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Chapter 163: 160 To England

"You been drinking? Jerzy, I knew you had a problem with alcohol, but I didn't know it was so big." (MC)

At first I was surprised by Ossoliński's words, but after a while the prospect of me as an auxiliary ambassador to the Kingdom of England began to amuse me.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I had some wine with my meal, but not more than usual." (Jerzy Ossoliński)

I do not know what idiot could come up with such an idea, there was still a possibility that someone wanted to get me out of the country for a while... but it was unlikely, for two years I had not been away from Jazłowiec for more than 70 kilometers, and my only political activity were articles in the newspaper.

"Let's say I believe you. You know I don't have any diplomatic skills? And I'm not very good at such tasks. Do you remember how it ended the last time? You could have escaped from Prussia on horseback, but you don't look like a good swimmer, you won't reach shores of the Kingdom of France." (MC)

"It was the king's decision, not mine. If it were up to me, I'd choose someone else... actually, everyone would be better than you, no offense." (Jerzy Ossoliński)

Well, I already knew what idiot had come up with, and you didn't have to be a genius to understand the reason.

"I didn't take offense, it's the first thing you said today that makes sense... and yes, our infallible King. I must congratulate him, I have not seen such unity among the nobility for a long time, within one month the Seym was convened and a resolution was unanimously adopted prohibiting coronation in places other than Krakow... I rarely say it, but our king may be a genius." (MC)

In a theatrical and mocking gesture, I raised my cup of wine.

"Are you done mocking? The king wants us to sail to London and make an alliance if possible..." (Jerzy Ossoliński)

"I know and understand that, an alliance against Sweden, but why does he need me there? After so many years it must have come to Władysław that I neither fear him nor respect him... The fact that I do not fight against him is only because I do not want to shed blood in fratricidal fights. When he ceases to be king, then we will choose someone better. I don't have to do anything, just wait him out, just like bad weather." (MC)

"You haven't changed anything during this time... Władysław believes that maybe this trip and I will somehow convince you to support the war against Sweden." (Jerzy Ossoliński)

I was not interested in this diplomatic mission, not that this mission was of great importance, the English king will lose his head in a few years, and power will be taken over by Oliver Cromwell who openly supported Protestant countries against Poland... besides, as someone from the future, I had a poor opinion of alliances with the English. Even it wasn't their attitude during the Second World War that wasn't a problem for me, but rather what they did after the war... but those were different times.

However, I can't get emotional about it, as the old saying goes, every stick has two ends... even though I wasn't interested in politics, I can use this diplomatic mission for another purpose... to recruit some talented people, such as Ahasuerus Fromanteel, who developed lenses and microscope, or William Gascoigne.

"Suppose I agree to this, but what I will get out of it and spare me the talks about the merits for the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. My merits are written on my face with iron and gunpowder." (MC)

Unfortunately, Ossoliński was not able to promise me anything, but sometimes having a debt of gratitude is more valuable than material gains.

"One more thing, I heard that London is a dangerous city, so for personal protection, I am taking my hussars and some Tatars with me... it is not up for discussion." (MC)

I could see from his face that he wasn't happy about it, maybe he had some traumatic experiences... but 17th century London really was a dangerous place, especially after dark.

"But when we stand in front of the King of England, you say nothing, I will conduct all the talks." (Jerzy Ossolinski)

"It suits me, if the King doesn't ask me anything directly, my lips will be sealed and I will be as meek as a lamb." (MC)

Then we worked out all the details together, we were supposed to leave Gdańsk in less than two months, on board my galleon, Jurata... After Ossolinski left Jazłowiec, I informed Wronski, Galina, Katarzyna and Rotmistrz Czarniecki that we were going to London for a few weeks or maybe even few months.

"Lord?" (Wroński)

"Before we leave, order a few children's bikes and prams from the blacksmith and carpenter, they will be useful as gifts, and probably will arouse more interest than a necklace or other nonsense. Unfortunately, we will have to suspend the newspaper again, let the printing house print at that time 'Paradise Lost' and 'Dracula'." (MC)

"What about theater and training of soldiers?" (Wroński)

"The theater will have to repeat plays they have already staged... as for training, we won't be in England that long and we'll be back before winter." (MC)

I was going to sort out some other matters before my departure, I even wrote to Piotr about our plans, so that he would not worry about his sister. During the time of my departure, Hetman Potocki would carry out tasks related to guarding the border... When everything was ready, you set off for Gdańsk at the beginning of March.

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