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Chapter 9: Journey to Celadon

It's the following day from when Pidgeotto evolved and we're currently taking a snack break of Brock's famous "jelly filled donuts". And who else to show up than a little mankey, finally another Pokémon that will help Ash in the Pokémon league. I never understood why he didn't have that fighter dude send Primeape to him.

Either way, with no Team Rocket to make the Mankey mad we end up battling it as a Mankey not a primeape. Ash sends out Charmander, I guess he wants to give Charmander some more experience before the gym battle against Erika. Charmander opens up with a full powered flamethrower.

Mankey easily sidesteps and rushes Charmander with scratch, Charmander keeps its flamethrower going and just turns eventually clipping Mankey on its right side. Mankey stomps and howls, then charges faster than before. Mankey jumps into the air with its leg stuck out, I'm surprised it already knows high jump kick.

However it fell too slow, and Charmander just jumped to the side and readied a mega punch. This punch caught Mankey right as it hit the ground, so it took damage from the punch and the self damage from missing the kick. Charmander now goes for a thunder punch, and Mankey counters with a low sweep.

This stops Charmander's thunder punch and send it to the ground, where Mankey goes for a heel drop kick. Charmander spurts out a quick flamethrower in Mankey's face and swiftly rolls away and then back to its feet. While Mankey was still rubbing at its face, Charmander powered up its thunder punch again and caught Mankey on its right side it originally burned.

The punch sent Mankey off its feet, before landing on its side and struggling to stand. Charmander prepared for another exchange with the monkey Pokémon. Primeape charges forward with a mega punch and Charmander powered up his own.

The moves were almost equal, but Mankey was still weakened from the repeated abuse to its right side. Mankey faltered first, and its fist lost the power behind. Charmander followed through where he lost the resistance of Mankey's and hit Mankey in the face. Finally knocking it out, and Ash catching it.

"Rai chuuu." (Good job Charmander, I think we need to teach you some more moves soon. I think it's time for dragon claw, brick break, and aerial ace.) i say to Charmander while holding out my fist toward it.

"Char char." (I'm ready! I want to get stronger.)

"Rai rai." (I know, I'm pretty sure you will be battling the next gym. Don't mess it up) I tease.

Charmander slightly tensed, but I could still see the fire blazing in its eyes. Now it's time for some Pokémon charades. I walk up beside Ash, and begin waving my arms and speaking in hopefully an understandable way.

"Rai rai Raichu." (Trade Pidgeot and Butterfree for Krabby and Mankey) How I acted that out went something like this.

First I grabbed 4 rocks and separated them into groups of 2, trying to act like Professor Oak by one side and Ash on the other. Then while in front of Ash I copied noises that Pidgeot and Butterfree make, by these 2 stones.

"Pi pidge" "Freee free"

Next I walk to the other 2 and make Krabby and Mankey noises.

"Snort snort" "Krkr krkr"

Finally I grab these stones and walk to the Pidgeot and Butterfree stones, then swapping them and taking them back to the Oak side. I then point at ash and then myself.

"Rai Rai chu." (Trade them.)

Ash has his hand up to his chin and Misty and Brock are watching with strange expressions on their faces. As he is looking back and forth I repeat what I just did, trying to not get embarrassed about having to do something so weird.

Thankfully Ash finally got it and understood what I was trying to say.

"Ah! I got it. Raichu wants me to trade Pidgeot and Butterfree for Krabby and Mankey." I nod furiously at this.

"But why would I trade them out?" Ash asks while scratching his head. I guess he's still clueless in some things. Sigh

"I think so that you can give them more experience. Like rotating your Pokémon, Pidgeot and Butterfree can't evolve, but Krabby and Mankey can." Brock says thoughtfully. I jump up pointing at Brock, nodding my head once again.

"Rai rai!" (What he said.)

"I guess it makes sense, but wouldn't Pidgeot and Butterfree fall behind?" Ash

"You could always give them training to do while they aren't here, and then just make sure to rotate them ever so often. You have 5 Pokémon that can currently be evolved, wouldn't you rather have them all decently strong over just 3?" Brock suggested.

