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Chapter 3: chapter 3: this is actually nice

Having friends turned out to be a blessing in disguise for Damien, even though he was pretending to be a girl. The thought of enjoying ice cream together and participating in activities that every normal high school student would engage in brought a genuine smile to his face.

After watching Carl's basketball finals, the group decided to head to the carnival. They rode thrilling attractions such as the Viking ship and roller coasters, creating memories that would stay with Damien forever. It was undoubtedly the best day he had ever experienced, given his father's constant busyness and his absent mother, who had left them for a wealthier and better man.

The idea of encountering his mother again filled Damien with a mix of emotions. Would he cry? Would he stand there motionless, unable to speak? He wasn't sure how he would react when that moment came, but part of him wished never to see her again after what she had done.

With those thoughts lingering in his mind, Damien shrugged off his feelings and took a sip of the fizzy drink in his hand. Alone on a bench near the carnival's fountain, he savored the moment, enjoying the bittersweet freedom he found amidst the chaos of his double life.

As Damien sat there lost in his thoughts, he suddenly heard a commotion nearby. Turning his head, he noticed Angelica attempting to fend off a group of thugs who were harassing her. Without hesitation, Damien rushed to her aid.

He swiftly punched the first thug, sending him sprawling to the ground, unconscious. With his momentum still carrying him forward, he followed up by delivering a well-aimed kick to the second thug's groin. Quickly, Damien covered the thug's face with his jacket and proceeded to deliver a series of punches, his fury driving him to break the nose of his attacker.

The remaining thugs, carrying their unconscious companion, fled in haste, fearing the consequences of their actions. Damien stood there, panting, his heart racing with a mix of adrenaline and concern for Angelica's safety.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry. Angelica nodded, her body trembling with fear. They had been carrying knives, and the situation could have taken a much darker turn.

Without hesitation, Damien scooped Angelica up onto his back and quickly made their way to the carnival's infirmary. Once there, a nurse attended to Angelica's wounds, her scraped thighs a painful reminder of the danger they had just escaped.

"Oh dear, what happened to you?" the nurse exclaimed, gently guiding Angelica to a nearby bed.

"Some thugs scraped my thighs with their knives," Angelica replied, her gaze cast downward. Damien couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. If only he had arrived a bit earlier, perhaps this wouldn't have happened.

The nurse, clearly concerned, insisted on calling security. "I must contact the security team. We can't let those thugs get away with this," she declared.

Angelica, however, interjected with a brave smile. "Oh no, thanks. I'm fine, really. It's just a little scrape, that's all," she assured, masking her underlying terror. It was her first experience with such harassment, and she didn't want to escalate the situation further.

The nurse hesitated but ultimately relented, accepting Angelica's words at face value. As she prepared to dial the security number, Damien leaned in closer to Angelica and whispered, "I'll text Carl and let him know what happened. We should all go home."

With Angelica's purse in hand, he retrieved her phone and messaged Carl, providing a detailed account of the incident. Carl responded with an okay emoji, indicating

his understanding and that he was on his way.

Just as the nurse was about to contact security, the infirmary door swung open, revealing a worried Carl. Relief washed over him upon seeing his friends safe, albeit injured.

"I shouldn't have insisted on bringing you guys here. If I hadn't been so persistent—" Carl began, his voice laced with guilt.

Angelica cut him off, hugging both Damien and Carl tightly. "I'm fine, really," she reassured them with a smile, appreciating their concern.

After ensuring Angelica's well-being, the trio made their way home. Carl accompanied them to the terminal, and Damien helped Angelica walk steadily, supporting her along the way. They bid each other farewell, going their separate paths for the evening.

As Damien entered his house, he found his father absent once again, preoccupied with taking care of those who owed him money. Unfazed by his father's absence, Damien removed his wig and discarded his girly clothes into the laundry. Changing into his usual attire—a t-shirt and boy shorts—he flopped onto his bed and switched on his game station.

Inserting the Spiderboy Mayer Doralas CD, he immersed himself in the virtual world, finding solace and excitement in the game. It was a welcome escape from the complexities and dangers of his life outside his bedroom walls.

Once his gaming session concluded, Damien dutifully completed his homework. He tackled topics such as arithmetic sequences and delved into subjects like science, exploring the intricacies of the Earth and space. His intellect and talents had always been praised, and his father often remarked that he resembled his mother in terms of intelligence and aptitude. However, such comparisons only served to fuel Damien's resentment towards his mother, as he did not wish to be anything like her.

Growing up in an assassin family, Damien had been exposed to their ways from a young age. Although the family had ceased their direct involvement in assassination, they maintained a tradition of ensuring they were capable of protecting themselves and eliminating threats when necessary. Damien had honed his skills and developed an astute understanding of human nature, noting the weaknesses and strengths of those around him, including his friends.

He knew that one day, his true identity might be revealed, and enemies from his family's past might resurface to eliminate them. Damien resolved to be prepared for that eventuality, taking solace in the knowledge that he possessed the skills necessary to defend himself and his loved ones.

Sitting up from his bed, Damien reached for a can of coke in his mini-fridge. He gulped it down in one go before casually tossing it into the bin without a second thought. He knew he had to seize the days ahead and enjoy every moment while he could.

As tomorrow approached, Damien anticipated a rather mundane day since he wouldn't be attending school. However, he decided to make use of his free time by snooping around his father's office. Who knows what secrets he might uncover? With a mixture of curiosity and determination, Damien prepared himself mentally for the unknown discoveries that lay ahead.

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