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Chapter 12: (12) Saber

{An: I'm not going to make any excuse as to why I posted this chapter late. All I could say is thank you for all the supports you guys gave to this story. All of the power stones, comments, and collection made me more motivated to write this story. So, anyway, you beautiful bastard enjoy this chap and I'll see you all in the next chap.}


Alexander and co entered a dark tunnel that Romani found below the church. What greeted them at the bottom was a room full of necessities such as food and water. However, that isn't the only thing that exists there.

In the left corner of the room, a shelf containing different kinds of body parts could be found. They were put in a jar containing a yellowish liquid. Some of the jars contain eyes that have different colors. There are even body parts of beasts such as their horns, tails, etc.

Ritsuka's face went pale from such a sight. The others are already quite used to such things.

"I already investigate this room. I found nothing is out of the ordinary. Whoever owns this room is without a doubt, a magus."

"Nothing out of the ordinary? isn't this room that contains body parts shouldn't be normal?"

"To an ordinary person, yes, this room is something they shouldn't witness in their entire life. But we are talking about a magus here. Magus is far more complex and distinct from ordinary people. Who knows what things are running through their minds."

("But director, aren't you a magus too?....") Instead of answering, Romani got a glare from Olga.

Seeing their interaction, Alexander kinda feels bad for the poor guy. That's when he decided to treat the doctor more humanely the next time they talk. It's a humorous thought, to say the least.

"Anyway, are these the only discoveries that you found in this room?"

"No!" Olga immediately shook her head. "My most important discovery is there," she said as she pointed a part of the wall in the middle.

"There? Oh, you mean that there is something hidden behind those walls?" Cu immediately understands what she is trying to tell.

"Exactly, that part of the wall is thin compare to the rest. I waited for 'everyone' to gather before I told that information." She especially emphasizes the word 'everyone' while glaring at Alexander.

Alexander could only give her a helpless smile.

"Humph!" Pouting like a little child who has been scolded by her parents. She ignores him once again.

'Is this really the Olga Marie Animusphere whose pride and ego is bigger than the world? Right now she is more like a teenager whose boyfriend didn't give her chocolate on their anniversary.' He thought to himself.

"You're thinking of something rude aren't you?"

"Nope! it's just your imagination."

The two bickered back and forth. Tamamo watches their interaction with interest.

"Ehem!" Cu coughs loudly to stop their childish bickering. "Anyway, Alex, if you may..." he said as he bows like a gentleman escorting a lady.

"Stop doing that, your creeping me out."


Alexander summons Gáe Bolg just like Cu wanted. Cu witness Alexander dealing the finishing blow to Berserker using a similar weapon to Gáe Bolg, so he wanted Alexander to summon the same weapon to make sure he was not hallucinating. What he didn't expect was for Alexander to summon Gáe Bolg itself.

However, seeing it with his eyes still shocked him.

As the owner of Gáe Bolg for many years, he was sure that the Gáe Bolg in Alexander's hand is the real deal. Maybe even stronger than his Gáe Bolg...

After summoning Gáe Bolg, Alexander was glad that the mana required to summon it, decrease drastically. With having better control over his mana, and combine the fact that his Noble Phantasm GOB increase from C to B. He could now summon his new favorite weapon at will without wasting too much mana.

Spinning the spear between his finger, he transfers some mana to the spear as it started to glows blood red. He did a throwing stance as he tightly holds Gáe Bolg.

Cu's eyes widened, that stance is the same to his master, Scathach.

However, the others felt different as the moment they saw Alexander was about to do, they started to have a bad feeling. They weren't even able to say anything as Alexander throw the glowing spear with half of his strength.

The room has an approximate width and length of 50 meters on all sides. Since Alexander is in the middle, the spear hits the wall within a fraction of a second. Like a hot knife butter, the spear pierces without much effort. The consequence, however, is that the spear's momentum didn't stop as it continues to fly at a great speed only hitting another wall a few seconds after.


As the spear hit the wall, there was a great explosion that shaken the whole underground. Small rocks started to fall. Fortunately enough, the walls are thick and strong enough to prevent them from being buried.

"Are you crazy! are you trying to buried us alive?!"

