagined myself on my last day of life. I asked one of the guards, "how long will it take to get there?" querying at him and having an afraid stare in his apertures.

I heard both guards sigh. "There is no need to worry." the slightly more diminutive guard spoke. He was 5'7, and the other guard was 6'1; a slightly taller guard kept quiet and stared blankly as if this was a normal thing to ask.

"Huh?" why did they say it like that? Now I'm more anxious.

"We are here."

The anticipation was overwhelming. I wanted to breathe, but I felt like I was out of air. Suddenly, one of the guards opened the door. And as they opened, I clenched my hand into a fist and straightened up with my chest high. As I took the first step, going inside this study hall, there were some of the instructors, three men, and two women sitting down in chairs, and in between the middle of the instructors, she was the princess of the sun. The bringer of daylight. Celestia. What! Why is she here? Why? What's going on? I asked myself, amazed but with slightly dubious thoughts enclosing me as I contemplated what was going on. Why was the Princess here, and why was I the only one asked to come? Nothing made sense to me. Then I heard one of the men's dialogues, "okay, child, please come forward." Asked me with a husky voice. I got, yet again, nervous. Who wouldn't be? A child asked to go to a room with guards who demanded to follow them and not knowing what precisely they wanted from him. Yeah, that's t creepy at all. But just knowing that the Princess was in the audience, this got even more confusing. The princess here? I heard she sometimes does classes, but why is she here now? Wait! Is she testing me? Yeah! That must be it; what other reason would it be? And what kind of test— then I heard a Voice. "Okay, today you will be tested. You be using your magic on this, the egg."


"An egg?" as I looked closely at it was purple with green spots—an unusual egg. As I glanced at it, the only thing that I thought of was where in the world did, they get this egg from. It was no regular egg; it was too big. It was too huge, but it was easy to hold with both hands. I wondered what type of egg it was. Then, the older gentleman, the one-second seat on the right side, told me, "You'll be showing your magic by bringing this egg to life." He instructed me. Waa!! He wants me to do what?! Are they crazy? That', absurd! Give rise to something to life? No one has that power! I walked a bit closer and closer, shaking and sweating, standing in fear. The glimpse of their eyes, we're hunting. A soldier carried the egg gently to the desk and placed it in a nest. I looked around and saw my parents worried a bit, cheering me on that help for a little; still, I veered around, walked to the desk, and began to focus. I tried to cast a spell, but nothing. It was tough. I attempted every incarnation I could think of: "Feachd na beatha." ( the force of life.)

"Ciar na gaoithe a bheir fuachd." (Whisper Of the Wind that brings cold.) I tried many spells, but none worked. I felt Destruct. Every educator wrote in their notepads the horrible answer that could destroy my future. I thought that I'd be booted. But unexpectedly, a tremor shook the sky as it glowed in a kaleidoscope of colors. This startled me, and this made my magic go hay wired. As a result, I was over, losing consciousness in the process. The last thing I could hear was my parents' voices calling me in a worried voice and a crackling sound—the feeling of wow in them.

"How's my son's condition?"

"Fine. No need to worry about him. He'll be stable and wake up in no time." The doctor said.

"Oh, thank you, doctor." it was my mother, as she controlled her breathing back to normal.

I passed out for five hours, and I couldn't remember what had happened. Where am I? I looked bewildered. Oh, my head was throbbing. I had a massive headache. I could hear the conversation, but I was still so exhausted that my eyes felt glued tight. My body was heavy, and I didn't want to get up. "Can-he- me!?"

"Huh? Wha?"

I don't understand, can I what? A voice muffled. It was barely understandable. It was saying chunks of several sentences being cut out for me even to have a clear understanding.

"Wak- up," it says, wake up. It was hard to listen because of the wavering, but this voice was female, cute sounding. "No use; his still young."

"Egg! The egg… cracked."

The egg? It cracked. What egg? Ooh, right, that egg. Wait, it broke; a jolt sprung me to wake up. I gave a quick dash and ran to see— not paying no attention that I didn't glance at my parents. I even didn't hear them speak to me.

I was filled with excitement— antsy my heart got.

The sound of my slippers made a creaking sound. It was Hard for me to run because the floor had no acceleration. I could have tripped and fallen and hurt myself, so I decided to take them off, "cold." the stone floor was cold that my feet felt like they were going to freeze to the tip even though I ran as fast as I could. I got to the examination room, and the instructors and the princess were waiting for me to wake up.

"Aahh, we were waiting for you. Please come in. With a look of amusement, the princess asked me To sit down. I was nervous. I could imagine my legs as if they were made of gelatin.

The tension increase. Sweat plunge down my skin and my throat—

…what is going to happen to me?

