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Chapter 9: Ballad IX: Frolicking In The Unknown


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A/N: Hey kids, how was your day? :) Nothing more to note here, so let's get into the meat and potatoes already.


[LOCATION: Vale (Streets)]

[TIME: 10:35pm]

Dressed in a black buttoned up shirt with matching trousers, Risotto leisurely walked through the cold and somewhat vacant streets of Vale. Unlike most circumstances when he would opt to wear a more casual attire, Risotto accompanied this outfit with a black blazer. Originally, he had thought to wear a trench coat. After seeing the weather was warmer than predicted, he instead settled for a much lighter garment.

Accompanying him, was the girl he had met during the previously foiled heist last week. While he strolled with caution, scanning every possible inch for any sign of a hidden or approaching threat, the girl seemed willingly oblivious to their surroundings. Instead of maintaining a sense of security or worry like the taller man currently had, she instead pranced as if no harm could ever hope to befall her. Admittedly, this secretly agitated Risotto. 

The duo had just exited from their viewing of the movie Neo had chosen. Taking Risotto by surprise, the girl had chosen a horror film, reminiscent of the classic slasher movies Risotto once viewed as a child. His favorite of the old movies being of course, Hellraiser. Due to this, it was no large secret that many of his brutal methods of murder had been largely inspired by the film.

Truth be told however, Risotto was disappointed by the film the pair had only just finished watching. To him, it was far too predictable, cheesy, and nearly comical during the most climactic moments. Not only that, but he was also disappointed by how much lighter his wallet had become during the film. Taking the man aback once again, the smaller woman had managed to consume an absurd amount of popcorn, candy, and other snacks.

While Risotto had been content with only a medium tea and a small bag of pretzels, Neo was not satisfied until a minimum of three adjacent chairs had been occupied with snacks. To him, her appetite was far more mind numbing than when he realized Remnant's moon was shattered. On the brightside, she had at least offered to share a portion of the snacks.

In iconic fashion however, Risotto mostly refused as he was not widely known for a sweet tooth anyway. Occasionally however, the girl would somehow manage to sneak a piece of popcorn into the boy's mouth whilst he was focused on the large screen. Since he had already been desensitized by actions like this thanks to Doppio, he had paid little mind to it.

The two then turned a corner, Neo leading the metaphorical charge. With the movie over with, there was only one task left for the night. That task being of course, a meal. Walking several more blocks, the small party eventually found their destination.

It was a rather unimpressive restaurant. It had no unique appeal to it other than the name. The interior was the generic type, tables, a few booths, a small bar counter, and the small register. After finding a seat, having their drinks brought to them, and ordering their food, they patiently sat. As mediocre as the establishment was, it seemed to always have a steady stream of customers.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, the waiter brought the two their respective meals. While Neo seemed to enjoy her food, Risotto was not as receptive. The food was bland, lukewarm, and dry. For a brief moment, he regretted spending the five hundred Lien for the meal. To make a long story short, he hated the place.

The Rigatoni he ate was clearly not made by the most talented chef. Sure, it could pass for decent, but it infuriated the Italian to have a dish of his lovely country ruined in such a manner. If the other 'La Squadra' members had tried this restaurant's food, then the owner would have had to pray that they had the best insurance money could hope to buy.

Then again, Risotto seldom ate out. Generally, he, Ghiaccio, and Illuso would prepare food for the team. He was never used to the lower quality meat common restaurants offered. In fact, the only times he had been in a restaurant, with the exception of tonight, he and his team had always made sure to only dine at the finest establishments.

Once finished with his rather insulting meal, Risotto left a two hundred Lien tip. Yes, the food was appalling, but the waiter had no affiliation with the degrading meal. In fact, the waiter had been the most enjoyable part of the night thus far. And by that, Risotto meant the waiter refrained from making attempts at small talk, asking redundant questions, and largely left the assassin alone.

With the ordeal done, the two left immediately after paying. Walking through slowly darkening streets, Neo would led Risotto to a park. Much like the previous locations, it was not the most appealing or attractive option. Still, "La Squadra's" leader was satisfied enough. By this point, he admitted he probably set his hopes a little too high. As a result, he stuffed his pride aside to at least attempt to enjoy even one activity.