"You're right! I want all of my Pokémon to become strong. How else could I become a Pokémon master if some are weaker than others. Thanks Brock, thanks Raichu." Ash

With that we finally started back up on our journey, we only had a couple hours before we needed to set up camp, but it's good to make ground where you can. That night it was time for one of our Pokémon meetings.

(Alright, when we reach Celadon the team is going to change up a little.) me

(What do you mean? Is Ash angry?) Squirtle

(No nothing like that. It's just been decided that rotating the other Pokémon in for direct training and experience is for the best.) me

(Meaning I'm most likely going back.) Butterfree said a little sadly.

(U-uh ya, sorry Butterfree. I know you just came back, just keep getting stronger and be ready for when you get called again.) me

(So is that it? You said other Pokémon, instead of a specific one. Is more than one getting transferred?) Pidgeot

(Clever as always Pidgeot. Yes, you and Butterfree we will be transferred to Oak's, while a Krabby and a Mankey get brought over.) me

(How come you don't get traded? You may be his first Pokémon, but I was his first catch.) Butterfree argued

(I'm sorry it's just the way it is, me and Ash bonded on that first day. We were attacked by a flock of Spearow, and I saved him, and then he ran me all the way to a Pokémon center.) me

(Scoff. Done in by a flock of spearow, maybe I should stay.) Pidgeot

(Maybe you should be the one to go back and "train" Raichu) Butterfree

(Do either of you seriously believe you can defeat me? Better yet, could you 2 even do it working together?) me

Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Charmander are off to the side whispering to each other.

(Uh should we try to stop them?) Charmander

(If you want to get zapped go for it. Sometimes you just gotta battle things out.) squirtle shrugged

(I agree, plus it's a night off training.) bulbasaur closed its eyes.

(Well, I'm still going to train. I want to become stronger. Squirtle will you battle with me? I won't use my thunder punch, I have new moves that Raichu gave me to learn.) Charmander

(Ya sure, less likely to get in trouble.) squirtle

With that they walked a little ways away, but not too far they couldn't still see the big 3.

(You've become too confident from always being outside your Pokéball maybe we should see who's stronger. Who should really stay with Ash, are you with me Butterfree? Us against him.) Pidgeot

(Yes, I want to stay by Ash's side) Butterfree

(Scoff. You 2 are going to go through with this. There's no stopping once we start, and we might wake up Ash and the others.) me

(Don't back out now "leader".) Pidgeot

(I don't expect you all to thank me because you don't know how much I've helped you all and Ash. Maybe once you learn your place I'll tell you.) me

With that I started sparking electricity in my cheeks.

(We'll see who teaches who, you mouse.) Pidgeot flashes its talons and flares its wings.

Both Butterfree and Pidgeot took to the air and prepared for battle, I got on all four and pulsed my electricity to create electric terrain.

(Don't hold back, I don't want any excuses.) Raichu

(I was going to say the same.) Pidgeot

Pidgeot started first with a hurricane, a powerful move for sure, but slow. I activated quick attack and dashed to a tree before launching a thunderbolt at Pidgeot. Pidgeot threw a quick gust at it while dodging, Butterfree meanwhile was positioned behind me and sent a psybeam.

(Sneak attacks won't work! Electric terrain boosts my electricity, but also I can sense disturbances in the field. Take a guess the only other Pokémon in this field.) me

With that I quick step to the side and fire a thunderbolt at Butterfree, it couldn't quite stop its Psybeam in time and got tagged by the move Brie breaking away. Pidgeot chose this time for a Brave bird and I smirked.

(That was not very smart Pidgeot. Your emotions are controlling you.) me

Pidgeot only slightly falters, but continues with the brave bird. Which was its mistake. I activated quick attack and disappeared from in front of Pidgeot and then swapped to volt tackle hitting it in the side at full power.

This sent Pidgeot out of Brave bid and skidding across the ground, before it regained its feet and took back to the skies. This time Butterfree went for the sleep powder spread by gust combination.

(You forget who taught you these moves.) me

I use a move that all Raichu know, Discharge. The move met the gust spread sleep powder and destroyed it, turning it into a cloud of glitter.

