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Chapter 8: Library studies.

"Good evening madam Pince I was wondering if you tell me the location of several books?" I asked, the older witch sighed and snapped her book shut. Several thoughts passed through her mind, she loved studious students and especially those dedicated enough to come on the first day of the year however she doesn't like her personal reading to be interrupted.

"Young man I've been the custodian of this library for decades, I know off every book kept within these walls so speak what you need and I'll point you in the right direction".

"Excellent! Thank you madam Pince! Ok so firstly I need books relating to the subject of occulemency, next is books on magic languages, studies of cryomancy, a book on duelling forms, a book on swordsmanship, African Animagus practices, Selena Sevant's Soul study, hogwarts construction diary, books on battle magic, The Enchanting Encyclopaedia by buwford ruples and lastly books about harmless self rituals". I listed causing the older woman's eyes to twitch, she expected books based on the first year topics not such varied subjects.

She began marching through the library flicking her wand causing several books to barrel towards a nearby table. Hermione and Mordred were impressed by the display. After a five minute walk she turned around and showed the neatly stacked books. About 19 by my count, this should keep me busy. She then nodded to me seeing that I was pleased and left to go back to her work.

I sat down and quickly grabbed the next series of occulemency books. These are paramount to master, the previous books only contained instructions for establishing a mental shield and help towards clearing ones thoughts. As I learned how to create a mind palace and reinforce the mental shield I grinned.

After finishing the book I passed it to Mordred who was reading the book on battle magic. I swept up the next occulemency book and studied on how to set up a counterattack towards legilimencers as well as notice those who are using it. I can test this tomorrow with professor snape.

The books on magical language where actually much more comprehensive that I originally believed. They contained parseltongue for those without the gift yet it's written in Hindi so I'll have to learn that language to begin learning how to vibrate my tongue.

The second was a book on Gobldegook which is necessary for studying alchemy, runes and enchantments as Goblins are the leaders in the field since dwarves 'vanished' in this world. This language is actually easy to learn however it's rough on the throat and is rather depressing in nature. References for reading material of the language are dark poems written by Goblin scholars.

The third book was on the draconic language which came with a nice boon. Mordred actually knows the language! She saw her merlin write his own version, comparing the two showed that this world was simply a different dialect. She chose to master this language first and then we'll teach each other.

Other languages included orcish, jotun which was ancient Nordic, Saxon symbology which I'm unsure about, mermish, hapick, Yokanese for speaking with yokai (it's basically old Japanese) and lastly Caitlik which was actually discovered and written by someone named McGonagall.

I studied this language much closer, it was written by a Scottish man by the name Miverk McGonagall who encountered a passing group of Cat Sith in his youth. They are a Scottish spirit of talking cats who like to steal and commit tomfoolery. He befriended one by offering his families self brewed cheese. They taught him the language that allowed him to talk with cats.

The issue with the language was that it produced purring when they spoke mixed with hissing so it resembled parseltongue. The language also shared the trait of vibrating the tongue yet at a different frequency. I must learn this language! To speak to cat girls! But this is not the top of my todo list.

Next was the knowledge about cryomancy, it was a subcategory of transfiguration not widely used in England yet in Iceland it was their communities chief magic. It allows them to manipulate ice and snow expertly along with branching out to the preservation of ingredients for potions and herbology which all masters in the two subjects are required to know.

It's nothing to other fantasy worlds but I'm sure I'll find a use for it~ next was the book on duelling forms. I'm not sure how duelling is actually structured here as their may be different styles other than flicking a wand. I wished to see if I could combine charm casting with swordplay but the book only contained stances and etiquette so I may have to speak with professor flitwick instead.

The swordsmanship manuals I found could only be described as.....subpar. They only referenced the training that the knights used in the olden days and the type of enchantments compatible with blades in general. I thought England would have at least something useful in terms of swordplay, Mordred seems disappointed in her country neglecting the development of such a fine art.

Hermione was just gawking at the wide variety's of magic in the world but was a little disappointed about how she couldn't learn then. She went to Madam Pince to ask about it and she replied that they exist in the forbidden section but those areas are for 5th years and ups. So she can only bide her time. We'll just sneak in and take what we need or use the ROR. Though I plan to wait to use that as I feel doing it with quirrelmort in the castle may have consequences.

