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Chapter 3: ~Another Chance~

Recap of previous chapter

You and Miya talk for a while. You guys see who can do your skate routine from 6 months back better, and he wins. You were simply amazed by the way he skated. You ended up having to leave the skate park, because you guys made a deal. You found a cat on your way home, and kept it.

3rd Person POV

You woke up the next day, and decided that you should add a few decorations to your room. You unpacked the skateboards, and thought about where you want to put each of them. You end up deciding that you want to line them all up on a wall.

"Hey dad? Where's the hammer? I need it to put my decks on the wall."

"Just downstairs in the box that's on the kitchen table."

You head out your room, and turn to the stairs. You quickly go down them, and jog to the kitchen. You open a cardboard box labeled "tools" and take out the hammer and some nails. You go back to your room and get to work. The only reason you know how to use the hammer is because your dad taught you how to use it the first time you decided to do something with the skateboard decks.

After about 20 minutes, all of the decks are up on your wall. You than continue to put other things on you wall such as photos, posters and medals. You finish up, and than begin to chose your outfit for the day, since you were still in your PJs. You chose your outfit and begin to head to the shower.

Time skip to lunch time

"So how was your morning Y/N?" Asks your dad, genuinely curious.

"It was good. As you probably might've guessed, I started decorating my room."

"Oh yeah! I went up there to see it. Lookin' good Y/N!"

"Thanks!" You say, as you take a bite from your lunch.

For lunch your dad cooked lasagna. You remembered when you and your dad had just moved away. He used to be an absolutely terrible cook. Once he somehow managed to burn water.

"You know, you should go introduce yourself to the neighbors! I went to say 'hi' to them this morning. They seem like nice people. Apparently they have a kid who's about your age. You guys might get along." Your mother says to you.

"Yeah, okay I might go."

You finish up lunch, and thank your dad. You stand up from the table and drop you dish at the sink. After that, you walk to the door of your house deciding that you were going to say hello to the neighbors. You might as well do that, as you had nothing better to do. You put on your same pair red Converse as yesterday, and grab your skateboard and helmet which were laying beside the door. You open the door and walk out, closing it behind you.

You make your way to the neighbor's house, with your helmet on your head, unbuckled. You reach the neighbor's house, and knock on the door three times. You start to hear footsteps approach the door, and soon the door it swung open, by a familiar short boy..


"What's up Slime?"

"Great. I'm neighbors with you." You say, in your usual sarcastic tone.

"You realize that since we live beside each other, the chance is that we'll go to the same school? Even worse, we might end up in the same class." He says, leaning on the door frame, not paying you much attention.

"Oh how fun." Once again, you spoke with sarcasm laced through your voice.

"Well, I'm supposed to be in class 1B of that one school nearby. How about you?"

Your mouth dropped at his statement.

'Oh please let this be some kind of cruel joke.'

"I take from your reaction that you're also in that class. Well, too bad so sad. Bye now!" He said with his usual smirk, closing the door on your face. It was almost as if you didn't annoy him, and he loved annoying you.

'This sure is going to be an interesting year.'

You start to go to the skate park, and arrive there within a few minutes, since you were using your anger at the boy to fuel your energy. Once you arrive there, you see an unfamiliar red haired boy. You both acknowledge each other, and continue with what you were doing. You caught him watching you a few times, but by now you were used to that happening quite often. It wasn't everyday that people saw professional skaters.

You skate for about an hour, and than decide to go home. By now you were a bit more used to the neighborhood, and could ride around with out getting lost.

'What's the chance that I'm in the same class as Miya. Well, I'm pretty much fucked. I didn't know that somebody could be so annoying.'

You finally get home, and eat dinner with your family. You guys had left over lasagna from yesterday, because your dad made way too much on accident.

Next day

You wake up at around 11:20am, and the first thing you do it pick up your phone from the nightstand. You scroll through a few things on social media, and than remember that Miya was also a professional skater, so he would definitively be on google..

