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Chapter 9: Rage of the Basilisk Blood

Zhano's Khalasar worked tirelessly to clean up the site of the ambush. His hunting party killed beasts big and small, gentle and ferocious. His mother and Sharo rode like the wind to Qohor and the city did as it has done for centuries. Offered gifts.

However, they were quickly tearing apart the city for an antidote for basilisk poison and horses.

All the while, Khal Zhano, a six-foot and six-inch tall man with battle-tempered muscles and a hulking physique stood over many beauties. The Dothraki women were excited and anxious to see the handsome bearded man finally offer them what many women of the Khalasar secretly yearned for -- to feel their Blood Fire Khal deep within them for a night under the open sky.

The slaves, some with olive-brown skin, others pale with silver hair or purple eyes. A few had the Yi Tish features, while one had the red hair and eyes of Asshai. No matter their appearance or background, they all looked at the naked beast of a man with lust, fear, awe, and bewilderment.

The way his cock stood strong and angry with the translucent liquid spilling from his tip, emitted an enchanting fragrance.

'Zhano, when you start, they won't be able to stop. Even when you are finished, you must make sure they are exhausted or your fluids, changed by the blood of the basilisk, will keep them in heat. Also, be careful not to set the woods on fire.' Nemyse spoke gently.

'I got it, Nemyse. Now get out of my head.' Zhano runted, his body absolutely enraged.

He stepped forward and the many bells fastened into his calf-length hair jingled with every movement. The music caused the Dothraki woman's pussies to tingle and drool. The slaves who understood the Dothraki finally released the Monster of a Khal they had encountered. So young, yet strong, endowed, and deadly.

"Strip!" Zhano commands in the harsh Dothraki tongue.

The women of his Khalasar didn't hesitate.

"Strip!" He looked at the slaves and commanded in smooth flowing Yi Tish. surprising the women.

The slaves were hesitant but the Dothraki women helped them. After a slight resistance, Zhano had caused the heat in the area to rise so much, they allowed their clothes to be pulled off.

In a few breaths, the Dothraki women were on him. A simple kiss and taste of his cock, set their bodies ablaze. But Zhano pushed them aside and began with the slaves. None of the women were innocent in any way, but Zhano's might had a way to make them question their history.

After three hours, the group of women was thoroughly poisoned by Zhano's corrupted fluids and they managed to keep pace with him in a lust-filled rage. Moans filled the woods with cries, whimpers, screams, wails. Curses of many languages were shouted without end as the limits of euphoria were shattered in every woman one by one without any signs of stopping.

The mad Khal was intent on ruining the women and welcomed it with ass and pussy spread open, eagerly awaiting his invasion.

Soon, the leaves, trees, and forest floor began to burn. The women's blood was scorching and each of them had strong reddish hues. Fires were randomly combusted, and the scene was like an orgy in hell.

When the night had ended and the day came, the Kos sought out Zhano to report their work finished but stepping too close was only asking to be burned. They looked on in stupor as the woman survived and relished the feeling of being in his demeanor presence.

Night came again and finally the women began to drop in twos, then threes, until none were left.

"More!" Zhano shouted.

The women Kos and those among the horse lords were sent into hell on earth. It was unbearable until Zhano got his hands on them.

Day and night came again. And when the moon hung at its highest point, Zhano roared with such ferocity it could rival a dragon. When he finished, the last of his load had painted the already messy and limp-bodied women.

The heat had receded and Zhano exhaled. His cock finally went soft and he dressed. Walking out of the burned land, he found his Khalasar gathered with more women lined up. The women were now all slaves, mothers, and able daughters that remained behind during the battle.

"How long?" Zhano asked.

"Two days and three nights," Sharo replied.

"Son, are you okay?" Zhali asked.

"Never better. No one is to touch the basilisk blood."

"Blood of my blood, we've already lost ten, jarring the blood," Kazo spoke.

