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Chapter 19: Sisters in Arms

Pov Shizuka

'Do you think it will work out?' I say in my mind as I watch Loseram walk out the front door. If he thinks he's going to be dating just me and Agata, he's dead wrong. I can't feel anything from the waist down because of last night, I need another woman to help me carry this burden.

{It can't go wrong. Rika already has a little crush on him, you just need to push a little harder.} my sister in arms answers me while laughing. She really is a good friend, if I had met Agata earlier no doubt she would be my best friend.

{Don't forget to take the pill I put in your pocket. You are fertile because of the change of race, it should help you prevent accidental pregnancy.} Agata reminds me about this little problem.

'I'll take it later, my problem now is how to pull my friend into the same boat,' I answer while looking at Rika. I know her very well, I've been living with her for ten years now, we've known each other since school, we started living together to save money and we stayed together until this moment.

"*cough* he destroyed you in bed. How are you feeling?" Rika jokes a bit about my situation. She has always been like this, a cheerful person who jokes with everyone as long as she knows you.

"It was so good~ although I don't think I'll be able to live if I don't have your help to defeat Loseram in bed." I joke back to test the waters with her. I can see a small blush appear on her tanned cheek, that's promising.

"Huh! What do you know, innocent Shizuka becoming the tease after becoming a woman." she says with a pout as she crosses her arms. Kukuku trying to dodge her fate? Not with this friend of yours here.

"I learned from the best!" I say childishly and show her my tongue with a smile.

My other friends and Saeko see our interaction and decide to go out and do other things. This helps in my plan to approach Rika when she is alone.

"Take me to the bedroom~" I say as I raise my arms in a cute way, this never goes wrong.

"*sigh* all right, I'll help you." she replies with a slightly tired voice, she sounds like she didn't sleep well last night.

I lean an arm on her shoulder and she starts to help me to the bedroom.

"Seriously, your body has changed a lot after what he did to you. How does it feel?" she says curiously.

"It was a wonderful feeling." I blush a little as I remember what I did with Loseram "Feeling my body change and get stronger was a good feeling, I actually still feel my body getting stronger little by little, it must be the connection I have with Loseram. The physical changes made me even more beautiful, so it's a positive point in my book." I finish with a cheerful smile.

"I'm glad it's not harmful to you." Rika says with a relieved smile.

I finally get to the room with Rika, she leads me to the bed and lays me down.

"There you are madam, would you like anything else?" she asks in an amused tone.

"Close the door and lie down here with me." I say in a playful tone of a bossy woman.

"You got it!" she says as she gives a Military salute and closes the door before lying down next to me.

"Now tell me what you're up to. I know you very well, I know the look on your face when you have a plan." she says while looking at me suspiciously. Honestly, what's with that look? I'm just trying to make your future!

"Huh! I'm not up to anything!" I say as I pout.

"Shizuka, I've known you for a long time, I know how you think and act." she says as she sits down and crosses her arms.

{Start by asking if she likes Loseram. That should open the door for the conversation to go more smoothly}. Agata advises me by thought.

"Rika, do you like Loseram? Like, not as a friend but as a man?" I ask her with a serious tone. I can't pass off the expression of it being just a question for fun.

"Like I'm going to like that creep. He already has you and this Agata girl." she says with her arms crossed and her head turned. I can see a slight blush on her face.

"Rika, I'm serious here. Agata and I don't mind sharing our man," I say as I look at her with hawk eyes. I'm not leaving this room without her agreeing!

"My God Shizuka! Look at what you're talking about. Sharing the same man with another woman is not cool." she protests as she shifts her gaze to me.

"What's wrong with that?" I ask her. Let's see how she answers that one.

"What's wrong with it? Everything! It's against the law for polygamy!" she replies indignantly.

"That's your answer? Honestly, the world ended and I'm dating the husband of the strongest entity in the entire multiverse. I don't see anything wrong with splitting up someone like that, not to mention that Agata wanted you in this relationship," I tell her. I honestly don't see why she denies her feelings.

She doesn't respond as soon as I finish speaking, she remains silent thinking about what I said. I almost let out a laugh as I watch the gears turn in her head.

"I... I want some time to think." she says in a defeated tone. Ha! Hold that one!

"All right, I'll be here waiting for you," I say with a small smile as I try not to show my joy for this small victory.

She doesn't answer but gives a small nod of her head. I watch her leave the room, I hope that will be enough, if not, I will convince Loseram to fuck her until she accepts!

Narrator: A few hours later...

I am lying in bed while reading a book. This was one of the books I bought on the date with Loseram, I may not study at a University anymore but I still have an interest in Medicine.

It worked, she is coming. Agata lets me know about Rika's return.

I wait a few more minutes and see Rika enters the room. She has a half defeated but still cheerful expression, possibly she does not like the idea of sharing, however, she will not complain when she feels him in bed.

"I accept." she says with a flushed face.

"Huh?" I make a fool of myself. I want to hear what you want! Tell the world!

"I said I accept to be Loseram's wife! Satisfied now?" she exclaims with her face red with embarrassment.

"Very satisfied, that means we are going to be sisters!" I say with a happy smile and jump up to give her a hug.

She returns the hug with a red face. Her expression is adorable, she looks very different from the Rika I know.

"*sigh* You have changed so much, how did my lovely Shizuka turn into someone like you?" she says with fake tears as she breaks the hug "the Shizuka I knew would never share her man with me." she finishes with a fake cry.

"hum~ I started to change after I met Agata. The idea of putting you in Loseram's harem came after my transformation, I didn't want to be the only one happy, I wanted you with me by his side." I say as I think for a while. I really changed a lot after meeting Agata, I became more open with my feelings and more playful.

"What's Agata like? Like, I know she is the strongest entity there is but I want to know what she is like as a person." she asks me with curiosity.

"I don't know how to explain it, it would be better if you met her in person. Let's make a plan for Loseram to accept you tonight, do you have any suggestions?" I decide to change the subject, I don't want to explain how Agata is, I prefer to get Rika on the boat as soon as possible.

"I have no idea." Rika says after thinking for a while.

{I have a plan...}

Dedao Dedao

This chapter should have been released yesterday, but due to a last minute inspiration it was released today.

Yesterday I wrote the beginning of another story. I will not post it until I have at least 20,000 words.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

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