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66.66% Divine Irregular / Chapter 9: New Semester starts

Chapter 9: New Semester starts

In the morning Ningxue woke up very early which made Zheng to stop his 'Spark' meditation and open his eyes.

He kissed her forehead which gained her attention.

Zheng Fan: You slept well? What are you thinking early in the morning?

Ningxue: Umu, nothing..

Zheng narrowed his eyes a little in suspicious.

Ningxue: Haaa! I don't want to go back. I like sleeping in your arms

Zheng fan: If you can compromise on just the day for your high school for now, I can bring you here every night.. What do you think?

Ningxue: Really?? The distance between my High school from here isn't small..

Zhengfan: You are connected to 'Source' which is me in it's purest form. I can bring you to me where ever in the world you are.

Ningxue: That settles it. When ever I'm free, you'll have to bring me to you.

Zheng fan: No objection my sweetie, I'll just have to enchant a piece of accessory. The only thing you need to do is leave it there, from where I'll bring you or where you want to return.

Ningxue: What if someone comes to check up on me in the meantime?

Zheng Fan: Well that thing isn't just for taking you back, it has other uses as well.

Ningxue: Like?

Zheng Fan: like for me to keep track of things around that 'Switch portal' as well as creating an illusionary image of you doing what ever I program it to do. And to any other it would be as real as it could be in every way.

Ningxue: Meaning, I can be with you even for a whole day while that illusionary image do its job.

Said Ningxue with a thoughtful expression.

Zheng Fan: Now, now don't be greedy my dear, if you really want to be with me all the time then ____

He stopped, went close to her ear and said something in a voice which can only be heard by Ningxue.

Listening to his words made her whole face red as tomato.

She calmed her distracting thoughts and replied.

Ningxue: I'm ready.

Hearing her say that didn't surprised him as he know she'll do just about anything to be with him, but making the 'Source' connection permanent is a decision which can't be reversed.

Zhengfan: Before that I want to show you something.

His right index finger glowed before he placed it on her temple, which showed her things she needs to know before making the decision. It includes the things about her becoming just like him, an irregular, what it means to become an irregular and a bit about his past. This much is necessary for the person who's ready about making the 'connection' permanent.

Seeing that she hugged him tightly.

Ningxue: That doesn't change anything. You love me, only this matters.

ZhengFan: Yup and that's never going to change. I want you to wait for me till I officially take you away from your Clan and declare you as my wife. Then I'll 'activate' it.

Ningxue: Okay.

Zheng Fan: Bring me two pieces of accessory I bought for you yesterday. XinXia is hugging me tightly I don't want to wake her up.

Ningxue: That reminds me, where did that much money came from Uncle can't give you as much as he wanted to.

ZhengFan: Oh about that, I did challenged your father on the exam day. To keep my word I still need cash, haha. So I just went on a casual walk to the monsters territory and brought 50 Minion class and 2 Warrior class complete soul and sold everything including the body parts useable to make magic armors, and got a profit of 357 Million bucks.

Ningxue: That's no way near as something casual. And that isn't a small amount of money.

Zhengfan: Well its not very easy to get that much souls. The possibility of the monster dropping a complete soul is even more less. It's just me who sucked their soul essence in a complete piece.

Ningxue: That means you'll never be on short of money, the Full souls are in high demand and usually go in auctions. No matter the level of monster, just thinking about you could sell as much Commander level monster soul as you like, makes me think how easy it will be for us in regards to getting resources after you take me away from Mu's. Considering a single soul of that level could go up to 300 Million.

Zheng Fan: Well its not like, I'll just go on a killing spree.. Ohh that reminds me!!

Saying that he took out some Minion class soul which he didn't sold.

Ningxue: what are these for..

Zheng Fan : Well I kept it to sell it later, but after seeing your breakthrough to level 3, I got a very good piece of information from your "soul realm"

Ningxue: Oh, what is that.

Zheng Fan: You won't believe it, While Level 3 is the highest possible natural progression, it is actually possible to raise magic above level 3. However, you need to empower every stars for each Tier with Soul Cores

Ningxue: Are you serious?

Said Ningxue with a little shock and surprised tone.

Zhengfan: Yup, the 'Source' can never be wrong. It showed me the ability to either temporarily super charge each stars using 'source' to release a one time spell, of level which goes up to level 9 or permanently empower it by Soul cores, And each level is twice as strong as the previous while the energy usage is still the same as level 3.

Those words actually didn't shocked her at all, as she has seen some very ridiculous and powerful usage of 'Spark' and temporarily super charging stars to got a one time attack up to level 9 doesn't come even close. She was looking forward for permanent connection.

Ningxue: And let me guess, you want to empower my stars to unlock level 4 of Novice-tier!!

Zhengfan: Correct!

Ningxue: That's 37.5 Million worth souls, this method is quite expensive for even wealthy magic family to increase power like that!!

Zhengfan: I'm sure there are some golden spoon kids that will definitely spend money like that to get a very good advantage in competitions.

He absorbed 7 minion souls in his 'Spark' and empowered her seven stars through that, which unlocked Ice spread: Spikes Enshroud.