Zhano sighed. "What's done is done. Return to Qohor, we need carts or they can defend against an attack. None of those women can walk or ride." Zhano explained.

"Should we keep eyes on them?" a familiar voice sounded.

Zhano looked at Qoni.

'Zhano, none of your seed was able to give you children in that condition. They are fine.' Nemyse answered his internal question.

"No." Zhano replied, "They'll be fine. Trust me."

"Trust the one who said he needs no other women," Qoni smirked as she approached. She cups his face then brings her giant down for a kiss. "I told you, you are different. I couldn't survive that alone. It's not about you, it's me."

Zhali chuckled. "Son, listen to your good wife. What you did was the work of Vezhof. Mortals can not.."

"I understand." Zhano interrupted, " Do as I said, we should leave here soon."

"Blood of my Blood."

"Blood of my Blood."

"Blood of my Blood."

"What?" Zhano answered his Bloodriders.

"We should stay. The forest is like tall grass. It is cooler and rich in food and water. We have a few women ready to give birth to children. The women you had, will need rest. And the Khalasar has been on the move since we left the land of Sleipnir." Barro explained.

"You two agree?" Zhano asked.



"Then we stay. Do any of you know how to build a shelter in the forest?" Zhano asked.

"Put up a tent," said Temmo.

The Kos snickered and Kazo smacked Temmo in the head.

"Nothing the Khal asks is ever that simple." the fourth Ko spoke.

Zhano now had twenty-three Kos, but only twelve were present as the female Kos were amongst the women that laid sleep on what the Khalasar now considered Sacred land.

Even Jahakko looked at Zhano with religious eyes. What he did was impossible, especially after killing two of the warriors who raged after touching a meager amount of basilisk blood, while Zhano was drenched in it.

"In the Great Grass Sea, tents and dugouts are good. It's the same thing except different materials to make ourselves unnoticeable in the forest. This is called camouflage."

"Cah-moo--fledge!" the Kos and Khas mouthed and repeated the foreign word.

Zhano laughed then pulled his people closer to teach them a few things learned during his life as Miller, taught to him by his father during hunting trips. Branches and leaves, moss and brush. Hallowed and fallen trees. Zhano taught them how to use it all.

With the faith they had in Zhano, they listened intently, soaking up his teachings. After a week and a half, nearly 60,000 warriors, 43,000 women, and children, 25,000 slaves disappeared along with carts, livestock, and horses.

The forest of Qohor was quickly considered the territory of the Blood Fire Khal Zhano. Every merchant or hunter that entered died. The place was off-limits.

During that time, Zhano concocted a way to continue his conquest of the Dothraki Sea without physically doing it. Dothraki loved stories with exaggeration and symbolism, filled with blood, sex, and victory against bad odds.

Zhano sent a black clocked Yi Tish man from the church of starry wisdom, a man from House Velaryon with the crest of a silver sea horse on sea green, a man from the 8th Prince's imperial guard, and a man from House Martell with a gold spear piercing a red sun on an orange field.

The four of them traveled fast and hard, telling the story of the Blood Fire Khal and his massive Khalasar. His intelligence and battle prowess. The defeat of four basilisks and the conquest of over a hundred women for two days and three nights after being drenched and surviving basilisk blood.

As for the women, each man shifted the blame. The YiTish said the women of House Martell and Velaryon. The two houses said it was the other and the women of the 8th prince and Church of Starry Wisdom. The church of starry wisdom had no shame and said all four of them fell before the Khal Zhano.

Finally, the stories of Blood Fire surfaced again along with the taking of three dragon eggs. With these stories, foreigners would fear and doubt, but the Dothraki would flock or resist. But in the city of Vaes Dothrak, the Dosh Khaleen spoke of their visions. They spoke of the dreams that retold the capture of Nemyse, the mightiest of the Sleipnir. They spoke of Zhano's conquest of the east Dothraki Sea and pushing back the Jogos Nahi.

