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Chapter 2: the system

"Everyone seems to be here... all but Sora, Sasuke, Naruto." Iruka who was the academy teacher said with a frown as he looked at everyone who was there.

"are these the quiet type who keep to themselves?" a knight asked with a deep frown, Ikura nodded slightly which made the knight sigh.

"those who have no bond to the group summon can be lost, this is all aura fault. this is magic that hasn't been used in a long time, we were going to use it in a small weak world, but the king wished to bring the best of the best. So we set our eyes upon your world, the classroom became the target as the most talent gathered there. i will have a group go search for your students," the knight said with a bow, Iruka tried to stop him but he found this knight was scary powerful

"Sir knight, how can we return to our world?" Iruka asked seriously, the knight stood up before calmly explaining

"once the world is saved, balance will return to the world. If you are not of this world, you will be rejected and sent back to your world. but before then, it's best that you and your students form a bond, or else you can all be lost within the void." He said calmly, Ikura nodded slightly in slight understanding

"our world and your world are different, the fact you can all use chakra should be something you shouldn't be able to do. but it only shows our world is in greater danger. Your heroes have all been summoned and gained great power and abilities no one else in this world has, the title the summon hero will greatly help you on your journey, upon evolving, you will get a unique class, so don't pick any class which is common. wait until then if you wish to reach the peak." he said calmly, everyone nodded in understanding before he went on to teach them everything they needed to know about the basics.

meanwhile, in a forest, a black-haired kid was walking around with his hands in his pocket, he called and opened his status window.

{Name: Sasuke Uchiha

Title: [the summoned heroe], [The Avenger], [Indra reincaration], [imperfect reincation]

Race: Human/???

level: 9/ 50

powerlevel: 56

class: none

abilities: [chakra manplution (level 3/10)], [clone technique (level 8/10)], [body flicker technique (level 6/10)], [body replacement technique (6/10], [Fire Ball technique (7/10)], [Dragon Fire technique (5/10), [Shadow clone jutsu (2/10), [Appraisal (lvl 3/10].

unique ability: [instant recovery], [Sharigain (1/10)], [Sharigan technique(1/10)],}

Sasuke calmly looked at his state, he had no idea what was going on. second, he was back in his class and the next moment he found himself here. He had no idea what was up with this place or anything about these screens. but he first had to find a place to rest, and have clean water.

calmly walking around, he soon found a river, heading over he checked to see if the water was safe to drink. after seeing it, he cut down a tree and began making himself a bag using the vines from the tree, and something to carry water.

"Now what? this is forest... no even worse, it seems to be a rainforest. I will run into wild animals, this could become trouble, I don't know how powerful these animals are, i also can't sleep out in the open, or else I could catch a cold or something." He said with a deep frown, with an annoyed sigh he got to work surviving.

back to Sora, Sora sat over calmly sat before a huge rock with a long bone of a berserker monkey he managed to kill. he calmed sharpened the thing while in deep thought

'Now that I think of it, I need water. I can just eat the monkey, but I can at most go 3 days without water, which can become troublesome in the long run. i can't go a a few days while not being at my best in this forest.' Sora thought calmly before he smiled.

'This is at least more fun than sitting my ass in the academy class all day or sitting behind that computer. this fight for survival... not bad.' Sora thought as he looked at the sharpened bone sword, before looking at the flesh from the money.

he went on to start a fire and the meat, the smell was amazing, to say the least. it made Sora's mouth water from just the smell alone, he couldn't help but wonder how it tasted, but Sora didn't eat it. he put the fire out before playing the food down and jumping into a tree and calmly waited

wild the beast will be drowned over to this, Sora will use it as a trap to kill an even stronger beast. He was a ninja, after all, lay a trap out and wait for your target. and So, Sora waited, a few minutes passed before some monkeys appeared around the cooked meal.

they smelled it slightly, it seems like they knew this was their friends, yet when they wanted to eat a wind blade came out of nowhere cutting their heads off. Sora's eyes widened as he looked towards where the attack came from. a huge wolf slowly walked over to the cooked food and smelled it closely

{Name: Direwolf

Level: 17/50

Powerlevel: 93


Unique ability:????}

'the plan work, but this guy will most like one-shot me.... with a power level like that... let's see if he leaves an opening.' Sora thought as he wanted the Direwolf slowly take a bite of the food. the wolf's eyes seemed to brighten at the beast, Sora slowly got ready to move, and just as the wolf took another bite and was happily enjoying the food, Sora used the body flicker technique. with the bone sword in front of his chest, he shot forward.