Alexander was a bit caught off guard by Olga's outburst. But he shortly understands why. Not wanting to make the situation worse he sincerely apologizes, "I'm sorry."

This time, it was Olga's turn to be surprised. Hearing the sincerity behind his words, all the words she wanted to say all got stuck in her throat. She looked at Alexander in confusion. From what she expects, his next course of action is to argue with her. Since she knows that Alexander is also a prideful person like her. If she were in Alexander's shoes, she wouldn't hesitate to come up with an excuse.

But looking at him right now, it seems that his personality is much more complex than she thought. Without her even realizing it, she becomes curious as to who he really was.

Since Olga stopped midway, there was an awkward silence in the room.

Cu who is contemplating on something asked Alexander which eased everyone, "Alex, that spear that you used, could you tell me its name?"

Alexander looks at him with confusion only to realize why he asked that question, "Oh, that. Its name is exactly the same as your weapon."

"But how?"

"It's a bit complicated, but if I were to put it in a few words then it's because of my Noble Phantasm, Gate of Babylon."

"Gate of Babylon? I see... so you are related to that arrogant king."

Knowing who he referring to, Alexander nodded, "Yeah, you could say that."

"I see..."

"Is something the matter?" Mash who was silently listening to the two asked.

"No, it's nothing to worry about. Let's get moving."

After that, they carefully maneuver through the dark tunnel using a powerful flashlight that Alexander summon. They were silent through the whole journey as they don't want to alert any possible enemy. They walk for almost an hour before they were finally able to see the end of the tunnel.

"Another staircase?"

In the end, what greeted them was a long staircase leading upward.

"Is this the way to the surface?" Ritsuka mumbled.

"Please tell me it's the staircase to the surface. It's suffocating in here."

"Well, there is only one way to found out."

With Alexander in the front, they all climb silently. As they got closer and closer, they all felt the air become tense. Summoning the Gáe Bolg in his right, and Gáe Buidhe in his left, Alexander continues to lead his companions to the surface. What he didn't know is that his confidence and bravery gave his ally a sense of security. This increases the morale of the group.

Reaching the end of the staircase, they were greeted by an army of skeletons. Without wasting any time, Alexander charges in with two spears in his hand. He didn't bother to hold back as each swing and thrust obliterate two or more skeletons.

("In that mountain! I'm receiving data that show that somewhere on that hill, Saber is waiting for us. I'm sure this time!")

After that, they run in the direction where Romani was pointing while killing skeletons that get in their way.

Mash, Cu, Olga, and Tamamo support him from the back as they watch a one-sided massacre. Arrows, spells, and explosions decorated the battlefield as they get closer and closer to the mountain.

As they were 500 meters away from their destination, they notice that their enemy decrease as they got closer. After a few moments, they reach the foot of the mountain, they saw a massive cave. Fortunately, no one was guarding the entrance so they were able to enter without a hitch.

This time, they walk through the cave with vigilance. However, weirdly enough. They didn't encounter any enemies. As they go deeper and deeper, Romani continue to inform them that they are getting closer to their objective.

"This cave, does this always exist in Fuyuki?" Mash asked as she looks around in awe.

"Probably, it's half man-made and half natural. I'm not entirely sure of its purpose but it was once used by the magic association for experiments. That's why it's hidden from the public."

"I see, that does make sense. You sure know a lot, director."

"O-of course I do, it's my duty as the heir of the Animusphere family and the director of Chaldea to be knowledgeable about these things." Olga tried her best to shrug off the compliment but the blush on her cheeks prove otherwise.

"Oh, what do we have here, the director is blushing, how cute." Alexander tease.

"S-shut up! don't think I have forgotten what you did to me earlier!"

"You still have a grudge about that? what are you? a kid?"

"Alexander!" She shouted as she stomps her feet like a child.

'That's quite cute', Alexander thought.

Seeing their shenanigans, the tense atmosphere that lingers disappeared. Tamamo looks at her master and giggles despite his scary and intimidating appearance, he could act like a teenager. Although she finds that it's a bit unfortunate that the one receiving his teasing is some else and not her. But she didn't have to worry much as she was sure she will get her own private time with her master. But right now is not the time for that.