The head priestess then set the world ablaze when she openly called Zhano the true stallion who would mount the world, forcing Zhano and Drogo on a collision course that couldn't be avoided.

When Drogo caught wind of this, he laughed hysterically then grew angry. When he finally calmed, he decided to head north again, this time, he forsook the free cities and began to take over every Khalasar he encountered no matter how big or small. Drogo was challenged and he had something to prove to the world and Vezhof who he worshiped.

Half a week passed again and Zhano meditated on his next move. The sick and injured were getting strong again. Armenia and Zhano had started teaching more advanced medicine to help the Khalasar develop. Naturally, they called Armenia a Great Teacher and Zhano gained another title, Khal Koalak or Healing King.

Resources weren't a problem, but security was. Zhano needed more information about the situation surrounding the dragon eggs and what kind of danger the foreigners were trying to drag the Dothraki into. Zhano knew the world considered them stupid. So it was his job to think for his people and make the best choices.

Seeking the slave women from the caravan, Zhano brought them all to his great forest den in the middle of the Khalasar. They were already moist at the thought of what Zhano had done to them and what they could experience again. Why else would the Khal bring them into his den?

"How are you feeling?" Zhano asked in YiTish as it seemed to be the common language between them.

"Very good, my Khal. We want to thank you for sparing our lives and...blessing us." The flaming-haired woman spoke. Her middle was the first to submit after witnessing Zhano's power over fire.

She believed her Asshai magic could be useful to him, despite the long-held belief that Khals burned witches out of fear. It's this thought that kept her from retaliating during the attack on the caravan. She also had a very intimate connection with the dragon eggs that she felt could be of use to Zhano.

"We speak sweet like most foreigners. Learn the Dothraki, we don't like sweets. Spice and flavor. Sweet is too docile for our kind." Zhano corrected her.

"Yes, my Khal." the woman replied.

"My uncle tells me you are women from Westeros --House Martell and Velaryon. You others are a mix between the Eighth Prince of Yi Ti and the Church of Starry Wisdom. I gave you life, made you my slaves. And here, slaves who prove themselves can urn freedom. This is much better than death, right?"

"Yes, my Khal." The woman replied with life and hope.

"Good, then give your Khal honesty and gratitude by telling me who you four groups are connected and why are you together transporting dragon eggs that you could take yourselves. Especially you, Red Woman of Asshai."

After what they experienced and given the hope of freedom, they didn't resist Zhano. Be his slaves and live in overwhelming pleasure. When it's over, leave with freedom. Why fight what is, they thought.

The women started out by telling their identities. The Matrells and Velaryons were lowly extended family members of the houses, far removed from the lines of succession. The Imperial guards did belong to the eighth prince but also the church of starry wisdom. And those of the church apostles tapped by their high priest to deliver the eggs to the Pentoshi Magister Illyrio.

After introductions, a single line began to connect dots and form a picture for Zhano.

House Velaryon and Martell's connection stemmed from the Martells wanting the Targaryens on the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms again to avenge the sister of the Prince of Sunspear, who was married to the crowned Prince of House Targaryen during the rebellion. She and her children were brutally killed.

The Eldest daughter of House Martell was secretly engaged to the exiled Prince Viserys Taragaryen who hides in Pentos with his sister Daenerys. After swearing loyalty to the cause, House Martell helps them and in doing so, helps themselves.

The Velaryons were later pulled in because of their history and greed. After being allied with House Targaryen for centuries, they naturally fell in power after the rebellion and the fall of House Targaryen. Wanting to get wealthier after losing their position, the Velaryons saw an opportunity when the Martells approached them about their YiTish connections established long ago and the reason for their current rise as one of the wealthiest families in Westeros.

Velaryons soon began to act as intermediaries between the Martell Targaryen alliance and Yi Ti for information on the dragon eggs found in Asshai by the red woman now in Zhano's company. They got word that the red woman cared for the eggs in the palace of the Eighth Prince.