the wolf which was eating suddenly felt danger, quickly it looked around before he saw something heading its way, it quickly tried to dodge but it was a second to leat as something slammed into it, driving a sword into its back, and out through its stomach

it was sent sliding along with Sora, slamming into the huge rock. Sora stood up while looking at his arm which was badly injured, the force from slamming into the wolf, of course, injured him a while, it left his hands almost powerless. before the wolf could stand up, Sora grabbed the sword, twisting it around, making the wolf that was about to attack him let out a pain cry. Sora pulled the sword out with great difficulty before flashing and running off.

the wolf quickly got up and ran after him, Sora quickly made hand seals, making clones to distract the wolf while he hid. the wolf followed the wrong thing, while he secretly hid in the tree while waiting for the thing to bleed out. the injuries were serious, and the wolf was losing a lot of blood. yet the wolf was blinded by rage, ignoring its own injuries which in turn caused the injuries to get worse. soon, it found the clones were just afterimages,

angrily looked around, and began shooting wind blades from its mouth, cutting down the trees around it. Sora fell out of the tree of one of them, and mockingly proved the tiger which rushed towards him. its speed was great, it instantly cut Sora in half. but as Sora's body hit the ground the wolf found it was a log it had cut down.

not too far away, sora had sweat on his forehead while looking at this, this wolf was powerful even when weakened from its injures he was no match for the thing. what he used the body replacement jutsu.

The instant before they are to be struck by an attack, the user replaces themselves with a block of wood or something similar. Because the attack does hit something, opponents may briefly believe that they've successfully struck the user. But this is merely an optical illusion and opponents will quickly notice what's happened.

The Body Replacement Technique can only be used in response to what would be harmful attacks: So, so if the attack was not to injure the jutsu will not take effect. plus, those fast enough can easily counter the jutsu, the wolf was fast enough as the speed Sora use this jutsu was a bit slow, but it was blinded by rage and wasn't paying attention. it was just a beast after all.

the wolf was enraged and went berserker, but slowly it grew weaker and weaker from the blood loss, it soon couldn't even stand up. Sora calmly appeared before the thing, the wolf let out a weak grr, but it was too weak to fight back. Sora's bone sword flashed, aiming for its weak spot killing it with one quick move

{{defeated the Direworlf, the requirement to level up has been meant. congratulations, you have leveled up to level 14.} Sora smiled slightly, this was the greatest improvement he had so far, he even felt the strength he gained, for one his

{the body replacement jutsu has leveled up to level 5/10.} the system said to which

{name: Sora

Title: [the Reincarnations], [the summoned heroe],

Race: Human

level: 14/ 50

powerlevel: 49

class: none

abilities: [chakra manplution (level 2/10)], [clone technique (level 5/10)], [body flicker technique (level 3/10)], [body replacement technique (5/10], [Appraisal (lvl 2/10].

unique ability: [instant recovery}

Sora smiled at his improvements before disappearing, a few minutes after he disappeared, a group of Direwolfs appeared to find that one of their won has died. they were of course not happy about this, they began smelling everything and soon picked up on Sora's smell.

Sora shot through the forest while, wolfs were smart. last time he had food to mask his smell, and he also was covered with the blood of the monkey so it was harder for the Direwolf to pick up on his smell, but this time was different, one his blood was on the bone sword. he couldn't pull it out as it was stuck between some bones so he had to leave it, and second, with all the movement the smell from the blood would have weakened, not masking his own smell.

So, he had to get far away as possible from the place and hide out within the berserker monkey land, maybe this will cause a war between the two which he will take full advantage of.

'water?' Sora thought with joy as he saw water, instantly turning his head over. although his hunger and other needs will reset upon leveling up, that didn't mean he didn't need a bath or something. who knew what ills who could pick up in this new world, hanging out with wild animals and stuff.

stopping by the water, Sora took a cup of water and drank it to see if it was safe to drink, after seeing it was safe. the water was also sweated which caught him off guard. using Appraisal, he quickly got the information

{nature water. pure water which is at its flows from the mountain. when energy gathers so high up the mountains, it would sometimes freeze turning into ice. that ice then melts and flows down the mountain and into the ocean. the close you get to the mountain, the pure the water is. boost physical to a limited degree.}

Sora was stunned while looking at this water, before looking at where the river was coming from, but if he went there he will be going where he came from. thinking sightly, he began drinking like a mad man

{.... natural energy absorbed, 10%.... 40%... 70&... 90%...} the system said before Sora suddenly stopped as he felt like he was going to throw up, how was this system still not filled yet, shaking his head, he jumped into the water, quickly cleaned himself before swimming across the river, and running off.

a few minutes later, a group of Direwolfs appeared smelling the spot he was just at, but they couldn't track him after that. they were not dumb and easily guessed Sora had gone across the river or went downstream. they thought for some time, before they split apart, some jumping across the river, while others followed the river down. they didn't think Sora would be foolish to go up the river, that's where the most strongest monster lived after all. of course, the strongest monster lived closer to the mountain thanks to this river.

up the river, Sora calmly walked up the river before swimming across once more and removing his clothes. he didn't want to catch a cold after all,

'knowing how smart wolfs are, I just hope none of them thought to go up the river to see if I tried to trick them.' Sora thought calmly, as he began wondering about what his system could be.

