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92.3% The Defective Ninja / Chapter 10: 10 Rivals: Satsuki and Naruko!

Chapter 10: 10 Rivals: Satsuki and Naruko!


" "      Speaking out loud

< >     Authors Note

( )      General information

* *      Sound Effect

Excuse me for any spelling errors.


"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to the first ever Ice Breaker gameshow! Our contenders for today are Uchiha Satsuki and Uzumaki Naruko! The judges will be Tobiichi Origami and I, the host of this event, Kekkan Nora!"

Speaking clearly at the gathered people, a small smile appeared on my face. Origami, who was beside me at the judges table on the earthen podium, had an annoyed expression for being dragged into this situation.

Satsuki and Naruko were glaring at each other as they stood before the judges table. The gathered people were Mikoto oba-san, Guy-sensei, Izumi-nee, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Shino, Kiba and Ayame-nee, who had a free day and decided to watch us.

"The reason for this event is due to the aggression between these two girls, Satsuki and Naruko. As a great brother and friend that I am, I decided to settle their little dispute in the form of collaborative challenges."

I smirked as I explained to the audience why I went out of my way to call each of them to witness this dispute.

"Origami, what's your thoughts on this event."

I asked as I looked at the scowl on Origami's face.

"I'm only doing this for the training equipment you promised."

She said, loud enough for the audience to hear, but not too soft.

"That's wonderful, now then. The first challenge will be a simple game between you two."

I nudged Cerberus, who instantly used earth ninjutsu to lower the the section of the podium where Satsuki and Naruko were standing. A ditch formed in the ground with the girls in it as an earthen table formed between the two. The ditch was made so that the audience can see what the two girls are doing.

I jumped into the ditch with a sack in my hand. Dumping the contents of the sack onto the table, a bunch of puzzle pieces fell from the sack.

"You two are tasked to finish this puzzle as much as possible within five minutes. Failure to do so will result in penalties for both of you."

Smiling evily, the two shuddered when they saw my face. I jumped back out the ditch before sitting at the judges table.

"On three, you will start piecing the puzzle together. Understood?"


Setting the timer, I looked at the two girls, their faces showing extreme concentration.

So kawaii~

"One, two, three! Begin!"

I started the timer and watched in amusement as the two girls scrambled to find pieces that fit together.

"Origami, what's your take on the success rate of their first challenge?"

I asked Origami as I started chewing on some dango.

"Zero. The chances of these two working together is much lower than their chances of finishing even a quarter of the puzzle."

Origami answered immediately, still with the stoic look on her face.

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Simple. Contestant Naruko is too hotblooded and energetic for tasks that require focus and time, she would probably mess up instead of help due to these two factors. Contestant Satsuki on the other hand, has the capabilities to focus for extended periods of time, but due to her pride and independance mindset, she will most likely refuse assistance or willingly offer her assistance."

Nodding my head at Origami's words, I glanced at the two girls and noticed that they were indeed acting how Origami predicted.

"Oi, that piece is mine!"

"No way, I got that piece first, dattebayo!"

Satsuki and Naruko were playing tug of war with a puzzle piece while growling at each other. The audience seemed to enjoy this a lot, even Shino showed visible signs of enjoying the view. Of course, you'd have to be able to read an Aburame to understand them, he still looks stoic after all.

The two girls had their own little puzzles forming, but it wasn't even a tenth of the entire puzzle put together. I watched as the two girls frantically tried to piece the puzzle together, they sometimes got the right pieces, but they mostly got it wrong.

"10 seconds remaining!"

I said with a smile. The two girls started panicking as their hands rushed around the table.


They started sweating heavily as a nonexistent force started pressing down on them.


The audience started cheering for them with words of reassurance and encouragement.


Kuro looked like she wanted to join the cheering, but Roze prevented her from barking.





Not even a quarter of the puzzle had formed, that is if you included both of their puzzles.



I smirked when I saw their faces full of fear.

"Times up, and you failed the first challenge! Prepare for your punishment!"

Cerberus immediately formed earthen beds under the girls, causing them to stumble and fall backwards onto the bed. Restraints latched themselves onto the girls wrists, legs, ankles and waist, preventing them from moving. Only their feet were 'free', by free I meant that their feet were dangling over the edge of the bed.