"You kids, sigh. Might as well rest before the last battle."

"That's a good idea."

("Then Mash, could you do the honor of setting up a camp?")

"Of course."

"There's no need for that."

With a flick of his finger, Alexander summons a fancy table wooden table about 10 meters long. He also summons the necessities like chairs, plates, spoons, forks, and even teacups.

("Woah! what kind of magic is this!?)"

"Looks like we won't have to use a summoning circle(I don't know what you called, I'll research it later). With this NP alone, our future travels will be much easier."

After that, everyone takes a seat.

"That's right, Master. Anyway, Alexander-san..."

"Drop the honorifics, Alex is fine. That's the same for all of you." He said as he took everyone with a smug.

"Right, Alex-san. Just how many items exist in your treasury."

"You..." Shaking his head, "I told you to drop the honorifics... Whatever, your question, honestly, even I don't know how many treasures exist in the treasury."

("What! you don't know?")

Nodding, "I'm sure you have an idea how a demi-servant is born. The most crucial thing is for the saint graph of a heroic spirit to completely accept you for you to use their power to its utmost potential." Alexander explained. "Although I could use the NP of the heroic spirit that possesses me, I could only use a fraction of its power due to it not accepting me as its new owner."

"As it's the new owner? what do you mean by that?" Olga curiously asked.

Rather than saying anything, Alexander put his hand on his chest as a bright light shines in his chest. What appears is the golden key that Alaya bestowed upon him, Bab-Ilu.

(An: you people don't have to worry about the key being stolen from him when he summons it since it's connected to his soul.)

Everyone was shocked as they looked at the golden key with awe.

"Such pure magical energy..."

"This is the catalyst that allows me to use the power of my NP, Gate of Babylon."

"I have been meaning to ask this for a long time... who is the heroic spirit that inhibits you?" Olga directly looks into Alexander's eyes which she is starting to avoid recently.

"He is someone you all a heard of at least once. He is the king of heroes, Gilgamesh."

"Gate of Babylon... The ancient city of Babylonia that is ruled by King Gilgamesh... How couldn't I connect the dots," Olga mumble as she bites the nail of her thumb in frustration.

"Anyway, that doesn't matter right now. For now, let's just relax and save our energy before our final battle."

Everyone takes their time to eat the dry fruits Olga provided which she weirdly carries around, and drinks tea. After relaxing and talking for a while, they resolutely continue their journey deeper to the mountain...

After walking for how long, they were finally able to see the end of the tunnel which they were greeted by a woman who is wearing black armor and has pale skin. She was not easily noticeable as her armor blend into the background. However, because of the energy she emits, Alexander and his companion easily spotted her.

"Cu was right, our enemy is really a girl." Ritsuka looked at her grimly.

"Look, behind her. It's the greater grail... Could be the one that causes the birth of this singularity? But why is it doing here on the island?" Pointing behind her, something is floating similar to the grail Alaya gave him.

("From the data I gathered, It was built by a powerful family entire made of homunculus and alchemist called the Einzberg.")

"Sorry to disturb you lads but now is not the time for chit chat, she spotted us."

"...It looks like you gather some interesting ally, Ireland's child of light."

"You could talk?"

"I merely act like a statue to mess with you... But interestingly enough. You, you have the same energy as that arrogant king. I would enjoy destroying you..."

Alexander who was silent the whole time only looks at her with the same indifference that she shows. This irritates the woman as she gathers mana to her black sword...

"Be careful, that sword she is using is extremely dangerous!" Cu warned.

Alexander nodded as he tightly grips both spears...

"Alex-san, please, leave this battle to me." Mash took a step forward.

"Mash! are sure?"

"Yes master," She resolutely nodded.

At first, Alexander wants to refuse but looking at her determination, he finally sighs and nodded.

"If things go south, remember that we will intervene."

She firmly nodded as she charges at the woman with her shield.

"Interesting, for determination you hold, I would like to know your name, girl."

"Mash, Mash Kyrielight."

"Mash, very well. In the name of Arthur Pendragon, I accept your duel. Don't die easily."

After both sides introduced themselves, they both charge in with a sword and shield at their hands, respectively.

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