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Chapter 34: Principles

(Rimuru POV)

'Two coper plates walk into a bar...' I think while walking into a bar with Shizue.

The dainty little place is thick with the smell of alcohol and blood. As I walk in, I see several adventurers looking at us with bated breath. The females are looking at me with my gorgeous face while the males are looking at Shizue. I can hear catcalls from both genders and murmuring erupts as we instantly become the center of attention. We ignore their gawking and make our way over to the bartender.

"One room, please. Give me your largest bed." I say, dropping a few silver coins onto the counter.

The bartender does a doubletake and begins to smile widely. "Of course, young master! Shall I lead you to the room?" He asks.

"No thank you, just tell us where it is. I wouldn't want to inconvenience you."

"I thank the young master then! Your room is on the second floor at the end of the hall!" He says, really laying on the thick and fake servile tone.

I nod to him and begin walking towards the back. As I pass by the table, I see another bald man with a scar on his face. This one has a tattoo rather than a screw and he seems to be glaring at me. He reaches out to nudge me and I mentally sigh, seeing as somehow, I have ended up in the same inn that Ainz did despite me picking it at random.

"Oy! Oy! I don't know if a pretty boy like you can handle all that woman, copper-plate!" He said as he stood in front of me.

"I just registered earlier today. I'm a majin, so I'd advise you to go back to your drink before I lose what little remains of my patience."

"Hey now! Pretty-boy's got some guts!" he says as his friends all get up to backup their buddy. He pulls a knife from somewhere and raises it to my face. "How about you scram before I mess up that pretty face o' yours." He says dead seriously.

"Pfft!" Shizue briefly spits out, trying not to laugh out loud.

"I know. It's hilarious, to think such a cliche situation would happen in real life." I say, turning my head towards Shizue with a smirk. I then turn back to him and ask "By the way, do you know a guy with a screw in his head and whose bald like you?"

"Huh!?! You think knowing my brother is going to stop me from cutting yer eyes out?" He asked while twirling his blade in his hands.

"No, I just thought you looked like him. I guess for the sake of poetic justice, I'll deal with you in the same way." I say, releasing my aura and causing everyone but the bartender to instantly fall unconscious.

I fling a gold coin over my shoulder to the barkeep with a 'sorry for the mess' and we proceed to walk to my room.

"YEEEGGYYYAAAHHHHH!" I heard a woman yell.

I turned back to see that one red-headed adventurer woman screaming. She looks towards us both and storms over, tears in her eyes. What was her name again?

"HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! What's the big deal here! Releasing your aura like that scared me so much I crushed my potion! My potion that I worked so hard for! My potion that I skipped alcohol and meals for for weeks to save up for! How are you going to compensate me for that!?!" She yelled.

"Relax. I'm not sure how that's my problem, but here." I say, giving her a full potion. "Take this, I promise it's probably of higher quality than the one you spent money on anyway."

The red-headed iron plate looked at it for a moment and hesitantly took it. She looked at its almost mythical shimmering and was so entranced by it that she didn't even notice us leaving. This potion was far more clear and of a lighter shade than the one she previously had.

I was going to give this to Nfirea tomorrow anyways, but I guess now is fine too. We arrive at our room and open the door. The bed is packed with fluffy cotton harvested wildly by adventurers, though I can smell a hint of mildew in the air.

"H-hey do we have to actually sleep here?" Shizue asked with hesitation.

"You can go back if you want. I'm sure you'd love to spend more time with Hinata before she leaves. As for me, I want to live the authentic adventurer's life!" I said while collapsing onto the rather uncomfortable bed.

"More like your running away," she said as she plopped down next to me.

I smirked and thought of her words. Yeah, she was probably right. After what happened yesterday I felt like I needed a break.

(Flashback 1 Day)

"Ah! Albedo you've returned!" I said as I welcomed her back in the throne room.

"Yes, Rimuru-sama! I have returned and I have brought back the former Dark Elven Queen and her attendant!" She said excitedly and gestured to the two dark elves.

"It is as Albedo-sama says. I have come to swear fielty to you as my king and future husband!" Olga said with a servile bow.

I could tell she was happy and expected a reward. I looked over the new Dark Elves in my presence and smiled. They were both dark-skinned beauties who I'd love to get a taste of. Kuroinu was my first h*ntai, so the women had a somewhat special place in my heart, though I felt something was off.