I jumped into the pit with Cerberus following close behind me. Pulling out a bottle of olive oil, I took the girls sandles off before pouring the oil on their feet. I made sure to soak their feet properly.

"The penalties are mostly harmless to your bodies, but the same can't be said to your minds. Kuro, start licking."

Kuro happily started lapping her tongue at the girls feet, occasionally switching from one girl to another.

"Hahaha! S-Stop! Make it stop!"

"Aha, ahahaha! I-I can't t-take anymore, da-dattebayo!"

A few minutes later and the girls were crying and laughing at the same time. The audience was completely shocked and scared at the penalty.

"I think they've had enough time for their penalty, don't you think so audience?"


Everyone nodded their heads.

Looking at Kuro, I gave her a nod before she stopped licking their feet. I could tell that she wanted to continue, but I can't allow that.

Cerberus released the two quivering and crying girls as they curled themselves into a fetal position. A smile graced my face, but it was a smile that sent chills down the girls spines.

"Next challenge!"

This was gonna be fun!

-Time Skip-

"So what did you two learn today?"

I asked the sweaty and filthy duo as we walked to my mansion.


They shouted as they straightened their backs and stood at attention. I nodded sagely as I stroked Roze's head.

"Good. Next time I catch you two arguing over something as stupid as which colour is better, I'll just straight up punish you, got that."

Yes, that was the reason for the entire event. They were fighting over which colour was the best. Red is obviously the best colour.


The two girls shivered at my words.

Who could blame them? After all the torture they went through, anybody would develop a severe case of PTSD.

"You two will meet up at my place everyday at 11 AM so that you can get some training."

I said as we entered my mansion and headed towards the bath. The two girls merely nodded at me, too tired to say anything.

Opening the bath entrance, I started taking off my clothes while the two girls froze in shock.

"What are you waiting for? If you don't undress, you can't bath."

The two girls tried to look anywhere else but me, a small blush was present on their faces as they looked away from my naked body.

Jeez, they're still children yet they act like teenagers. I don't see any problem with this.

"Satsuki, we've already bathed together a bunch of times. Don't make me undress you myself."

"O-Okay, Nora-nii."

Satsuki started undressing, albeit slowly due to her embarrassment. Naruko was flustered as she tried to make excuses. One glare was enough for her to quietly undress herself.

As I watched the two girls undress, I felt a bit guilty for forcing them to bath with me, but it was necessary. Frankly, they stunk badly, and I could also use a good scrubbing. So why do it one at a time when we can all bath together.

Hopefully I'm not seen as a criminal.



"Umu! Then Shisui let me throw the kunai, but I didn't hit the target. Itachi-nii was standing behind the target and was almost hit, but he dodged. I got scolded a lot about training safety, but nothing else happened."


Satsuki flailed her arms around as she mimicked throwing a kunai, resulting in water sloshing around.

Some water splashed onto my face, but I didn't mind. The same couldn't be said about Naruko though.

"Watch what you're doing!"

Scowling at Satsuki with a growl, Naruko quickly ignored her and went back to relaxing in the hot bath water.


Satsuki apologized and hid her embarrassment by submerging her head underwater.

When we entered the bathroom, I had to clean both of them thoroughly before letting them into the bath. My guilt for making them so dirty and stinky caused me to clean them personally.

Initially uncomfortable when cleaning her, Naruko couldn't look at me without blushing fiercely, but she eventually cooled off when she noticed that I wasn't paying her any attention besides cleaning her body.

Satsuki on the other hand tried very hard, after her initial embarrassment, to what I think was seducing me. She was quite embarrassed, but she pushed through with it. Unfortunately for her, she'll have to grow out like her mother to get a reaction out of me.

I wasn't into loli's.


Kuro huffed when I stopped petting her head, but I quickly continued to calm her down. A needy Kuro was an annoying Kuro. Roze was sitting quietly as I used a special brush to comb her hair. Normally, bathing with a dog is a bad idea, but since I bathe with her practically everyday, she is squeaky clean. Also, chakra helped expel any loose hair and dirt from her body, so she's quite a clean doggo.

Hooray chakra!

KeeperOfBooks KeeperOfBooks

A bit short, but here ya go. Happy New Year!

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