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Chapter 6: Act 5: The crown game


Disclaimer: The characters and analogy used in these fics belong to their respective creators, I do not own anything, other than my fics and my characters that I create throughout the plot. The dialogues and other powers are taken from the original authors. The Tower of God and the dragon ball belong to both Lee Jong Hui and Akira Toriyama respectively.

First of all, I want to apologize if the previous chapter was not to your liking but I have to clarify some things before starting

I know that many did not like me when they sealed the MC and I understand who the hell is capable of sealing a God of destruction but remember something my MC is not automatically Beerus or other Gods who have been training for millions of years, just yesterday he was at his desk eating pizza and playing league of legend. He is powerful as I said before, he has not climbed the tower and he can face a Ranked


Why did I have it sealed?

The answer is in this chapter I know that many abandoned that part and the truth is that it is very sad but know that everything I do for a reason, in the comments I said that they will point out a fault and I corrected it but that was not it means that what I write is a failure ...

In the first season, the character of my protagonist is going to develop, I have to do it, yes or yes, it is part of humanizing him, they will see moments in which the protagonist will destroy things out of nowhere by tantrums or that the protagonist has been deceived by being naive throughout the first season and that is why I have to develop it, forge its character, otherwise I would simply be writing a flat protagonist and I hate writing the typical wuxia MC that is weak and then in the next chapter kill thousands of people in cold blood even if you were never used to it

So, if for some reason you don't like me to develop the characters, I'm sorry friend, this story is not for you, it's sad to see you go, I wish you would stay and give me a chance but it's your tastes and I can't force you :/

I'd rather stay with 10 who know how to enjoy the story than with 1000 who want to tell me how to write the story xD

Now, with those points clarified, I will leave you with the chapter, do not forget that if you like to vote and recommend me :D

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Everyone was impressed by what they were seeing, even the Ranked were and it was normal, they do not do anything they are supposed to seal the participant by order of the same floor guardian, while the 'crown game' exam was being carried out 'When they were finishing the sealing, they observed how the straitjacket was breaking, which was a sign that the seal was breaking, wanting to act quickly, the Ranked was going to intercept it when out of nowhere and without anyone noticing, a girl appeared. The girl was very beautiful, even Leero Ro who has climbed the tower and has met countless beauties (hell he climbed the tower with a princess Zahard) He admits that the lady in front of them is a beauty, the girl had a tight suit On it he used a kind of fabric that covered both sides enhancing his slender figure, he wore boots with very thin heels and a cane was perched in his hands, the most distinctive thing about the girl apart from her blue skin, was her white and straight hair that covered one eye, when they saw the hair color some thought it was from the Arie family, but it was discarded because someone like her would undoubtedly be a candidate for Princess Zahard if she belonged to the Arie family of course

The girl moved very fast, even the Ranked could not see her move when she posed behind the boy who was still having his tantrum, moving a single finger the girl put it on his neck, and a Boom was heard throughout the room making everyone covered their ears, when they were recovered from the shock, they observed that the boy they knew for having used a strange technique and having turned one of the participants into dust, was passed out in the girl's arms

The girl chuckled as her hands rested on the boy's cheeks to move his hair and gently caress his face "Even a seal created by my brother Weiss was not able to stop him, young God, you are without a doubt the most promising candidate. "

"Who are you?" Leero Ro, currently assigned as an examiner for the next test, approached the girl while asking what was on everyone's mind. "I can see that you are not a regular because of your strength and no Ranked is allowed on the floor of tests without permission from the empire or from the guardian itself ... "The boy was being cautious and it is understandable, something inside him told him that he will not try to face her otherwise he would die before he knew what happened and that same feeling was present in all The Ranked

"Oh, nice to see I'm M-"

"Miss Margaret !!" Stepping out into the crowd, a Baam looked at the figure of his older brother passed out in the arms of the girl who was with them on the first floor. "I haven't seen him since the ordeal."

