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Chapter 2: 2 Home Sweet Home


" " Speaking out loud

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There are bound to be a few spelling errors, so don't remind me because I know about it.


So we finally left the hospital?

When I woke up, I found myself inside my mother's arms, who was walking through the streets of Konoha. Although I recall seeing snippets of the streets in the anime, it still took my breath away. The mix between the modern-like structures and dirt roads gave it an unexplainable charm.

It's quite a nice view but... I wish these people would stop looking at us like that.

Taking a glance at the passers-by, I couldn't help but notice the very obvious looks of contempt aimed at us. They weren't even trying to hide it. I took a look at my mom, but she seemed used to it.

So I guess it's true...

During my time at the hospital, I gathered plenty of information about my family, or more specifically, my clan.

The Kekkan Clan, much like the Senju and Uchiha clan, is one of the 3 founding clans of Konohagakure, aka, The Village Hidden in the Leaves. Just like their founding brothers, the Kekkan clan was well known... but in a bad way.

Although my clan is a founder of Konoha, it is looked down upon for one major reason. We are considered defective and faulty.

As a ninja clan, we too have our own special abilities. Our clan is known for producing prodigies of either chakra or the body. Now as I've said before, we are considered defective. Why? Because our talent is hindered.

If a Kekkan clan member is born with great chakra potential, they will probably have a very fickle and sickly body. Physically activities is out of the question, because it could kill them.

If a Kekkan clan member is born with a great physique, they might have problems with their chakra. Using chakra could cripple them, break their chakra network (which leads to premature death)... or outright kills them.

I also learnt that our chakra is similar to tailed beasts, so it's safe to assume that someone probably experimented with the tailed beasts chakra on humans and the Kekkan clan was the outcome. The Kekkan clan has a very unstable physiology and they are known to live no longer than 30 years old.

All of the children of the clan end up loosing their parents at a young age, no exceptions. This leaves the clan to be low on members, which only consists of the main family. A peculiarity of our clan is that only one child is birthed per generation. Currently, the only clan members are me and my mom.

So yeah, my clan is blessed and cursed, but mostly cursed. I'll have to find a way to remove me and my mom's weakness.

"Goodmorning Nora-chan, sit tight okay. We'll be home soon."

I'm still struggling to accept my new mom, but I'm sure that I'll get used to it. Although I'm glad that we're finally going home. I've been stuck in that hospital for a month. I swear, I wouldn't be able to handle another day in there. We should've left earlier, but probably due to our conditions, we stayed longer just in case something happened.

Giggling in excitement, I started looking around with curiousity written all over my face. I heard my mom chuckle, but I ignored it. I mean, it's not everyday that you get to be reborn, not unless you're Subaru Natsuki, he had it hard.

The air here is so much better than the air back on earth. Not only is it fresher and tastier, but the night sky is beautiful and the vegetation seems to be full of vitality. The pollution in this world is practically none existant.

I don't know how, but the electricity is clean and not coal dependant. Granted, the technological advancement of this world is much lower than earth, it completely makes up for that gap with chakra.

"Here we are! Home sweet home!"


That's all I could think. Coming from modern Japan, I can proudly say that I've seen mansions and giant houses, but this takes the cake.

How the hell are we even able to get such a large piece of land?

"Big, isn't it? Let mommy tell you a secret, our clan owns most of the economy throughout the Land of Fire, and mommy manages all of it on her own. I'm amazing right!"

Mom puffed her bountiful chest out in pride while having a smug smirk on her face. She looked extremely childish and cute for a mature woman.

I see, so even though we're scorned at as ninja's, we still hold most of the economy in our hands. If we own most of the economy, I shouldn't have financial problems in the future. It seems to be quite a lot of work, I wonder how this clumsy woman manages all of it.

"Well, even if I say that I oversee the economy, there isn't really much to do. The businesses take care of themselves while we just own them and gather up all the money. There's literally no work needed!"

Oi! Why do sound so proud about that! Give me back my respect!

Ignoring my protest, mom started babbling on about my new home.

"This is the garden, I usually come here to clear my mind. Although nobody takes care of it, it's still maintained due to seals placed underneath the ground."

Pointing to the beautiful greenary to our sides, mom walked down the path that led to the mansion's entrance. Mom gave me a tour around the mansion while explaining the use of every facility.

There were obviously, a few bathrooms (the main one was more of a swimming pool), a kitchen, a lounge, a laundry room, bedrooms, an office for the Clan Head, a library, a few training fields, a smithing area, a treasury and a large piece of land with a waterfall and river behind the mansion.

In general, the top floor is reserved for the Clan Head and his family, and is only accessible to others if the Clan Head permits it, this meant that me and my mom would be living on the top floor.