Eventually, the two found themselves walking through the park's cement paved walkway. Despite the modern appeal to the city, the park itself was filled with nature oriented attractions. Orchards and groves of various trees, countless bushes, beds filled with dozens of different flowers, small artificial ponds, and so forth.

Throughout their stroll, Risotto had been the only one to verbally communicate, always with his monotonous and unfeeling voice. Neo however, had resorted to using a pen and notepad to communicate. Since she could giggle, gasp, and hum, Risotto deduced she was not a complete mute. Likely, she had taken a vow of silence or perhaps was a voluntary mute. Unsurprisingly, Risotto found it slightly annoying once he realized how long her replies generally took.

No matter what he thought however, he cared little for her situation, the agitation part aside. At the end of the day, Risotto only cared about one thing... information pertaining to Roman Torchwick's previous hideouts or current relative location. He would occasionally wonder if it was bad karma for playing with another's feelings, but still, he cared little. If there was to be no honor among thieves, then why would there be sympathy among hitmen?

Despite his detached demeanor, he gave subtle hints at his politeness. From patiently awaiting each of her responses, to paying for most of the nights expenses, Neo took the man as a closeted gentleman. In truth, it had been an act. 

To the girl, he was mysterious, but not unbearably so. His accent was unique and pleasing to her ears, the occasional and almost comedical mispronunciations aside. His more 'shut in yet imposing' attitude complimented his physique wonderfully. He was kind when necessary, but never blatantly so. She could go on and on...

What caught her attention most however...was his eyes. The black sclera accompanied by the scarlet irises, were a trait she had never seen before. It was seemingly a once in a lifetime sight to see. Though she also had her own unique set of eyes, she admitted he had a far more interesting attribute. While most people would no doubt be intimidated or off put by the malicious orbs, she found herself interested in them.

Despite her initial interest however, she too had ulterior motives. She was tasked with finding out more information on the young man by Roman himself. In addition to this, it served as a way to keep tabs on the potential threat to their organizations nefarious plans.

Obviously, the man had not been a huntsman. Nor had he been a law enforcer. Killing five men in quick succession was a trait only found in bandits, crooks, or other less than righteous people. To Neo, Roman, and their employers, Risotto was marked as a wild card. Though he appeared as an average person, it was clear he possessed exceptional talent with his 'semblance'. If he could not be hired, he would be terminated or forced into submission.

Throughout the rest of their walk, the two subtly teased at information about themselves. While Neo only received half lies and false information, Risotto managed to piece together that Roman had been colluding with higher powers. Though it was not the information he wanted, it was more than welcomed.

Eventually, the girl found herself wrapped in the taller man's overcoat. It seemed that the forecast had been correct all along. It really was as cold as Risotto had thought it would be hours beforehand. Still though, even if he was now without a jacket, the cold hardly bothered him. Neo however, was still slightly shivering. Internally, Risotto commented on the irony of her situation. Her aesthetic was inspired by a cold desert and yet it seemed, she couldn't handle the cold any better than a normal person.

After roughly one hour later, the two went their separate ways. While Neo went 'home' with an extra coat, Risotto returned to Beacon with one less piece of clothing. Thankfully, he had remembered to receive his heirloom knife from his now subtly stolen overcoat. Still, while Risotto had walked away with somewhat useful data, Neo reported back to her and Roman's bosses with misleading results...

At their respective residences, the separated pair received mixed responses. Neo had been praised while Risotto had been teased by his future headmaster. Roman had complimented Neo on her 'bravery' and 'facade'. Ozpin meanwhile, had refused to refrain from making snide comments on Risotto's behalf. Even so, the headmaster could still acknowledge what the assassin managed to pry from the crime lord's subordinate...

[Location: Beacon Academy (Risotto's Dorm)]

[Time: 12:25am]

"Yes. And his lapdog let it slip that Roman was hired by another." Risotto said, answering Doppio's question.

Doppio: "Hired? So basically, Roman's getting paid by another person?"

"It seems that way. In the same breath, we must also assume Roman's true boss could actually be multiple. The 'Neo' girl, she made it seem as if there were multiple ring leaders."

Doppio: "Oh boy...this is just getting more and more confusing...."

"Indeed. As such, I've found some interest in it. The one's working behind the scenes must have something planned, otherwise, why spend so much effort and time in propping up someone they only paid for?"

Doppio: "Planning what though? What could be so important they're making Roman take all the credit to cover their tracks?"

