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Chapter 4: QQ

She felt a warm and bright light shining onto her as she struggle to open her eyes. Beatrice then hid under the protection of her blanket.

"Young Miss! it is morning, you told me to wake you up and now look at you wiggling around!"

Beatrice heard her maid, Marie, nagged her as she tossed a pillow.

"Miss! That wasn't very nice of you" Marie said hearing a lovely laugh coming under the blanket.

"Alright alright, I am up so stop your nagging" she yawned as she stretched her arms. Beatrice is not a morning person and would always snooze unless woken up by Marie. Before she decided to open her store, she would sleep until it was time for lunch, but now she don't have the luxury to do so.

"Would you like the usual for breakfast?" Marie asked. Beatrice stood from the bed and dragged her feet to the bath to freshen up."Yes, please. Is Damien home? I didn't see him last night when I returned."

"Master Damien left for work at the border. I overheard there were spies lurking through, but knowing how strong Master Damien is I wouldn't worry about him" Marie replied.

"He isn't the son of a General for nothing I guess" Beatrice waved for Marie to go on with her duties. After freshening up, she went down to the dinning room to see her parents eating breakfast.

"Good morning father, good morning mother" Beatrice greeted. "You guys didn't wait for me?"

"I didn't know you were going to work early today Beatrice. I thought you were having another day off to hang out with Leon" her mother said.

"With you snoring loudly like that, I thought you would wake up by evening!" She heard her father laughed.

The couple looked as fresh as they were in their 20s. Ms. Broan still had her radiance and elegance even after giving birth to two kids. Her husband didn't lose either, General Broan still have his strong figure from his old days as the leading General in the major war. At 50 years old, this "old" General could still take on a mob of knights.

"I was not snoring! How do you know that I was anyway? Your room is at the opposite end of the mansion" Beatrice refute.

"Yes yes, you didn't snore" her father said giving up as he chuckle.

Her usual breakfast was served to her with her coffee, eggs, bacon and buttered toast. Beatrice ate and waved her parents good bye before departing to her store.

Beatrice's designer store is the famed, "Queen's Quarters" or "QQ". Not just using her title as the daughter of General Broan and fiancé of the next Duke, Beatrice use her skills in embroidery and designing to the test. Just after opening QQ, she got a wave of incoming orders from many nobles. They visited her grand opening to see the beautifully tailored suits and hand-made dresses on display. They were amazed by the new and odd designs the eighteen year old came up with and wanted to try it out for themselves. The store became more hectic as Beatrice tried to organize everything by herself, but it didn't seem to help. So she decided to hire servants and her own creative team to help her make dresses and suits for her numerous clients. With many positive reviews, her store became a hit in the capital city.

Today, Beatrice and her team is giving a finishing touch to a dress that was ordered by tomorrow. Stepping out of her carriage, in front of her stood a three-story building with a big sign "Queen's Quarters" written in gold at the top. She went inside and saw customers looking at the dresses and suits on display. Walking up the stairs, she arrived at the second floor where the action takes place.

Everyone on her team was working non-stop and didn't notice her arrival. Beatrice didn't care and put up her sleeves as she join them in their work.

"Oh Miss Broan!" A girl with cute brown curls finally noticed her boss coming in to help.

"Janette, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Beatrice?"

"But you are my boss, it's improper to call you Beatrice" Janette said as she continues to work on the embroidery on the neckline of the dress.

"You guys are my friends and coworkers, don't use 'Miss' it makes me sad to see you think of me differently" Beatrice gave her team of four puppy eyes.

"Oh no, she's using her puppy eyes!" Huggens, a short blonde hair boy, covered his eyes with his hands. He won't get tempted by her gorgeous eyes... again!

"Janette, I know you can't say no to that can you? HAHAHA" a short haired girl laughed.

"Kira stop teasing Jeanette" said Raina.

"Okay okay I will call you Beatrice, just stop looking at me like that" Janette gave in with her face blushing because her weakness were Beatrice's beautiful purple eyes. They sparkled more than these rare gems they were sewing onto the dress.

"Better! Alright, let's get to work shall we?" Beatrice clapped her hands then the team of 5 resume their work.

At noon, they stopped their work and went to eat lunch. After lunch they went back to work.

Not long after their grand opening, they had 31 orders in total. Considering that all of their works are hand-made, that is a lot of orders to fill out. Beatrice's father helped her obtained good quality fabrics and support her designer store. Since Damien is the one inheriting the General's title and properties, Beatrice wanted to do her own things and depend on herself a bit.

The team of 5 finished the silk embroidered dress in the evening and thought to celebrate, until the supposed 'closed' door opened with a loud bang. Many foot stomps could be heard downstairs as the team were still in the second floor of their closed store.

"Beatrice Broan! Surrender yourself at once!" A demanding voice came from downstairs.

Beatrice and the four came rushing downstairs as they heard the commotion.

"What's going on here? The store is closed" Beatrice said as she looked at the troops of knights and their Commander standing mighty and tall in her store.

"Beatrice Broan, in the holy name of the Len Kingdom, you are under arrest along with your family" the Commander stated as one of the Knight came up to her and held her arm against her back, making her kneel.

"Why am I under arrest? What did we do?" Beatrice asked in utter confusion as the Knight tied her hands in the back with a rope.

"You are accused of being spies to the neighboring kingdom and accused with many other violations and high treason" the Commander stated.

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