(Butterfree, we have to attack at the same time.) Pidgeot

(Agreed.) Butterfree nods

(Now you're getting serious it seems, let me as well.) me

I started flooding my entire body with electricity, sparks flying off my body sporadically. A controlled chaos of electricity, this also causes my electric terrain to expand and mess with other Pokémon. Sometimes randomly shocking them if they generate too much static. Such as rubbing against themselves.

Pidgeot sends another hurricane, but I just disregard it and start rain dance. With this powered up electric terrain and now a rain dance, it's started a dangerous thunderstorm. Pidgeot and Butterfree look around warily.

(Don't get scared now. You're stronger aren't you? If I was attacking Ash, how would you stop me. I know how I would stop you 2.)

Back over to the starters.

(Wow..) Charmander

(I never knew he was so strong. Like I knew he was strong, but this is something else.) Squirtle

(He's right though. He did teach us all these moves and how to battle. I wonder if we will become that strong.) Bulbasaur

(I will! I'll do whatever it takes to be as strong as Raichu!) Charmander

(You can barely survive in his thunderstorm because of your tail. You better make your flames hotter if you're gonna do that.) Squirtle snorts out

(Grrr. You're right, if it wasn't for this tree I probably would have fainted.) Charmander

Back to the battle.

Pidgeot and Butterfree split off, Pidgeot using brave bird to be faster and Butterfree powering up its wings for what looks like a gust. I decided to change Pidgeots hurricane a little, with all the rain and the electric atmosphere, it only took a thunderbolt to gain control over it. Pushing more electricity into it I jump inside of it, the wind speed can still hurt me.

However with all the electricity running through it I can run on it like Pikachu did in the show. I start at the bottom and start up volt tackle, running in the same direction the hurricane spins causing it to slim faster.

As I reach the top it's starting to suck things into it, and I suppose Pidgeot didn't notice or thought it's brave bird was fast enough to escape. It wasn't.

Pidgeot hits the wall of the hurricane at the speed of its brave bird and gets sucked into the swirling mass, Butterfree was next, but it had been tryin to escape the pull. Running the opposite way now, I disperse the electric powered hurricane to see Pidgeot and Butterfree lying on the ground.

I walk towards them and give them a slight shock to make sure they can hear what I say next.

(Ow, we're down, we give.) Pidgeot

(Yes, please stop.) Butterfree

(Now you two will listen to me, and you will listen to everything. I don't expect you to thank me, I don't even expect you to believe. But if you do you will understand why I am the only one that deserves to stand by Ash. That goes for you 3 over there as well, you better listen close.) me

All the Pokémon nod and the starters approach to make sure they hear what's about to be said.

(Now like I said, I don't expect you to thank me or believe me; even so this is the truth. Butterfree, you would have abandoned Ash and never come back just for another Butterfree who didn't even want you until you saved it. Pidgeot, it saddens me to do this to you as Ash actually forgot about you from what I remember. But because of me you became a Pidgeot sooner than you did in that timeline.) I take a second to look around at them. Before continuing

(Charmander, you get too cocky as a Charizard and stop listening to Ash. Causing him to lose the one thing he wanted to win the most, the Pokémon League.) Charmander goes to protest, but I cut it off.

(Don't, I've lived through all this once before, you can't tell me what didn't happen.) okay that was kind of a lie, but I think this will be easier to comprehend than "I used to be a human where this world was a show."

(Squirtle, you and Bulbasaur never evolved before and never reached your full strength, leaving Ash with a weaker team then he should have had. Though I can't blame you, I was stubborn and didn't evolve either. I was still the strongest in the team besides maybe Charizard, that won't be the case this time though.) i say as I glance to Charmander at the end.

(You can believe me if you want to or not, but let me say this. We're doing this to help Ash and win the Pokémon League. I can't change that me and Ash have bonded, or that I'm allowed to walk outside my Pokéball with him. But know, whether they were selfish or not, I made you stronger than you would have been at this point.) me

(I look forward to traveling with you all in the future, and winning the Pokémon league. So, Pidgeot, Butterfree, you 2 are going to Oak's when we get to Celadon and you are going train. If we send new Pokémon there, you will train them until they get swapped to the party. If it's necessary you 2 may be swapped back at some point. But lets get this straight, if you try to get rid of me again. I won't hold back. I may have used my full power, but that doesn't mean I didn't hold back from hurting you more.) With that I walked off back to the camp, in the direction of where I could hear Ash and everyone calling for us.

