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62.5% Am I in MCU?

Chapter 5: No Spoiler

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We all pass on, we all move from being a person to a cadaver, the tragedy thus is not death but when, where, and how? If the life was one of joy and love it is a time of celebration and thanks. If the life were lived in suffering and struggle or cut short by violence, then it is a tragedy greater than Shakespeare ever wrote.

When Maria was pregnant, Howard became more humble, believing his selfishness often outweighed any good he has done for his country. He hoped his child would not be like him. Sometime after his son's birth, his personality drastically changed.

Howard's relationship with Tony was a strained one and Tony, for most of his life, saw Howard as a cold, calculating man who wanted to be rid of Tony, so much that he believed Howard's happiest day was when he sent Tony off to boarding school. But I know very well that it was not true

Howard was shown to be very cautious as he left a film message for Tony in the event he died before Tony was old enough to understand the contents of the message. The contents of the film stated Howard left something very important behind for Tony, which ended up saving his life. Howard called Tony his " greatest creation " and trusted that he would carry on his legacy.

Even the best dads make mistakes. But there is no mistaking their love for their children.

__ MC POV __

The lawyer returned the document case or better to say briefcase, left a contact number in case of need, and left me alone with my thoughts.

It was an old and battered briefcase with protruding tongues of leather. Its hide had known all weathers and rough treatments, enough to scar and mottle it.

Immediately after opening, the first thing that caught your eye was a small note with a short inscription „ Your little hands stole my heart, and your little feet ran away with it. And I promise you this: no matter who enters your life, I will love you more than any of them " – Maria Stark, Mom

Next to it there was a second one „ Life is essentially an endless series of problems. The solution to one problem is merely the creation of the next one. Don't hope for a life without problems. There's no such thing. Instead, hope for a life full of good problems." Howard A. W. Stark

The briefcase contained bank account numbers and passwords for a total of $ 300 million and a 2% stake in Stark Industries. Additionally, Arno found documents giving him a new identity: Arno Carbonell with full name Arno Carbonell-Stark and age 20. [ Carbonell is a maiden name of Maria Stark, wife of Howard Stark. Maiden name is the surname that a married woman used from birth, prior to its being legally changed at marriage. ]

I guess you could call me alone, I only have myself in this world, and in the previous nothing left for me. Please don't get me wrong. Lonely and alone are such very different things, so very, very different. I was lonely with the person who was supposed to love me more than any other... then, later on, lonely and alone.

Yet once I heard some advice, that if you embrace the feeling of loneliness, let yourself feel the pain full force, and have the courage to stand and keep going, that you win. You soon find that the ones who would harm and manipulate you go away, seeing that you are strong. That's when life gets good. The universe senses that you have the strength for a good life and opportunities begin, your own rainbow fades in. It's challenging. It's brutal. It's winnable and you are worth it. So love yourself, breathe deeply and walk through it. Be present in the moment, be true to who you are within and that wonderful soul you were born with will emerge with butterfly wings. I will fight. I will change everything. I will not be alone.

From this point on, I do not intend to follow the path already marked out. I will create my own! Right after leaving the hospital my first step will be to contact Tony. I will tell him that he also isn't alone. That he still has me his brother.

___ Some days after ___

The hospital hallway was like something out of Star Trek. Everything that could shine, did shine. There were stainless steel, sleek floors and the art on the walls were all-natural images in colors as bright as glacier melt-water or spring flowers. The air had a pure fragrance, not sterile, just clean. In the background played music at just the right level to give the patients and staff an emotional lift. But the best part was the ceiling, just clear and high arched. It was like standing out in the open without the risk of rain.

Arno stayed in the hospital for over 2 weeks for observations. Doctors had to make sure that I would not go into a coma again, but all the results were positive. He was even offered treatment and rehabilitation training, but after a few treatments it turned out that Arno is a specimen of health and strength and does not need any further rehabilitation.

Of course, Arno knew that after the serum he was at the limits of human abilities, so he held back as much as possible so that his secret would not be revealed.

„ Mr. Arno are you sure that you want to leave the hospital? Of course, we can't hold you against your will, but you only woke up two weeks ago. We should do more research and find out how your body is in such perfect condition! " replied the doctor dealing with my case.

„ Thank you very much, but I want to discharge from the hospital at my own request. I feel very well, and from what I see you want to make me a guinea pig. I've spent my whole life in this hospital, and I won't be staying any longer. You had time for research and observations, but as you can see no one was interested in me. Anyway, I'm off " replied Arno.

During his stay in the hospital, Arno was unable to test his physical strength, but he meditated a lot. He tried to improve his concentration, but sometimes he thought he could see two swords. Swords, basically katanas trying to tell him something, but whenever he came close to hearing what they were telling, something always distracted him.

Changing the subject in the "old" days of the Internet, in case you're interested, there were a bunch of search engines that people used. One would try a search term in Alta Vista but maybe there was no result so you'd try AskJeeves or another engine until the user found what they hoped.

However, these days, nearly every search term or topic gets many hits with just using google, yahoo, or duckduckgo- with refining one can find almost anything or that's how was in my old world.

Here in MCU year 2007 is more or the same step of development as in my previous world. From there, it was very easy for me to find Tony Stark's place of residence on the web. It only took a few clicks to get the result „ Location: Malibu, California… Address: Malibu Point 10880, 90265 "

The Stark Mansion, also known as Tony Stark's Malibu Mansion, or simply the Malibu Mansion, is an advanced and modernized mansion created and owned by Tony Stark. It is where he lives, along with his personal assistant and future girlfriend, Pepper Potts, as well as his personal friend Happy Hogan, with his advanced personal computerized A.I. - J.A.R.V.I.S.

The mansion is Tony's private property. It has since been home to Tony Stark ever since he inherited his father's company and became a businessman. If I remember correctly the house has been damaged once and finally destroyed in Iron Man 3.

I did not have a driver's license yet, so I had to choose a different means of travel. I chose a taxi. I gave the address and an hour later I was there.

The interior has a very modern minimalistic and high-tech design as well. Outside of the house was enough space for several cars which served for parties. In the middle of the front garden, a water fountain was placed plus a tennis court and landing helika.

I quickly got to the main door and rang the bell.

After a while, I heard Jarvis's voice „ Yes, Sir? "

Just A Rather Very Intelligent System (J.A.R.V.I.S.) was originally Tony Stark's natural-language user interface computer system, named after Edwin Jarvis, the butler who worked for Howard Stark. Over time, he was upgraded into an artificially intelligent system, tasked with running a business for Stark Industries as well as security for Tony Stark's Mansion and Stark Tower.

"I am Tony's blood brother. I came to see him. My name is Arno Carbonell-Stark "I replied.

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