It's wise to wait until at least third year to begin abusing that room. I have no idea if the basilisk can enter that room but I'm not taking any chances with letting a snake with a death glare face me in a house or mirrors.

Next up the studies of becoming an animagus. The first chapter was actually in relation to how your animal form relates to your "spirit guide" or as this country knows it, the patronus charm. The African tribes learned to produce a patronus to guide their way and deliver them from harm according to the book.

The books detailed three methods for becoming an animagus. The first is the mandrake leaf placed in the mouth for a month followed by the incantation in a thunderstorm. This one is the most time consuming yet shows the most varied results.

The second was performing a ritual towards the spirits of the wilds during a solstice point such as Yule or Samhain. However this method means that your animal form will be tied to the season in which you performed the ritual. For example someone who performed it during the winter always turned into a snow dwelling creature. Those who performed it during summer became more tropical based creatures.

The third is similar in nature to the second except that it must be performed in different countries to local gods of that country. They would then allow you to transform into an animal that they represent. So if I go to Greece and perform it to Aphrodite I could become a dolphin~. Jotaro kujo would like to know your location 🌟

Selena Servant's soul study was a book I learned about during the trip to Diagon Alley. The book originally started as a thesis into the origins of ghosts and phantoms yet delved into the study of the soul of a wizard and compared it to those of other creatures. It then ventured into theorising the presence of magic causes the major difference in the soul.

I was interested in this book as it had a chapter about souls bound to objects. Perhaps it would show an alternative to destroying Horcruxes such as purifying them of the soul. Alas it had no references to the Horcux situation of a partial soul being bonded intentionally however it did include a tidbit about the author writing a second book based on dark phenomena such as Dementors so I could hold out hope.

The hogwarts contraction diary is merely a collection of notes towards the structure of the castle, how feng shui is involved in the construction of the towers as a means to gather more magic into the building. How the castle may be semi conscious, notes about several hidden passages and tunnels and lastly a personal note left behind by Lily Evans about her own discovery of the owl tunnels from the great hall to the common rooms and the owlery. I'll show this to Harry later.

The battle magic books were next on the pile and they were mildly disappointing. They were all theoretical uses of magic to enhance battle performance along with a history of how the art changed into duelling over the course of history. I did notice someone had made conjectures about mana burst and a similar theory about mana zone which resembled the one from black clover. This needs more research.

The enchanting book was not useful at the moment as it only contained a list of metals that match best with certain purposes. The actual enchantments were all labelled in the runic language which I will study in third year. Well I can't expect to become a master of everything in only six months.

The harmless rituals books are actually the most useful thing I found in the pile so will begin with studying these alongside the languages first. There were rituals which focused on improving the body gradually over time by performing prayer based rituals on the solstice points. There were others that helped with improving appearances. A ritual to determine if you have any blood relatives with magic in their veins.

The one I'm most interested in however it the omni language ritual. This ritual allows for the user to gain the ability to read, write and speak in every muggle language. For wizards they would actually overlook this as it wouldn't give many benefits in the short term and seems easy enough that they actually forget to use it. It must be performed on a time of unity so I'm guessing halloween or Christmas for us. This will be very useful for visiting other worlds. A lot of universes aren't set in an English or Japanese speaking world yet the anime shows that they speak those languages. This ritual will be my main research material to see if I can incorporate magical languages into the ritual.

But with a quick stomach rumble I find myself looking at the two girls who seem to share my thoughts. We place the books back and clean up after ourselves before leaving. I noticed the approving nod of madam Pince which means we'll be welcome back. After entering the great hall we found it relatively empty.

It was rather late so most people went back to the dorms as they're drained from their first day of school. I noticed a blonde hufflepuff spooning away at her soup so chose to go sit with her. "Hello my names Jon what's yours?" She gulped her dinner and looked at me before replying "Susan bones, nice to meet you Jon".

"Why are you alone Susan?" "Everyone's tired after having professor Snape today followed by professor Flitwick".

"Ah I see charms and potions, we have that with slytherin tomorrow. Do you mind if we sit with you". She flashes a smile at my question so I invited the other two who were picking their meals over and we quickly made a new friend.

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