"That is to be determined. I'll continue to pry more information when I am able to. I expect you to do the same, Doppio."

Doppio: "Y-yeah! Of course! I'd never let you down, boss!" The man said, saluting as he did so.

Narrowing his eyes on the pink haired man, Risotto reflected on the odd circumstance. When he had first arrived in Beacon, he was at odds with Doppio. The two were like water and oil and yet now. They still were of course, but Risotto set his grimace aside seeing as the two had no other choice. Though he was still not particularly fond of Doppio, he simply tolerated the younger boy. He had some little to provoke or agitate Risotto and as such, Risotto found it hard to completely hate the man.

Doppio meanwhile, admired Risotto. Sure, he had been put through a great deal of pain by Risotto, but the boy couldn't blame his new boss. Not so secretly, Doppio looked up to Risotto at this point. With Diavolo out of the picture, he couldn't help but compare his new boss to his prior one.

Though Diavolo had been much more audible with his care, Doppio cared little for Risotto's colder attitude. Despite Risotto's insistence that he resented the younger man, Doppio couldn't help but doubt the words. Had Risotto truly hated Doppio, the two wouldn't confide in or spend an almost ridiculous amount of time together.

Doppio: "So uh boss if you don't mind me asking..."

"Hmm?" Was all Risotto said, prodding Doppio to continue.

Doppio: " was your date?"

As expected, Risotto's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. He had been asked the exact same question from Ozpin almost as soon as he returned to Beacon just hours ago.

"It was not a date. It was reconnaissance."

Doppio: "Oh really? I didn't know watching a movie and having a meal with a cute girl was only 'reconnaissance'." The boy smugly teased, his head tilting to add extra salt to the wound.

"The meal and cinematic viewing was merely a way to allow Roman's lapdog ample opportunity to drop her guard." He grimaced.

Doppio: "And the literal walk in a park? Giving her your jacket? You didn't come home with one." He prodded, his voice dripping with baiting intent.

"Second verse, same as the first. Subtlety is effective. Not to mention, I only got the information I have currently because she became too trustful."

Doppio: "Really? So other than their bosses...where are they hiding out then?"

"I...I didn't receive that information." The assassin said, his pride slightly wounded.

Doppio: "So...are you planning to try again?" He asked innocently.

"Yes. I was able to broaden the horizons this time around. Next time, I'll be sure to retrieve what I need and then some."

Doppio: "Ooo, you dog, you...planning a second date already?" He teased once more, eventually breaking into a fit of laughter.

Obviously, Risotto was agitated once more. Grabbing a nearby pillow, Risotto drew his arm back to launch the feather filled commodity. While Doppio was holding his sides in joyful pain, he was swiftly interrupted by the force Risotto placed into his throw. Immediately, Doppio regained his composure.

Wiping a tear from his eye, Doppio eventually calmed down for the most part. Soon however, he felt a murderous aura within the room. Hesitantly looking toward his boss, Doppio was greeted by a pair of malicious eyes. With a simple phrase of words, Doppio felt true fear.

"Get out. Now." Risotto calmly demanded, starkly contrasting his enraged facial expression.

Nervously chuckling, the pink haired boy immediately bolted through the dormitory door. With a resounding slam of Risotto's door, the taller man was now finally left alone. Sighing to himself and taking a second to clear his mind, he set about returning the pillow to its rightful place. That place was of course, his bed.

"It wasn't a date dammit." He mumbled angrily.

Following this, he went through his generic routine of tidying up his knock off apartment. While he washed and dried his dishes, he grumbled under his breath phrases such as "It was reconnaissance, that's all" and "She wasn't even that cute". These words, of course, fell empty on their meaning, seeing as none would believe him, even if they had been present to hear them in the first place.

Throughout his task of folding and storing away the now thoroughly dried laundry, he only continued with his self induced gaslighting. To an outside perspective, it was clear he was only trying to convince himself that the 'reconnaissance' was not a date. This half hearted persuasion only carried through his shower, skin care routine, not ending even when he finally laid his head to rest. In his sleep, Risotto could be heard talking in his sleep, still subconsciously convincing himself it was 'strictly business'.

[Hours Earlier...]