"Well the boy answered for me" Margaret looked at Leero Ro and then she looked at the brown-haired boy "And it's good to see you again Baam, I hope you have been doing well so far" the boy gave him a confirming smile making the girl smile

"Well, I suppose my student has caused a stir, sorry for that, I am his guide and his mentor and currently I have the permission of the guardian to take him with me, I am sorry for the inconvenience but I have to go" without waiting for an answer the girl disappeared in nowhere, just like the young man who was in his arms

Khun was skeptical about what was happening, he felt bad for not supporting the boy before, it was not like he did not want to help him, on the contrary, the boy was going to advocate for him, but when he was going to do it ... Memories of Maria's betrayal they stopped him ... Then he looked at the child who was next to him "Baam ... You have to tell me who she is ... No, better yet who the hell is that boy you call brother"

The brown boy started giggling nervously as he swallowed hard.

It was going to be a long conversation, luckily they still have to do the test, otherwise, Baam didn't know how to explain to his new friend


"Do you think it was the best decision, Lady Margaret?" The one who said that was the current guardian of floor number two, was Evankhell who was currently in a room sitting drinking coffee, in front of her was Margaret. It had already been a few long minutes since she had brought the unconscious Young God and left him in the next room "Not that I'm questioning you, much less Lady Margaret ... It's just ... I've never felt so much power as the one I felt when he lost control ... "

"Jojojojo not at all Eva, believe me when I tell you that if I had left him in his tantrum, the second floor would have been destroyed ... Later the tower ..." And what she said was real, she has been aware of the tantrums of the gods of destruction, remember once when Beerus-Sama got angry because the food they gave him on that planet was not delicious ... He destroyed an entire solar system ... "I was also testing it, I have my reasons to do it "

"Hmm what you say, my lady ..." They were on their spiel but were interrupted when a Yu Hansung entered the room, although his smile was carefree inside he was desperate

"Lady Evankhell ... The regular they brought in ... He escaped" Hansung knew he was in trouble when he saw the angry face of his boss

"How that 'escape' was sealed, you were supposed to keep an eye on it !!"

"I-I'm sorry I thought he was asleep, when I got distracted to look for more tea, he had already disappeared ..."

Evankhell shot her a dark look, if Lady Margaret isn't happy with that result, Yu Hansung's head will no doubt roll

"Calm down Eva" Margaret reassured her giving her a strange smile "Actually this is part of her test"

"I. it's fine what you order Lady Margaret"

Hansung stared at the interaction between the two women, he was surprised to see the always fiery and free Evankhell being so submissive, this lady Margaret has to be a big fish in this tower and he doubts that she is from the Zahard empire


Leero Ro had explained more or less the formula of the test, it was a game called 'crown game', it is a battle between groups, the objective being the throne and the crown, there are 5 rounds of 5 minutes each, the first The team that reaches the crown has to defend during the other rounds until they are defeated or surrendered, also the leader or the person who places the crown cannot leave the throne, otherwise it will be considered as surrender and his team loses automatically

It was more than obvious that for the first round not many people were going to come out, it is much better to wait for a few more rounds and save energy ... That was not the case of two groups, one of them made up of the trio Anaak, Leesoo, and Hatsu

The round went well as far as possible, without inconvenience, Anaak was more than strong to take care of the trio with which they faced and showing the powers of his sword 'needle' green April the girl took care of everything


Everything went down the drain according to leesoo when she, who was supposed to be the strongest asset of the team, put on the crown. hell even the girl fell asleep in the middle of the spiel she was giving him

"First round finished, I will give 5 seconds to push the button for the teams that want to participate in the other round" Leero Ro spoke from the box where he was, currently below him the participants were in a kind of prison where the only way to get out was to push a button and enter the battlefield

"Alright Turtles !! Time to hunt" Rak was getting ready to sink the button when Khun Aguero stepped in front of him

"Wait crocodile, this is not the time yet"

"WHAT !? YOU STAND IN MY HUNTING TURTLE AGAIN !?" Rak as always became known for his screams

"Listen, we will face but not now, it is not the time yet ..." Khun continued trying to talk to his giant friend being the only one with a brain in the group, it is natural that he knows what the mechanics of this game are and taking pride in his last name, he already drew up some plans to achieve victory, but for that he would have to wait a few minutes

"Okay ... Only if you give me 10 bars of chocolates !!" Both Baam and Khun sweated upon hearing their friend's demands.

