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Boros pov

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Boros looked at his students clearly proud that his students didn't let him down, they worked hard and Boros is sure that all of their efforts will pay off and it might even save their lives on the battlefield someday

He still remembers just six moons ago when these young children came for their first theory class, they were all little brats back then who just wanted to quickly learn the bending arts so they can become the next bending master,they didn't want to learn bending theory from an old man when the already knew most of it but now they have a little understanding why theory is so important

Some of his older students still come to Boros for guidance even after graduating, no one knows the difficulties of being a bender more than him, he gave up so much to to finally become a master bender, but the difference between Boros and master Boros is vast

He was just a orphan from Rosby but now even the noble lords have to call him Master Boros with respect, he only works a few hours a day teaching children on theory so in the remaining he can research old bending scrolls from the academy library like he always wanted to,even his wife and son returned to him after he became a master, he has more than enough gold and has a house in the inner city of the capital,for most people he has rose high from nothing but he is just someone who like a madman threw himself in his bending is still just a low level bending master

But now is not the time to think about such things,he looked at his students "you all are clearly well versed in history but while history is very important one must not forget the present, who is the strongest water bending master"

"Ser Brynden Tully the blackfish is known as strongest water bending master,he is still considered the Heir to Riverrun because Edmure Tully the son of the current lord paramount is still only a expert water bender"

"What about metal"

"Lord Tywin lannister is the strongest metal bending master, while Ser Jamie is one of the top swordmasters none of lord Tywin's children from his first wife inherited his metal bending, with his daughter Cersei being a the rare non bender among noble children, but joaana his daughter from second wife is a metal bending prodigy"

"What about weapon masters?"

"The white wolf, crown prince Aegon Targaryen a sword master is known as the strongest weapon master, this honour first belonged to Ser Arthur Dayne, the sword of the morning but this changed after the crown prince killed many rogue Master benders from all over the seven kingdoms and then easily cut down Ser Gregor clagane the mountain, one of the strongest earth benders and swordmaster in his 14 nameday tourney at Moat Cailin"

"They say crown prince has already killed more than 50 Master benders but he still just 15 namedays old, and the captains of the wolf guards are all top level benders because he trained them himself, I heard he is so beautiful that a septa once saw him and gave up her Faith"

Boros sighed this happens every time the crown prince comes up in the conversation, his students all started talking about the the white wolf with a fever, but that's to be expected, the crown prince while one of rare few Targaryens that didn't inherite fire bending he quickly became the top weapon master instead, that with his Valyrian beauty and all of the great achievements he is a idol for the young kids all over the seven kingdoms

"Why is Ice and fire bending different from all the other types of bending ?" Boros quickly asked his students to get them back on track

"All the other types of bending expect from ice and fire use the energy to manipulate and bend the element around them but ice and fire benders create their own cold and heat from their own source and bending,while ice benders still need the water in the air and fire benders also need air for their fires to stay burning, that's why ice and fire are considered the most powerful bending arts due to their huge potential for damage and less dependency"

Boros nodded as the student answered and the class was quiet again, but one boys raised his hand, "yes what is it " Boros asked the boy

"Why is Torrhen Stark called the king of winter instead of King of ice in the books ?"

"That's because like the Targaryens the Starks are not like normal ice benders, some even call them winter benders because they can bend snow and icey cold winds with their ice bending, the Starks are also naturally in tune to winters with that they were able to lead the north through many harsh winters, the first stark Bran the builder had such mastery of ice bending that he could make ice wings on his back and fly, he is also responsible for building the wall, that's why when a stark becomes a king level ice bender they are given the title of King of winter" the boy nodded as he got the answer to his question

"As we are on the topic of north what can you tell me about the wargs ?"

"Warging or skin changing is the art of sharing your mind with an animal, this skill is only passed down to the people with the first men blood, some of the house in North still have this in their bloodline, House Stark are said to be able to warg with their direwolves, members House Mormont can warg bears and House greystarks can't warg direwolves like the Starks but can warg winter wolves,the slightly larger and many times more dangerous breed of normal wolves that roam the wolfwoods in the north "

"What about the Iron islands?"

"Somehow the people of iron islands or Ironborn as the call themselves have lost the ability to bend every other element except sea water, there are only seawater benders left on the iron islands now and these benders can only bend seawater,they can't even bend other types of water or liquid, some theories say that this is due to their faith in the drowned god or its due to their constant crimes against the land that only sea accepts them, but while the iron born lost all other elements they have gained incredible sea sense which allow to effortlessly travel through the seas"

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