[Location: Island Of Patch (Xiao Long-Rose House)]

Four figures are seated on a lofty and seldom couch within a comforting yet generic living room. Currently, they had finished watching a movie and family meal together. Each of the four were dressed in traditional nightwear. These four were known to be Tai Xiao Long, Qrow Branwen, Ruby Rose, and Yang Xiao Long.

With the credits of the film materializing on the screen, the father of the two young girls spoke up. This was an attempt at inciting a dialogue before bedtime.

Tai: "So girls, what did you think?"

With slight exhaustion, the youngest of the four spoke up, albeit slowly. Following her response was Yang, the eldest daughter of Tai. Unlike her younger sibling, Yang was not as tired. As such, her voice was noticeably more energized.

Ruby: "I liked it...It had a happy ending..."

Yang: "I liked the fight scene. Well, all of them actually. It almost makes me wanna tear up a club one day!" She said, adding socially unacceptable amounts of enthusiasm on the last portion.

Nervously, the other three chuckled. She had to be joking, right? Knowing Yang however, it was not a good idea to write her light hearted threats as mere jokes. As a precaution, Tai made sure to keep an eye on her incase she suddenly did get the urge to destroy a club in the future. Shrugging off the lionesses words, the drunkard of the group took his own turn to reflect on the film.

Qrow: "Eh, there wasn't enough whiskey. I lost interest halfway through."

Tai: "Qrow, the protagonist was fifteen. Of course they didn't drink!"

Qrow: "I don't know Tai, buddy. Sounds like the words of a lightweight to me."

Yang: "There could have been more explosions. Explosions are cool!" She said, pumping her fist in the air triumphantly.

Ruby: "I could have gone with more moments with the dog. He was my favorite character."

Tai: "Well soooorry I wasn't the director. I can't change something I didn't make."

Yang: "Are you sure you could even make the 'cut'?" She said, giggling at her pun.

Qrow and Ruby instinctively groaned as a response. Tai however, had a complete opposite moodswing. Seizing his opportunity, he shot back with his own play on words.

Tai: "I'm sure I can. If the actors and editors 'play' along that is."

Again, Ruby and Qrow whined in pain. No matter what the family did together, suffering was inevitable. And by suffering, they meant the torment that was awful puns.

Yang: "That could work, if no one makes a 'scene' about it." She said, laughing as she finished.

Tai: "With any luck, none of my employees would 'stage' any  'drama'." He said, proud of his double whammy.

Like father like daughter, the two continued to trade puns and quips for the next several hours. Qrow meanwhile, drowned out the torment with glass after glass of whiskey and Ruby joined him. Although, instead of alcohol, Ruby knocked cup of milk after cup of milk  back with matching enthusiasm. Eventually, by some stroke of miracle, the puns halted. 

From berating each other about their awful habits, the conversation divulged into something that actually mattered. This topic was Yang's acceptance into Beacon Academy next year. She had passed the preliminary quiz and the physical exam with flying colors. This of course, had taken place merely days prior. Upon finishing her final semester at Signal Academy, Yang Xiao Long would do just as her father had done and be enrolled in the prestigious school of Beacon.

Though she was ecstatic, there was just one thing that unsettled her. Unlike most schools, who had fourth years evaluate the interviewees, Beacon had the tradition of the headmaster personally grading each aspiring student. However...her experience had been different this time around. By some stroke of luck or misfortune, she found herself being graded not only by the headmaster, but also by an unfamiliar and threatening man. Currently, the four were focused on the specifics of the circumstance.

Tai: "The headmaster letting a student help? That doesn't sound like him, missions aside."

Qrow: "Yeah, not to mention him letting a student stay over the semester break. That's almost unheard of."

Yang: "I don't know...He didn't really seem like a student. He was tall and heavily built. He was kinda...weird. He wore all black and had a thing for dramatically posing. And his eyes weren't normal. They were pretty unsettling."

Ruby: "Were they like mine?" She said, pointing toward her own silver eyes.

Yang could only shake her head sympathetically. Unlike Ruby's cute and mesmeric pools of silver, the man in question had insidious and malicious eyes. Not to mention, Yang had an unsettling feeling about him. The way he spoke, acted, and criticized her, set her on edge.

He seemed like a villain straight out of a fairy tale. He was seemingly uncaring or unsympathetic when Yang had been grazed by a Beowulf's claw. Even more so, he had disposed of the surplus Grimm with little to no empathy. Though the Grimm were soulless beasts undeserving of mercy, he had pulled the beasts apart with a hint of enjoyment.

