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Chapter 29: The snake

Mordred and I followed the mumbles of students who poured into the great hall. I ran up to one of the girls I was more familiar with.

"Susan! What's going on?" I asked towards Susan Bones, me and the puff share desks in a few classes. Her magic had a familiar tint that I recognised from Jon's life, necromancy. After I felt we had built up a good rapport I asked her about her families history.

They were immigrators who frequently changed countries ever few centuries. The reason being their ancestral magic of necromancy, Bones are attracted to death related magic by nature. It was her explanation of why her Aunt joined the Auror force before becoming head of the DMLE.

No she doesn't feel the need to craft up an inferni! More just a passive pull to death related areas. She and her friends walk along the edges of the forbidden forest sometimes. I would often accompany them incase a wild creature decided to go for a change of pace.

She turned to me and smiled "hey Jon, someone had nabbed Filch's cat and strung the poor thing up. The walls where smeared with blood. Nasty stuff, I'm going to write to my aunt now."

I then told her "best use Hannah's owl, it's far faster than the crap hogwarts ones."

She nodded "I know! I can't believe they let the upper year CFMB students catch and train the owls. Never as good as a proper pure breed".

I smirked "Careful Bones, your sounding awful Slytherin~"

She blushed before turning away with a hmph "shows what you know Jon, a real Slytherin would never go to Slytherin. It's like outing themselves with having an agenda."

At that moment daphne greengrass and Tracey Davis walked past and froze. They were eavesdropping obviously like a typical Slytherin. Daphne turned to her friend "is it possible to swap houses?" Only to be met with a sad head shake.

Back to Jon he raced upto the corridor and found the golden trio at the scene of the crime..... why are they still there? Jon wondered as he went back to the common room with them. They started their debates about who the heir of Slytherin would be and what could be his purpose.

Rather than let them moan on I decided to cut the turkey "the heir of Slytherin would most likely be someone with his bloodline or one of its traits. The only family who claimed that were the Gaunts who are long dead."

Ron then provided his two cent on my hypothesis "blimey Jon you can't be serious about that! Everyone knows the Gaunts where barmey!"

Hermione then went to find a book on ancient and noble houses before she began reciting to Harry about the Gaunts. After that was out of the way he turned to me and asked "you said traits? What could the Gaunts do?"

"Dark arts". "That doesn't narrow it down". "Rituals". "Still doesn't help Jon."

"Fine Harry, they were Parselmouths. That means they could speak to snakes innately without having to study the language."

He then interjected animatedly "I can speak to snakes, I spoke to one at the zoo then my cousin fell into its enclosure. Good times."

I sighed "well done show off that skill then otherwise morons would think your the heir. Did the professors say anything?"

Hermione then said "well I heard professor Flitwick mention that it wasn't a charm or hex after he used some diagnostic spell"

Mordred then chimes in "right so it must be a magical creature."

"It can't be a magical creature Mordred" chided Hermione. She received a deadpan state from her along with a reply that immediately silenced any opposition "says the girl who met a troll, dragon and Cerberus last year. And don't say that they were let in because this heir probably did the same."

"So I think we should research creatures with paralysis related abilities. Also I would start researching snake magical creatures. Slytherins mascots and all that."

Harry responded to my attempt to change the focus off of Hermione "there was puddles on the floor so maybe it's an aquatic creature."

Ron then said "or a slimy one" then shivered thinking about how he may need to change his shoes.

With my words of wisdom things should change drastically. I don't want to see a cat girl hermione, beat leave that to the Japanese eh? Instead time flew by with me choosing to train the stuff I picked up in the restricted section.

Lockeheart is a much bigger buffoon than I realised, he had a collection of mind arts tomes kept in his room. Mordred stole them because she was interested in other countries magical works. We found different methods of legilimency and occulemency along with variations of the Obliviate charm that can erase certain events or even seal them away to a later date.

We practised legilimency and occulemency on each other limiting ourselves to searching short term memory. Once we felt we could detect passive and micro probes we decided to train against other things.

The creatures in the forbidden forest made excellent training tools, some of them could use mind based magic like the centaurs. We didn't test on those guys just yet, we also accquired some new potions ingredients from the feistier monsters. So now I have more ritual and potions ingredients at my disposal.

I decided to start using hemomancy on whatever we were fighting and even attempted to speed up my own blood flow slowly. Worked wonders after a few tries, the key was a practice of the aquamenti series of charms and Mordred informing me of the healing magic version specialised for repairing muscle tissue.

As we returned from our workout we noticed we were late for the quidditch game today, I remembered about Harry and his arm so wanted to see that in person. We arrived for the second half off the game just before the bludger attacked Harry.

Studying some wards allowed me to see the numerous enchantments on our quidditch pitch. Under the sand was a softening charm carved into a stone slab. Among the towers surrounding the pitch were reinforcement charms mixed with cushioning charms on the fabrics incase someone crashed into them.

There were probably much more but I couldn't identify them yet. While I tried to learn whether the professors seats carried a rain blocking enchantment or not Harry got bonked. I snapped out of my reverie when Mordred began dragging me.

"Honestly~ you've been getting geekier since we started this year."

"Can't help it Mo, a lot of cool shit to learn. Next I should trie learning cooking magic. I could multiply the portions by making the serving tray bottomless. Could also probably enhance flavours like faerie feast, also could speed up cooking time."

Mordred halted, pendragon appetite is a scary thing. She looked at me with her eyes slitted, she was slightly drooling. "Do you mean that?" She asked more seriously than I'd ever seen her before.

I nodded "yeah, I saw someone make a strudel with it in seconds. House elves have it innately, I also think their used to be classes for it in hogwarts that were done away with since Dumbledore started his tenure."

She clasped my shoulders "fuck the blood magic, you master cooking magic and I'll do something magical for you~". She was purring at the end which I attributed to the animagus stuff influencing her personality.

I nodded and carried on towards Harry who had twisted his wrist 720 degrees with no pain whatsoever. Damn I missed it! Wanted to learn that botched spell for fights, couldn't replicate it off a movie line.

Harry was taken to the hospital ward so I turned to Mordred "Would you like dinner? A bath? Or maybe.... me~".

My teasing was ineffectual as she replied "I want you~ to cook me as much meat as you can then take a dip with my in a bath of mashed potatoes and gravy." Note to self, check if Mordred has discovered food porn. Most likely that is her fetish, I wouldn't say no to a blonde covered in honey or a brunette in Nutella.

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