"Sounds good to me" Khun opened his bowl and as if by magic he took out many chocolate bars

"And it's 5 seconds" Leero Ro finished counting and observed that only 2 teams had gone to fight "Be prepared"

Inside the battlefield leesoo was sweating from bullets, he is not a fighter at all, his qualities are thought and deduction ... "Shit, they are two groups ... It will be difficult" the boy looked at Hatsu and noticed that be calm

"We will solve it, with your murderous techniques and my sword" Hatsu ignored how the boy gave him a face of 'sorry shit'

"Y-Did you believe that garbage !!!?" The boy's face was full of astonishment and a single drop comically peeked out of his nose

"That's right, it's normal to believe the words of your classmates" Hatsu nodded with his eyes closed as if he was saying the wisest thing in the world "I'll take care of this group" He pointed to two people, one being a young man and the other a kind of 4-armed alien "you take charge of the group where the sleepy boy is" pointed out where 3 people were, a woman, an androgynous boy with a horn on his head and a child who is wrapped in a blanket sleeping

"W-well, the sleeping boy is the strongest, as long as he's asleep I can take care of the others" then he stepped forward and stood on guard "What's wrong, I guess our duo split up here"

The girl he was addressed to was the girl next to him competing with him to see who passed the second round first earlier "Who says we had a duet?" The girl gives him a reluctant smile as she pulled out a knife and began to maneuver with the "now, stay still, I'm not going to do anything wrong just to stab you"

"Well, all set ... Get started!" Leero gave the signal and they all went on the attack

Hatsu went ahead of the two boys who approached him and unsheathed the katanas, while he defended himself with one, the other used it to attack the boy with the knife, the four-armed boy was more cunning and with his other two arms he grabbed the sword and kicked the boy's other sword with his legs, Hatsu anticipated that and with one leg hit the handle of the katana turning in a swing and stabbing the boy with the knife that was approaching him, letting go of the sword, I wait for the other to He was in the air he fell, once he was level with her leg, he did a somersault and hit her with his foot and launched her forward like a missile hitting directly in the chest of the four-armed boy, making him drop the sword he had gripped

On the other hand, leesoo was giving the two people a damn, he may not be powerful, but he still had some good karate techniques and his two opponents are not more powerful than him, so taking care of both of them was easy "Heyaaaaa! !! " Hitting the black-haired girl with his elbow in the face made her nose bleed "Come on, this is too easy" the boy jumped to dodge a kick that the horned boy threw at him and then settled into the air and He returned the kick connecting it in the abdomen throwing it away

"Damn, you hit me in my beautiful face, you idiot, just let yourself be grabbed at once" the girl shot a hateful look at the boy who just laughed when he saw her

"Grab me? Don't tell me you fell in love with me and that's why you want to grab me?" The girl gave him a dark look again

"DAMN YOU WILL PAY FOR ME !!" The girl rushed towards him but he easily dodged her, when he was going to hit her back he felt that he was grabbed tightly from behind

"I got it, let's stab him" the boy with the horn at some point sneaked up behind leesoo and caught him off guard

When the girl was going to stab him leesoo under the head expecting to be killed by his mistake and his neglect ... Only the blow never came, Hatsu anticipated and repelled the attack with his katana

"Wow-what? At what moment did you arrive ..." The girl was surprised "Hey, inept, you are supposed to take care of the other boy" when the woman turned to claim the other group, I only sweated when I saw that they were on the floor bruised and unconscious ... "Damn ..." Then the girl joined her friend who at some point let Leesoo free "Hey damn, we could use your help you know" yelling at the boy who was asleep behind her girl complained

The boy known as Laure opened one eye then slowly got up and looked around, without saying a word he raised a hand and an immense concentration of shinsoo formed in his hand, a giant ball of pure shinsoo was in his palm and then it was fired ... Only it did not go to leesoo and Hatsu, but it passed by and connected directly to the throne where a sleeping Anaak was

