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Chapter 91: Chapter 88

N/A: On second thought I decided that in this chapter we'll go back to Ethan since Rebecca's story was going to get longer if I continued it until there's the hatch, the reason is that I had a lot of ideas while I was still writing.

Chapter 88

Angela's scream echoed throughout the room, Rebecca could no longer stand the heat inside the room that was something no normal person could stand.

On the other hand, Angela didn't seem to feel any discomfort from all the heat inside the room, something completely curious that Rebecca didn't take into account since she wanted to help little Angela.

You could tell she saw Angela as the image of her childhood and Rebecca didn't want to leave her alone, it was kind of selfish to try to help Angela just because Rebecca identified with her, but she wanted to help her anyway Rebecca, that's why she went through everything.

A girl who had no help at the time wanted to help another who was suffering from similar circumstances in some ways to her, but no matter what other people called Rebecca she wanted to change Angela's possible fate.

"It's okay I'm fine" Rebecca replied barely in the arms of Angela, who had pulled her into her lap.

I don't know why you're doing this for a girl you just met...but stop it, you can get hurt if you keep staying in this place" Angela tried to convince Rebecca while she avoided crying with every word she said.

Since her father no one had cared about her and seeing Rebecca endanger her health Angela felt very bad.

Angela was a little girl who lived alone with her father, he was a scientist who worked for umbrella, her father started working for umbrella for her since she couldn't walk, he wanted to give his daughter a chance so she could walk like normal children.

Her father had abandoned his dreams and a more peaceful future for her, the couple that her father had loved had been abandoned by her, it was all her fault because after she proposed a way to cure her daughter her father abandoned everything and left with her abandoning her future mother.

"I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me" Angela said bursting into tears as she began to cry louder, luckily for both of them the walls were soundproofed so the cries weren't heard outside.

"I don't want people to suffer because of me "the memories began to flash through Angela's head the more her heart ached.

The sad look on her father's face when he gave up everything for her, the distant look on her father's face when he looked at the image of the woman he had begun to love, the smile he gave her when she began to walk after being injected with the T-virus.

Every memory she had locked up throughout her life spent in the lab began to hit Angela, as she began to take a better look at what her life was like.

"I'm sorry father for having such a selfish daughter" Angela said to herself as she began to give little sobs.

"You're not really a bad daughter...I know very well that your father knew what he was losing when he decided to help you don't have to despise yourself for what happened" Rebecca tried to comfort Angela.

Angela "'s my fault...everything happens because of me."

"It's me please" Rebecca said before collapsing in a faint.

Angela "Thank you..."

* Ethan's perspective *

Ethan's screams echoed throughout the place where he was, it had been several minutes since Rebecca had disappeared and Ethan was still actively searching for some clue that would lead him to find Rebecca.

Their lickers had long since started looking for Rebecca all over the place where they were, so Ethan was confident that they would find Rebecca at some point.

"Let's be on our way," Ethan said to his licke after he had been searching for over half an hour in every room for some clue about Rebecca.

He had found some bullets for Rebecca's rifle, but they were completely useless since Rebecca had the rifle and he had the bullets.

For parts of the bullets he hadn't found anything else so he felt completely disappointed, he had lost more than he gained, Rebecca had disappeared and now he didn't know where she was, Ethan knew he couldn't sleep until he found her, his conscience wouldn't allow him to rest until he found Rebecca.

"Come on follow me" Ethan spoke as he ran off being followed by his lickers, he didn't know if he was going in the right direction, but it was better to move than stand still waiting for Rebecca to show up.

Ethan "Wait for me Rebecca I'm going to find you...I swear."

The corridors seemed confusing the more Ethan searched for Rebecca, there was no creature, rather there was no sign of any creature in the whole place, something too disturbing since the previous time that happened, they ended up encountering two very powerful and dangerous creatures.

"There must be some sort of map" Ethan spoke as he decided to go down the center of the four paths he found.

Blood was still present on the floor with some bodies of scientists who were unfortunate.

"Eat the bodies of the people" ordered his licker Ethan, now that Rebecca was gone Ethan decided better that the lickers should eat the bodies as nothing ensured that there wasn't a creature like the great stiff, which became stronger by absorbing organic matter like the decomposing bodies that were on the scattered floor.

It was too cruel a choice, but throughout Ethan's time in the lab something had broken inside him, 8 days of sleepless torment had changed Ethan too much and the change was best seen now that he was alone.

He had spent the whole time with one person who kept him calm and controlled, but now that he was alone Ethan didn't want more threats to start appearing so he was better off making his pets stronger by letting them consume human bodies or other zombies.

Ethan "I'm sorry father...I know you raised me to be a good person, but I don't want the good people inside the lab to die because of my cowardice...if it takes me becoming someone more cruel so people like Rebecca don't suffer because of my indecision I will."

After Ethan's orders the lickers began to eat the bodies of the people who were beginning to decompose.

The large size of the licker allowed it to eat people's bodies in one bite, so Ethan didn't have to watch them tear him apart as the bodies disappeared in one bite.

* sound*

* chew*

The crunch of bodies being chewed up by the lickers began to make Ethan feel disgusted, but he had to be stronger mentally so he stood his ground as he watched without turning around at the scene of the lickers eating people's bodies.

Ethan at least wanted to keep his vision on the whole scene as the only sign of honor to the bodies of the dead people.

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