Ningxue: what a life, A girl who was at level 2 Novice-tier days ago is now equivalent to an average mid-tier level 2. How ridiculous it would sound to "top tier" mages much less average… thinking just that making me laugh.

Zhengfan: *Chuckle* That's what being an irregular is all about..

Ningxue brought 2 pieces of accessory, a beautiful blue pendent and white bracelet. ZhengFan enchanted both with 'various spells', the illusionary image could even use Ningxue's stored energy to cast spells which will make it seem as real as it can be.

Half an hour later XinXia woke up as well. They all had breakfast, which Zheng cooked. Ningxue and XinXia liked that to the point they made him cook more until they said so.

Like that days passed by, Zheng would bring Ningxue every time she say, she is free. Zheng also had a talk with Zhou Min a week and half later. He also went on a date with her twice. She tried her best to impress him in every way she could. She had gotten the knowledge about him and Ningxue on the exam day and were very nervous regarding the possibility of not being able to make him fall in love with her. She also didn't neglected her training either, and was working hard to increase her magic capacity as well as control over fire element.

Days turned into week, which turned into months and the next semester began.

*New Semester-September*

On the board top 4 names were shown in bold letter

[No. 4 Xu Zhaoting, Stardust Rating( Lightning): A++ , Magic casting: B]

[No. 3 Mu Bai, Stardust Rating( Ice): S , Magic casting: B]

[No. 2 Zhou Min, Stardust Rating(Fire): S , Magic casting: A+]

[No. 1 Mo Zheng Fan, Stardust Rating(Fire): S+ , Magic casting: S]

Beside that room no. , name of teachers and class rank was mention

[ Year 2 Elite Class, Room no. 5, Teacher in charge: Xu MuSheng, Tang Yue.]

Students went into there class.

Xu Zhaoting: 'that saying was like- There's always a bigger fish in the sea'

Thought as he remembered Zheng's Score.


A girl was looking around with stars in her eyes and sniffing the room.

She was a fair skin girl around the age of 15 to 16, wearing the usual school uniform had short hair just below her neck, bangs coming out from both sides of her face and had a pony tied on left side of the back of her head.

??: ' This… is the scent of an academic excellence?... This is the first time I've ever been placed into a top class!!! Lucky me I'm still in senpai's class, if all goes well, I'll be able to know more about senpai.'

She looked around and saw her senpai, she went toward him and sat in the same row on his right side, between them were stairs. From here she could easily see him.

She sneakily peeked at him from time to time to look for his habit etc. However the moment Xiao Hon saw that, he tapped her shoulder lightly. As he was sitting on the desk behind her. When he saw he got her attention, he lean forward and said in a low voice

Xiao Hon: Hay! I saw you looking at my brother fan, are you his fan or something?

??: You know senpai??

Said in a little louder voice

Xiao Hon: well yeah! We grew up together and we're super, super close!

Xiao Hon being his usual self started his fan mode.

Xiao Hon: Well My name is Zhang Xiao Hon and I'm a wind Mage, what about you?

?? : I'm He Yu and my element is water,

Xiao Hon: So you want me to introduce you to brother fan ?

He Yu: You can do that?

That got her attention to the peak as she said with stars in her eyes.

Xiao Hon: Easy, just play along. The seats besides me are empty come over here.

Saying that he went toward Zheng who was sitting in the second last row

Xiao Hon: Brother fan, can you go sit on my seat.

Said while pointing toward his seat " I want to talk to that girl besides you, please"

He said in a serious tone, as in he really wanted to talk with the girl.

Seeing his act made Zheng gave a smile.

Zheng Fan: Sure,--

Saying that he stood up and said in a voice only he could hear "and I'll talk with the one you set up for me."

Xiao Hon: ' Ahh _ Busted'

Xiao Hon turned down his face with embarrassment, while scratching his head. "How?"

Zhengfan: Haha.

He chuckled a little and moved toward the last row. Behind the last row was the entrance door of their hall. He saw Zhou Min coming hurriedly and almost run into him

Zhengfan: Come sit here.

He moved in the middle of the desk and Min sat on his left. Hu Yu was closing observing him, as well as thinking of an opportunity to talk with him, to get to know his liking and all. She heard him talking to Min, the girl who is the second best in their school. And according to some gossips they even went on a date together, which gave her the impression of him being interested in strong girls. As she was on 'No. 34', which were creating emotions close to having inferiority complex

Zhou Min: *Inhaled** exhaled* Hooo, I thought class already started.

Zheng Fan: Lucky you the teachers are running late, probably arranging paperwork or grabbing magic devices, which will be distributed today.

He turned his head toward his right, and introduced himself with a mischievous smile.

Zhengfan: Hello there! He yu, I heard you wanted to talk to me.

Hearing him suddenly calling her 'by name' made her a little nervous, and when she realized they were busted on this set up, she become even more embarrassed with a very red face and tried to deny it.

He Yu: Oh No, no, no, no it's not like that- senpai. I just wanted to know you better and be like you.

She hurriedly said the first part of her sentence along with shaking her hands and head in denial, then look down with a sad tone as she completed

Zheng placed his hand on her head and said.