"Now, here is the verdict…." I heard the second male instructor on the third seat from the middle right. I cringed in a reflex to respond, "y-yes!"

"Here's what will happen; you'll be accepted as a student."

"That's right. The magic you displayed today was extraordinary. We have never seen something to that level."


It got silent again, and I did too.

Why are they holding me in suspense? I can't wait. Even though they say I will be an A student, there must have a catch. They looked off as if something or someone had said an illogical request, "young Mr.Shine, *cough.* The instructor from the front in the back chair next to the Princess seemed a bit off. She had a stunning appearance. She had a jewel on her forehead, meaning she was part of the Unicorn Clan. Her hairstyle— is drill Golden on both sides. And a curly bun. For her eyes, Purple—an ensemble that matches her eyes and hair. (She loves the color purple.)giving a glimpse at the princess, which tells me that she's the one that made that outrageous plea. "Is something wrong?" I asked, still twitching.

They looked at each other puzzle, not saying a word, still making me apprehensive about the answer. How long do we need to finish the conversation? No one is speaking. Do I have to take the rope and pull the exchange first? I pondered, "So, Uhm, I'm going to be a student, but why so uncomfortable?" I asked. Suddenly, the Princess mumbled, "Dusk amethyst shine." She royally uttered my name, so I replied with a stutter, "ye-yes, my Majesty?"

"Come down. No need to Jitter; I have something to ask. And it seems you would be my protégé if you're interested."



At first, I thought this was a joke, but because I passed, I got to be her a protégé to the princess. It did not see that coming, but why? Why me? So I asked the reason why she chose me.

"Why me? From all individuals, why me? What makes me unique that you'll choose me? I'm not special. I'm still confused."

So the princess told me the reason why. "Do you know why you did this test?" At first, I gave her my answer, and I thought maybe all of us had to do the same exam. But it seems that I was wrong.

"You were the only one that had to do this test. The other students had to do regular entrance exams. Your test was one in a million. No one could have made this possible. But you made the impossible possible. And for that, I choose you to be my protégé." That was huge. My heart began to accelerate— I was happy, a smile with a tiny quiver. I slowly expanded my smile— I wanted to jump with satisfaction. Then, there was one more thing to do, the egg. I almost forgot that I came here because the voice told me to see the birth of the egg. So I asked, "hmm, excuse me, um, what happened to the egg?" I inquired.

"Oh, right, the egg. Well, it's…".

"…. Bring in the newborn!" one of the professors called one of the knights to bring in the hacked Infant. As the knight came back, I was shocked at what I saw. It was a dragon. It was still asleep. But how cute.

I walked gradually to it and gave a better glance; it was he—a male dragon. But I didn't know what kind. The professors, even the Princess, couldn't recognize his type. This little dragon was an enigma.

Abruptly, the sleeping dragon opened up his eyes— greenish. I looked at him carefully. He had a purple scaly body with greenish spikes in his head, small ones that hadn't been grown. As keep gazing at the dragon, he stared at me right back. We were in a deadlock glare for about fifteen minutes. And I thought about a name for the little one, "I'll call you Spike." Yeah, that was a cliché name. Using his spikes from his head sounds a bit overdramatic; it was a nice name nonetheless. Even he smiled at me by calling him "Spike." Oh, how adorable.

Then a flash of light blinded the room and everyone inside, "aahh!"

Aahh, what's going on? This is so strange, urgh… Aaaargh!

As the light dimmed down Slowly, the baby dragon was no more a dragon. "Did it become… human? But how? How did it become human, and what type of dragon is he?" I said, as my thoughts were scattered around. He began to cry, so I was aghast at what had happened. Everyone in the room was baffled. (Includes my parents, that came running to the room with some of the guards behind them.)He still had some dragon figures, like a bit of the spike in the tail. He was a strange genus of Dragon. I didn't know what to do.

I tried to hold him to ease him down by cradling him. And as I had him and moved him, gradually, he calmed down. Hmm, phew, I thought he'd be crying all day. Now what? What do I do? It's not like I'm this baby's parent. Unexpectedly I heard someone speak, "now that this, um, dragon born, you'll be taking care of him." I turned around, and our monarch notified me that this was my first venture to fulfill. I was anxious that I, Dusk Shine, had to care for a baby if it was my own. Even my parents were surprised by it, but I heard them say, "we're having a new kid in the home!" they asserted in unison while both held hands. This is how Spike became part of my household as the new brother slash baby. Wow, I'm a big brother. I can't dawdle. I'll have too much to study. Then, as I looked at Spike better, I smiled slightly and said, "maybe this won't be so bad."

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my room and it was all a dream. I remembered the past. It was an emotional trance.

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