The rest of the Pokémon after Raichu left.

(I can't believe it! There's no way I would leave Ash just for another Butterfree.) Butterfree

(Why would he lie though. He was right, he could have crushed us more if he was entirely selfish, but he knows he can't defeat the Pokémon League all by himself.) Pidgeot

(I can't believe I stopped listening to Ash and costed him the tournament..) Charmander mumbled dejectedly.

(You? Me and Bulbasaur were just baggage, being completely weak and unevolved.) Squirtle

(I don't know who you're calling weak.) Bulbasaur growls

(Scoff, if Raichu know he can't beat the League by himself and that's his strength, how do you think you're going to do.) Pidgeot

Bulbasaur just grumbles to that.

(Well I'm going to get stronger and be and even better Charizard than I was before!) Charmander rumbled out before hopping up and heading back to the camp.

(I agree with the little one, I will become stronger and make sure to stay as close to Ash's side as I can. Even if that means being at Oak's lab waiting to be called up.) buttes flies to the camp.

(I guess I will too.) Pidgeot

This left Bulbasaur and Squirtle.

(We have to prove we will be useful. We both have to reach our final evolutions this time.) Squirtle

(Gah! We don't even know if he was telling the truth. How can we believe that this is his second time doing this.) Bulbasaur

(Maybe something happened and we failed, causing us all to die or something. What if because we were weak Ash died.) Squirtle

Bulbasaur's eyes widen before looking over to Squirtle.

(Do you really think it's possible?) Bulbasaur

(I mean no, but why else would he be that passionate about it?) Squirtle

(You're right.) Bulbasaur seems to think on that for a minute before speaking again.

(Let's head back, I want to get stronger as well.) Bulbasaur

(Agreed.) Squirtle

They both stand up and back to the camp, where everyone was waiting for them.

"Man that storm was something else, I didn't know it could get that bad this far inland." Brock

"Ya that was crazy, it even spooked my Pokémon." Ash naively said

"Well I'm just glad it's over. I maybe a water trainer but that doesn't mean I want to get soaked while I'm trying to sleep." Misty

"We might as well get moving again. Everything is too wet to sleep in again, so we'll just walk while it dries." Brock

"Sounds good to me! We'll get to Celadon faster this way!" Ash

Ash recalled the rest of the Pokémon and I jumped up into his back pack nearly causing him to fall. Seems I've gained a little with my evolution haha.

"Oh Raichu, you've sure gotten heavier. Why don't you walk?" Ash pleaded, but I just snuggled up in his bag and fell asleep.

"Ohhh why me." Ash groans

With that we were heading off to Celadon again.


Chapter end

Ash's Pokémon










Alright we went on a little deep dive in Pokémon conversation this time. Seeing how Raichu being Ash's favorite, disgruntled the other strong Pokémon on the team. Truthfully they just didn't have good moves for countering Raichu, and they both have a Flying typing so they are super weak to electric moves.

Also may have went a little over the top with the electrified hurricane, but at the time it felt right. We also get see Raichu at full power with Electric terrain. Obviously this probably won't happen again because Raichu can't make Hurricanes, but you will see this powered up thunderstorm in the future. This move would be deadly on the water with the lightning striking the water at random.

Hopefully I was able to capture the Pokémon's slight differences in personality but probably not. As well as Raichu's mindset. The things he said were mostly true but had some different feelings underneath.

He's making sure he's the strongest so he doesn't get sent away. He makes sure he's the strongest, so he can always be by Ash's side and not get abandoned. He's become dependent on Ash's friendship.

Anyways enough heavy stuff. We're going to Celadon next chapter! Krabby and Mankey will make their debut on the team. Charmander will attempt to sweep Erika, can it do it?

Hope you enjoyed.-SS

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