I knew Olga was a HUGE slut after her r*pe but the way she is looking at me with heart-shaped pupils and panting heavily made me concerned. I wasn't super picky about my women being virgins. It was nice, don't get me wrong, but I would rather they hadn't been gangbanged into next year by orcs.

[Master...] Akasha stated hesitantly.

'What Akasha' I thought somewhat annoyedly. I was still upset by Akasha's trickery and what's even worse was she never apologized for it because she said she wasn't sorry.

[O-Olga and Chloe are under the effects of the Ultimate Gift [Eros: Lord of Love]. Probably due to Albedo's borrowing of the skill with Unique Skill [Zealot]]

I raise my brow and look at Albedo once again who is still smiling widely at me.

"Albedo. Did you mind control her?"

"E-eh? Y-yes, Rimuru-sama..." She said nervously like a child who was just caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

"What did you do?"

"Rimuru-sama! Please! She was saying awful things about you and she even-"

"What did you do!?!" I said with a little temper.

"I-I I erased her memories and replaced them with loyalty and unbearable love for Rimuru-sama," Albedo said quietly.

I placed my head in my hand and sighed. I could feel Shizue and Hinata were hiding around the corner, listening to our conversation. It hadn't even been a day since I told Hinata that I didn't accept mind-controlled harem members and my subordinate has already made me a liar.

"Albedo. If I don't accept other people's lovers, why would I accept mind-controlled ones?" I say with my head still in my hands.

"E-eh? But Rimuru-sama! if I didn't act quickly then she would have been the plaything for dozens of humans and orcs!" Albedo tried justifying herself.

"So what happened to them all?"

"Of course, since they were planning to violate master's women, I have collected them for torture later!" Albedo said, gaining a bit more pride in her voice.

"IDIOT!" I yelled, shocking everyone who heard me. This was my first real outburst in this world, so I think everyone who heard me was shocked. It also donned on Albedo that she had made a horrendous mistake.

"If you could have captured them all so easily then you should have done so. I ONLY accept women who freely accept me back of their own will! I may be a monster and a Demon Lord, but I am not scum!"

"Bu-but Rimuru-sama deser-"

"ENOUGH! You are forbidden from talking for the time being! Not even a day ago I told someone that I wasn't the type to mind control women and now you have made me a liar."

Albedo shook to herself and the Irises of her eyes shrunk into microscopic levels. Her world shattered and she felt it difficult to breathe. She had slandered the name of her master and she was having a mental breakdown about it. She worried, not for her own life, which she was already determined to forfeit, but that she had significantly hindered the progress of her master's goals.

Albedo began to hyperventilate. She knew she wouldn't be needed by Rimuru-sama anymore and that scared her. He already had Lilith as a succubus so it was fine for her to be disposed of, since he already had a succubus for his planned harem. Not only that, but Albedo had failed to produce an heir as Lilith had.

Albedo was on the verge of passing out when she was interrupted from her chain of thoughts by Olga who stepped in front of her and bowing deeply.

"Please, gracious Lord Rimuru! I would be most humbled and honored if you were to accept me. I beg of you. Please don't punish Albedo-sama too harshly." She said getting into a dogeza position.

I looked at Olga once more and then turned my eyes towards Chloe. I raised my hand and utilized [Eros] to undo the damage to their physique. It was a good thing that Albedo only used the Ultimate Gift version of the Skill, otherwise changing them back would be impossible, even through the use of [Restoration Magic] which rewinds time. That's just how dangerous Ultimate Skills are.

After a moment, Olga and Chloe opened their eyes wide and Olga quickly stood up. She eyed me quizzically before looking at the still kneeling and sobbing Albedo. She realized that she was free but at the same time, she felt incredible gratitude for the man in front of her.

She wasn't an idiot. She knew he was a Demon Lord and could wipe her out in an instant if he chose, but she still felt a slight pang in her heart.

At first, she thought it might have been leftovers from the Ultimate Skill, but then she noticed that what she felt was different from the obsessive love from before. She quickly came up with a solution for her throbbing heart.

'This Demon Lord has resurrected me. With everything wiped clean from me, I was as good as dead. I don't want to even think of the kind of person I would have become if not for him.' She then looked at Albedo and then sighed to herself.