This place is too huge for a clan that's short on members. There's literally no reason to have such a huge mansion, and judging from what mom said, my great-grandfather wanted to show off his wealth, so he bought this large piece of land and organised the creation of the mansion.

"Ah, I almost forgot! There's one more room!"

Mom started walked towards the office while humming a happy tune.

She seems very carefree... I have to make sure she doesn't get herself into trouble. What a drag...

Paying attention to what my mom was doing, I saw her place her hand under her desk. The next second, a section of thee wall retreated and revealed a small room covered in what appears to be graffiti.

"This is a secret room where I can control the seals placed on our land. I can allow people in or prevent people from entering. The seals has a stamina and chakra regeneration effect and prevents any movement jutsu's or movement seals from being used, this way, nobody can infiltrate the mansion. Most of the land is actually placed inside a pocket dimension created with seals, so the part of our land that others see is actually only a small part of our land."

What the fuck? We're inside a pocket dimension? And why the hell are you giving me so much information?

"Hmm... I was planning to hold it off for a while, but I guess I can do it now."

What are you talking about?

Mom walked towards a graffiti, now identified as a seal, that seemed to be the core of everything else. Pulling out a kunai, mom cut the tip of my finger before I could even react.

My little baby body was still fresh and developing, which meant that my whole nervous system was sensitive. So something as small as a cut on my finger hurt like a bitch.


~A few minutes of baby cries and a panicking mother later~

"I'm sorry Nora-chan! Please forgive me!"

Mom had tears in the corner of her eyes as she looked at me. Her pleading face was so cute that any normal man would forgive her on the spot... but I'm not a normal man.

I refused to look into my mom's eyes and just closed my own eyes while trying to feel for something familiar.

A few seconds after my mom cut me, I felt this warm sensation wash through my body before it concentrated on my finger, or more specifically, the cut on my finger. The cut then started closing at a visible rate and I felt something draining away from my body.

No doubt about it, that was chakra. Now I just need to feel it on my!


It's been a few days since I felt chakra, and it's been extremely difficult to feel it again. The first few attempts, I only managed to sense my chakra for a split second after over an hour passed, but days of repetative training allowed me to sense my chakra for much longer in under a minute.

Turns out that I have to clear my mind of any thoughts before I can try to feel my chakra. Then I must concentrate on my naval while recalling the sensation of chakra. And once I do feel my chakra, I get too excited and end up losing focus, which leads me to losing the sensation of chakra.

By learning all of this, I came to respect ninjas. Not only can they instantly feel and use their chakra, but they also have multiple thoughts in their head at the same time while still moving their body around.

So yeah, it's a very complicated process, sensing my chakra. The thing is, I'm not even sure if I can use my chakra. The drawbacks and consequences my predecessors experienced makes me reluctant to attempt to even move my chakra.

Although I did discover a few surprises on my quest to sensing my chakra. I found out that I can sense my surroundings within a few meters radius, it's like I know that something is there but I can't see it.

I also discovered that I'm an empath, which means that I can feel the emotions of others around me. It sounds cool and all, but it's can be really annoying at times.

Remember when I said that I can feel the emotions? Yeah, emphasis on 'feel'. I also experience the emotions those around me feel, which is so annoying when there's a scared baby right next to me to you.

Where did the baby come from you ask? Well, when your mom has a friend who also has a baby, they tend to hang out a lot while letting their babies play with each other.

So here I am, trying to control the constant shift of emotions I'm sensing from little Satsuki. Luckily she's still a baby, so her thought process is quite simple. She's either happy, sad, tired, hungry or uncomfortable.

Mom, Aunt Mikoto and Aunt Kushina periodically coo over me and Satsuki when we play together, which is normally Satsuki shoving her hand in my face while laughing for no reason.

The worst part is that I'm forced to feel happy and giddy as well! I currently can't switch my empathy on and off because it's more of a passive ability. Although I have learned that I can lower my sensing sensitivity, it barely makes a difference.

But if I were to be perfectly honest with myself, I enjoy my current life so far. I have a loving mother, a wealthy household and a friend(?) that I can play with, who I'll probably be seeing a lot in the future.

The only thing I'm actually scared about are the shit storms that'll happen in the coming years. Ironically, the First Hokage made the village to unite and create peace, but it ended up as the source of most of the worlds problems.

I don't know when the Kyuubi attacks the village, but I know that it will be soon. All I can do is pray that everyone I know in this world will be alright.


<Just a heads up, Nora will know some information about the plot, but not everything. He could know some really detailed yet useless information, but forget major plot scenarios that will affect the future. So don't attack me just because Nora knows nothing important while he knows useless facts. For instance, Nora will know that Kurama was controlled to attack the village, but he won't know who controlled Kurama or who was attacked by Kurama besides the 4th Hokage (aka Namikaze Minato) and Kushina(Nora doesn't know yet that Kushina is Minato's wife).>

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