His very existence was a blatant contradiction of the stereotypical Huntsman. This obviously bothered the brutish girl. He seemed devoid of feeling and lacking in being able to form basic human emotion.

Yang: "His eyes...They were black where the white should be. And red where the irises should be. was like something out of a campfire story." She said, her voice carrying caution in every syllable.

Immediately after announcing this, Tai and Qrow felt their faces pale. The color diminished from their cheeks, leaving their skin at a shade comparable to printing paper. Their eyes gave off a blank stare, as if they had been on the receiving end of the most dire news. Ruby meanwhile, tilted her head in curiosity. Her eyes were also rare, but eyes like this mysterious man's were unheard of. With any luck, she might get to meet the man one day.

Without warning, Qrow and Tai leapt to their feet. With not a single word spoken, the two disappeared into Tai's rooms. Unsurprisingly, Ruby and Yang gave each other a confused look. Looking back, the girls were greeted by a strange sight.

Both Tai and Qrow were now fully dressed, their nightwear discarded into a hamper. Qrow adorned his hunter's outfit and held his sword on his waist. Tai meanwhile, wore his 'traveling clothes'. It was obvious they planned to depart, though the reason was lost on the two teenage girls.

Ruby: "Dad? Uncle Qrow?"

Yang: "Are you guys headed somewh-" She attempted to say, only to be cut off by her father.

Tai: "Girls, stay inside and lock every door and window. Me and your uncle need to go to Beacon immediately. Don't let anyone inside, don't answer your scrolls unless it is our number. And no matter what you do, do not follow us."

The girls were rightfully confused. They tilted their heads, wondering why their father and uncle were acting so strange. Before any of the two could voice their concern, Qrow came to the figurative rescue.

Qrow: "Ah don't mind him, girls. You just reminded us we have a mission we nearly forgot about. We'll be back in a day or two, you girls know the drill." He said, watching as the two girls' curiosity washed away.

Tai: "Er, right...Anyway, don't burn the house down and don't forget to let Zwei out after every meal." He said, understanding Qrow's lie.

In unison, the two men made their way out the door, shutting and locking the door behind them. Ruby and Yang shrugged, realizing their father was just being dramatic as ever. Instinctively, the two girls went to the kitchen to fetch snacks. After doing so, they laid themselves on the family couch, loading up another movie.

Qrow and Tai meanwhile, walked towards the Bullhead docks with purpose. No words needed to be spoken to convey their unease. Still though, they had hoped the mysterious person was not who they thought it was. Even so, they would take no chances.

Qrow: "Tai...I get you're worried, but we'll need to keep a cool head. The headmaster wouldn't just invite 'her' in so easily."

Tai: "And what if the headmaster's new body is just a facade? What if 'she' did a switcheroo? I don't like this...not one bit."

Qrow: "Tai, old pal...he would have let us know if something was wrong. Maybe it's just a coincidence?"

Tai: "Bullshit Qrow. We can't take any chances. We've gotta go find out ourselves. I don't like the idea that one of my own daughters was possibly so close to that woman one bit."

Qrow: "I know Tai. I know. We'll go and check it out. Hopefully, it's just a rare genetic thing. If not, I'm sure it wouldn't take much to convince Glynda the new headmaster and the new guest isn't who she thinks they are."

Tai: "Right...let's just get going."

And with a single nod, the two began running toward their destination. Their hearts were filled with doubt, but they tried their damndest to bury it away. Admittedly, the two would come to find out the situation wasn't as serious as it appeared. Still though, an ass kicking or two later would reveal they had mostly been wrong all along.

[End of Chapter]



Let me know what ya thought :)

This chapter had a little bit of everything (minus a fight scene, sorry). Hope you enjoyed it, if not? Let me know what I should have done better.

Sorry if it was a little hard to follow along with. Three different scenes was a little hard to do, so yeah...I know it's not perfect. But oh well, I think I'm improving.

Also...bear with me, for I will attempt a legit Jojo styled fight scene next chapter. Prepare for those dramatic monologues and flamboyant poses! >:D

Without a further ado...

[♤~Arrivederci, My Fellow Plague Doctors~♧]

[♡~"...You are already complete..."~◇]

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