'Even if her methods were harmful, she still saved me from Volt. She even offered me the choice but I rejected it... maybe, just this once, I shall be kind.'

"Rimuru-dono... If you would, don't punish her too severely." Olga said with a bit of hesitation.


"Her methods were cruel and evil but... she saved me from the humiliation of being some lowly humans plaything or worse..."

I was shocked to my core, as was albedo, Chloe, and the eavesdroppers.

"I am surprised you would forgive her that easily. It is a difficult thing to do. Forgiving the one who basically killed you" I said with genuine awe. I know I couldn't do that.

"Please don't get me wrong Rimuru-dono. I don't forgive her. How could I? I am simply grateful for being... rescued from my circumstances."

I nod. "Then it shall be so. I shall ease the punishment of Albedo then. As for you, as an apology, I shall allow you to return to your kingdom for-"

"Please wait, Rimuru-dono!" Chloe interrupted.


"If you would, would you please help Southern Estonia! In return, I shall become your slave!"

"Chloe!" Olga said in a strict tone.

"Please wait, Olga-sama! You know it too don't you! You still have the memories that the bitch (Albedo) gave us right! You know of the prosperity of his Kingdom. He is eventually going to take us over anyway. If my body is enough to satiate his lust in your place and ensure your queendom's prosperity, then I shall do it!"

"Chloe..." Olga said in shock. There was a brief moment of silence before laughing maniacally to herself. "Of course! Of course! I'm always being betrayed! First by my own family, then by the Fallen Horde, and now my closest confidant is betraying me!"

Olga laughed to herself before beginning to cry. "Am I no good? *Sniff* I tried really hard you know! *Sniff* I tried to be a good queen that my people could rely on!" Olga began to cry.

I stood from my throne and walked over to her. I used [Azura Mazda] to create a handtowel and began wiping her tears. She then jumped into my arms. Quite the bold move under normal circumstances, but I guess as the only person who hasn't 'betrayed' her and has helped her with nothing in return, she probably felt safe in my arms.

The prideful Dark Elf queen cried herself to sleep in my arms that knight while Hinata walked away with a slightly irritated mood. She wanted to hate me, but she just couldn't.

(Back to the present)

"Are you still thinking about yesterday?" Shizue asked.

"Yeah. I'm not so good with drama. I didn't realize I'd ever have to face something like that when my objective seemed so clear. I also still have to think up a way to punish Albedo before she tries to kill herself again." I though to myself.

First the thing with Akasha, now this... why did my life get so complicated so quickly?

"Ah! So much to do!" I say.

Shizue puts her hand on my leg in a non-sexual manner and tries to comfort me.

"It's not your fault. You're still young. Both you and Albedo. Take it from me, a woman whose older than I'd like to admit.

Don't let it get to you. You did the right thing, even though it was hard. Not many people could push away someone so beautiful throwing themselves at you. It's better that you stuck to your principles than allowed it to eat you up from the inside after the fact.

When life gets hard, it's okay to take a break from time to time. You may be the world's strongest being and the Newest Demon Lord, but that doesn't mean your perfect. You don't have to carry your burdens on your own. I'm your friend, let me carry them with you at least." She said with a smile.

I had forgotten Shizue was a teacher and a mentor figure for longer than I had been alive. She might be adorable and childish at times, but when I needed her, she was always there, having my back. It didn't matter that she wasn't someone I was having sex with. All that mattered was that she was there when I needed her.

I felt a pang in my heart.

'What is this? Is this love? Really!?! I already love all the women in my harem though! I'd die for any one of them, but this... this is different... I've never felt something like this before!'

As I felt my head working overtime and blood rushing to my cheeks, I felt a pair of soft lips touch mine.



A/N: BOOM! Didn't think I'd do that did ya! Actual romance plot in a Harem story? Inconceivable!

But seriously though. I think I'll try focusing more on the MC's character interactions during this arc in particular since my last few attempts at 'character development' for the MC have been met with... less than stellar feedback.

Anyways, I think I'll upload a chapter or two of my One Piece fanfic tomorrow so look forward to it.

Golden_Slime Golden_Slime

Got any more romance ideas? Let me know in the comments below.

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