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Chapter 8: Part 1: Chapter 8

I know this is putting my life on the line but I know it's for the best. I mean I can trapped and pole dance making at least $700 a day. Way more than I have had just dancing and but I sorta miss just dancing because after I had danced for thirty minutes and even had the balls to strip in just my panties, the time exhausts me I never to come out here and trap. I've been doing this for a week now. I'm sorta used to the routine now. I have paid off $2,450. I have $550 to go. Today I had my boy jay come with me to get some tree from the boss then we went to his house to crush it up before putting it in bags. Afterwards we hit the corners. Eventually a few buyers came and I gave them the four mini bags exchanged for $40 from every guy.

A car pulled up to who I thought was the cops I put my hand behind my back about to reach for my gun that is until the door opened and someone snatched me. I yelled for jay but he just watched. I was about to go into a panic. I started having flashback of when I was kidnapped when daddy got shot. I didn't realize it but I was screaming to the top of my lungs trying to get away. Then I realized who it was. Levi that asshole. I yelled for him to get off me but he didn't. I tried everything to break free. Nothing work. After some time, we arrived at the boss' office. I was scared now. Because although it was after my birthday I know he can execute me any day now. As I approached the boss' desk, I immediately started to apologize "De Villa, I'm sorry I didn't make enough I'm sorry I'll do better. Please don't kill me" He stood up from his chair and came to me. Then he lifted my chin for me to look up at him, as he said "First, don't cry Nena I'm not going to hurt you. And second Mr. De Villa, dad I go by Wil. You are doing just fine. I asked the boys to get you so I can ask you something. Something I haven't asked any other girls."


"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Wait-this was all for a fucking date?!...uh I mean-"

"Excuse me."

"I'm sorry"

"You really are pushing it. But I knew you wouldn't have willingly came so I can ask you."

"So, you had me kidnapped. Are you serious?"

"That's the only thing I could think of"

"You could've asked me"

"So what you say. Yes or no" he completely ignored my response "I'll think about it." I said about to go out the door until he gripped my wrist and I jerked my head to meet his gaze.

He then angrily "I am a very impatient man and I ate being turned down so you better think about it real good." That's when he let go. I winced at the pain as his bodyguards followed me and dropped me off to the corner once again. When they drove off Jay asked "So what the boss say?" I punched him in his face and said "You fucking dick you knew about this and you didn't tell me!? You're supposed to be my best friend!" I yelled punching his arm. "Ouch! Shit Demi you got a brick on you. And it wouldn't have been a surprise if I told you"

"Shut up. And he just wanted to ask me on a date"

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. You got me all scared I thought he was going to kill me. You made me have a fucking panic attack in that car you ass"

"Panic from what?"

"You know what it is. I told you before"

"Oh riiight okay. Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I knew I should have but true boss told me not to tell you"

"Wow are you serious?" he said still in shock. "Yeah. Again, I'm sorry"

"Stop apologizing you dork."

"If it makes you feel better here are my earnings from tonight"

"No I can't take your money I don't want to owe you"

"No need to. Just take it. I don't want you to get the wrath I would rather it"

"Jay no I can do this myself thank you"

"Just take it!"

"Fine" I took the $650 and for that night. Then when it was time to go back to the boss I said "Here's your $700" The boss came up to me and grabbed the money giving me $350 back. Then before I left he said "Oh and Demi, you have two days to think about it." I nodded and headed on way out.

2 days later,

"Here's your cut" the boss said as he gave me 150 back. I looked up at him and said "Wait...why you giving me more than you usually sir"

"You're done. You have paid off your debt. And that why I wanted to finally ask you on a date. You're no longer working for me"


"From now on don't call me boss call me Wil" I had to get this through my head right now. Wait so he doesn't own me anymore??

"So what do you say. You wanna go in a date"

"I doubt know"

"I gave you ample enough time to think about it though" I wasn't sure about this Im not used to dating and the last guy I dated was before I got kidnapped. Although it never worked out because he cheated on me. But it wasn't just that.

" date though"


"Where you want to eat?"

"I don't know wherever"

"Alright I got a play. Boys my car" he directed. When we walked to the car, I hopped in and one of his bodyguards get in front to drive Wil and I sat in the back. We pulled up to this restaurant it looked super fancy there aren't a lot of fancy places in Chicago, so I've heard. When we got into the restaurant with Wil's three other boys, Levi, Max and Kenny. The waiter said "Hello Mr. D, where would you like to sit today?"

"My usual please" oh he knows manners, I like that. So was we got escorted to a table that had a red cloth and candle lights, Kenny pulled my chair out for me so I can sit down. When Wil sat across from me, Kenny pushed my chair in as well then, I sat back. Wil must've told them to be nice to me.

Through the night, it was good. Yet I was feeling nervous still because Levi was here and the whole time he was looking at me. I didn't know how to react. Suddenly Wil asked me "What's going on something is bothering you?"

"Actually...yeah I don't feel comfortable with your uh guys being around me"

"Well why?" he said motioning for the men to go out of the private place and guard from there.

"B-because um..." I glanced at Levi and then back at Wil.

"Because um...."

"What happened?" he asked concerned.

"Look thank you for the nice dinner date I had a nice time but I gotta go"

"No please don't" he said holding my hand pleading for me to not leave.

"Wil please I just can't."

"What did they do?" I stood silent. "Demi please tell me I will handle it right now"

"Two years ago, of them raped me...." I said with a crack in my voice. "Who?"

"I can't say"

"Tell me now" he said in a stern voice. He pulled out his gun that had a silencer on it.

"..Levi" He called Levi into the room and said "Why did you hurt her?" pointing the gun at his temple. Levi seemed nervous. But I didn't care.

"Answer me cabron!!" Wil cocked back the safety trigger. "I swear to god I'ma give you three seconds to tell me or this bullet is yours" he threatened.

"Look it was your dad who said I can. She ran away and we had her back a-and he said I can have her"

"That's fucking sick. I can't believe you actually had the balls to do that to a 17-year-old you asshole!" Wil took the gun from his head and shot Levi's dick. As blood was staining his pants as he dropped to his knees in pain "Think about it next time you wanna touch a girl. You don't touch them unless I give you a good reason to got it! You're lucky I ain't kill you yet!" Levi just laid on the floor yelling in agony "The next time you do this shit your ass is mine." Wil said before we left the restaurant.

"Wait what's going to happen to Levi you just gonna leave him there?" I asked him as he held my hand going into his limo. "Don't worry about him he learned his lesson. Someone will call the ambulance."

"Okay. But wait what if he rats on you?"

"He ain't gonna do that he knows what will happen if anyone does." I just stood silent. I never saw anyone shoot another guy...ever. Strangely it didn't make me think of what happened when I was a kid but I know it will hit me soon. That was one of the nicest things any guy ever done for me. I like Wil but...I'm so scared to fall in love with him.... I don't want to lose another person in my life. That's why I don't want to be attached to anyone in my life. It's safer for my heart that way. "Thank you" I said as I gave him a kiss on his cheek. He smiled and I said "Wait I don't have anywhere to live anymore" "If you'd like I got an extra room at my house would you like to stay there for the time being?" he offered to me. I didn't say anything because i want so sure about this. I wanted to trust him but was afraid to because after all, that's my ex-boss' son. It was hard for me to choose. But I decided to go with it.

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