'wait... is it a good idea to go up the river. most likes animals up the river would be stronger... sigh.' Sora sighed softly as he stopped walking before turning around, but he slowly looked into the river and saw a huge snake, capable of eating a whole car whole looking straight at him.

{name: Whale Snake (knowing for their large side, they are wider than most humans standings up, they live in the water and land. be careful not to bit that them as they are poisonous.)

Level: 26

Powerlevel: 152


Unique ability:????}

Sora's face went blank, the two looked at each other for a good long second before Sora busted out running for his life. the Snake exploded out of the water, landing on the ground and causing it to shake madly. the sneak at shocking speed rushed towards Sora, who quickly used the body flicker like his life depended on it.

since it was a straight bath, Sora didn't stop and went all out to use the technique, but even still the snake was slowly catching up. Sora quickly made some hand seals making clones quickly run all over the place, but the snake was following him by his body heat.

'i'm going to die.... on my god, why did this big boss have to pop up?' Sora thought in horror as he rushed into the forest, and towards the monkeys. the snake easily followed, and but when Sora caught the eyes of the monkeys, Sora disappeared among the monkeys which confused the snake.

suddenly the ground shook as a huge ape-like monkey jumped out of nowhere. the make attention was down over and instantly fought this thing, the ape-like monkey held a huge spear which was most likely from a human and rushed to fight this snake, other monkeys helped human weapons which they threw at the snake.

meanwhile, Sora returned to the river and drank of water to restore both chakra and stamina. he had tired himself out with that run, if it was not for his quick thinking to run into the berserker monkeys then he would have been a goner

{natural energy absorbed... 100%. the energy needed to open has been gained, morning host, I'm the Random OP Superpower system... please choose your title, Hero, Villain, or Neutral} the system said stunning Sora as this was the system he was making back on earth, although slightly different the main theme remained.

after some long thinking, Sora picked Neutral. this title best fit him, he was no hero, he was no villain. A hero was the one who would put his life on the line for a stranger like a hell Sora will be like that.

a villain was a person who went against the law, went against everything, and cared little to nothing about anyone else so long as what they wish it has gotten. they couldn't be soft-hearted towards strangers, they couldn't take a loss just so a complete nobody can be good. or else they will not be a villain

Sora on the other hand saw himself as both, he was not evil but he will willing to slaughter for world peace. of course, he would not go out of his way and die for a stranger, he was not so nice.

{title has been picked... get ready for your ability. remember said ability will start at the baice, but the more you use it the better your control and more power you will have it. once your level reaches a mile stone, you will get a chance at a new superpower. good look being overpowered.} the system said as Sora got the skill

{Primordial Fire Manipulation- The user can create, shape, and manipulate fire of ancient primordial nature. As opposed to regular Fire Manipulation, these flames are indistinguishable and absolute. As such, they can cause natural and supernatural fire effects such as Crown Wildfires, Firestorms, Solar Flares, Hypernovas, and Heatwaves to manifest, and also can manipulate flames that possess heat that go beyond Planck Level and defy the very laws of Hyper-Thermodynamics. It allows a user to burn anything, even non-flammable, incorporeal, or conceptual things like time and nonexistence. They also have the ability to manipulate the underlying foundation of the concept of fire and the concepts associated with it. Fire Immunity and/or Heat Immunity provide no protection from these flames as they will be completely bypassed due to their sheer potency and primeval nature. In many cases, users of this power will be able to override any other forms of Fire Manipulation as fire is the domain of the user.}

{name: Sora

Title: [the Reincarnations], [the summoned heroe], {the god of fire}

Race: Human

level: 14/ 50

powerlevel: 49

class: none

abilities: [chakra manplution (level 3/10)], [clone technique (level 5/10)], [body flicker technique (level 4/10)], [body replacement technique (5/10], [Appraisal (lvl 2/10].

unique ability: [instant recovery], (Primordial Fire Manipulation(1/???)]

{with the host's current level of Primordial Fire Manipulation, he can not show even 1/10000000000 if the flames have true power. place train hard to use the flames to the fullest of their capabilities.} the system said as Sora felt a realm that began tampering with his physique body.

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