ZhengFan: you want to be like me? Well for that you'll need to know many things about me, and work hard, can you do that?

He Yu: you're not angry about that?

Zheng Fan: No, I like your sincerity, so tell me you really wanna be like me?

He yu ?: Yes!! Senpai you're the best.

Said He yu in joy and happiness as she just got what she wanted for months. To her he was the role model in many aspects. She admired his personality and attitude.

As students were chatting among themselves two teachers came in the class carrying boxes, they walked in front of the class.

Teacher Sheng: I'd like to congratulate all the students who've entered the elite class. All of you are students who are able to connect 7 star , you all are bound to have your own strengths and weakness in magic release. However, being able to enter the elite class would prove that you are the more capable ones in school.

Teacher Sheng: your students numbers in class is arranged accordingly to your magic results previously. With the students having the best score to be number 1, and so on.

He looked around in the class and faced toward Zheng, "Mo ZhengFan's the 1st. Zhou Min the 2nd. Mu Bai the 3rd. A round of applause for these 3 top students.


Teacher Xu: Alright students. Let's welcome your magic practical Sensei- Miss Tang Yue to do her speech.

Miss Tang Yue, who was standing besides Teacher Xu MuSheng came in the middle of the podium.

Miss Tang Yue: Just like the previous semester, I'm still your magic practical teacher. There are students here that I've taught before, and there are those who I didn't, I hope for everyone to get along with each other to create good memories.


Teacher Xu: Alright now, I'm going to talk about the magic equipment. Every magician wants to increase the efficiency of his or her magic training. So it's the dream of every newbie magician to have magic device--

He placed the box on the podium and opened it

Students: Wow!! that's a stardust magic device!! My goodness.

__ Stardust Magic Equipment: it nurtures the user's spirit and soul. And can ease fatigue cause by meditation. Often described as ' Heat Sinks', capable of reducing a magician's 'Cooldown'.

Effect:20% increase in training__

Teacher Xu: -- Due to having only 3 magic device available for this class, everyone shall rotate the use of the equipment according to your score. The top 3 students will be able to enjoy the use of the equipment for 1 month. However, I'd like to point out that, this time the scores between 3rd and 4th rank students were extremely close, The school has decided to shorten the usage to 26 days for 3rd rank student and increase the usage of 4th rank student to 23 days. So Mu Bai, you will hand over the equipment to the 4th student in '26 days' time.

Hearing that a student raised his hand.

Student: in that case, wouldn't that signify that the bottom students are forever gonna remain as scrubs since they won't get to use it all?

Hearing him, some students started to gossip among themselves.

Teacher Xu: There's nothing we can do about that. The magic equipment are very expensive. We will not accept excuses for the late return of usage, as well as any damage on it. If incidents like that were to happen, not only will the student get an immediate expulsion from the school, but also a permanent ban on being a mage if not compensated.

The equipment were then distributed among the top 3 students, as the class ended, Zheng along with Min and He Yu went to the practice area.

There Min casted Level 1 of novice-tier again and again until she used 60% to 69% magic.

It seem a bit stronger then average, due to her hard training. He Yu, who was sitting besides Zheng saw that and said.

He Yu: Wow that's really powerful. She is so lucky she got a strong element.

Zhengfan: You think your element is weaker?

He Yu: I don't know I can't release my magic yet. But everyone says its useless.

She said with a downcast expression.

Zhengfan: That's nonsense, if you ask me all the elements evens up. It's the mage in the end that makes the real difference. And I'll show you how strong your element will be.

He Yu: Really !!... But I'm not that much gifted.

Zhengfan: You know the only reason you can't release your magic to my knowledge is because of your insecurities, which created doubts hearing others let you think it's a weak element.

He Yu: Is that really true, senpai?

Zhengfan: Yup!! Now stand up and cast the level 1 spell of Water element. And trust yourself, if you were able to do it, I'll give you a gift

He Yu: Yes!! I'll do it senpai!

She stood up with a new found spirit, readied herself and started gathering Stars for 'Star path'.

With a calm mind she gathered First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Star.. Then she opened her eyes and formed a layer of water barrier, 1.8 square feet successfully.

When she realized she casted her first ever spell. She started jumping up and down in happiness.

He Yu: Senpai, you saw that.. I released my magic!! Now I'm a true magician.

Said He Yu in happiness as she looked toward him.

Zhengfan: Now, Understand that you shouldn't let others thought effect your judgment negatively. And as I promised now I'll have to think of a good reward…. How about this!!.

He put his hand in his pocket and brought out a box. Seeing the familiar box in his hands.

He Yu: No, no senpai that's for you, I possibly couldn't, I—

Seeing the magic device, her inner self couldn't think of taking something which could help her senpai. She tried to deny that on the first site.

Zhengfan: Think of it like this, you know my speed of cultivation is really fast. But you don't know how much, right!

She nodded her head.

Zhengfan: I have cultivated on twice as fast speed as average student of our class. So these devices, which gives 20% boost, even without taking that, I can easily stay ahead of anyone.


If you have any question regarding anything in this chapter, do ask. It will remove misinterpretation.

Thats all.

Have fun


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