The girl instinctively jumped, but the boy did not stop in a single attack, many more were launched making the girl defend herself as best she could, when the girl landed on top of the throne, the crown covered her eyes that now they were dark with rage "I recommend you give up, I can still launch attacks from this distance" the boy spoke lazily while still had his hands raised and a ball of shinsoo was concentrated in his hand

"YOU ... !!! You woke me up from my dream ... That's unforgivable" the girl gave the boy a horrible look that was unfazed, but if he prepared himself for any attack that the girl will launch at him

Raising his sword, he began to move erratically as if he wanted to get out of his hands "... Ignition ..." Out of nowhere the green sword that was in his hands began to move like a whip throughout the area and increase in size when the girl threw the sword forward wanting to attack Laure, two things happened that left every one of the participants speechless

The first is that slowly the floor where they were fighting began to rise to break completely and from it came the protagonist who was still with the straitjacket and the seal in his mouth, The second thing that happened is that the green April connected directly with your face


A huge layer of smoke filled the room after the attack connected with the boy, the dust slowly cleared to give everyone a view. There was the sword lying on the ground and the boy had not moved an inch, what was visible was the great red lash that he had in the middle of his face, but that was only what was seen since his hair was obscuring the view of her face

The boy started shaking "HMMM HMMMM MMMMM MMMMH !!!!" I read that he was closer he noticed it and he approached him and with two fingers he removed the sticker that he had on his lips, but without prior warning, a forehead connected with his head and sent him flying to the wall leaving him unconscious "Damn me you should have that !!! " Then using her teeth, she ripped off the shirt and threw it back, she looked at him and asked that he was above all and suddenly disappeared.


Another blow was heard throughout the room raising another cloud of dust, when it cleared they saw Leero Ro lying on the floor with his bruised cheek, but above all with a look of astonishment that was directed to the podium where he was before, everyone followed their gaze and they froze to see the young God with his fist raised where he was before Leero Ro "And you owed me too, fucking dyed blonde" the boy disappeared again and appeared where a surprised Anaak was, then he raised her and I lay her on his lap where she had already sat on the throne



It seems to be ... That he was spanking her butt "You are a bad girl, I will teach you to respect and not attack your elders" the boy kept hitting him ignoring everything around him

"What the hell are you doing pervert !!! Let go of me, you were the one who got in the middle of my attack !!" As much as the girl wanted to move, the boy's grip was iron

"Don't answer your older brother"



Some sweated from the interaction, others let out a small laugh, the scene seemed tender and in another part a certain girl who had a tunic that covered her body completely was laughing out loud, making part of her face show, where it was only visible a small horn

"Now out of jokes ..." The boy stopped what he was doing and accommodated Anaak on his lap, ignoring the bad look the girl was giving him and began to stroke her head (the girl kept giving him a death look, but it melted to the touch) "You said that I would be an obstacle for this test ..." The boy put his free elbow on the side armrest and his closed hand served as support for his head giving everyone a view of a king arrogantly, removing the crown from Anaak's head, to the girl's chagrin, not for taking it off but for stopping caressing her, the boy put it on his head and his eyes turned purple "Then let's do it fair enough ... Everyone is free to attack me, whoever removes my crown will pass the test "

All the cells where the participants were were destroyed into dust


The boy increased his power level suffocating all the regulars in the place, the floor began to shake violently and the debris was falling from the ceiling as if an earthquake had hit them, the whole room was full of purple shinsoo that was spinning uncontrollably

"Come get me, I'm waiting for you!"

.... and chaos kingdom...


Well, that has been all guys a new chapter, interesting things, betrayals, comedies, and little else

Yesterday I did not upload the chapter because I was a little tired and had shit to do and work

Also, ask you a huge favor if you want me to continue with this content and bring the chapters faster, it all depends on yourselves and it is super easy and simple, you just have to go to your application search engine and download the application called kwai once inside it They go to their purse by poking the gold coin once inside they give a friend's code to use and enter my code:


And now without any problem, just copy and paste they don't know how they help me a lot but be careful not only it works for me but also you because with that code you are making real money in the application

You know, do not hesitate to help me handsome

A hug and a kiss in the always dirty bye bye

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