'Oh my god. Why can't I stop thinking about him for FIVE DAMN SECONDS. Well, I might as well search him up to see how good he really is...'

You quickly type 'Miya Skate Routine', doubting that anything would actually show up, since his last name wasn't on there, but surprisingly a few videos did show up.

You click on the first one that popped up. It was a video of him just practicing, doing many impressive tricks while a few other people watched. It seemed like it was recorded a while ago though, so if he was that good back than how good is he now? You continue to watch the video, and than notice to kids in the back round whispering to each other. Right about than, Miya was performing handstands on the skateboard. The two kids that were previously whispering quickly roll their skateboards towards Miya, and you think that he's gonna fall. But right before he does, he manages to avoid both of the skateboards and stand up, still on the board without missing a beat.

'He really is amazing huh...Watching him skate like that makes me feel like I have to work even harder in order to become better..'

You put your phone down, and go down to eat breakfast. For breakfast, you made a strawberry smoothie with a piece of toast.

You go back to your bedroom and chose an outfit for today. You quickly put it on, and start walking downstairs to say hello to your family.

"Hey dad."

"Hey! Today we have to go to the school to pick up a uniform."

"Uniforms?! Aw mannnn I was hoping that I could wear something other than that."

"Well, at least you get to go to a great school."

"Yeah, yeah. Apparently I'm in the same class as the kid next door."

"Oh really? That's good. You'll have someone to walk or skate home with."

"I mean, he's a little annoying though."

'A little annoying? Pfft, that's the understatement of the year!'

"Come on, you can't call him that yet, you've barely known him for a day. Give him another chance, maybe than he'll be less 'annoying'."


You continue to just hang around the house, and do whatever. You consider going next door and try to mess with Miya a little, but the chance is that he's going to turn the tables on you, and you will be the one getting severely annoyed. You decide to go play with your cat a little, and try to think of names for him.

"Hm...What if I name him C/N?"

"Dad! What do you think of the name C/N for the cat?"

"I think it's nice. It's your choice though, he's your cat after all."

"Yeah okay, I think that his name will be C/N!" You declare.


You play around with C/N for a little longer, until he just walks away and goes to do his own thing.

You go to the skate park as usual, and once again see the boy that your cat reminded you of.

"Well, hello there Slime."

"Truly a lovely nickname you've given me." You say sarcastically.

"I mean what else can I call you? You realize you haven't even told me your name right? It's like if you were asking me to give you some sort of stupid -but fitting- nickname."

"If I tell you my name will you drop the name 'Slime'?"


"The name's Y/N."

"Well nice to meet you Y/N."

"Well, it's not very nice to meet you." You say.

"Now where are your manners Y/N?" He says, with a little smile.

"Okay, okay. I guess it's nice to meet you too."

"Now was that so hard?" He says facing away from you, not wanting an answer.

After that, you guys both go back to doing what you were doing. You started to feel a little bad for being so rude to him, so you decided that you would apologize.

"Hey Miya?"

"Yeah Y/N?"

"Um, well sorry for being rude. I don't know what came over me.." You say, shying away and not making eye contact.

"Oh. Uh- It's okay I guess."

After that brief exchanging of words, you each go back to doing what you were doing. You did feel a little better though, because you truly did feel a little guilty. Maybe your dad was right. You should probably give him another chance...

Once you get back home, your dad drives you both to the school to pick out and buy a uniform. It was not as bad as you thought it would be. It consisted of blue dress shirt, with a white rim at the neck and white rings on the sleeves. Along with that there was a dark red scarf kind of thing, that you tie around your neck and a fancy white hat. The uniform also had brown dress shoes, and white shoes with a red stripe at the top. Last but not least, there was a pair of grey knee length shorts/a plain grey skirt, and went to right above your knees.

You were okay with the uniform, since it wasn't as bad as you expected it to be. You tried it on, and saw that you actually looked pretty good in it. You were happy about that, since you would have to wear it all year long.

Maybe, just maybe, this year wouldn't be so bad after all...

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