The Eighth Prince originally planned to keep the eggs but was promised that the Targaryen children could hatch them because of their Dragonrider lineage. The Eight Prince knew fire immunity was key in hatching the eggs. But unlike popular belief, the Eighth Prince wasn't eager for allies to become the next emperor. Instead, he was looking for allies to support his master --Pol Qo.

Pol Qo, called Hammer of the Jogos Nhai, is a YiTish general that has claimed the title of God-Emperor as the first of the orange emperors in defiance of the seventeenth azure emperor, Bu Gai. His seat is located in the city of Trader Town, a city already conquered and controlled by him along with six other cities.

The Eighth prince wanted to use the Westerosi conflict to aid in his betrayal to overthrow Bu Gai, who is actually his blood father, unlike the other hundred princes with no relation to the sitting Emperor. In hopes of starting the prophecy of the Second Long Night brought by blood betrayal within the royal family.

The Church of Starry Wisdom, seekers of the long night and believers of a world without sun is run by High Priest Pol Qo- who claims he's the heir of the bloodstone emperor, fabled to have started the first Long Night.

Pol Qo agreed to support the Eighth Princess deal in hope of the dragons returning. With the return of the dragons, the Church of Starry Wisdom would no longer need to fuel their dark magic by sacrifice, like many practitioners in the world who wield large magic.

Instead, they could draw huge magic from the world once someone hatched the dragons. With their return, unlimited magic would soon follow. When the deal was struck, all four factions escorted the eggs from Yi Ti to sell to Magister Illyrio, who was contacted by the Eighth Prince. Naturally, the Eighth Prince didn't tell him about House Martell, because they didn't trust the magister.

Zhano reflects on all of this information and decides to confront the problem by avoiding the obvious.

He released two slaves. One Martell and the other Velaryon. Each with a message.

The message for Martell read: Essos will belong to me. I do not care about Westero's affairs. But to do business across the Dothraki Sea you will need my approval. Tribute. Your people will be slaves unless exchanged for gifts of equal value. You know what they can do to you.

The message to Velaryon read: if you want to do business across the Dothraki sea. Pay tribute. Your people will be slaves unless exchanged for gifts of equal value. You know what they can do to you.

Zhano then sent the remaining slaves away. Finally, Zhano contemplated the most appropriate method to handle the Dothraki Sea without traveling away from the primary goal, the ill fate of the Dothraki.

Stories could only do so much. Zhano needed to do something impactful. Marking a new age for the Dothraki, while keeping true to their traditions and beliefs. An image then appeared in his mind of Vaes Dothrak. He smiled mischievously, calling for his Kos.

Sometime later. Twenty-three kos sat in his great den. Qoni was at his side with his children. Yazli watches and learns silently, admiring her father and dreaming of the day she would be old enough to ride with the Khalasar into battle.

"We are almost rested. Our numbers are strong. Our food, water, and supplies are vast. And I know we just finished a conquest but our enemies are not resetting. And this is not a battle of horse lords. It is also a battle for the hearts and minds of our people. So I want to do something that Khal has not done in centuries. I want to remind the world of our might and the reason a Dothraki Khalassar is feared by even the Free Cities, Slaver's Bay, Ghrisca, Yi Ti, and the plains of the Jogos Nhai!"

The Kos hadn't even heard the plans but they were already fired up because they knew their call was going to lead them into something great.

"Prepare for war! Prepare to sack a city! We will go to the free city of Norvos, spit on their trinkets, and take everything they have within their big walls! Their men will be put in chains, their women will be whores. Their children grow under Dothraki Rule, turned to weapons pointed at the remaining cities! Vaes Dothraki is already a Capital that kingdoms of the world flock to. So why not make it the capital of a united and feared Dothraki Empire ruling Essos like the Valyrian Conquerors of old!"

The Kos bellowed war cries and cheered for battle.

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